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/fa/ - Fashion

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6927598 No.6927598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>start college
>while meeting people end up getting dragged into a group with some lame wannabes
>girl mentions how much she loves fashun and how she's always daydreaming about modifying things
>i casually namedrop raf, yohji and damir during a conversation to see if i get a response
>obv she doesn't know any
>she is terribly dressed, poor and very insecure about her status
>comments on strangers' fits
>we go to the mall during lunchtime to grab a bite
>she walks into a fucking zara
>mfw the entire time

this is going to be the most cancerous of semesters

>> No.6927605

>i wish life was like 4chan i could just switch threads or something
stop going on 4chan m8

>> No.6927602

btw i know this sounds petty but i wouldn't care if she wasn't petty as fuck herself

she keeps babbling about how she loves #fashun and insulting strangers' fits but she doesn't know shit about fashion herself

i wish life was like 4chan i could just switch threads or something

>> No.6927609

i barely come here these days since i don't have the time, js tho

>> No.6927610


No, thank you. This seems like it'd be better served on /soc/.e

>> No.6927615

>start college, p excited about it
>meeting a lot of new people, exchanging our interests
>talk about some fashion trends that I've been following, tell me about my internship at Betsey Johnson this past summer
>really awkward kid who looks like he's emaciated or sucked all of his weight into stomach butts in and starts talking about his fashion taste
>name-dropping designers like he has a verse on an asap rocky song, trying to impress everyone when we're just trying to contain our laughter.
>shit-talks everyone who walks by and critiques what they're wearing, even though he's wearing a leather t-shirt and the same sweatpants that justin beiber had on a while ago
>try to get away from him but he follows me to Panda Express at the mall
>always muttering "fuck-boy" and "that's so autism" whenever someone talks or passes by him.
>go into Zara to get away from him, thankfully he doesn't follow.

>> No.6927614


>> No.6927616

do they sell food in zara now?

>> No.6927620

>my internship at Betsey Johnson

close enough

she worked at massimo dutti the """""""""""""""""fancy"""""""""""" (ughughguhgu) zara brand

>> No.6927621

stop complaining at least you have some people to hang around with

is she qt?

just teach her about fashion and turn her into the friend you do want

>> No.6927619

Nobody cares, and that's the truth.

>> No.6927622

>"I'm scared to seem unsociable and a loner so I force myself to hang with people I don't like and act like I'm better than them even through I'm probably a fuckin boring loser who can't keep a conversation with Rick"
Rick will slap your ass with his dick

>> No.6927623

>is she qt?


also i dont feel like teaching her anything since she's a miserable person i just wish i was surrounded by better ppl

>> No.6927624

just because she doesn't browse shitty online fashion forums like you, oh-so-fashion-knowledgeable OP, doesn't mean she's not into fashion. so she hasn't been exposed to designers, boo fucking hoo. that doesn't make you better than she is, it just means you can name drop some designers. i bet you were wearing stupid mall tier asos shit anyway. get off your high horse, asshole.

>> No.6927626

ok dude
think about urself 1 yr ago
weren't u like her?

be her friend op friends are good to have
not everyone has 2 be on ur level life isn't a strategy game

>> No.6927627

rick would rub his dick all over every fuccboi in this board then they'd mutter "t-thank y-you o-our s-savior"

>> No.6927629

>doesn't mean she's not into fashion

>"being into fashion"
>not knowing shit about fashion

hey guys math is my passion who was pythagoras :~)

lel ok kid

>> No.6927630
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OP what were u wearing

>numerical captchas
have we run out of letter combinations?
how long has 4chan had recaptcha

>> No.6927632

>be an autistic nerd
>somehow start hanging out with 'cool kids'
>their idea of a good time consists of getting drunk and then unsuccessfully approaching fat foreign girls
>also smoke pot every weekend

could be way worse

>> No.6927635

>think about urself 1 yr ago
>weren't u like her?

no a year ago i was saving up for my 1st damir piece

and before i ever got into anything i was never obnoxious about "luving fashion" and insulting starnger's fits

it's not that she has no taste that bothers me, it's that she has no taste but she believes her fits are any less bad than the other hicks'

>> No.6927638

Holy shit kill youself right now

>> No.6927639

she's essentially has the proto-/fa/ mindset m8
Just try to explain to her why it isn't cool to hate on other ppl fits like that (but don't get preachy)

have you ever considered that she was trying to impress you?

