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/fa/ - Fashion

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6879043 No.6879043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you sleep naked, /fa/?
Would you consider it to be /fa/?

>> No.6879063

One of the problems with sleeping naked is that you're spending a huge portion of your life without clothes on. So knowing you'll be spending anywhere between 6-8 (even more) hours naked is time taken away from indulging in fashionable pajama wear

>> No.6879068

as funny as it may sound, this

>> No.6879087

It is /fa/ only if your body is /fa/

>> No.6879090

>not sleeping in tiger of sweden boxers and a silent tee

>> No.6879097

Only after fucking.

>> No.6879098

Beds are gross man. Dead skin cells, tiny bugs, and you sweat like a litre per night, even if you don't realize it. These things can't be helped, but the filth in your bedsheets can be mitigated if you wear pajamas like a normal person.

>> No.6879119

my sheets are really soft so when i sleep naked i can't lay still because i want to feel my sheets

i usually sleep without pants on though.

>> No.6879123

It did it one night and it just stuck. Maybe is because of the weather (hot) but I'll probably wear PJs in the winter season

>> No.6879151

same for me

>> No.6879161

why is she wearing a watch if she sleeps "naked"

>> No.6879191
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no because everytime im naked my dick gets hard
and its hard to sleep
with a hard dick

>> No.6879201


>> No.6879218

Yes, and yes. I honestly don't understand why anyone does otherwise.

Don't hate your own body, Anon.


>> No.6879222


10/10 post ty for playing 4chan

>> No.6879231
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i'd have to masturbate like 10 times
before i could get any sleep

>> No.6879247

What's the most /fa/ way to masturbate?

>> No.6879243

no it just doesnt feel right to me. I like boxer-briefs when it's warm and also a tshirt and cozy socks during winter. I don't think anythings wrong with it tho. just personal preference

>> No.6879246

>Don't hate your own body, Anon.
Back at you, anon. People wear PJs for a reason. Unless you're changing your sheets every day or so (in which case feel free to sleep naked, no hard feelings) PJs help to keep your skin healthy by not suffocating your pores with all that built up grime. This isn't even broscience.

>> No.6879250

With a woman present.

>> No.6879313

>Don't hate your own body, Anon.
I'm not some mysophobe, I'm just realistic about how messy humans are.

>> No.6879334

I rarely wash my sheets, but I shower regularly and don't have any skin problems. We didn't evolve to have fresh sheets or even daily showers.

Lay back, close your eyes, and imagine a realistic but marvelous and hot story while stimulating yourself however feels right.

Nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. The world is messy. We're messy. It's best to embrace it.

>> No.6880062

I sleep naked.

>> No.6880067

Depends on the weather/temperature

>> No.6880072

I sleep in boxer briefs to hold everything in place.

Also, sleeping completely naked opens you up to the risk of having your closet go up in flames and having to show up on the news as a naked man with a scorched apartment/house.

>> No.6880150

I sleep naked unless I'm so exhausted I can't take my clothes off or it's so hot I can't be completely naked in which case I wear briefs

>> No.6881353

yes, my sheets feel fantastic on my skin, and the feeling of my arms on my chest or stomach, feeling my soft skin and toned stomach is like heaven.

have to keep very clean sheets, and always shower before you sleep. and this gives a great nights sleep, and although it may seem like a pain to do this every night, you spend so much time sleeping and it effects your day, it really is worth it.

but i will wear boxers if i am sleeping on the floor or outside to stop my junk snagging (cynic)

oh and make your bed and fuck on top of the covers

>> No.6881380

I always worry shit going to start going down (fire, robbery, carcrash)
and I will trying to put cloths on as I hear a person get beat to death outside

>> No.6881495

Yeah I do because it's more comfy, but sometimes worry that I might have dingleberries or something that will get wiped on my sheets and then on my dick

>> No.6881511


>> No.6881512

I just sleep naked when it's not too cold. If it is, I put on a t-shirt (but nothing more).

My balls need freedom!

>> No.6881521

i can't because my balls hang really low if it's hot and it's uncomfortable af

>> No.6881535


this, showering every night before going to bed is the best thing ever, even when i'm shitfaced beyond believe i stumble into the shower and try to wash myself before falling into my bed

>> No.6881550

I can't, it's too uncomfortable with my cock flapping about and I always end up getting an erection if I sleep naked and end having to jack off just so I can sleep.

>> No.6881554

Fuck I hate getting dead skin on my skin.

>> No.6881563

I try not to so my body could relax more

>> No.6881670

ya man Its totally gross how every thing we wear has little bits of ourselves even if we wash them and that our mouths have disgusting bacteria in them and that everything we touch has been ruminating with germs

>> No.6881696

watch isn't clothes

>> No.6881714

I sleep in my raws for syk f8ds

>> No.6881718


>> No.6884207

Boxer briefs+no show socks master race reporting for duty.

>> No.6884498

>sleeping in socks

>> No.6884549

yeah, I sleep naked because I live by myself and I don't like pyjamas.

>> No.6885178

what kind of clean fucking do you do? sleeping naked in your bed after fucking is the last thing you want to do, unless you don't give a shit about completely soiling your bed linens

>> No.6885192

its easy to sleep with a hard dick just cuddle up against it~

no homo