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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.24 MB, 915x1280, 02074_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6928403 No.6928403 [Reply] [Original]

How effay is your gf/bf?

>listens to top 40
>wears uggs/toms
>uses instagram
>easily persuaded by media
>wants beats pill/iPhone/etc

>> No.6928410

>doesn't exist

>> No.6928414


>> No.6928415

>no gf ;_;

>> No.6928416


>> No.6928421

Is cheating fa?

>> No.6928417

That's every girl you're gonna meet.
Just talk to hot ones nod at everything they say and you will get laid.

>> No.6928418


>> No.6928435

If you like the girl you're with, no.
If shes your fuck buddy and she just happens to tell people you're her boyfriend fuck whoever you want I say.

>> No.6928478

>Listens to a subset of the stuff I like
>wears typical dark jeans/sweater/boots shit
>lusted after by countless nerds because she's sort of into some nerd things

semi effay

>> No.6928490

>not fit
well thats all that needs to be said

>> No.6928505

>wears skirts
>shorter than me
>near perfect skin without any makeup (doesn't use)
>kinda nerdy
>knows how to sew, has made clothes by herself
>nice, kind
>loves me

Sometimes I feel really lucky for getting her.

>> No.6928513

>starves herself for me
>short not /fa, but I love it)
>a good fusioned version of twee and grunge
>qt redhead
>is into metal
>nerdy, the real shit

I'd say she is a 7/10 in /fa points

>> No.6928540

I love gingers. Love them. I feel like they glow, they pop.

I can't help gravitating towards them hard. When you fuck then I ck stantly feel like I'm stealing innocence.

>> No.6928541

imaginary tleft petting to john snow and a pls b in auck ;______;

>> No.6929002

>listens to classical
>dresses ok (low quality, but nice in appearance)
>hates money
>starves herself
>homework all day
>barely sleeps
pretty effay
just fwb tho ;-;

>> No.6929283

what is this picture from again? what is it called?

>> No.6929292
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pls b in auck

>> No.6929332

DaVinci's Vetruvian man

>> No.6929340

are we going out with the same girl by any chance?

>> No.6929382 [DELETED] 
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>10/10 body and face imo
>5' 8", i sit at 5' 11" so good height for me
>dresses decently (pic related) honestly wished she dressed better but any time i suggest things she feels as if there's pressure to dress better and hates it.
>has a million tumblr followers
>uses instagram
>listens to whatever i show her usually, her music taste is generic dream pop, pop, folk, indie etc.
>stresses out about trivial things
>likes going out and doing things all the time, definite plus
>drinks constantly

pretty /fa/ imo

>> No.6929397

>APC, Rag and Bone, usually what she's dressed.
>Has god tier coffee shit
>Gives me fj's
I don't know how fa, but, my favorite thing is. My girl 5'2", even her growth stunted

>> No.6929402

>uses instagram
>a million tumblr followers
>generic music taste
>drinks constantly

>pretty /fa/ imo

lol no

>> No.6929404


>that tattoo


>> No.6929427


ehh for the aspects she lacks she makes up for with others aka being in a functional relationship.

weve been together for 4 years, think i got it covered. thats a sylvia plath quote tho lel.

>> No.6929436

ITT: autists making up traits for their imaginary girlfriends

>> No.6929444


>> No.6929455
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>wears f21
>listens to jpop and shit like breakbot and whatnot
>studying industrial design

she's not /fa/ at all but i love her

>> No.6929470

At least she's not fat.

>> No.6929482

>implying "chubby" isnt just a nice way of saying fat

>> No.6929485

yeah tbh she's at a perfect point where she's clearly chubby but the fat (hue) fills up all the right places. if she got like 4-5 pounds fatter she would start looking bad but eh, i probably wouldn't mind.

>> No.6929510
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iv met two other girls with sylvia plath tattoos on that exact spot, inner bicep. one was an aspie mouthbreathing lit tard with a twin, the other was a british blackie whose skin was so dark you could barely read the tattoo.

>feeling less bad about not having gf now

what do /fa/ think of this girl
>runs terrible vintage etsy store
>bad breath
>delicious beautiful cunt

>> No.6929522


>bad breath

fuck off, if there's one thing i hate more than fat. shitty clothes or bad haircuts it's bad breath.

>> No.6929527

>Implying there isn't a fat scale.

>> No.6929529

>implying "curvy" "chubby" and "thick" arent used to refer to fatties 90% of the time

>> No.6929537

>listens to psychedelic music
>we jam sometimes, none of us are any good
>we paint each other
>we go to art shows together
>take quite a bit of drugs together in the summer
>we try and make clothes look as visvim-y as possible
>both into fashion

thank you, Gonesh

>> No.6929545

chubby is used for those girls who are only slightly overweight and manage to look good despite it or are lucky and most of it goes to their tits or whatever

but ur a /fa/ tripfag so let's save the
>good looking

>> No.6929580

>curvy, no thigh gap
>dresses like either a farm girl or a hippie
>rides horses
>used to date girls
>slight southern accent
>doesn't smoke
>doesn't know who My Bloody Valentine is

not /fa/ at all, but she's cute and she's fun to be around, and she rides my dick like it's the only one in the world.

>> No.6929593

Are you the same Mr. Bateman from LAgoth.net?

>> No.6929599

You mean she doesn't even have pleb music tastes, just no music at all?

>> No.6929606

she sounds like a really fun person AND a keeper, congrats maaan.

>> No.6929621
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my gf...
>cute face/skin tone
>listens to good music, better shit that i listen to
>doesn't use any social media (undrgrnd)
>dresses well, starting to be more effay (i got her addicted to 4chan)
>looks great without makeup
>cute, short hair cut
>likes butt play
is butt play /fa/?

>> No.6929647
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No. I just forgot to turn my name off from a dubs thread.

>> No.6929652
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>same height as me (6")
>Into nature stuff and environnement
>listens to rock and some indie local bands
>wears the same horrible washed out jeans everyday but it shapes her ass and makes my dick hard
>is a sexual goddess

So...not effay at all but I love her more than anything else.

>> No.6929658

no butt play is for fags

>> No.6929679

>indie local bands
Hue. I know a bit of the local bands wher I live(d). Never steps their game up and will forever remain local. A shame, really.

>> No.6929696

of course it is.