>> No.6927641

white cps
cropped ymc navy chinos
white apc button up

>> No.6927645

>have you ever considered that she was trying to impress you?

i hope not that's an awful way 2 establish rapport (by insulting outsiders)

>> No.6927648

She prob. was
Just try to empathize dude

She sees that ur good at the ###FASHUN### so she's trying to impress you by dissing fits

just chill du

>> No.6927650

>Get sucked into lame group.
Idk how that happens.
All you have to do is literally not talk to them.

>> No.6927652

i am very passive and polite
like even tho i'm sperging out here, all i do is smile and nod irl

>> No.6927655

bY mySeLF

>> No.6927660

sounds like me
>end up hanging out with people i dont like and i seem like a shy faggot because not really interested in what theyre saying

how to be changd man???

>> No.6927657

this too tbh
idk what i hate more, being alone or with ppl i dislike

if i'm alone i get depressed
if i'm with ppl i dislike i get tired and upset


>> No.6927668

>open mouth
>voice real opinion
>walk away to fund ur likes

>> No.6927681

depressing and time goes by 2 slowly

>> No.6927679

What is wrong with being by yourself

>> No.6927690

U ain't in school m8 study you fag and what is 4chan

>> No.6927688


too self conscious, overthink simple things like going into a store even, get paranoid that I look like a joker

when I'm with someone I don't give as much of a fuck, it's much more relaxing, I'm not afraid of looking silly

>> No.6927700


sounds fun and is better than what im doing at the moment

>> No.6927707

its obviously better to have friends

>> No.6927714

But it's better to be alone than to hang with people you dislike

>> No.6927709


Jesus christ op if you don't like her don't talk to her, that easy. If you're miserable because of this its because your a beta fucciboi.

>> No.6927747

na, doing shit with people even if you arent that fond of them is still better than sitting in your room reading /fa/

>> No.6927754

and it can also lead to meeting people you do like

>> No.6927762

Too bad you be wishing you were somewhere else when spending time with faggot friends

>> No.6927773

You will at the beginning hanging with people you like if you had the social skills rather with shitty people
You have shit social skills

>> No.6927775
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>implying hanging out with uncool people and pretending you're better than them is cool

>> No.6927781

>i hope not that's an awful way 2 establish rapport (by insulting outsiders)
>posts a thread here on /fa/ talking shit about some girl for not knowing things most people on /fa/ know (identifying her as an outsider) in hopes of being related to
Check yourself.

>> No.6927785

>idk what i hate more, being alone or with ppl i dislike
Sounds like they're the same thing m8
Maybe you should strive to be a better person until you can actually enjoy your own company. If you can't even enjoy spending time with you, imagine how either people feel about spending time with you.

>> No.6927823

it's funny because if you could actually make cool friends you wouldn't be hanging around with people you don't like
either realise that you're as bad as they are and accept them for who they are, or ditch them and try and find people you deem worthy of your company (and probably just end up alone)

>> No.6927835

I think it's somewhat telling that despite how much you dislike this girl, it didn't occur to you that you could just not be friends with her, but instead you decided to just vent on 4chan while presumably staying connected with her.

>> No.6927860

>be in secondary school
>reasonably well liked in general but most of my closer friends are kinda nerdy
>they play magic the gathering, league of legends, watch anime, etc. (and i did too)
>pretty decent mix of males and females in the group, some of us are in relationships, majority of us have had sex
>the girls are cute too (except for one fat smelly slut who spent all her time falling in and out of love with 2 ugly socially inept guys)

>have some 'cooler' friends too, the kind that get invited to all the big parties and shit
>go along to a music festival with them
>complete sausage fest
>they all always go on about how we're gonna be bringing girls back to our tents every night
>go on about girls and sex constantly
>hit on every girl in sight
>they're all virgins and none of them got anything the whole festival, plus they were too busy getting drunk and hitting on girls to enjoy much of the music

the 'cool kids' are fucking boring man

>> No.6927877

Lol, you can be polite without being passive.
Just make it a rule to not exchange contact info of any kind with people you don't want to hang out with.

>> No.6927971

>since she's a miserable person
this sounds like you

Unless you live in NYC everyone will be like this, stop having high expectations of people

>> No.6927984
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>implying you have to dress well to be into fashion

>> No.6927995

implying he wasnt going for a 2nxtlvl4thisearth silhouette.