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/fa/ - Fashion

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6906473 No.6906473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Watch this video, and try to tell me that skating isn't /fa

>> No.6906506

>Being older than 14
>Skating and not looking like a shithead
pick 1

>> No.6906523

I use a cruiser to get to uni and back.
I don't do any fancy tricks like the guy in the OP, though.
Mainly because I only see it as a means of transportation.
Secondly because I have neither the time nor the determination to learn stuff like that.

>> No.6906530

Check this one too, this guy looks cool as fuck.


>> No.6906539

fuck trying to be effay skating is way cooler anyway

>> No.6906548

>Riding anything other than a cruiser board for transportation and fun

>> No.6906550

damn that dude is fuckin' insane

>> No.6906564

Dylan Reider and Austyn Gillette are both /fa/ as fuck !

>> No.6906569

wtf are cruisers? is that britfag for long boards?

long boards are for autists. Now I'm not saying that skating is /fa/, but it's a whole hell of a lot better than "cruisers"

riding a long board just screams out "look at me, I can't really skate" only nerdy ass college dweebs ride longboards.

>> No.6906576

basically you are saying you are full blown faggot, you either skate and use it for everything else just coz its fun to you or you are faggot who try to look badass without being one.

So suck it man fags like you give bad name for us.

>> No.6906590


>everyone who rides a bike should know how to do tricks and live the "biker" lifestyle

pls kill urself sk8er boy

>> No.6906585

A cruiser is a normal sized board for just riding around you dumb fuck. Google something before you bash it.

>> No.6906587

>5 min video
>2 seconds of actual skating

>> No.6906598

They may as well be kings of /fa/ especially Dylan

>> No.6906610

Bikes are many types faggot, skate is just generally street or any transition skating with normal boards or longboarding witch is something different, and mainly cruzers are toys for the sk8ters boys fagit

>> No.6906617
File: 485 KB, 480x504, Bale 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a poser and thinking you're better than actual skaters
>Being hated by the community you want to be a part of
>Being a mouthbreather hackey-sack fag

Nice penny board brah

>> No.6906627

>bothered by people exercising and having fun
>being this autistic


>> No.6906629

That's the exact same thing as saying BMX bikes, and Fixies are the same thing. One is targeted towards people actually wanting to do tricks, another for faggots who just want to look effay.

>> No.6906638

i used to skate a lot. growing up in los angeles, skating everyday, smoking weed, doing acid and x, sleeping on strange people's couches. it was pretty cool.

>> No.6906634

>skates invented by surfers almost 30 years ago
>street and tranny skating just 20 years old
>implying the bike is this young device with history of being used 99% of the time for tricks

pls stop emberrassing yourself

>> No.6906647

I don't even skate. I used to but stopped. It's a nice hobby for some, but it's not for me. But don't lie to yourself and say that people who ride longboards aren't just people who wanna skate but can't. Certainly there are a minority of people who just ride "cruisers" for transportation, but the majority of them are lame ass college kids who always wanted to skate but are too scared to actually try it.

>> No.6906653

skateboards are pretty shit for transportation. theres no reason to use them over a bike unless you do tricks on them. thats just a poor comparison.

>> No.6906686

>Implying I want to be part of a community of 15 year olds
>Implying I ride a Penny and not a Stereo Vinyl
>Implying you get as much enjoyment from riding down steep hills as I do

Have fun with your ollies bitch nigga

>> No.6906694

pretty much this
either you have no other option, or you are poser kid or some mid age faggot who want to "exercize" or some shit like that.
I even know ppl who skate for more than 10 years and use bikes to go from A to B instead of skating

>> No.6906700

just googled it. so it's also for people who can't handle an actual skateboard. ok.

>> No.6906705

I sure feel sorry for your lame ass, I mean if I ever see some bitch ass faggot on the street like you... man you dont even deserve wasting my time and energy to beat the shit outa you. Hope your rich daddy and mommy save you if you are that big of a bitch irl

>> No.6906719
File: 228 KB, 526x426, Screen shot 2013-09-15 at 21.17.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha holy shit you actually ride a penny I knew it

If you knew anything about skateboarding you would have got a Zipzinger for cruising you fucking douchebag!