>6.5 face/ 5.5 body
>she dresses really nice even if sometimes she looks like she's stuck in 2006 indie-brit
>only listens to british music (Oasis, AM, the Libertines etc...), hates EDM
>knows a shitload about cinema, art and literature (also art student in italy)
>she never gave me a bj
>former anorexic now struggling with anxiety because of flesh around her bones
>loves me more than anyone and loves having sex with me

don't know if /fa

>> No.6929707
File: 221 KB, 284x301, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is 3 years older than me
>plays internationally in a very popular electro punk band
>cut her own hair herself like me
>currently has blue hair
>have both french and dannish nationality
>has a lot of tattoo
>only wear clothes she finds at thrift store
>pic is her

>> No.6929713

>sexual goddess
>built like shrek

pick won

>> No.6929719

pretty /fa, dude.
>name of the band?

>> No.6929731

please leave.

>> No.6929736

Seems like my gf

>> No.6929751

>5000 followers on tumblr
>wears creepers, dark skinny jeans and oversized sweaters
>pretty skinny, thigh gap
>met her at book store looking at Game of Thrones

not bad.

>> No.6929756

>listens to sigur ros and shit like that
>isn't into fashion at all though she considers herself fashionable
>is muscular
>is a writer
>is really submissive

>> No.6929757

I was just trying to be as general as possible dude

>inb4 Amerifag who listens to Deadmau5

>> No.6929774

>marbloros and pastel pallet, blacks and whites
>overdresses or under dresses for everything
>fashion doesnt change seasonally
>paler than pale

>> No.6929777
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I listened to their music. Not good. This her?

>> No.6929780

w2c pale qtgf

>> No.6929788

urban outfitters or tumblr.com

>> No.6929952

my dude is
>6' 1" but is musclefat.
> Not the most good looking guy, but loves underground rap, glitch pop, trip hop, folk, and various things idk.
>history major and is like a walking encyclopedia.
>recently been trying to be more /fa/ but he messes up his clothes too often, so we buy shit tier shorts but good formal and hangout stuff.
>has a windows phone and only has Facebook on PC

>> No.6929962

too bad metal fucking sucks

>> No.6929965

Will post about ex who is now fuckbuddy

>nice fashion sense
>listens to gay music
>artsy and shit
>smart as fuck
>big american teetee's, Asian doe
>pretty good w/o makeup
>short as shit
>8/10 at hookups (doesn't usually suck)

>> No.6929970

my bf
>wears n&f jeans all the time
>takes really good care of himself
>smells nice
>does his own thing; isn't persuaded by /fa/
>really attractive

>> No.6929973

but I'm like this

and no bf

>> No.6929974

>is into metal

Ephebophile detected.

>> No.6929976

Mine's pretty effay.

>listens to Bluegrass, Folk type songs
>sports a manbun
>6ft tall, eurasian masterrace
>heavy drinker, occasionally smokes
>film snob (worked with film industry in Cali)

He's pretty dang effay.

>> No.6929977

oh and
>exclusively listens to twee
>like 6'2''

>> No.6929988

thank you for posting your opinion on the website 4chan.org

>> No.6929985
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are u cute tho?

>> No.6929991

Reminds me of more /fa/ version of Jane from breaking bad, except hopefully without the heroine n stuff

>> No.6929997

can i be ur bf?

>> No.6930001

Not cute enough to attract the dudes she's into apparently ;'(

>> No.6930003

I was friendzoned recently :(
He only likes black girls

>> No.6930017

>hopefully without the heroine n stuff
but its so good 4 uuu

>> No.6930025

That just sounds like a more subtle "uuhh I'm gay LOL"
sorry to hear about your recent geographical change though
dress light
the friendzone has a very dry climate

>> No.6930072

my gf
>somewhat effay
>experiments with crossdressing
>bedroom is minimalists wet dream
>listens to passion pit, temper trap, fleet foxes, etc.
>paints beautifully
>she's 5'6'', I'm 5'10" (king of manlets)
>excellent hair

>> No.6930089

should show him Milo (Rory Ferreira)

>> No.6930097

a girl wearing baggy sweaters and oversized flannels doesnt count as crossdressing sorry

>> No.6930188

please specify how she experiments with crossdressing, i am interested

>> No.6930199

>passion pit and fleet foxes

sounds like a vapid hipster wannabe

>> No.6930262

my ex gf
>not interested in music seemingly, just listens to what I give her, never talks about music
>boring clothes mostly, the things I bought for her are okay, she even tells me how she wears them all the time.
>not particularly pretty, but it's alright
>5'9", 130-135 lbs, could lose a few pounds, but it's not too bad, she's rather muscular.
>interested in basically nothing, not very intelligent, but hardworking.
>cooks well
>good with children
>she's basically perfect in a suburban/middle-class sense
>criticizes me all the time for being unconventional
>tries to improve me all the time
>liked it in the ass

That's why I broke up with her. Not the ass thing though, that was fucking great.

>> No.6930290

>Only bands she listen to now are bands I have introduced to her.
>On facebook 24/7.
>Her apartment is always messy.
>Basicbitch/tumblr-core fashion sense.
>9/10 looks
We've been dating for almost three(3) years now.
I don't let her buy clothes unless she gets the O.K. from me. Yes, I'm serious.
She looks qtpumpkin3.14af doe, and she loves what I pick out for her.
>She'll literally calls me when she's out shopping with friends and asks if she can purchase whatever it is.
I'm in love.

>> No.6930341
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watch her around ovens

>> No.6930348

it's just called a scale

>> No.6930398
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>185cm/6'0" 58kg/128lbs
>music is in pic
>thrifts 75% of her clothes, basics at H&M
>more effay than me
>med student
>smarter than me
>on antidepressants for years now
>mentally unstable
>2 years older than me
>reads a ton

>> No.6930420

>tfw listening to hospice in the middle of the night alone in your bed
>tfw feel overload

>> No.6930465

i don't think so muchango , that's a straight 4/10 bitch you copped.

>> No.6930477

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6930481

>med student
>mentally unstable

She should quit med school asap

>> No.6930540


>> No.6930544


w2c pitchfork friendly gf?

>> No.6930581

not the guy, but the majority of med students I know are mentally unstable. I don't want to explain why, but the medicine is attracting people with minority complexes.

