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6877571 No.6877571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw social anxiety
>tfw low self esteem
>tfw you still think you're superior to others

anyone know that feel?

>> No.6877583


another great thread

>> No.6877591

I know that feel.

God I know it.
I think it stems from a sense of underachievement. Like, we have to headbutt a tree, climb a mountain, paint a solid artwork or something, otherwise doubt creeps in.

>> No.6877634

>tfw first year uni student
>tfw all my friends went separate ways
>tfw I forgot how to make friends
>tfw I made a lot of money this summer(so much so that I don't have to take out student loans and can buy some designer)
>tfw got another job anyways to buy more designer
>tfw so much new clothing and money for anything but no gf/friends
>tfw at least I got my online steam friends

>> No.6877679


i've came a long way with my anxiety over the summer but returning to college has just made it apparent how much further i have to go.

still get really anxious on my own/around people. like in a new class or something, don't really know how to speak to people or what to talk about unless its strictly work, even then i just mumble.

used to be absolutely fine in social situations.

>> No.6877691


Are you me?

At least I have my waifu, right?

>> No.6877697


Read this and do more research into superiority complexes.


>Those with an inferiority complex will act and feel inferior, living in denial of their chance to better themselves. The individual with a superiority complex will take these feelings of denial and behave in an aggressive way to compensate, working towards attaining selfish goals. Characteristics include the need to dominate, refusal to cooperate and taking but not giving. Both are symptoms of poor self image.

>> No.6877700

>Low self-esteem

I never had low self-esteem. Never felt bad during my adolescence. I Guess being more intelligent than the norm, having a bigger penis than the norm, having a more beautiful face than the norm helped me a lot.

What does low self-esteem feel like?

>> No.6877719

to be honest i'm not sure if it is a low self esteem, or its just a lack of confidence.

some days i think i look sexy af, some days i don't.

used to have good looking girlfriends etc

>also intelligent
>also bigger penis than the norm

i don't think i suit any ofthose characteristics. It's more to do with appearances than general superiorty though I think.

>> No.6877731
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>tfw she liked me
>tfw left it too late and she got a bf
>tfw we stayed as friends
>tfw admitted that I liked her
>tfw she says that if I can cut her off she wont mind and she understands
>tfw not sure whether to lose her or not

>> No.6877738

cut it out m8, your feelings won't change if you befriend her.

>> No.6877750

But we already are friends

>> No.6877752

Today a teacher called me, he said

No matter what I ask you to do, you always find a way to make fun of it or make it seem like nothing, you always bring me almost flawless proyects and you seem so apathic about them

are you trying to feel above everyone or are you just apathic about everything?

>> No.6877787

sorry,stay friends.

fuk tfw meet girl in class/through mutual acquantance
talk to her on fb for a few weeks, text etc
be beta as fuk so she wants to be friends
stop talking alltogether
awkward whenever we see each other now, at least we don't share any classes this semester.

tfw i wish i could go back now, would have gone so differently

>> No.6877789


So which one was it?

>> No.6877802
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This sounds like exactly the same situation, fuck.

>> No.6877804

>teacher feels general
>that fucking weird kid at the back of the class keeps bopping his head while his souless eyes dig into my back

i wonder if there are forums out there dedicated to like threads of 'teacher feels' effectively working as 'teacher support groups' where they talk about the hardships of their day and weird students
shit would be full of funnnnnnnyyyy stories i imagine

>> No.6877807
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>> No.6877819

tfw I don't even know myself anymore

>> No.6877825

>Teach always remembered my name the first day
>Even when they didn't with other

The cons of having a beautiful face and absolutely stunning eyes. ;_;

>Had my first class with my new class
>Seems like your run-of-the-mill class
>But this kid had such beautiful eyes, oh wow

>> No.6877849

just kind of avoid her whenever i see her now.

god damn i was such a beta faggot, want to go back and slap myself upside the head.

long curly blonde hair
runway build
pale complexion
hnnnggggggggggg i hate my life, she's now dating an ugly kunt who has a starwars backpack

>> No.6877865

>>tfw first year uni student
>>tfw all my friends went separate ways
>>tfw I forgot how to make friends
exactly what happened to me. Somehow i just assumed my group would continue to hang out but that just didnt fucking happen
im in 3rd year and things have only got worse

>> No.6877870

yung self loathing narcissist

>> No.6877880

TFW i used to be like this

tfw go to club in san luis obispo on thurs

tfw all my 3 freinds (not really freinds just co workers i hang with) standing on wall

tfw i walked up to a set of 5 girls told them they all look like they get straight a's tfw they loved me tfw i dont even remeber after that, tfw i was on a roll talking to women, dancing with women one on each leg at one point

tfw my freinds all looking at me

tfw i meet cougar attract her, yank my friend arm and make them dance

tfw the cougar takes my friend home

tfw i feel godlike the club is mine

tfw i got rejected once and it didnt even phase me

tfw i had fun my freinds think im a fcuking pimp. freind that i got laid is all over me and treats me with more respect

tfw i practiced to become this way i faked it till i made it been wattching pick up artist videos,
feels good man...