>Defending yourself
>Penny boards are more fun

Pic related it's how everyone looks at you you dumb cunt

>> No.6906720

this thread is thread is like putting a projector in a room full of mirrors and the picture is spaghetti

>> No.6906722

>implying the community contains mainly 15 year olds
nice suburb you live in
>implying stereo vinyl isnt the knockoff version

your drive way doesnt count as a steep hill

>> No.6906746

it's also way more convenient if you're using it to get somewhere.

>> No.6906743

I want that life. Fuck my small town.

>> No.6906745

just bike nigga wtf skateboards are really loud and inefficient and longboards look fucking stupid

>> No.6906749
File: 32 KB, 453x500, Steve O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steep hills


>> No.6906763

Skateboards are more convenient if its under a mile. You can just carry them vs/ having to lock them up somewhere.

>> No.6906760
File: 124 KB, 509x352, steveolson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skate video
no, THIS is a skate video

>not implying Austyn isn't a great skater, 'cos he is

>> No.6906771

Let's throw hands then hoe

>Implying I want a board not made out of indestructible plastic

Stay mad

Steep as your mom's pussy fag

>> No.6906778

like this faggot can stand or do a powerslide with his fucked up 2 years old sister's pink penny downa a real hilll

>> No.6906784

Fuck off fruitbooter

>> No.6906781

This gotta be b8

>> No.6906793

u seems to be the only mad in the whole thread and in the same time not welcome in it or irl by the skate community

I mean if you ever skated you would be talking shit like that and you will know that you sound ridiculis xD

>> No.6906811

>basically you are saying you are full blown faggot, you either skate and use it for everything else just coz its fun to you or you are faggot who try to look badass without being one.

I use it as a means of transportation. I don't use bikes because they cost extra when I use the train (which I do a lot). I don't use roller skates because they are impractical, so the only thing left was either a scooter or a skateboard. I chose the skateboard.

If you're sad that people don't use their boards to do tricks on halfpipes because they have an actual life and actual obligations then cry harder. I don't really care. I don't need to learn tricks because I don't need to be able to do them.

that's wrong.

the average time you possess a bike in my city is about 2 months. then it gets stolen. When I get off my board, I put it on my backpack and enter the university. Other people have to secure their bikes next to the parking lot and probably end up without a bike a couple hours later.

>> No.6906820

Bitch, my dad helped invent skateboarding in dog town back in the day. He rode boards made of stones faggot, so shut up I know more about this than you do

>> No.6906819

whats ur major :3

>> No.6906833
File: 47 KB, 720x558, curlgurltalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks anyone will watch his 360p video

>> No.6906834


>> No.6906837

lol get off 4chan only stem majors are /fa/

>> No.6906849

Is he ashamed of you?

>> No.6906854

4chan has other boards than /fa/ you know.
and I studied chemistry for 2 semesters, but I didn't like the career prospects. So now I'm doing law and will specialise in pharma/patent law.

>> No.6906865

alright good luck man, sounds interesting
i love you

>> No.6906869

I skate for more than 10 years (24 now) and I dont like skating trannys and never actually skated halfpipe in my entire life (mainly coz in france there is not so much to start with) and well, the point is 80% of modern, no californian skaters skate street

And I can tell you I have an actual life too, I already have my architect degree in Germany and I work 20 hours a week while making more than your entire family.

In the same time I have thousends of friends around the globe just coz I actually skate, not like you faggot

>> No.6906874

I guess so

>> No.6906893

He hugs me everyday faggot

>> No.6906907

damn everyone in LA ismexican

>> No.6906905

thousands of friends around the globe, you make more than 200 k in a year with 20 hrs/week and still you have nothing better to do than flame other people on the internet because they have differing opinions on skateboarding.

seriously man, calm the fuck down and accept that there's people who use skateboards like other people use bikes, to get from A to B.

>> No.6906915


This is THE most /fa/ skating vid, as it's showcasing actual fashion, lel

>> No.6906919

this obsession with being cool is what makes all skaters look like douchebags to me. skaters are scum that kill their braincells on weed and retarded "streetwise" music like hip hop and hardcore punk.