>> No.6930590

My bf
>shaved head
>skinny fat
>fat dick, average length
>sex god
>cooks or eats only top tier [delicacies like froie gras, caviar, escargo]
>eats too much
>drinks coffee, juice, scotch
>2 closets full of suits. Some pleb, some top notch suits.
>Doesn't care about brands
>cares about quality and fit of clothes
>big house w/ pool and indoor hottub
>has maid, masseuse, life coach, acupuncturist
>anti personal social media but has his business site
>listens to rock/country and only listens to classical because I fucking hate country and rock
>renovated my entire wardrobe [former tumblr azn girl in little girl dresses, now more a pleb woman in heels]
>romantic and buys me top tier gifts. Gold covered rose, LV ivory monogram bag, glass tea set, books out the ass
>watches history/murder/fraud documentaries when bored [and Worlds Dumbest...I hate that show but his reactions make me laugh]
>wakes at 4am errday
>naps errday
>demeans people in public when they spill drinks on him
>nonjudgmental towards me
>open minded
>sarcastic, dry, witty humor
>blunt personality

Not sure, but I like the D, personality, and money

>> No.6930595


Doctors are the rockstars of society.
"Hey, I'm a doctor"- everybody sucks cock.
Do the math.

>> No.6930596

Pitchfork festival
p4k-approved concerts

>> No.6930624

he's /fa/

you aren't

>> No.6930662

Thank you
Made me feel good

>> No.6930670

Yeah. He's not /fa/ and neither are you.

>> No.6930692


>>romantic and buys me top tier gifts. Gold covered rose
>LV ivory monogram bag
lmao nope
> glass tea set
> books out the ass

How pleb can you be for thinking those are top tier?

>> No.6930736

>watches patrician tier anime/movies
>not rich enough to buy designer clothing (but it doesn't bother me)
>mostly listens to music from his country but likes the stuff i suggest
>sweeet beard (looks good clean shaven too)
i got lucky

>> No.6930750

>watches patrician tier anime

>> No.6930754

i don't like it either but at least he isn't watching pleb tier anime

>> No.6930767

best friend
>metal is the greatest genre to ever be invented ever
>square toed dress shoes with every thing
>goggles and top hat

>once I get enough money I need to buy a suit
>''yea man they have some at walmart''

Nice, good guy just really un/fa/

>> No.6930769

poor sucker, friendzoned even on an anonymous board

>> No.6930811

She varies between leather/denim and vintage tops and miniskirts. She rarely wears makeup although I think a little mascara and lip gloss would help. Shes got DAT THIGHGAP which /fa/ likes but I think she could put on a little weight. All in all I feel like I lucked out.

>> No.6930824
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>tfw qt p2t twee tumblr gf

>> No.6930891

Too bad he isn't /fit/ -- then he would be a pretty cool guy. What's his age?

>> No.6930913

man if your gf reads books and looks good, keep her

it's hard to do better than that unless you're the world's greatest catch yourself

>> No.6930929

>10/10 hot imo
>listens to top 40, RnB (doesn't even know who the weeknd is)
>wears maxi dresses, n general beach wear.
>not much makeup
>ridiculously materialistic/obsessed with money

0/10 fa

>> No.6930949

>Half asian
>Has blue hair
>Covered in tattoos and piercings
>5'4" and very slim
>Doesn't drink or smoke
>Her favourite band is The Jam but she listens to a lot of shit that people put on tumblr thinking it's cool
>I don't think she owns a single item of clothing that costs more than £50, she has expensive taste in jewellery though...

When she's dressed down she's in her nike blazers with some skinny pants and a hoodie, when she dresses up she wear one of her short black dresses from h&m. She's very pretty and the only real problem she has is sensitive skin which causes her to get rashes on her legs every few weeks/months.

>> No.6930978

This thread is terrible
You're all broke

>> No.6931001

>tfw no gf but been seeing this black superplebby but really qt and nice gril lately
I dont want a /fa/ gf, just someone pretty and sweet who isnt into drama

>> No.6931012

I sense jealousy and poor

>> No.6931016

soz karl

>> No.6931038
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>make fun of """"top tier""" gifts
lol gtfo

>> No.6931084

Sense anger

>> No.6931089

A top tier gift is just a gift that holds a lot of meaning imo.

Bitch just likes her dicks rich, that's all.

>> No.6931103

>skinny half-jap (like me)
>bisex (like me)
>/mu/tant (like me)
he's into drugs and music and he has bipolar and probably ADD.
he doesn't know much about brands but he's very self conscious about his style.
wouldn't call him /fa/ but he's a 10/10 qt.

>> No.6931115

oh and he likes moeshit and we watch anime together

>> No.6931255

Severe autism right here kiddos

>> No.6931319
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>> No.6931328

d-dont have a gf.

only some bitch that likes me, gotta stop getting into a routine and fucking her. not that iterested in her

>> No.6931333

W2C qt girl to watch moeshit with

>> No.6931372


>> No.6931370

>5'6 approx, so good height
>very skinny
>pretty varied wardrobe, not really /fa/ though. prefers comfort over style
>heavy smoker of hand-rolled cigarettes
>thinks she isn't a heavy drinker
>can out drink me
>comes from wealthy area
>done lots of drugs
>travelled a lot
>has intimacy issues
>just seeing each other at this point, but we've fucked before

slightly /effay/ in some regards but overall, I wouldn't consider her /effay/

>> No.6931703

You're dating someone from mfa

>> No.6931761

i think i fucked her

>> No.6931762


What her tumblr?

>> No.6931768

>listens to Breaking Benjamin asking alexandria
>shops at kholes and shit
>says her boobs are too big clothes dont fit right
>doest like to show off at all
>jeans t shirt converse all day err day

>> No.6931769

how would i know a random flings tumblr #___#

>> No.6931770


>> No.6931771


All the niggas that fucked her kno what her tumblr is.
U a fag

>> No.6931777

>has some cool clothes... a schott leather biker jacket, alex wang tees, helmut lang knits, green doc martins
>has other really wack shit like no-name stuff from urban outfitters
>doesn't like doing drugs
>loves reading, cooking
>actually wears like 90% of her huge wardrobe, which I am envious of

>> No.6931780

I giggled

>> No.6931782

>listens to "pretty" indie stuff like the national and post-rock, moderate overlap
>into literature
>dresses a little better than an UO model, docs and tights kind of thing
>likes good food
>azn q/t

I win

>> No.6931788
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>> No.6931797

why are you cuckolded and introduce her to every fuck of her's?

