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6888972 No.6888972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I don't want to live anymore

>> No.6888982


>posting on 4chan

>> No.6888978

iktf but you can't kill yourself

>> No.6888994


>> No.6889126

>My face is a 5/10 at best and I'm too skinny.

>I have a terrible personality: Low self-esteem, awkward, anxiety disorder (panic attacks), depressed, narcissistic, apathetic, lethargic.

>Used to be intelligent but ruined my potential. Have terrible memory and disassociation due to my depression/anxiety.

>Terrible at expressing myself, too shy to speak up, not enough willpower or determination to make progress in anything I do.

Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill myself. I'm just objectively a shitty, terrible human being. My life is worth nothing to anyone.

>> No.6889154

why not faggot

>> No.6889177

Because that would be giving up you pussy

>> No.6889182


I don't remember posting here...

>> No.6889189

Start with a steady diet. Everything will be ok.

I am 2/10 fat faggot.

>> No.6889186

But as I just described, giving up is just what I'm best at.
Maybe we can do it together.

>> No.6889199


Much love man

We'll all make it, just have to stick it out and it will happen.

Success isnt a matter of if, its a matter of when.

>> No.6889200

Ditto but I'm probably worse, I have acne ridden face with scars and shit. Though that was then. I took a job, try to get good/better at it and things started to change.

Still as shitty but it does serve as a distraction from feeling like shit all the time.

>> No.6889206

The problem is I'm a very picky eater, and it gets worse as time goes on, I start to hate things I used to enjoy. It's not just food, I'm enjoying everything less and losing interest in my hobbies.

>> No.6889214

Well thanks, I hope you're right.
I have acne too, which I forgot to mention, but no scars. Sorry about that man, but at least you're being positive about it.

>> No.6889230

>twf i could be a model if i wasent 5'7
i used to not care but this just got me into a frump since all i can look like is a cute kid
or a grrl

>> No.6889250
File: 7 KB, 251x234, 1370740335905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tell friend I like her
>tfw she says maybe its best to get over her and to stop texting each other as she has a bf
>tfw don't want to lose a friend
>tfw had a nap and woke up feeling really sad
>tfw was holding my phone in my hand expecting her to text
>tfw phone did actually go but it was a text from a qt I got a number off yesterday
>about to ask her if she wants to go for a drink

I hope she says yes, I feel like shit

>> No.6889264

>but at least you're being positive about it
That's the hardest part.

Just relax, chill, and pull yourself together. Aim for something and start working slowly on it.

>> No.6889291

something that i believed all my life is that if you are intelligent enough, you can do anything you want to. You just got to really put in the hours. You feel depressed? Find something you really love and pursue it. Doesn't matter what it is, could be being a brony for all i care. Shy? Dedicate yourself to talking to people everyday. I used to be ridiculously shy when i was younger. had no idea how to have a conversation. Go to your local park, starbucks, anything really and talk to people. Changing yourself semantically is one of the hardest things to do, but the outcome is a better life, so its worth it.

>> No.6889294

how to get over girl quickly? I think keeping busy is best

>> No.6889287

Thanks, I think I'm going to just try stop worrying about my appearance for the moment and work on my music. Also, I gotta get off this Xanax shit.

>> No.6889307


I swear it's like I'm writing all of this

Keep faith anon just try to take it easy

>> No.6889310
File: 14 KB, 630x450, everyonesfear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i could've breathed in pure oxygen if it wasnt for those damn factories
>tfw i could've gotten out of bed if only the blanket wasnt too heavy
>tfw i couldve done something instead of posting feels
>tfw tfw i could be living
>tfw i haven't moved out of bed since the start of my life and have a computer by my bedside

>> No.6889313

Damn that benzo withdrawal is terrible

>> No.6889315

bless you

>> No.6889321
File: 14 KB, 645x773, this is me feeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6889330

When I had a fallout with a girl about 6 months back, I felt pretty devastated. Instead of dwelling on it I looked to personal interests, self-development, and friends. After awhile she started talking to me again, probably because she saw how I took the let-down in stride and didn't let it faze me in the slightest. I didn't care to start anything though so I stayed polite and haven't really talked to her since. I am perfectly content with the situation and honestly wouldn't have changed the outcome.

In short, find an outlet and stick to it. I chose guitar and spending more time with friends. It pays off.

>> No.6889346


You lived life without her for how long?

You broke up for a reason remember that.

Nothing helps getting over a old girl than a new girl.

I think getting a hobby will just be a YEAH I'LL SHOW HER type thing but yeah start lifting IMO best hobby if that's what you really want

>> No.6889358
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>tfw suicide is the only escape from this eternal shame

>> No.6889382


>> No.6889438


>> No.6889457
File: 101 KB, 500x502, tumblr_mdyg0vqv3I1qhspalo1_500[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it anon

>> No.6889462

how to cope with losing a really hot chick you almost banged but developed feelings for?
I made an emotional connection with her instead of a physical one.

