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6938564 No.6938564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/! I just got signed by an agency and I'd love to get some more muscle/less fat. Obviously I have to keep my measurements constant.

Do you guys have any strength exercise ideas? Any moves I should avoid?

I know I have to go easy on the squats because last semester they made me gain a lot of volume on my legs and thighs. And I've obviously got the cardio covered.

So yeah, any tips?

>> No.6938618

Honestly try /fit/.

>> No.6938631

/fit/ was useless. Plus they don't approve of skinny girls.

>> No.6938637

post pics first

>> No.6938681

light squats


ab/oblique exercises

also do some swimming, purely front crawl

>> No.6938688

Wouldn't that make shoulders wider? My friend's a swimmer and she has to wear large because of her shoulders/arms, even though her waist is like mine.

>> No.6938710


lats mostly, though yeah to a degree shoulders.

really in order to help you in any constructive way we need to know your dimensions/measurements, what youre actually trying to obtain, and what your agency wants you to remain constant

you have to understand that theres no way to "lose fat and gain muscle" while staying at the exact same dimensions

if all you want is muscle definition then just do nothing but running and core work

>> No.6938718

I'm 31.5-24-35, and I have to stay around those. If I get smaller I doubt they'll say anything, I just can't get any bigger cause my hips are already stupid wide.

>> No.6938734

Your hips shouldn't really get bigger as long as you keep body fat low. That being said don't go /fit/ mode on squats.

This. Also planks and hanging leg raises to be more specific.

>> No.6938744


okay, so just keep track of your measurements around your waist/hips/bust

do light running, bicep curls, core work, monday wednesday and friday

>> No.6938751

Butt&thighs get bigger and that changes hip measurements.

Yeah I went a bit /fit/ mode last time, I'll stick to bodyweight squats now...

I love hanging leg raises! Crunches and stuff stop being challenging if you do them enough.

>> No.6939394

Try yoga and pilates. They're strength workouts, but since they're mainly bodyweight exercises you shouldn't build too much muscle.

>> No.6940317

post agency website

>> No.6940363

post a pic or lying

>> No.6940443

You're asking the COMPLETELY wrong board about this question. I know these kids say fit is a bunch of muscle heads but it's not true at all. Just ask fit, or do 5x5 SL with core and cardio exercises done on the off days.

>> No.6940609

dreamy belly.

>> No.6940671


>> No.6940808


I tried.

>> No.6940855


wtf is 5x5 SL?

>> No.6941203

This is true. my agency told me yoga, and it will also support the strict posture that is needed. My shoulders hurt so much the first day of posture "practice"

>> No.6941210


yes they do, go to /fit/ and read the fucking sticky

>> No.6941219

go to /fit/ for fuck's sake

>want exercise advice
>ask on fashion board

are you stupid? no wonder why you're a "model"

>> No.6941231
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1374546989448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we can see if its legit

>> No.6941241

I read it multiple times.
And no, they don't, they called me anorexic when I was eating 1400 cal/day.

I asked on /fit/ before I tried /fa/ (as stated previously)

>> No.6941246


no you didn't, you probably found the answers 'too hard' and came here asking for something easier, if you were actually any serious about this you would've read their sticky, but ok, go waste your time n your zumba classes or whatever

>> No.6941247

I know it's legit.

>> No.6941261

that's hardly proof.
what are you so defensive over its not like you'll be on the site and even if you are we wouldnt know.
>someones embarrassed they got scouted by a shit tier agency

>> No.6941275

I didn't get scouted, I went to open calls.


They're mostly local. I didn't apply to any big ones cause I want to stay in school.

>> No.6941278

Workout program for people who want to GET HUGE. Not at all what OP was looking for but it's a default /fit/ recommendation probably why the guy mentioned it.

>> No.6941281

There were no answers even after I bumped the thread.

Well, there was one, which was cut as much as possible then weight train. That's what I'm doing, but that's not exercise advice.

>> No.6941294
File: 9 KB, 429x431, 1377969979868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was hoping you would post a shit agency website like that guy once did where some of the models listed looked pleb as fuck.
its not bad.

>> No.6941292


then wait and ask tomorrow, still it's obvious you lazy fuck didn't bother to read the sticky, otherwise you wouldn't be asking these basic questions

>> No.6941298

They represent Coco Rocha (Not her main agency obviously) so that makes me very happy

>> No.6941310

What are your goals? I'll try help.

>> No.6941311


i want to fuck Dervla

>> No.6941319



oh wow

>> No.6941321

I've read it two years ago, then once again when the layout changed. I followed advice on it, I gained 2 inches on my hips and basically became t-rex mode. I would like to avoid that now.

>> No.6941329



>> No.6941346

Thanks, I'll lurk this.

>> No.6941366

>Stronglifts 5x5
no. stronglifts is a strength routine

the reps in each set are low
the mass in each set is high
the frequency of each workout is low
it consists of compounds

Stronglifts is not designed to get you huge
It is designed to make you strong

Now, if you lift weights and eat at a surplus, almost any routine will make you gain muscle as a beginner

but stronglifts is not a routine for getting big
it is a routine for getting strong

>> No.6941741

That feeling when they're all the same height or taller then you :(