>> No.6931947

Well stop looking so angry all the time then.
>tfw scared to approach angry looking girls

>> No.6931967

This sounds pretty great. Underrated post.

>> No.6931971


sounds like a submissive bitch who doesn't think for herself. I guess if you're into that...

>> No.6931973

>wears lots of good clothes. plenty of alex wang, rag&bone, etc usually all black
>very tall and thin -- about 5'10. I'm 6'1
>naturally pretty without makeup with great bone structure
>reads a lot
>very smart
>sleep deprived as all hell
>into some rly cool, quite obscure music
>great ass

feel exceptionally lucky

>> No.6931976


lol rite m8. post a pic? blur face if need be

>> No.6931986

I will be ur bf, bby
Where u at?

>> No.6932044
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post pic

>> No.6932051

You can make her a female version of you, how awesome is that=

>> No.6932055


he wont just like no1 in this thread will except for that 1 dude.

I wonder why???????????????

>> No.6932061
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>> No.6932069
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>> No.6932087
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>> No.6932099

tall but still shorter than me
red hair
studied at london college of fashion
reads up on fashion daily
we go to london every month to ball the fuck out

>> No.6932100
File: 1.58 MB, 225x169, 1373702221457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like me

>> No.6932108

wtf is that gif

>> No.6932116

This is the real deal ladies and gentlemen

>> No.6932117

yeah this almost exactly

>> No.6932148
File: 154 KB, 600x400, maLuk4H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a quick scroll thru I counted 39 greentext descriptions and 3 pictures. cut off the heads; do what you gotta do. just post a fucking pic. this is an image board ffs

>> No.6932187

>Average weight, maybe slightly over (tits, she has them)
>Cute face.
>Cat-eye eyeliner.
>Alternative and classical music.
>Way too fucking smart, like holy shit.
>Clashes colours/patterns wayyyy to haaaard.
>Coloured tights everyday with either a highwaisted skirt or dress (lots of colours and patterns).
>Wears doc martens.
>Reads feverishly.
>Socially awkward.
>Has cancer (or something). Hair falling out.

She's 5.6 /fa/.

>> No.6932189

hhhnnggg 9/10

>> No.6932190

>>Way too fucking smart, like holy shit

>> No.6932193

saying your gf is a 5.6 as if it makes your story more believable haha gd1

>> No.6932196

>7 years older than me
>does a lot of drugs (especially coke)
>tech house/minimal/house all the way - I met her in a club
>really fit, great booty, small boobs, works out 6 days a week
>dark eyes
>some tats
>is successful in an international company

>passive agressive psycho bitch
>we fight all the time
>love/hate relationship

>best sex I've ever had

I'd say my gf is way more effay than me

>> No.6932203

She's 5.6 /fa/. Not /5.6/ attractive. I'd say she's in the mid-eight range. High-eight if we're going out, low nine if she really tries.

>> No.6932205


i just wanna suck on her ass is tha tso wrong brehs

>> No.6932207

She was sick growing up and so she spent lots and lots of time reading. She's studying astrophysics and astronomy.

>> No.6932210

she kinda sounds like a bitch

>> No.6932228

Not bitchy, but she's just really fucking dramatic. And it takes her long time to register anger. Like a few days ago we were watching Netflix on the couch and she ducked out of the arm I had around her. I asked why, and she said she was annoyed that I was late to pick her up to go out. A week and a half ago. She didn't give a shit at the time. I mean, she got over it, it wasn't a big deal, she just asked me to apologize, but still.

>> No.6932253

Prepare to be stalked by /fa/gs. But hey, I suppose guys like you enjoy it.

>> No.6932257

i hope you didnt apologize and just fucked her in the ass that night instead

>> No.6933472

she's poli

>> No.6933548

>listens to warehouse techno
>runs a music blog
>recently got himself doc marten 1461s and looks 2qt in them
>gr8 hair

He's super qt

>> No.6934130

Are boden and Laura Ashley effay?

>> No.6934144

4/10 troll
had potential but blew it when
>top tier

>> No.6934180

>claiming that your bitch/boy is designer fitted
>doesn't post fit of her

is this the fantasy-mate thread?????

>> No.6934289

Looks like we all have a problem

>> No.6934310

>listens to shit music
>feminism (except in bed so all good)
>looks like cara delevingne
>doesnt drive so i have to take her everywhere
>likes being choked

>> No.6934320

>looks like cara delevingne
sure, anon. sure

>> No.6934368
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Boy how I met my first love.
>be 22
>that guy that never talks in classes
>few close friends
>in grad school
>stay up all night studying in cafe
>5 cups of coffee a day
>qt cashier at cafe
>she smiles at me a lot but feel it is just because I am a customer
>walking from class to cafe
>wearing full Rick with my hair in my face
>recognize her from afar even though I could only see a sharp and dark sillouhette
>quickly look down as I walk to cafe
>I can smell the scent of her perfume as she approaches me
>soon her rick dunks come into sight
>"hey anon"
>you going for coffee aren't you
>I make the best coffee, even better than that cafe stuff
>come over to my dorm I will make you some, you have to try it
>feeling /fa/ as fuck walking around with her
>everyone mirin our Rick fits
>walk into her dorm
>minimalist and monochrome furniture reminiscent of our fashion sense
>falling in love
>"how do you want the coffee anon?"
>b-black please
>drink her coffee
>it is amazingly bittersweet like I imagined the taste of her womb would introduce to my tongue
>she sits next to me
>"give me a taste anon"
>"not of the coffee, hehe"
>starts to caress my neck with her tongue
>I imagine the texture of her Rick skirt rubbing on my genitalia
>soon after my fantasies come to fruition
>I am immediately aroused

>> No.6934372

>overwhelming emotions take hold of us
>from inside islands formed like kidney stones that would find their way into her womb their expulsion scarred not the flesh but the spirit
>she would not have it
>she offered her anus
>I took it
>those islands were overwhelmed by tides of emotion
>I transcend into a dimension where there is no weight nor thought
>I trusted she was there with me
>I wake the next morning
>she is beside me
>she glows like the moon
>her eyes reminiscent of that place we traveled
>"I like your dick anon"
>I...I like yours too
>no words in our lexicon could conjure into sound what should had been said next
>this saddened me deeply
>she knew it as well
>we both parted

>> No.6934382

im srs m8
cara's hotter obv but she's v similar
but ight

>> No.6934384


wow terrible greentext story. 2/10 considering how much effort you put into it

>> No.6934393

Probably means she has a massive unibrow.