>> No.6877884

45% exultation 45% flagellation.
I know this feel.
>captcha nessoss patricin. Oh well at least that made me smile.

>> No.6877895
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come on guys if something is getting yo down just get ogre it

>> No.6877902
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>sister comes in the room
>"what is that?"
>"what is that site?"
>"you're always on that site"
>"why are you always on that site?"
>i-it's just a site
>"about what?"
>j-just several stuff

>> No.6877914

i just cant seem to open up/be confident in classes or anything.

I went to a festival with my brother and like 10 of his friends a month ago, most of them i'd never met. I was a bit anxious for maybe 2 hours but then nothing the whole 5 days, made friends with everyone like i'd known them for years.

then i come back and its like im a fukin aspie again, idk how. just wish i could be as comfortable in social situations as i am at home.

>> No.6877916

>tfw inferior to others in every other way so you use things like fashion, music, film, literature to make yourself feel better about yourself without actually creating anything or doing anything worth being proud of

t-thanks /fa/

>> No.6877951

sorry anon. but that is really beta

>> No.6877966
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tfw i know this feel OP

>shit genetics
>last GF was 4 years ago


>> No.6877969


>not giving your sibling the hand when he or she disrespects

>> No.6877996

I wish somebody cared about my interests...

>> No.6877999

That is my exact situation.
Holy shit.

God, save my soul.

>> No.6878034

hang in there talk to people before you go crazy

>> No.6878038

Slap her ass

>> No.6878040

>tfw your a social butterfly
>everyone loves you and people flock to you
>your in a weird predicament where you only see other humans one day a week

>> No.6878069

>ever having a gf

>> No.6878076
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>self loathing narcissist

>> No.6878070

did I post this?

When I'm by myself I feel like the most truly confident person in the world. Or more like, at maximum comfort with/love of who I am. that all fell apart going to uni though.

>> No.6878090
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op read this, it definitely helped me understand my social anxiety and depression and start fighting it

>> No.6878097
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but when i save up enough for my plastic surgery procedures everything will get better


>> No.6878102

I have a 7.5 incher and have had people pull me to the side to take a picture because apparently I look like ryan gosling. Some girls have said I'm 10/10 without acne. My guess would be 5/10.

I was depressed from 6 to 16, and I still fall back into it every once in awhile at 18.

What I'm saying is that it doesn't always rotate around how much value you actually have.

I pretty much will take any excuse to think poorly of myself and ignore every reason to think well of myself. It's a vicious cycle and recognizing it does nothing to help me break free.

I'm worried that it's too late for me, I'm too fucked up, there's no coming back.

There have been times where I've been legitimately scared for my sanity.

>> No.6878103

wow that did wonder for that boy
like damn

>> No.6878122

>tfw people love me
>tfw able blend in pretty much any group/situation
>tfw daily group of friends consider you to be the center of the group that keeps them all together
>tfw you don't actually feel connected to anyone and prefer to be alone
>tfw your only real best friend are drugs

I feel like I'm going to be one of those people who snaps and goes on a huge binge, and everyone is going to be surprised when they find my body under a bridge.

>> No.6878130

and have a higher chance to pass on your ugly genes to another generation? you monster. why won't you break your cycle of suffering?!

>> No.6878131

i know those feels all too well brother

>> No.6878141

>everyone is going to be surprised

>> No.6878145

confide in someone. A best friend, a girlfriend, your therapist, your mom, anyone. if they're worth anything they won't judge you for it, they'll just try to help. cry in front of them if it makes you feel better.

>> No.6878151

reminds me with a phrase I came up with when I was dealing with suicide.

>Suicide in self defence

>> No.6878154

>tfw all but one of your friends think they are much better than you

bitches, man...

>> No.6878172
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>wearing something nice
>pretty content with the way I look in it
>suddenly get doubts
>"I'm not cool enough to wear that"
>wear basic shit again

>> No.6878206

>cant relate to any of this
>make new friends like everyday
>wear weird crazy shit no one else would have the balls to

feels good being me

>> No.6878210

this description is legit.
I had a tfwgf for a year and a half and despite her constant reminders as to why I'm halfway decent I could never appreciate myself.
also that last line hits close to home, but I have never said anything about it to anyone because I don't want to be a 2edgy fuccboi.
thanks anonymity

>> No.6878218

>5th semester is starting soon
>no friends, social anxiety
>nothing to do
>browse 4chan all day
>should study, but can't bring myself to
>broke up with gf two months ago, it was actually long overdue.
>haven't talked much to other people since
>start experimenting with diet because bored

Actually I'm feeling better ever since I broke up with my gf, but still I feel really empty inside. I don't even want to masturbate anymore, I have no appetite at all and I can't sleep. I haven't left my house for a week now.
At least I lost 4 kg n the last three weeks.
Let's see what the new semester brings.