>> No.6889472

fucking gay m8

>> No.6889480



>> No.6889501

me too
I smell bad, no matter what I do
already went to 5 doctors, none of which could cure, not even discover, my problem.

gonna suicide in december, already planning

>> No.6889516


>> No.6889530

>all this shit applies to me
>ugly, shit personality, girl left me, acne, etc
>only interested in marijuana and going camping/hiking
>all the other lonely, ugly, shit personalities with acne get cool interests

>> No.6889549
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>> No.6889553
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>> No.6889557

your parents and people you closely know will be very sad
that's the only thing holding me back

>> No.6889576

i used to be fine with being a loner but once i got a gf and she left me I want that warmth again, its not that i miss her but more that I miss having someone to kiss and cuddle with

>> No.6889587

no anon just eat clean and you wont stink + some girls like stinky men

>> No.6889608

If you guys want to feel better again
I recommend the book: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
it really helped me

>> No.6889615
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>> No.6889659

is it ok to confide anonymously with strangers? or is this whole "feel" thing a sign to go see a psychiatrist

>> No.6889663

There's an incredibly lovely girl in one of my classes, right? She seems like the exact reflection of myself (I know this is narcissistic). She always sits in the back, doesn't have many friends but isn't awkward, and she loves to smile (like it's her primary social reflex).
Our eyes cross often and it's almost always when we're both already smiling or laughing, but each time there seems to be a connection. We smile at each other when we aren't already.
She seems to hang out with another guy, either alone or among friends; I'm unsure if he's just a friend. I don't have the guts to act and I'm afraid I'm projecting expectations onto her. I have problems forming relationships because I'm insecure and afraid of making mistakes. I've barely talked to her before.
What the fuck do I do? I'm blocked.

>> No.6889680

>afraid of making mistakes
do it at least you wont have regret of what could have been

>> No.6889685

i met a guy a guy that lost his hair at 16
i didn't want to ask how old he was, i think he was around 19 but he looked as old as 40

>> No.6889699

sit beside her in class

initiate friendship

>> No.6889773 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 204x269, yyyhrdhhtd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i ever be /fa/ or should i end my life

>> No.6889790

Fishing for compliments?

>> No.6889778

yes you will be

>> No.6889836

>tfw reasonably good looking but lazy eye
alas, a cruel joke

>impending suicide

>> No.6889867

>lazy eye
i think that those look good on some people post face if youre comfortable doing it i want to see

>> No.6889872

They'll get over it :)

>> No.6889878

very handsome and cool and fuck alot of people very often as well
i am for the win and you guys are for the fail suck me off and hope for the best

>> No.6889896

Get your doc to put you on xanax XR, it's probably the easiest way to get off the shit IME taking tons of different benzos.

>> No.6889904
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>> No.6889908

got an email m8?

>> No.6889915

just post it here then delete it who cares? were not going to go on a witchhunt

>> No.6889917

No, an ativan or klonipin taper is safest and the least painful to wind down on. Takes a long time, though.

>> No.6889939
File: 14 KB, 207x530, Le Trip face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-dont encourage them poet!

>> No.6889942

I'm afraid of that too, it's like it paralyses me ever further.

I have to do this, I'm just really unsure how I could do it. Sitting next to her is easy, making friends less so... but I have to do it.

>> No.6889950

I'm encouraging them to quit safely.

>> No.6889975

oh i thought you we're telling them a way to kill themselves also that pic is not what i uploaded

>> No.6890005

stop being a pussy m8

>> No.6890022

Lol I thought this too until I read further into it. ad a good ol chuckle m8

>> No.6890046

naw it doesn't suit me
i loathe it and would rather not :(

>> No.6890067

it's more common than you think to feel this way and it can totally be overcome. i was exactly where you were and i'm living happily now. you can come out the other side better than you were before.

>> No.6890082

is it like thom yorke's?

>> No.6890083

pretty funny that pharmaceutical psychotropics are massively addictive and do severe damage whilst still being legal. makes you wonder about the legality of drugs in general and whether government really give a shit about your health (they don't lol - it's all a lie).

>> No.6890100

Happiness can be a pill away for some people.
>tfw addicted to happiness, forever chasing the true 'feeling' of being happy. From the moment of birth to the last breath before death.

>> No.6890113

You're right, I am coming across like a pusspuss.

>> No.6890119

nah i don't think so
i can't really notice it in the mirror but some angles can look a bit blatant whereas straight on is almost unnoticeable

>> No.6890122
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>tfw she said I was hot
>tfw she actually gets to know me I'll spaghetti and reveal my beta
>tfw meeting her on sunday

>> No.6890127

stop worrying about it

>> No.6890135

Yhew ken dew eet.

>> No.6890149

look up simple pickup and change your life

>> No.6890145

it's hard m8
but i'll try

>> No.6890160

Girls have a really good sense for anxiety mate. Sounds cliched but just chill and be yourself. If she doesn't like that person then you weren't meant to be together anyway.

Simples *squeaks like meerkat*

>> No.6890166

If you want to not smell bad then don't use soap when you have a shower and make sure you keep all "pit" areas dry like under arms and groin at all times so that bacteria will not breed there

>> No.6890182

heh its funny when someone else writes out a scenario like this because it just makes it all the more clear how obvious the answer is

>> No.6890206

yes and that is "kill yourself you noodle cunt"

>> No.6890215

go lick your nigger mother and nigger father's smegma shit fag

>> No.6890243

It's like your me :(

>> No.6890262

how normal do you have to be to SAY something like that?

>> No.6890280

I can't take anything seriously and am constantly doing horrible things. I think back about all the people who's days I've ruined. All I ever did was scoff or laugh. I am, The Comedian

>> No.6890326

i don't know? i just want to know if me asking for help online on 4chan is a sign that i should go see a therapist

>> No.6890353

oh boy

>> No.6890355

oh boy what?

>> No.6890356
File: 184 KB, 760x898, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw increasing despondency and anxiety
>tfw rigorous class schedule and work and other commitments worsen it
>tfw repeated daydreams of living in the mountains for months on end living off the land and surviving on my own
>tfw I can't function in society anymore

>> No.6890395

Suck my did motherfucker I remember you from tuesday.

>> No.6890757


>> No.6891497


So glad i'm not the only one

>> No.6891519


you know

>> No.6891522


Take some time off College