>> No.6934390

>only wears skirts and dresses
>doesn't listen to top 40, but does listen to top bands in the Alternative genre (All Time Low, etc)
>her bookbag is pretty effay in my opinion. She hates that dufflebag material
>caffeine addict
>doesn't use any social media sevice, but does check her Facebook periodically because she has friends overseas and states away
>thinks Toms are icky
>always pulls off the perfect hair

She's the liberal hipster's dreamgirl.

>> No.6934402

i cant stop laughing

>> No.6934409

I met a girl that I got with last night, she wants to go on a date and most likely wants a relationship

>7/10 if I'm a little bit generous
>previously anorexic, pretty damn skinny
>really into me
>kind of funny

However I'm still not sure. I don't really want a relationship, but I don't want to be a dick to her and also cock block myself by cutting her off

What do I do, /fa/?

>> No.6934412
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That tone style and tone transition

>> No.6934413
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>>"I like your dick anon"
>>I...I like yours too

>> No.6934418


Not gonna lie, I enjoyed this a lot.

>> No.6934420

do you like her?

>> No.6934429

Eh, it's hard to say. I like her, but not as much as she likes me and that's what makes me uncomfortable

>> No.6934445

I don't understand my gf

>Sometimes claims she wants to be /fa/
>Says she hates fashion
>Loves clothes and always asks for my advice
but she's out of shape

>> No.6934487

Turning down somebody who likes you when you're not into them isn't being a dick it's being honest. Stringing people along is cruel. A lot of people get hurt because people 'don't want to hurt them' and it's bullshit.

>> No.6934499


I learned this the hard way.

It's a lot easier for everyone to turn her down gently now than have her realise when you're both naked and you just can't get hard for her and are desperately thinking of other girls you do like or actresses or porn you watched.

>> No.6934553

The thing is, I was kissing her all last night at a party. I'm attracted to her, it's more to do with the whole relationship thing. Is it a good idea to give it a shot if I don't know if I want it?

What I'm trying to say is I don't know that I don't want a relationship with her and if I turn her down I could regret it.

>> No.6935408

>All Time Low

>> No.6935478

>implying not fat

>> No.6935500

>Says she hates fashion
>but she's out of shape
Probably says shit like "jeeze someone needs to give that girl a sandwich" when she sees /fa/ qt's

>Loves clothes and always asks for my advice
>but she's out of shape
Wants to look better without sweating.

>> No.6935504

i've been there several times when i was younger and i wouldn't recommend it.

if the girl is really into you then she'll most likely do whatever it takes to make you like her, and if you aren't careful you'll be affected by it.
you'll get feelings for her, and all of a sudden you are in a serious relationship with someone you weren't initially attracted to.

once you get feelings for a girl it's typical to start seeing her as better looking the stronger your feelings grow.

it's a lot better to hook up with girls only you are attracted to.
i would say to have sex and date her casually, but since you already have lost control i doubt you'll be able to do it without catching feelings.

that's what happened to me with two girls when i was younger.
my first GF ever actually. i told her no, but she kept asking and making me feel bad so i ended up saying yes.

you telling her no will most likely only make her want you more, but that's her problem.
understand it is her problem, and don't concern yourself with it.
if you need to, stop hanging out with her.

>> No.6935557

Tell her she needs to make her music more available. I can't find half her shit.

>> No.6935589


but every white woman I've slept with had blue eyes. I am attracted to warm brown eyes.

most of them had blonder hair, the first, and last one however had brown (what I prefer)

none of them were /fa/
all forever 21, hot topic or w/e random ass crap girls wore during the years. I've never fucked a chick wearing Haute couture or even RTW on the first meetup on her own

TFW want to casually date a college grad bitch, who has pale ass skin (that has been a running theme), brown eyes (fucking brown/brown/pale and college grad bitches are always seeking LTR's) with small tits, and a tiny ass who knows to sit there and shut the fuck up

I've fucked about 5 fat chicks in my life, and they all did the same fucking thing, they were super loud, annoying, mouthy and wannabe clever and complained about bullshit

be it about the weather (loose weight bitch) or some political crap 3/5 fattties were super PRO-LGBT rights

it's so bad now that I bet you I can walk around a walmart (that's were they heff around) and show you which fat bitch is pro LGBT

>> No.6935586

>listens to classical
where2cop classical listening gf
all the girls in the orchestras i play in listen to top 40

>> No.6935600

u don't want to be around people who listen to classical trust me

>> No.6935619

I was going to call bullshit then I remembered my first gf was similar, I wasn't too attracted too her then she told me she loved me and next thing I knew we were in a relationship. Then on Christmas Eve she said she was still in love with the ex she lost her virginity to who was visiting her that week.

>> No.6935789
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>5 fat chicks
>loose weight bitch
>walmart (that's were they heff around)
>fat bitch

>> No.6935792

foreign but still white (german master race)
shy around people

>> No.6935828

let me guess the crazy hot topic ones broke your heart?

>> No.6935831

the chubby Asian one did when I was a youngin

this last one was pretty much an open relationship, and I used the excuse of her "cheating" as a method of getting out

>> No.6935896

>listens to chillwave, deep house
>wears 90% black most of the time
>likes historical fiction and biographical movies
>watches anime
>sings in a chamber choir

i love her

>> No.6935901

I don't understand how someone can actually date a piece of shit described in OP's post. I can understand fucking them and kicking them to the curb, or maybe having them as a fuckbuddy. But how can you actually invest time in such a fucking awful boring person? Seriously? How?

>> No.6935911

they haven't been enlightened by 4chan obviously

instead they should listen to obscure music that is hard to get into, while maintaining a sense of superiority.

They should also laugh at people for wearing clothes that were purchased in a different aisle from the same mall stores they shop at.

I just rly wish I could discuss epic threads and #ether moments on 4chan with a qt =(

>> No.6935969

right?? like, i need to have an intellectual discussion with someone. i could never date someone who didn't think Fight Club was a great movie. once i met someone who saw a commercial for flu vaccinations and they just went out and got them because THE MEDIA told them too. fucking sheep. i can't wait until i move out of my fascist parents house. the great gatsby is the greatest thing ever written. i can't believe how profound and tortured i am.