>> No.6878222

you lucky son of a bitch

>> No.6878247

i dunno when term starts in the rest of the world but surely if you're a first year uni student you can only have been there for a month or so
join some clubs or something man

>> No.6878249

I've never felt comfortable using drugs around other people, or admitting to drug use.

and it's a pretty easy thing to keep to yourself if your habit isn't an addiction. people who trust you don't question lies of omission for no reason.

I don't really feel drugs are the issue though.
they're just a managed way of coping. I should probably be seeing someone about it, but I'm terrified of being diagnosed with something or just discovering how incurably fucked up I am.

>> No.6878258


what kind of drugs are you taking?

>> No.6878255

Just fake a smile everyday anon and project self confidence. One day your internal will reflect your external. One day.

>> No.6878279

this poses a philosophical question:
is it better to be fucked up and know about it,
or fucked up and ignorant?

ignorance is bliss, but is bliss worth the lack of control?

>> No.6878283


>> No.6878291

>tfw had a decent group of friends at sixth form
>kinda nerdy but they were good people
>a bit insular though
>haven't made a new friend in like 4 years because I already knew everyone
>hardly ever talked to anyone i wasn't already friends with
>stopped talking to all but one of them over the holidays
>don't even talk to him that much
>just stay inside on /fa/ because there's shit all to do around here and none of my friends are doing much
>go to a few parties but once a fortnight max
>freshers week starts on monday
>can't even remember how making friends works
>what the fuck do i do

>> No.6878294

;_; come here bro IKTF to well

>> No.6878305

not him but it worked for me
if you tell yourself you're confident often enough and every around you starts to agree, eventually you believe it

>> No.6878345

>tfw you try looking around to make friends but all you do is end up judging everyone as filthy, naive plebs

How to lower standards /fa/? I tried just ignoring people's pleb ways but it just makes me snap. w2c /fa/ friends that want to go to concerts/festivals, spend more than 60 dollars on shoes, and eat at actual restaurants that aren't chains and fast food joints?

>> No.6878349

xanax, vyvanse, oxycodone (among other rx opiodds), adderall, shitty coke, occasionally heroin.

basically i just juggle different uppers to deal with shitty days, and downers to relax on quiet nights by myself.

but knowing the root of my issue doesn't guarantee control. and I think knowing and not being able to do anything about it would be the worst situation to be in, so I'd rather just hope in ignorance that one day I'll meet the right people that I connect with.

>> No.6878352

>going to concerts and festivals
lmao that shit aint /fa/
its easy to cop these plebs that go to edm concerts shirtless

>> No.6878358

>occasionally heroin
sure, mr edge

>> No.6878362

>dat laundry list of drugs
You should consider a 90-day abstinence period, and start running or lifting if you haven't already.
90 days of sobriety is not an arbitrary number, either - it's about how much time most people need to start producing certain neurotransmitters again.
If anything, just lay off the benzos for a while and see what happens.

>> No.6878367

Just accept that different people have different priorities
people don't buy any old clothes because they're idiots, they buy them because clothing just isn't that important to them. if you were more open minded you'd probably realise that there's plenty of intelligent people who you share views and interests with who dress like shit.
You're like someone who is into golf refusing to accept people who can't tell a putter from whatever the other clubs are called because somehow that makes them inferior. No, it just makes them someone who doesn't give a shit about golf. In other words, you're kinda dumb.

>> No.6878373

>using drugs to deal with your problems
HAHA FAGGOT. Seriously be a man. Unless you a schizo, you have no need for drugs. You're just a fucking weakling.

>> No.6878376

>hey ___!
>...y-you too
i can only acquire this feel if in hospital with mental disorders :)

>> No.6878382

I don't understand this

>> No.6878402

what if i told you social prestige will make people think you're better looking than you actually are

>now everyone can be beautiful

>> No.6878467

i imagine you don't have any real word experience with heroin. its cheaper and easier to get than prescriptions, just too addictive psychologically for regular use.

I only take uppers and downers about 3-4 days/nights a week each, and switch substances from week to week to avoid long term effects.
so the xanax keeps me from constantly using opiates.

idk if its actually effective though.