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/fa/ - Fashion

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6878933 No.6878933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>look in mirror
>"wow I look great today"
>grills checking me out

>look in mirror the next day
>think I look like shit
>go to class
>grills check me out
>take the bus home
>sit in the back
>grill sits right next to me and starts talking to me
>get home
>look in mirror
>i think i look like shit

what's the name of this phenomenon

>> No.6878948

You meet girls with low-standards.

>> No.6878966

someone had a stuck a "i'm rich and will buy u things if u tlk 2 me pls" sticker on your back.

>> No.6878975

based on that picture you are not attractive; jew nose, 0 eyebrows, hairline 2/10, pasty go outside, 5/10 would not bang

>> No.6878980

your mirror is broken

>> No.6879023
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today a girl said i was cute
but the girl was fat
so im not sure what to think

>> No.6879042

ur ugly she was obv settling because of her low self esteem and poor body image

>> No.6879049

I hate that.
But I love geo-feelguy.

>> No.6879062

the name of the phenomena is fashion dysmorphia.

btw why was it a good day for bitches today? like today specifically i got more vibes than normal.

>> No.6879065

just take the compliment, jeez.

>> No.6879096
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i dont know man i dont trust people

>> No.6879105


>> No.6879115

post a pic, op. then we can settle this, and you won't have to feel that feel again :)

>> No.6879116

>look in mirror
>"wow I actually look good today"
>grills look at me
>must have food on my face
>grills looking up and down at me
>ugh everyone hates my fit
every fucking day. as soon as someone looks at me, I assume the worst. why am I even bothering

>> No.6879130

You probably did look like shit but they've seen you looking good on other days so they don't care

>> No.6879137
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>dont know if girls are mirin or just walking by
i cant never tell unless i look at them
which i dont

>> No.6879152

Low self esteem or this >>6879130

I just usually assume I look terrible, I'd rather assuming a negative and be told a positive, then assume a positive and be told a negative. Ya dig?

>> No.6879155

look ffs. whats wrong with everyone on this board.

>> No.6879205

>waiting for class
>aspie girl pacing repeatedly sits on wall next to me and goes back to pacing
>she slowly gets closer and closer when shit stands against the wall
>notice her do this awkward thing as she gets closer, like she's being witty with herself or something
I bet she'd be pretty normal if I were to talk to her. It's still weird
>class I'm standing near opens before mine, people going in in a line
>qt girl who has that class stands against the wall right by me for some reason, goes in
>another cute girl does it

>Asian girl sits next to me in class
>forgot exactly what she was doing but I could tell she was nervous
>get a boner because of da way she moves in those short shirts

>later in class professor asks us to partner up
>look behind me, looking for the guy that sits to my back
>make eye contact with a girl in the back
>she literally makes a squeal sound and starts smiling at me hard

>notice a petite plain jane qt
>attempt to make eye contact, I know she sees me looking bc she's looking in my direction at a wall by me and I'm looking right at her
>she still doesn't look my way
>gurl I know you want this dick, gurl

It definitely helps to be going to a jc where competition is quite low but fuck
It was a nice ego boost

And yea I have social anxiety and felt like I looked like shit the whole time

>> No.6879221
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>she literally makes a squeal sound and starts smiling at me hard
im sorry to tell u
she was laughing at u

>> No.6879252


mmm hey lexi

>> No.6879259
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Shiiit I hope not

Though it doesn't matter. If you look normal and a girl goes out of her way to make duh of you, dat mean she really want dick

>> No.6879262


>> No.6879286
File: 72 KB, 620x720, 1342511342533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know about that feel bro
i guess she might want it
or she might think you are weird
but you can try
whats in it to lose

>> No.6879321

Are you a good looking guy? If so it doesn't matter what you wear.

Also do you wear a Cologne?

>> No.6879327

>walk out thinking I'm hot shit
>hear distant laughing from somewhere amongst the crowd
>oh god they're probably laughing at me why did I dress like this oh god just kill me im just an ugly piece of shit
>run home and cry

>> No.6879333

what are you a shit bitch?

