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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 601 KB, 1090x1350, i'm a tailor now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6931548 No.6931548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

yo guys

a while ago i posted bout how i was altering these jeans. top right is an old fit pic to show how they were, top left is a progress, bottom is how they are now, just finished. and threw on that jacket and y-3s for a quick pic cuz the camera was out. (i don't think i like how skinnies look with the warriors, i think they need something bigger to balance out the heavy sole but whatever)

anyway how do they look? done all by hand because i dont have a sewing machine and dont have money for a tailor right now.

also DIY general, anyone else got any projects?

>> No.6931556

Please tell me this isn't a space-core endeavour right?

>> No.6931565

oh gaspard when will you accept the spacecore as the one true style?

anyway not really i just hated the fit of the jeans. and had been curious for a while what skinny jeans would look like with warriors so i put them on.

>> No.6931570


But you improved the fit of those jeans for sure though, well done.

>> No.6931576

top right looked much better

>> No.6931578

thanks man. why don't you like spacecore or lunarcore anyway? or can you describe why you dont like it?

>> No.6931584

once i get a job again i'm going to get looser jeans that fit properly. those ones didnt, especially in the waist and in the lower legs. but for now i wanted skinnies

>> No.6931583

jeans look better, but dont tuck in your shirt with them it messes up your proportions

>> No.6931587

you need to cop some self awareness

>> No.6931592
File: 42 KB, 447x478, terribleshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boots look tryhard

>> No.6931596

I'm working on my body right now.
Tomorrow will be my 6th day at the gym, started going on Monday last week.

It's tiring and seriously depressing how fucking weak I am, but at least my anxiety doesnt kick in as bad as it did before cause im too tired right after the gym to even think about anything.

>> No.6931601

It's just an irritating concept with not much variety I've seen so far. Most of the Lunar/Space fits I've seen have been pretty much the same, White Y3s, Navy Levis Commuter Cargos and a cream MA-1. Until I see more innovation or diversity in this style, I'm still gonna think of it as boring/annoying.

>> No.6931602

keep at it man, after a while it starts feeling great

i like em

p-post a f-fit

its an undershirt

>> No.6931606

bomber size and height?

>> No.6931612

>those shoes

some prime fuccboi stuff right there

>> No.6931610

>that t shirt

Pick one fuccboi, that nigga got swag

>> No.6931613

i can dig that i guess. for me personally its a matter of resources, theres a shit ton of different pieces, especially shoes, i want but can't get right now. but i also feel comfortable countering your argument by saying there's not a lot of variety on /fa/ as a whole.

anyway its mainly a matter of creativity + resources, and for me the resources are barely there and the creativity could probly use work too

>> No.6931620

i'm 5'10 or 11 don't remember which. the bomber is a medium but i'm normally a small

>> No.6931625

there's a board for DIY

also take the drink out of your back pocket - jesus .________.

>> No.6931663

no and no

whatchu gonna do bout it turny

>> No.6931679

>yfw drank all over your jawnz
not my funeral V____V

>> No.6931694

its water and its not gonna come out anyway
they aint raws b

actually now that they are skinny i dont think i'll be able to fit a water bottle into the pocket

nope nevermind it does i just tried it

>> No.6931698
File: 81 KB, 500x750, 1377549302552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have some work-pics? i'm into tailoring/making my own shit... also, howd u do this w/o a machine?
could yu just post your process, pls?

>> No.6931704

i cut the velcro off of some sneakers
and bought some super long white laces for them
and now they're my poor man's geobaskets of sorts

i also hemmed some baggy old pac sun chinos into some nice cropped trousers

>> No.6931727

i dont have any other pictures sorry.

all i did was put them on inside out, grabbed a bunch of safety pins, pulled the inseam until the leg was as tight as i wanted it and pinned that spot, then go down the leg, pinning every 8 inches or so. poke the pin down and the up again and then close it, if you just go down and the close it around the cloth, it'll be too loose and annoying to work with.

once you get down the the leg opening, you'll have to do some trial and error depending on how stretchy the fabric is. these pants are 2% elasticene i think, anyway they arent so stretchy down near the end so i had to do a lot of trial and error with the safety pin to find out the absolute smallest opening where i could still feet my foot and heel through.

then i replicated the pinning on the other leg with some shoddy guess work with some help from a ruler, then i put the pants on to see if i got it right.

then you just go at it with a needle and thread. i pricked myself a lot. i went over the seams 3 times on each side.

it was a lot of improvisation and guess work basically, just be patient and think it out and try not to ruin the shit your working on i guess

>> No.6931740
File: 946 KB, 1552x3658, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy you did that by hand. I fucking hate hand sewing. I did a very similar thing to a pair of uniqlo "slim" jeans. they're my favs now. feels good to wear skinny jeans that don't have a low rise.

>> No.6931755

i just put on movies and kinda zone into it. probly only took like 5 hours collectively

those look nice man good job

>> No.6931767


could have taken <1 with a machine :)

keep an eye out on craigslist. time is money and your projects will take like 10% of the time.

good that you're developing some hand sewing skills tho. most people suck at it (including me)

>> No.6931776

what the fuck

>> No.6931792

yeah i know
its on the list once i get a job again, currently neet since i got fired a week or two ago
i want to get into it hardcore tho and make a lot of my own stuff, designing is a lot of fun

>> No.6931796


were you fired for being too lunarcore?

>> No.6931801

Are those 510's or 511's?

>> No.6931807

knocked over a lady who was sitting on bottom step, i had stuff in my hands and couldnt see her. was pretty fucking dumb


>> No.6931829

nice work

>> No.6931831

>anyway how do they look?
you know they look good stop fishing for compliments

>> No.6931844


i honestly was insecure about having the good enough looking legs for skinnies

>> No.6931852


sounds pretty dumb. did she complain or something? or did you cause a scene by spilling a tray of food? idk how you could be fired for that

>> No.6931860

dunno i guess they were afraid she'd sue but afaik there was no discussion about that or anything. i didnt really make that much of a scene, i didnt drop any of the stuff i was carrying and i apologized to her like 4 times. it was a pretty high end restaurant tho so i guess they can't have any of that biz, either that or they just didnt like me dunno

there were open chairs around and people saw me coming down the stairs and didnt say anything. i could see them but i couldnt see below me, where she was sitting

then i had to wait 3 weeks on suspension while they waited for the general manager to get back from vaca and decide whether to fire me or not, and i had no idea what was going on or what they were waiting for or how long the suspension would be. thats what really pissed me off about it

>> No.6931870

why isnt sage working

>> No.6931875


>> No.6931878

It is I think
it just doesn't turn the namefield blue anymore
If you put any word in the email field other than sage, the namefield will turn blue still
I think it's to distinguish between sage posts and actual email information

>> No.6931883

yeah i just realized that

>> No.6931891
File: 551 KB, 985x1649, 1379019076610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good fits with variety where knochs anyways. the others I've seen never take any risks or are very uncreative