>> No.6936014

is this a fucking joke or are you literally living in a Ned Vizzini novel

>> No.6936018

>man i love bein white
>man i'm glad my gf's desirable physical characteristics validate her arbitrary mpdg qurkiness

>> No.6936321

>mpdg qurkiness

>> No.6936482

>our tastes are so hipstar that we've never heard of half the things we listen to
>browse /fa/
>read johnny got his gun
>watched bless the beasts and children
>likes topshop, zara, etc
>>6928478, this sans the anti-materialism

>apathetic towards life
>recently injected herself with 50ml of anesthetic
>has been gone for a week, staying at a behavioral health center

>quality of life is complete ass without her
>mfw 12th - 20th has been the longest period of time in my life

>mfw she still isn't back yet

hold me

>> No.6936496

why anaesthetic? doesn't even sound fun. what kind of anaesthetic and where in her body?

>> No.6936511

>tfw you are setting yourself up for failure and are probably too arrogant to realize it.

>> No.6936529


Ketamine is an anaesthetic and some people like that. Though admittedly for its psychoactive properties rather than anaesthetic effects.

>> No.6936554

some medical grade stuff, lidocaine, i think it was.

her folks are doctors, so they had it lying around

oh, i already know that.

but i've experienced some of the happiest times i've ever had with this girl, and i'll see to it that i savor every moment right to the bitter end.

i'm wading into some murky water, but turning back now would leave me pondering for the rest of my life. i couldn't live with "what could be", i would rather have "what is" and "what was".

>> No.6936588

>old money rich
>dresses well without being trendy
>Plays piano
>super popular and friendly

She tells me she thinks she isn't good enough for me though hue hue

>> No.6936589
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>listens to chillwave, deep house

I'm so sorry for your loss

>> No.6936601

My crush (shut up, I'm working on it):

>pale, blonde, blue eyed, my canon of perfection
>has lived in Tokyo and NY
>two years older than me
>seems smart from what I've heard
>dresses tumblrcore with cute dresses that make my dick philosophize, still more /fa/ than every girl here
>listens to Kpop or Jpop, whatever, she's pretty much obsessed with oriental culture; is discovering punk
>is in almost every social media
>loves sex, judging from her porn tumblr

It's either her or depression for me

>> No.6936605

i'll be honest with you even though you won't listen.

you are worried about "what could be" which is fear.
i've been "scared" to lose a girl before, the difference is i was blinded by my feelings. i was too stupid to see what a bad situation i put myself in.
you even acknowledge that it's gonna end badly, yet you are staying because of how she makes you feel.

that's really stupid and self destructive, not the cool kind of self destruction either.
you will STILL have to deal with "what could be" once she rips out your heart because you'll be saying
>tfw what if i had done this?
>tfw what if i hadn't said that?
>tfw what if {insert anything}?

there is no escaping it.
the only SMART choice you can make is to focus on getting your own life on track, to a point where you don't NEED her.

all the "could bes" you are worried about are driven by unrealistic fears.
it's oneitis, jealously and more.

like i said, i know you don't have the balls to even consider breaking up with her and not speaking with her for a while, but it is a good option.

keep things how they are now and you will be wondering how much better your life "could have been" if you took control earlier.

it's better to feel pain for a few months, than feel like a fool for the rest of your life.

>> No.6936610

>judging girls based on their internet persona (tumblr)
>putting a crush on a pedestal before youre even in a relationship
>wondering about "what could be" instead of finding out now

nothing wrong with this.

>> No.6936614

>6 foot 4
>good face, skinny, slight freckles
>dresses pretty good


>jobless, relies on me financially
>0 ambition
>lazy as fuck

I guess he's /fa/ until you talk to him. He's still great though.

>> No.6936627

Oh, come on, everyone does that

>> No.6936628

basically my point is there will always be doubts about decisions you've made, but there will be far less by confidently making a decision you feel is rational.
that way you don't regret the past, you can only wonder how things will be in the future.

right now your fate is in HER hands, and that's what i think is stupid.
you can take control, but you are too scared.

>> No.6936638

lol no they dont

if ur crushing on a girl and older than 16 u have a problem

>> No.6936635

it doesn't mean it's smart.

why haven't you asked her out yet?
because you are afraid she'll reject you.
if she isn't interested in you now, she never will be, so why wait to find out?

>> No.6936663

women are a huge waste of time

no seriously, there is nothing you want from a woman, they expect you to chase them listen to them and all this other shit, pay their way for the rest of their life

and for what?


pussy gets old around the end of the month
and you have to make excuses on why the bitch doesn't get you hard but her friend naked in the room does

then what?
she has nothing



go to build a bear and pretend to be a Chinese laborer for a day?

watch movies in a theater with a stickyass floor next to some bitch you're tired of fucking and who you KNOW will nag about some bull fucking shit?

bitch can't even open her own doors and shit

>but all my friends will think

your friends like you for you, and they feel insulted when you drag some bitch around them

>> No.6936659

I've known her for a week lol, no need to rush.
I'll definitely be more bold on monday.
But yeah, I'm afraid, It really is either her or depression, I know myself.
I guess I'm younger than 17, when it comes to relationships

>> No.6936679

so you met her a week ago, and spent the past seven days obsessing over her?
if it's her or depression, it's only gonna make your depression worse.

>> No.6936689
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i meant to put up this screen cap too, which explains the point.

>> No.6936691

It's okay sieg, I don't know what love is either.
I want you to show me.

>> No.6936713


but my gf doesn't nag and makes more money than me. I also haven't gotten tired of fucking her in 3ish years. should I keep her? also she cooks well.

I just wish she would talk more, be more decisive, and be herself more.

>> No.6936732

my gf doesn't really know how to dress and she always calls me a hipster

but she got that fat booty

>> No.6936737
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post pix

>> No.6936742

Love is an artificial concept made to sell media.
If you read the book of Judaism, it teaches you how to exploit the masses.

Love in Hebrew is "Ahava" , which is made up of three basic Hebrew letters, . These three letters actually are broken down into two parts: a two letter base or root, , and the first letter , which is a modifier. The meaning of the two letter base, , is "to give".