>> No.6879358


I shig but i dig

>> No.6879367

Grills always look twice at me, flicking their hair about to get my attention.

If I look, they scowl, if I don't look, more hair flicking.

Sometimes I practically get mowed down on the sidewalk, grills getting into my line of sight.

I'm not attractive just let me walk to work, you fucking people.

>> No.6879379

>Have jury duty today.
>Going to have to take my shoes off at security, might as well wear loafers.
>Decide to dress prep: khakis, polo, ribbon belt, navy blazer because government buildings are meat lockers.
>I'm awesome! perfect fit! out the door.

>At the courthouse, see qt preppy girl. She looks damn good, probably actually rich.
>she sees me
>her eyes roll

I bet it was the blazer. I should have just did an oxford.

>> No.6879407

polo with a blazer? are you fucking serious?

>> No.6879424
File: 1.10 MB, 2358x2074, 1378869902164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at work all day like a bitch
>be in bad mood
>drive home starving
>post on 4chan
>seven days

>> No.6879433


>> No.6879441

seven days till something fun finally happens
(see pic)

>> No.6879449

>grill sits next to u and starts talking

Does this really happen to people? Why doesn't it happen to me? Is it because I wear mostly black and have my headphones in all the time?

>> No.6879456
File: 42 KB, 500x500, gosling OGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have multiple grills that you are involved in flirting with
>tfw managing all of their drama is sapping away at your time and you're in too deep to just drop it
>tfw you wish you were just on your own and isolated like before so you could read and shipost in peace

>> No.6879465

It's the headphones.
They isolate you from the world, they're like a 'Do Not Disturb' sign for your head.

>> No.6879470

this, also smile or look happy and alert. eye contact.

>> No.6879472

what are the signals associated with one in, one out?

>> No.6879484
File: 55 KB, 645x773, 1333441011646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh u mean
bleeding edge gets released?
yes im looking forward to it

>> No.6879477

does anyone have this feel

>good looking in a weird/unique way
>a lot of people that know me have told me i could model etc
>girls at parties that don't know me go out of their way to try bring me down with insults about my looks etc
>laugh it off

doesn't actually bother me at all but it is a weird feel

>> No.6879489

I think I might start reading a book instead of listening to music. I don't think this will communicate the same message as headphones, right?

>> No.6879492

you didnt want to get hit by a car while you were walking to the bus stop

>> No.6879498

>tfw still haven't read Inherent Vice
going to get through it before the film comes out, though

>> No.6879499


>> No.6879514
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>> No.6879518
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This was my basic fit today. (My shirt was tucked)

I still think I looked good, maybe I had some secret spaghetti showing.

>> No.6879538

any possibility your dick was poking out the top of your pants?
happens to me all the time when i'm in sick breezy goof fits

>> No.6879550

>have all the attributes of a good looking person
>not sure if good looking
>posted face on here b4
>told im sexy
>dress pretty well i suppose
>not aspie, confident but eh
>girls look my way, have many experiences with girls indirectly pointing out im hot or cute (or in a way where i wasn't really meant to hear it)
>still cant approach grills on the street
>still afraid to sit next to qts

i had the exact same fears and reasons when i played league of legends all day, dressed like shit, didnt lift and had acne...

;_; it never ends does it

>> No.6879597

happens to me alot, but in a different way.

really hot girls (like the ones who spend all of their time on looks and nothing else) will always make disparaging remarks about me, even if I'm not paying attention to them at all. I don't get it, it's like they need to make their presence known to me.

I just assume that I offend them for reasons I'll never understand. My existence seems to be a problem for them.

>> No.6879609
File: 826 KB, 640x960, fletch&wy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those exact same feels except /fa/ since birth because rich daddy and /fa/ mommy
I think my secret schizoid is starting to show...