>> No.6906924

im actually on a trip right now bitch

>> No.6906929

I was with you until you said hiphop. What's wrong with hiphop?

>> No.6906936

they are not obssesed, the obsessed ones are the faggots around them who cant skate, the actuall pros and ppl who skates dont care, the just have major fun while looking super cool and fuck all your bitches and mothers

>> No.6906952

That video makes me want to skate

fuck how do you start skating

>> No.6906990

... buy a skateboard?

In most places, the skate communities are really chilled out and friendly and you'll find someone who'll help you with the basics. most skaters are pretty nice guys, not like the tryhard whining bitches in this thread.

>> No.6906985

buy one, and you dont have chances if you are 18+
also the first 2 to 4 years depends on how quick you progress will pain in the ass
mentally and physicly
the actuall fun and pleasure form the procces comes after like 5 years

>> No.6907004

not him, but is a prebuilt bad for a beginner?

>> No.6907034

for a beginner its always better to buy second hand used one for 60 to 80% less the money and after few months like 2-3 buy new one, or atleast new deck

and after a year you will have better sense at witch is better for your prefference as sizes and brands

also watching skate videos and parts even ONLY in youtube is essential, do it at least ONCE a day.

>> No.6907043

go to the skateboard general on /asp/ they'll help ya

>> No.6907047

the douch skaters are mostly degenerates anyways

>> No.6907048

also avoid becoming a skaterat, shoprat etc
dont just hangout there, but skate every minute you can

>> No.6907057

when i see some skater phaggot in skinny jeans roll past me i always want to trip him with my leg. let's see how cool he will be with a broken nose.

>> No.6907063

b 12 yrs old

>> No.6907071
File: 5 KB, 300x300, dgk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah like you can do that if he is actually skates, I mean normal ppl will fall clumsy but most of the skater faggots would actually roll and most likely at least break your nose with the skate, and if he is ok dude he will just punch the shit outa u


>> No.6907081


yeah Im sure you will, phagot

>> No.6907083


if he dont fall ill continue to stomp th emotherfucker senselessl like a cockroach

>> No.6907108

just look
im sure your skinny ass wound do that

>> No.6907156
File: 81 KB, 482x331, 1362065069541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/int/ here.

You guys really think this (OP's pic) is fashionable? This is working class hipster teen clothing ...But I'd imagine that you guys are into that...

>> No.6907161

You can barely spell m8

>> No.6907174


>> No.6907175

Passion is /fa/. The people in your video look good because they're passionate, not because they're skating.

>> No.6907200

and you cant be passionned if you only copy some style without being part of the community >>6907174
having more bitches and fun at 16 than >>6907083
this faggot

>> No.6907219

Yes now fuck off loser

>> No.6907237

>and you cant be passionned if you only copy some style without being part of the community
That's simply wrong. Anyone can draw inspiration in their clothing from any community they're not a part of while still being passionate about something else entirely. Drop the 'us' and 'them' attitude. It's juvenile. The dude in your video would probably call you a poseur. You're basically claiming authenticity for your coolness with his accomplishments.

>> No.6907266
File: 43 KB, 500x376, 1367616953873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're calling me a loser when you're the one with a boner for fabrics?

>> No.6907313

>so many fucking posers

>> No.6907351

i went to the vans store and every single one of the employees was a stoned out douchebag skater boy. i can't tell if they were poseurs or not but you could practically smell the weed in the air. they should hire some people who look like respectable citizens. there were parents there shopping with their teenage daughters.

>> No.6907366

Great. Look at that guy, just skating...so much passion, not a care in the world. Look at all those other people just going about their business. He is okay with that but it's not for him. He's a skater, man. He just wants to skate...skate into the dark, warm, narcotic American night.

Come on guys. Outsiders have always been fashionable, but that was just an amateur, dull lifestyle advert. There are so many good examples of outliers, 40's motorcycle gangs or beatniks, that you don't need to resort to something as contrived and commercialised as the modern skateboarding scene.

>> No.6907380

Edgy sells. My parents were buying gifts for my cousins at fuckin zumiez, American youth culture is p annoying

>> No.6907420

I know all the guys who skateboard aged 18-21 in my town and they're all virgins who don't get invited to parties and spend all their time skateboarding, or if the weather is bad, playing video games. Skateboarding is like what nerds nowadays do, that scene needs to be left with the 13 year olds, it's like seeing a 30 year old wearing a batman tee.

