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/fa/ - Fashion

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6912134 No.6912134 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw only reason to look forward to the next day is so that i can start running again
>tfw feel like a champion of all earth and africa whilst running
>tfw ultimate freedom and joy whilst on the road
>tfw 28 kilometers of open road are the only reason you want to live
>tfw life is beginning to be so dull
>tfw only want gyakosou gear to be both /fa/ and championship holder

>> No.6912140
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>tfw whenever i try to go for a jog i start itching all over and my underwear rides up and my asthma flares up and i'm just miserable by the time i get home
not a good feel

>> No.6912153

>tfw if you ran now nobody could stop you

>> No.6912176

see a doctor and get a advice on how to continue.its proll;y the best feelings ive ever had in life,2nd only to love

>> No.6912192
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>tfw used to run a decent amount before summer
>tfw got sick and couldnt run as much after that because of laziness/work
>tfw running more now that im back at school
>tfw im losing weight again and girls are hitting on me
>tfw not sure if they really like me but just glad because kissless virgin

good feels but still wish i had a gf :(

>> No.6912215

>tfw you have permanent knee damage and can never run as fast as you used to
>tfw you were on varsity but then had to quit

>> No.6912228

I'm starting to think I use running as a way to run away from my "problems".
keep shooting them hoops son,you'll dunk eventually.you have an opportunity utilise it,dont be a miserable shitposter like TroalPost!!M/8ntLE+we3 is.

>> No.6912242

Is it ok to start running while I am weight training? Not trying to get big, but I do want a little more muscle and good cardiovascular health.

>> No.6912246

What about swimming? Much more fun for me and it feels so nice on your body.

>> No.6912254

thanks m8, just getting mixed signals is all

i think ill ask one to do something with me at some point in the next week

>> No.6912268

if you're not overdoing it, sure. don't get scared by the ''cardio kills gains'' myth. just make sure your weight is going up and you're not depleting yourself.

>> No.6912274
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good luck
dont fuck it up
feels are only reserved for nerds and shitposters like us

>> No.6912292

been running for a few months because i have huge legs and want to slim down
my legs aren't slimming down at all despite having lost 5kg so far

fuck the earth

>> No.6912306

I feel so cool when running on the sidewalk at dusk while the cars pass by, I also suck my cheekbones in while doing that

>> No.6912308

Same problem. I do sprint workouts instead. Maximum amount of effort put into a quick burst of activity. That shit feels good afterward, when your testosterone's off the charts. I still want to incorporate more jogging though.

>> No.6912320

more on this

if I keep running will my legs slim eventually or due to the fact I have naturally quite muscular legs they'll just stay the same ?

perhaps I should get a wheelchair and whittle them down

>> No.6912339


I'm willing to bet you're both hungry skeletons and your legs aren't actually that huge. Build your upper body and they'll look more proportionate.

On a side note though, running doesn't really give you bigger legs except perhaps when you first start doing it. Notice how sprinters have hueg legs - because they weight train for power - while long-distance runners are sticks.

>> No.6912340

I haven't sprinted for 3-4 months now but I'm gonna incorporate it again for this f/w clean bulk/glycogen refill
my current schedule is hill sprints at wednesday, jogging at sunday and lifting the 5 other days

>> No.6912353

a big part of the leg size on sprinters comes from the actual sprinting, not the weightlifting (inb4 you post pictures of roided up black sprinters, they may do olylift but the impact isn't really needed for their legs to grow)

weight training for power doesn't guarantee hypertrophy btw, this coming from a 3 year lifter

>> No.6912355

nah my legs have always been huge from sports as a youngster, not even really hungry skeleton
I suppose I'll just have to power through and hope in a month or two they've started to thin


>> No.6912372

Sounds good. In my opinion, that's a very good cardio regimen. Not too much, not too little, and mixed kinds. I live in a place surrounded by mountains, so I'd love to try sprints up the sides of them.

>> No.6912379

How do I make running fun? I want to lose weight but it's loud as fuck when I run. I currently ride my bike but it's making my thighs too big.

>> No.6912383


Ah, my bad

But a lot of it is because fast-twitch muscle fibres are much bigger than slow-twitch, right?

I know your feel, except I'm a former fatty with big legs from carrying my weight around.

>> No.6912414


I've always found running pretty fun anyway, but listen to music if you're bored I guess

>> No.6912422

I have this with cruising on the longboard, which I started recently. Never felt so incredibly good.

Running is cool, too.

>> No.6912482

i listen to music. it's the best way to push yourself and have fun. alternative is audiobooks. also note that you should run more than 30 minutes, because after 30 minutes you have the best chance to get into the "runner's high".

alternative is to get a treadmill and put it in front of the TV.