If you read Leviticus IV-A Chapter 17, it preaches the benefits of having others scarafice for you.

as you continue on reading the jewish works, which is clearly laid out for you in hewbrew, you would see that these concepts exist only to exploit the masses.

made evident in Jewish philosophical works as well, IE Heschel Via Prophetic Inspiration After the Prophets (1966)

read a goddamn book and stop watching Miley Cyrus cry naked on a wreaking ball and you might actually LEARN what the false notion of "love" is.

manipulation is at the core of judiasim, and is broken down and represented through the "13 core beliefs"


you figure out what the fuck you're doing first

>> No.6936746

nah homes that's uncouth

but i can assure you that one can see it from the front

>> No.6936748


>nah homes that's uncouth

why? surely no one could recognize if you just post an ass shot

oh wait she dont exist? cool

>> No.6936752


lol didn't you say your girlfriend cheated on you like a week ago? so bitter

lots of people stay together for life, married or not, and are happy. usually it seems to be best friend types, not lover types. gotta find that girl that can just be your bro, understands its unreasonable for the guy to pay for more stuff, shares responsibilities, etc.

not impossible to do, I just feel like most people are led mainly by lust when choosing partners

>> No.6936758

>ignores facts

>ignores what i actually told him last week

insult based on nothing, doesn't even quote me right

>> No.6936760

man I don't have to prove myself to you

having a trusting relationship with a human woman is more satisfying than the respect of thirsty anons

>> No.6936762


god damnit you are so fucking sexy when you're agressive sieggyyy

>> No.6936775

it's not that i'm scared of losing her-- that's why i said i was going to savor every moment i could with her. what's the point of finding somebody you absolutely enjoy being with despite their flaws, only to try and live without them in your life out of a precaution to not be dependent on them? i'm not dependent on her presence, and i could definitely live without her. to me, she's truly something i wouldn't find anywhere else in the world, and if she left me or died or something i'd be able to live with it, although admittingly life wouldn't be as fun anymore.

i acknowledge things will end badly because of our difference in decision making. i value thinking, while she values acting, which is why she decided on impulse, to shoot up with anesthetic. i would never do such a thing, and her impulsive nature will either lead to our deaths or our break up, i can already see it happening. if i were scared of losing her, i'd be giving her a pep talk everyday about how life is great and "please don't do anything stupid".

i came into the relationship wanting the good, prepared for the bad. if bad things happen, i can live with it.

why? because at the end of the day of every single day, i'm still breathing. selfish, yeah. but life trumps love, friend.

i'd still go on living with a void in my heart that could never be filled, but at least it's still beating strong.

>> No.6936837
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Girl I'd been seeing broke it off & now she's hitting me up

What do /fa/m?
She ultra hot&cold because of a resent ex, but we are really into each other when we're together

>lots of long light skirts(the ones with a long slit to show all dat leg) & high wasted things, spandex tights but also has linens & things

>her tops range with what she's wearing
>lots of mid rift

>> No.6936850

>life trumps love
exactly my point.

i had a long post written, but theres no point in me posting it.
i'm not trying to correct you or out to prove you wrong. i just want to try and explain why your outlook is wrong, but it's something you'll pick up from experience. your mind is made up.

just know that "she's truly something i wouldn't find anywhere else in the world" is one of the most laughable cliches i hear about girls.

>i'd still go on living with a void in my heart that could never be filled
this is the problem.
doubt you'll address it because your cool romantic thoughts will get in the way.

i know i sound bitter, but i legitimately feel for you.
i've been there, rationalizing all her flaws and erratic behavior.

when you fall in "love" with someone, you see them in a much more positive light. love distorts reality.

it's like looking back on old picture and thinking "wtf was i wearing" when at the time you thought you looked great.

>> No.6936863

>Girl I'd been seeing broke it off & now she's hitting me up

that is very typical female behavior, and there are a lot of reasons for why they do it.
the main reason is for validation.
something like having cake and eating it as well.

you shouldn't give her any attention, but you will.
i'm assuming you want to get back with her, right?

have you been sexual with her at all recently?

>> No.6936903

Yeah I do..
Not recently exactly, earlier this month

>> No.6936911

she's disgusting, sorry.

>> No.6936934

why would you post that pic?
keep that to yourself.

it's obnoxious when guys try to convince people their GF is hot, and even worse when she isn't hot at all.

>> No.6936937

man, you're a cunt.

>> No.6936944

yo don't listen to nobody

sounds like you really love her and that's what matters most because when it comes down to it, you're the one smashing her ass, and nobody else

>> No.6936949

maybe, but it was a legit question.
why would you post that pic?

even if your girl was hot, why would you post her pic?

>> No.6936960

Because he thinks she's attractive? And is proud of that?
There is no universal scale of attractiveness.
You sound like the kind of cunt who rates girls and fits out of ten.

>> No.6936962


no, shes just fat.

>> No.6936965

That's you in the picture isn't it?

>> No.6936972

you have it backwards.
i don't rate girls in 1-10 scales, and i sure as fuck don't rate fits.

which is why i don't understand people posting pics of their GF.
well, i do understand why they do it, but it's lame.

you want comments on how other people feel about your girl?
you need some validation?

>> No.6936988
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Yeah, because she totally looks like she browses /fa/.

>> No.6936989

Not much at all according to /fa/, she just managed to persuade me into buying a snapback.

>Snapbacks are effay, r-right?

>> No.6937012

Are you implying that everyone that browses /fa/ looks a certain way?

>> No.6937032

they can be, as long as they're not shit

>> No.6937075

please tell me you're not serious

>> No.6937098

>listens to relatively effay music
>knows a good amount of people in the "indie" entertainment industry
>6'2", 170 lbs, pale blue eyes, dark brown wavy hair, pale + freckled
>thom browne, usually what he's dressed in
>studied film, now owns a business (unrelated to film industry), basically has good taste in everything media-wise
>sarcastic, funny in that mildly asshole way, stoic sometimes, but a good person deep down
>extremely dominant in bed, has a gravelly voice and a huge dick
>boxes and rows crew, well-read, charming to strangers, hit on in public, generally well liked without trying

fuck as I type this I realize how much I lucked out

>> No.6937127

>good person deep down

your throat?

>> No.6937144


no he's a demon when he's in there

>> No.6937145

do you think you would still like him if he had a small dick?

>> No.6937146

She is getting there. Last week we cleaned out her wardrobe, threw away around 60-70% of everything there. Like most women she has a preference for quantity over quality.

>> No.6937175



I think that the physical sensation would probably be objectively different, but that's 99.9% irrelevant once one is in love. It's ultimately about the person one's with and the connection. But then again, I'm one of those people who can't separate emotions from sex.