>> No.6907426

Acctually one of them has a gf, but he also doesn't skate as often as them guys and his gf is both fat and ugly.

>> No.6907461

Fashion and looking good are two different things. I assume you are not from /int/ or you would have already known that. If you "imagine that [we] are into that" then for the most part you imagined correctly.

>> No.6907563



>> No.6907573

>riding a long board just screams out "look at me, I can't really skate" only nerdy ass college dweebs ride longboards.

This is so true, I can go faster on my regular board too, nothing more pathetic than seeing a longboarder pick up his board to go up a curb.

>> No.6907607


You know what, they don't want to go to your parties.

>> No.6907624

what's with all the hate in here?

>> No.6907690

Cruisers are faster so technically they are harder to handle than a regular skateboard.

>> No.6907701


this is an 18+ website

>> No.6907733

this hasnt been posted?


most /fa/ skate video there is or ever will be

>> No.6907724
File: 483 KB, 1360x1020, 3xtreme resized 4 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rode off and on since i was 9
i've never heard hate for longboarding or cruising as a discipline in person, it's all losers on the internet

>> No.6907794

It's poseurs, you fucking plebs.

>> No.6908892

skaters are the ultimate fuccbois. they ruin everyone elses shit, run into people, make tons of noise, and bring crime to otherwise nice areas, and then they get mad when people dont like them

>> No.6908914

So many lols, so many angry skater faggots up in here.

No, for real though, I love you guys. You always make sure to put the eggs in a separate bag and keep my McDonald's sauces stocked. Thanks guys.

>> No.6908960

>be me
>walking up crowded campus sidewalk during typical morning rush
>all of a sudden, see skateboarder coming down the hill
>riding in the street
>wispy figure in skinny pants, a t-shirt, sunglasses, and a backpack
>carelessly gliding back and forth from one side of the street to the other
>everyone on the sidewalk turning their heads to watch him, clearly in awe of his grace and skill

probably the single sexiest thing i've seen a male do.
i'm jealous as fuck of that guy, even as i'm typing this.

>> No.6908968

so many angry beta phaggots in here. which skater fucked your gf and cummed inside her m8


>> No.6909040


>> No.6909092

>people genuinely trying to upset other people who identify themselves as skaters itt
It's like I'm really in high school!

>> No.6909221

what kind of decks do you guys ride? Just snapped mine, and looking to get a new one, but I'm sick of all the boards designs that are essentially just advertisement.

>> No.6909314


>> No.6909339

Skateboarding is for kids. I wouldn't even consider dating a skateboarder because I like men, not boys.

>> No.6909359

Local shop blanks.

>> No.6909391

Krooked. Always.

>> No.6909386

Who are you?

>> No.6909492
File: 62 KB, 362x332, 1375568887816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
>hurr durr mah community

It's a fucking plank with weels, stop being so dense about it, plebs

>> No.6909515

http://vimeo.com/39920899 so /fa/

>> No.6910489

who gives a fuck what kind pf skateboard you ride just have fun on it...

>> No.6910521

Karma have always been good to me and last a few 6 months - a year, most decks just snap within a few months.
If I'm off filming/touring with a few mates I normally just grab some blank decks from the local shop or we'll all chip in to get like 12 decks between six of and save around £50-£100

>> No.6910546

If you think that a hobby like skateboarding determines whether someone is a "boy" or a "man", you have a lot of growing up ahead of you, sweetie.

>> No.6910551

Do you not have much time to skate then? Decks last a month for me and most mates(2/3months for the casuals)

landscape make the best shape. Baker have a reliable shape i guess. Palace is dead since they stopped doing pwbc and made shit tees for hypebeasts.

>> No.6910554

About a month ago I saw a businessman in the city, impeccably dressed, with a suitcase in one hand, riding down the street on a board. He was over 40 years of age and I thought it was pretty fucking cool.

>> No.6910558
File: 11 KB, 400x224, stock-footage-young-businessman-skateboarding-to-a-meeting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot, pic related. not the one I saw, but still.