>> No.6879610

You will also get to feel superior a lot (don't lie you feed on it)
People start talking about Poe's work when you say you're reading Lovecraft, thinking it's his
And then you can graduate to a level where you laugh at Plebcraft fags
That kind of shit
Trouble is you might actually god forbid be INTERESTED in the material and not want to be interrupted

>> No.6879612

lmao im like the opposite. i used to be super anti-social and downright awkward/insecure in social situations. what changed it for me was spending extended time in social situations with a close family member who is extremely outgoing. just observing the perceived pleasure of meeting new people and making them smile changed my whole outlook on social interaction and what i need to bring to the table. now one of my favorite things is meeting new people. all my friends like taking me to parties cus they know ill be the one to introduce them to everyone, even if they were the connect to get us there. it's really just about being smiley and throwing appropriate compliments at the right time. make someone feel comfortable around you and connection follows easily. super easy for me to talk to girls now, i often just engage randoms at uni and have long winded/personal/existential conversations that theyre totally comfortable with due to the anonymity of the entire engagement.

and when youre like this, the bitches that actually know you flock. i'm maybe a 6 but still swim in it. wish i was a little better looking tho.

>> No.6879619

>all this delusion

I too enjoy entertaining these delusions my friends, it makes me feel good and is fun while I am alone every night.

>> No.6879629

>not giving up everything for a qt3.14p2t w/ g9 fit gf

>> No.6879639

fuck I wish it were delusion. living in a big city, where people are hyper-sensitive about looks. It's like every street / district requires a different fit. everyone's staring at and judging everyone.

>> No.6879643

But dude you don't know if he's going to catch the fly and break his doomed fate or not
That guy's life is on the line

>> No.6879663

hell yea i cant wait.

and ive been wondering about the map.
im getting it at midnight

>> No.6879662
File: 241 KB, 379x579, 1358268188792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think op already killed himself
and we are talking to
another anon

>> No.6879675

I was talking about the guy's fate in a Lovecraft story
What the fuck did you think I meant with the fly and shit

>> No.6879677

Polos with a blazer do not look good.

>> No.6879678

>think im handsome
>remind myself that my nose is almost as wide as my mouth
>my nose bridge is low

>> No.6879683


>> No.6879702
File: 97 KB, 339x500, tumblr_ls3rjk9B6n1qbiapxo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh im sorry i thought u were talking about op
btw what do you think about this grill

>> No.6879712

mouthbreathed as a child
other than chin qt/10

>> No.6879725

yeah she was locked 13 years in the bathroom and didn't talk to nobody so she didn't learn to talk

>> No.6879747

i know that feel. im too insecure

>> No.6879757

queue gary jules mad world

>> No.6879774

its called autism

>> No.6879775


>go to any place where they sell things
>cashier asks the person in front of me how they are doing
>they make nice small talk
>walk up to cashier when its my turn
>nothing or a slight "how can I help you"
>get want I want and pay
>doesn't even look me in the eye

I used to go to this coffee place next to my work all the time. Every time I went in there the girls would just give me dirty looks every time I went in there. Or either women cashiers just wont even look at me. I dont even know what I did to them.

On the plus side whenever I walk by old hard looking men we give each other the nod of respect which makes me happy, I walked past this angry looking 65 year old rastafarian man in an old suit and we did the nod thing so I dont know what it is

>> No.6879807

maybe you should tone down the tryhard in your fits

>> No.6879837

Wait, is that the gta5 map?

>> No.6879848

I'm not even /fa/. I take pointers from here but I def dont dress like you guys.

I wear sambas all the time

>> No.6879863

smile more or look less black or something I dunno

>> No.6879873

good post

>> No.6879908

shitposting uni feedback: would have looked a lot better and been more meaningful if you just posted the facebook thumbs-up with a reply to him

>> No.6879918

lexi belle damn yo i

>> No.6879932

it was an honest compliment

he's one of the few autists that frequent this site, apparently

>> No.6879937

he said "swim in it"
what the fuck man

>> No.6879963

stupid phrase aside, the rest of the post is far more inspiring than a bunch of beta faggots who can't look anyone in the eyes

you're a fucking moron

>> No.6880003

you called him an autist tho

>> No.6880028

aha, skipped a few words apparently. fair enough

i didn't even notice because your reply seemed to fit what i meant

>> No.6880047

andi bet you think this song is about you

>> No.6880050
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>shy as hell
>horny as hell
Can make for some interesting situations ill tell you whut