>> No.6937180
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>Asking Alexandria

>> No.6938144

You gonna try making her streetwear ? also you know some good streetwear stores in Amsterdam perhaps ?

>> No.6938381

>wear all black clothes, black jeans, black shirts and black cardigans
>listens to almost everything I listen to. (SALEM, De De Mouse, Sigur Rós, Lil Ugly Mane etc.)
>has ADD
>from iceland
>very pale skin
>brown eyes
>almost white hair
>52 kg
>167 cm
She's mentally unstable but so I am so w/e

>> No.6938454

Nah, she isn't really into sneakers and all. We're just getting rid off that frivolous poly cotton h&m junk and replacing it for quality basic items.

In Amsterdam:

290sqm, Ben G, Patta, Sneaker district & maybe SPRMRKT & F-O-U-R. But the last 2 aren't really streetwear.

>> No.6938472

Another anon here; totally unrelated but, do you still have your store? and what's the link if you do?

>> No.6939019

It's tough dating a 16 year old scene kid, mayn

>> No.6939070

>bear mode
>listens to an assortment of electronica and relaated genres/subgenres
>hates smoking
>hates alcohol
>hates drugs
Not at all. It's okay though, I like manly men.

>> No.6939139

>our tastes are so hipstar that we've never heard of half the things we listen to
please stop trying so hard nobody thinks you're a hipster just another trendslave

>> No.6939174

which one?
i have like 400 gfs and am very popular and sexually skilled.
i am also strong.

>> No.6939206
File: 39 KB, 640x480, IMG952294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six feet tall
Sex in public
Solid library
Rich blood
Thigh gap

Where was this photo taken?
I like this

>> No.6939219

>Be married 5'6 brazilian guy
>Perfect tan, 10/10 face
>was pretty fit when we started dating but we both let ourselves go a bit, we're getting a gym membership again next month
>dresses like your average guy, graphic tees and cargo shorts
>Not /fa/ but not fedora tier either
>Plays video games, likes daft punk and some J-Pop but is pretty meh about music overall
>Is a biologist
>Pretty manly, chest hair etc

I bet I could turn him into being /fa/ but I don't really want to. He's great the way he is

>> No.6939215

Are you seriously implying instagram is bad?

>> No.6939225

>>Be married TO a 5'6 brazilian guy

fixed, oops

>> No.6939229

i have a folder of over 5000 gifs.
mostly cool dogs.

my sex game is significantly stronger than yours. i can fap for 2 days straight without cumming and i have the video to prove it.

>> No.6939251
File: 1.81 MB, 320x240, 1369307747565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS here is an example of just ONE of my gifs.
10/10 even with crabs

>> No.6939254

dude what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.6939272

tumblr core/japanese inspo/streetwear gf
2/10 some days 9/10 some days

>> No.6939282

I got scared and thought the crab might pinch the dog's face or something

>> No.6939287
File: 460 KB, 500x317, 1361246631339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should make a thread on /an/ and post them there. I also have a pretty big animal .gif folder and I'm always looking for more

>> No.6939289

You have a problem.

>> No.6939332
File: 1.20 MB, 400x225, 1369181852571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't really have 5000 pics. more like 10, but yea,
dog gifs are off the chain.

>> No.6939358
File: 2.92 MB, 199x247, Too Much Socks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a dog gif thread

>> No.6939355

do you have any dog pics of like dogs doing either weird or human things

like the ones where they are drinking wine or getting hit by freebees?

>> No.6939365
File: 60 KB, 600x497, 1305696960243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curvy and muscular
>crop tops
>maxi and maxi skirts
>jeans, jeans shorts
>cute as fuck glasses
>apple/google geek
>social media lurker
>awesome and diverse music taste
>bikes/swims a shit ton

Those things don't scream effay but they fit her really well. And we look hella fucking awesome together, so I'm okay with that.

>> No.6939370
File: 1.80 MB, 359x221, 52.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6939391
File: 1.93 MB, 180x297, 1369306580227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is a must read:


or just read this since it's online for free:

>> No.6939398


although my ex was pretty much the meaning of anti/fa/

>> No.6939415

>never leaves house without dressing up
>does everything I ask of here
>Family started a fortune 500 company
>Met her when she was abroad in the states studying for her masters in finance
>speaks english with qt french accent
>literally warhols in her bathroom
>very nice

but she moved back to Paris so I haven't seen in months :'(

>> No.6939420

My gf is a cunt and we fight all the time. Is that /fa/?

>> No.6939422

>tfw you are one of her boyfriends
>tfw long distance relationships are completely practical and have great odds

>> No.6939435

>uses a blackberry bold
>clothes always fit perfectly
>wears really nice khakis + new balances most of the time casually, paired with an AA basic
>all Mexx dress clothes
>classy drunk

not so effay
>loves top 40 music

Shit music and everything, he is my qt3.14

>> No.6939450

>tfw she drunk calls me every time she drinks and tells me how much she loves and misses me.
>tfw being this insecure

>> No.6939454

and we were in an e-relationship for 3 years before we met irl. you can do it, anon, let the power of love take over

>> No.6939463

>tfw two nights ago making out with girl and we were both drunk
>i leave for a bit
>i come back she's on the phone with her BF crying about missing him so much
>she hangs up and walks right back over to me
>i think you know what happens next

not saying it's happening to you, but it's very common for girls to do shit like that after feeling guilty.
basically they are reading you for clues, and making sure you don't suspect anything. they want to make sure you are still there, so they can get away without feeling guilty.

theres a lot to it, but it's typical female thinking.

>> No.6939471

i've been on the other side of this as well, so i've learned my lesson the hard way.
it's just how it is.

>> No.6939483

>Wears shit like thick keffiyehs as scarfs like most hipsters
>Extremely shy, doesnt even speak to strangers
>Purple hair

>> No.6939512
File: 35 KB, 640x426, 75c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is so depressing

>> No.6939517

This. I never let my gfs talk to me that way. I just roughhandle her on the stop and make them say thank you to my dick and apologize to me.

>> No.6939558

Fuck. My drunk fuck self meant to write

>maxi and short skirts


>> No.6939616

But at the same time, I was with the girl for 1.5 years and she never once showed a hint of interest in other guys, and I never press her its always her on me.

>> No.6941924

misandry bubble was a major eye-opener for me, although it's not as black and white as the article makes it look it has a lot of valid points.