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6936009 No.6936009 [Reply] [Original]

I like fashion but sometimes I don't like how much it changes. I want to buy a solid wardrobe and make it last 5-10 years or longer. How do I participate in "fashion", or just look good and not constantly buy new clothing?

>> No.6936042

I'd love clothing that had bones incorporated into the design.

>> No.6936061

Menswear bro. Basics and dadcore are always in style despite what many on this board says. (Dadcore is the edge) goof is a trend and one day will be forgotten. A basic tee and jeans aren't gonna be going anywhere anytime soon. Good fashion is often times just having a good fit.

>> No.6936070

buy a wardrobe you like

who cares if its in style

who cares if its trending

dont listen to the dadcore fuccnigger above me (unless youre a boring dadcore cunt). get something YOU like not some "timeless classic" piece of shit that someone else does

>> No.6936082
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yeah if you wanna wear fedoras and cargo shorts buy them. Fashion isn't about looking good, it's about feeling good, on your inside pieces. Do whatever your free spirit desires.

>> No.6936083


the reason brands rarely do it is because if you use actual bones is that during distribution, the clothes can be seized at customs in almost every country and withheld permanently

otherwise yeah i agree it would be awesome

>> No.6936089

really? why? thats fucked

does this ever happen w/ sunglasses made out of horn or weird shit like that?

>> No.6936095


because any biological type stuff that can spread infection/disease is taken seriously at almost every border

not so much with luxury stuff like sunglasses where the the horn/bone is processed to the point where it is just like another material, more like stuff in unprocessed forms that can still transmit bacteria etc.

>> No.6936110
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Well the thing is, I am out of school and spend most of my time in an office.

My clothes need to fit my environment so I need to be somewhat of a dacore fgt. I just don't want to drop a lot of cash and then hate my clothes in a few years.

>> No.6936108

Materials like horn, bone, mother-of-pearl, corozo, etc. are all made of natural animal products.

>> No.6936114

you dont need to combine your casual and work wardrobes if you dont want to

>> No.6936116

Buy menswear

problem solved

>> No.6936120

Whenever I come to the US from asia, they ask me if I bought any medicine with antlers in it.

They also ask about food, but I usually lie and smuggle at least something in. I know, I am such a badass...

>> No.6937561

if your a guy you really shouldn't have any problems with this

>> No.6937584

cop classixxx

>> No.6937599

shit advice, OP pls filter this tripfaggot

>> No.6937607

how is "buy what you like" bad advice
jog off mate

>> No.6937610

what you like is shit

>> No.6937649

Dress shirts
But clothes that don't give too much slack, but not restrict your movement(unless you're buying sports coats)

>> No.6937655

im not him

>> No.6937665 [DELETED] 

u wish

>> No.6937662

what you like is shit too

>> No.6937668

i like ur mum

>> No.6937688


>> No.6937695

i like ur face

>> No.6937708

bad taste

>> No.6937721

i like everything about u

>> No.6937733

Sauce on image?

>> No.6937746

Only 30 year old moms pay attention to "new trends" and will call something out for "being out of fashion". You can basically wear anything that remotely looks good/develop yourself and choose your own clothes and style direction and nobody but those moms will give a shit about it.

Also, fuck season colors. I will be wearing my white shoes all winter just like I did last year.

>> No.6937747

>liking things i dont like
bad. taste.

>> No.6937750

ok goodbye entity made of feces

>> No.6939446
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fallout 3 raidercore

>> No.6939457

Develop your own taste. Looking good is timeless.

>> No.6939556

Read up on how clothing should fit and the different silhouettes throughout the ages.

It's becoming okay to match silhouettes from earlier ages; I could be wrong, but I think future fashion will accept any previous silhouette.

Just buy things that fit now, avoid trends.

>> No.6939575

also you might get beaten by vegans on the street

>> No.6939586

I know where you're coming from OP, but as times change so should you. Hold onto a very few select items but change everything else. You shouldn't be wearing the same exact shit in the next ten years

>> No.6939588

Why not?

>> No.6939609

Please expand.

>> No.6939646


So, wear tights and a silly hat

>> No.6940123

source of ops pic.

iv'e seen it before but forgot

>> No.6940133



>> No.6940468


jeans (blue or distressed) will never go out of style until we have disposable clothing

solid button ups or patterned for casual occasions

a good pair of boots and some loafers

buy well-fitting, high quality tees and tanks

good old flight jackets have been in style since flight

>> No.6940480

s i l h o u e t t e

>> No.6940483

Wear what looks good to you, not whats trendy or "in fashion". I usually split my fashion decisions between looks based on my opinion and comfort ability.

>> No.6941076
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I know. But I still want to have things that I wear and look good 10 years out. I have realized that the things I bought 5 years ago are still in great condition. Only problem is I hate them because I didn't know about fit or anything else before.

I do like trends though. Still I think I will stick more conservative or classic styles. Just investing in high quality materials and construction will make me happy I think.

>> No.6941097

menswear from real brands not fast fashion

do your research and find shit that is timeless

>> No.6941107
File: 311 KB, 1280x852, tumblr_le0kwvCovi1qfepcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Eighth Day

>> No.6941487