>> No.6913350

>put in front of tv
i know youre not able to enjoy the scenery outside,but ergh nothuing makes me vegg out like the telly-blim-bloom zippy-zapper-box

>> No.6913988

I love running but i also love smoking cigarettes and weed so idk it fucking sucks because i'm starting to get fat again

>> No.6914015

You mustn't run away, Shinji

>> No.6914058
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>tfw OCBDs and chinos are considered overdressing in the UK
>tfw a flatmate wears an ugly, grey polo, red chinos and ugly, cheap chelsea boots and they call him "posh". I wonder what they call me
>tfw everyone is staring at me

>> No.6914078


>> No.6914081

stopped reading

>> No.6914245

>being a Manc

>> No.6914274


>OXfords and chinos considered overdressing

Yeah, no. Wear chinos with boots, or not at all. You'll often get called a chino wanker by people that don't like them, ignore them, they're cunts.

Or wear chinos that aren't tan/sand, no one in England here can tell when someone is wearing chinos aside when they're "those sand/tan coloured shits"

You'll be fine.

Source: I'm English

>> No.6914584
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>tfw you finish an awesome run and still have the whole day ahead of you

Who here knows this feel

>> No.6914593

I start my day with an awesome run.
everything is so meaningless in comparison

>> No.6914628

I can't run for more than like 15 mins before I get terrible hurty pains in my sides

>> No.6914641

I got to start doing this again 8)
Used to do 5 AM runs every day. It was the dopest.

>> No.6914730

I hear that's an early warning symptom of either erectile dysfunction or baldness.

>> No.6914764
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>> No.6914767
File: 33 KB, 400x391, Marathon-Runner-vs-Sprinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6914789

Reminder to never run more than an hour.

>> No.6914796


imagine trying to wear jeans with those sprinters legs ewwwwwww

>> No.6914804

Stop running and just eat less retard unless you run for over an hour you aren't burning muscle.

>> No.6914805

The marathoner physique is much more /fa/

>> No.6914806

i can vouch for this, came from /fit/. finding jeans or even trousers that fit and don't make you look like a prick once your squat gets respectable is a nightmare

>> No.6914807

>tfw I'd rather look like the guy on the left

>> No.6914811

actually HIIT such as sprinting can also lead to muscle growth due to the explosiveness of the movements (if you're doing it right)

>> No.6914812


>tfw you get a nice run done in the morning and because of the endorphins you feel great for the rest of the day
>people feel your positive vibes and respond accordingly, cementing in a great day

What are some good running shoes for medium distance running (12-15km)? I would cop Nikes for dat /fa/ life but my brother says they're shite functionality-wise. Are Gyakusou trainers actually good for running?

>> No.6914818

Trunks, we have enough people who like feminine men with twerk, uhh, tomato, and prophet. You're redundant. Being effeminate after 19 isn't a good thing.

>> No.6914829

trunks is prophet u dipshit

>> No.6914827

Reread my post and then read yours again.

>> No.6914835


what the fuck?

>> No.6914843

wow are u literally retarded

>> No.6914845

Lol he changed his name? I haven't been on since last semester. I'll have to start spamming trunks with the picture of him in that stupid floral tank with his shitty kitchen in the background.

>> No.6914853


>> No.6914867
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>> No.6914865

Dude that pic has been added to and annotated in your absence. Just wait until you see the new one!

>> No.6914862

Sorry, I just hate you and I want you to go. I'd post it now but I'm on my phone.

>> No.6914876

definite autism

>> No.6914889

race me faggot. race me right now.

>> No.6914906

Good, I fucking hate that guy. What country does he live in?

>> No.6914941

uh's definitely feminine

>> No.6914942
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>> No.6914945


y cant we just b nice to each other ;____l

>> No.6914962


>> No.6914963
File: 71 KB, 400x533, 1378559772403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6915030

>tfw you burn so many calories in a 40 minute lift session and still have the rest of the day to jack off
>no fap
>tfw gf

>> No.6915022

I'm talking about prophet/trunks. You and the others are fine. He has never contributed anything ever and is caustic toward everything and everyone. This spring you couldn't scroll the first page without seeing him insulting someone and just namecalling rather than arguing.

>> No.6915025



Im mirin. atm i'm doing about 6-7km. But it does feel awesome getting a run in early

I too would like to know about good shoes for running. Anyone got suggestions?

>> No.6915036

Lol, dem hips. Are your shoulders really that narrow? Lmfao

>> No.6915037

nothing counteracts shitposting like more shitposting

>> No.6915052

>tfw you feel much better after a nice long run than an hour session lifting weights

Lifting just makes me feel uptight and a little angry (still enjoy it though). Running makes me feel happy and positive about life.

>> No.6915054

Grow up and do something outside of your hovel.

>> No.6915338
File: 112 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mftz93tuuS1qmpqfmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being effeminate after 19 isn't a good thing.

how old do u think i am

>> No.6915382

I'm not feminine I'm boyish