>standing next to a girl, in line or something
>get a pang of horniness
>graze my arm on theirs
>put the side of my hand to the side of her ass
>full on grope

I've done this kind of thing a lot. Including to my highschool teacher's ass and my aunt's tit
One time I held a random girl's hand in line for show right after I was done groping her friend

I don't think I've ever been called on it

I think they're not sure what to think of you so they do that to get a reaction
For a while random girls kept putting me down. I'm guessing its because I get visibly awkward

>> No.6880054

ok now go play wiff yur barbies

>> No.6880059


>> No.6880060

Not sure where that came from
You saying you don't believe me?

>> No.6880065

hahahahaha i'm saying you sound like a unexspirenced child nummy nums

>> No.6880149

Yeah but the fact remains. Your girlfriend would probably let me grope her

>> No.6880178

that's not real life

>> No.6880194

dude you took 20 min, yur halarious!

>> No.6880205

Its disgusting how many of you responded.

>> No.6880208

>catch girls looking at me all the time
>make accidental eye contact
>they quickly look away when i do
I'm not even attractive, and I'm usually sitting next to a friend who's model tier.
>you will never know what they're thinking while looking at you

>> No.6880213

They're looking at you not because of how attractive you think you are, they're looking at you because you one ugly motherfucker, can't help looking at disgusting things, y'know?

>> No.6880223

I guess.


>> No.6880350


>> No.6880387


>> No.6880407
File: 105 KB, 708x1000, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hair to thick for this haircut

>> No.6880417

Does anyone else just like the glances and smiles?
Getting laid isn't all that hard it's just a hassle and they always want to make something more of it. I just get this little rush from smiling at female strangers so they smile back or blush and look away.
Gotta run away pretty sneaky after or they try and talk to you.

>> No.6880424

>not getting your hair thinned out.

>> No.6880427

what's that?
I've been cutting my hair myself for two months.

>> No.6880464

stop that. They're not letting you do it because you're effay, but because they're creeped out and unconformable.

>> No.6880474


Its when they get scissors and up into your hair, to literally reduce mass. They take NO length off, just cut off hair to make it thinner.

>> No.6880480

are there any guides how to do that yourself? haha

>> No.6880509


*cut up

>> No.6880512


I suggest you just google "How to thin hair at home" or Youtube that, Youtube is pretty good for those types of tutorials

>> No.6880530

yaaa thanks m8!
I've been cutting myself with the help of mike vidz, but have trouble with bangs, I have a hard time combing it back.

>> No.6881488

Fuk know that feel
At party
Hear friends cousin say to friend "omg he should be a model"

She fat as fuk tho so idk what to think

>> No.6881519

I currently have weird feelings about whether i look nice or not
cause in high school I got a bunch of chicks never even asked someone out
then I left high school and haven't really socialized to much cause i have been working. so i don't know if i look good now or if I ever have.
I am kinda afraid that women only liked me for my personalty which means im just a sociable ugly

>> No.6881523

oh jesus god i know this feel
they all work at the same place too and it's getting too much to handle. like they were bffs and now they argue with each other and shit

>> No.6881534

>hold the door for a grill
>looks me in the eye
>looks me up and down
>doesn't look me in the eye again
where did I go wrong?

>> No.6881541

I felt more lonely today than i had felt the whole week. However last week 2 girls did smile at me. Which is something special. Total amount of girls smiling at me are 5 in the last year. And one might have smiled because i was eating a banana...

>> No.6881545

then why don't you eat more bananas

>> No.6881547


you are fat but it doesn't show in your face

>> No.6881551

Banana a day homie, Banana a day.

>> No.6881561
File: 22 KB, 288x374, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smiled because i was eating a banana

>> No.6881629

what am I looking at in this pic

>> No.6881665

gta v

>> No.6881709

>filename = gosling OGF
>not gosling NOGF
I don't think I can feel with you man.

>> No.6882900

who wants to be hit on by strangers in the middle of reading a good book?? I really hope you don't look at other people the same way.