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6881771 No.6881771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw not sure if youre good looking or avg

the worst feel

>> No.6881777

>tfw girls you dont know walk up to you in parties and say "i like your style"

the best feel

>> No.6881778

post pic dumfuc

>> No.6881784

not the best feel but it's a good feel tho

>> No.6881783

>mfw when below average w/o glasses and average with glasses

thanks myopia

>> No.6881802

OP Here
See, this happens to me - in my brief tenure with life, which I am quite the aspie in ( Was homeschooled, only finally getting out there at 20 now ). So far, in clubs, I've had girls approach me, girls try to "subtly" get me to meet them by like brushing my arm, I get looks from girls in clubs, class, streets etc. I've had girls I didn't even know up and say I'm cute/hot

but idk if that's my face or just my height + jawline or how i dress or how i act idk man

ill never know, i mean it hasnt stopped me from getting laid, i got laid pretty easy after i finally left home, and my first gf was not that hot (maybe like a 6.5/10) but she always voiced she was insecure that i was way better looking than her and other girls would be more appealing

gah idk

i probably sound like im attractive but i dont feel it at all, im sure i would have a better idea if i actually went to a highschool and interacted with people, but after realizing theres a world outside my house at like 18, i just havent been exposed to much

>> No.6881808

Also, in the only single party I've been to (Which was the sickest fucking party ever), I had this cute as fuck 8/10 come up to me (this was at new years) and tell me theres this weird guy trying to talk to her and she wanted me to save her

like wtf does that even mean

also i made out with my brothers gf, which was really weird

>> No.6881813

i really dont get what you are trying to say... but post pic and let us judge

>> No.6881816

another thing is ive had pretty drunk girls be really open/touchy with me in the club, straight up asking if i have a gf, i literally walked into a convo with my friends friend and some hot chick he was hitting on and she instantly said something out about me looking exotic/beautiful, i dont remember exactly

>> No.6881817

that is a drunk girls way of flirting, you were supposed to say "oh ok, come with me ill protect you", take her someplace else and make a move

>> No.6881822

Yeah, that was the plan - i am not that aspie. But it was new years and I was with some bros and it was one of my first times really heavily drinking. Needless to say I almost had to go to the hospital after i passed out 15 mins after new years so i couldnt do anything

>> No.6881833
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>also i made out with my brothers gf, which was really weird

>> No.6881834

I really can't do that man, not only am I insecure - but knowing how shit goes down here, and given the context (All this shit im listing probably makes me sound really attractive, so I'm going to be posting a pic trying to live up to some imaginary standard or idea you have in your head), which again gives bias.

Plus I see pretty beautiful (no homo) guys on this board get told they're like 5-6/10 so...

>> No.6881835
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>tfw not gorgeous, but just good looking enough where you know all of your social failures are yours and yours alone and can't be blamed on bad genetics

>> No.6881839

thats kind of how i feel

>> No.6881843
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as usual, op is a faggot. looks really don't matter for guys as long as you dress well and project confidence.

>i probably sound like im attractive but i dont feel it at all
>i don't feel it at all

this is your problem. once you start believing that you're attractive, other people will too. also, considering that your seeking validation on 4chan 'looks' are probably the least of your concerns.

>> No.6881853

Validation? Why am I seeking validation?

I don't care if im good looking or not, whatever it is - it hasn't affected this aspie from getting grills

its just the thoughts i hvae in my head..maybe its better than being cocky about my looks, but eh

>> No.6881854
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>> No.6881865

>I don't care if im good looking or not


>tfw not sure if youre good looking or avg

>the worst feel

you're an idiot

>> No.6881872

yeah, the ambiguity

ive accepted both. I guess it would be nice to be good looking, but would i really feel any different than if i didnt know?

>> No.6881896


I'd rather be appraised and remembered for the things I do in life and the way I carry myself rather than the way I look.

Grooming is just something everybody is expected to do. Doesn't matter if you're a 10/10 if you still take care of yourself.