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/fa/ - Fashion

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6877512 No.6877512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else "dress up" for every occasion? I always see people with "lazy days". I even see people on /fa/ talk about how you shouldnt wear designer clothing to Walmart, or else you'll look like you're trying to hard.

>> No.6877524
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i bought some nike running shorts at the thrift store and aside from that i've bought nothing but rick, ann dem, and a handful of other designers for years. but plenty of it is really simple, easy to wear stuff.

>> No.6877525

ye sometimes i put my 3 piece on to mow the lawn

looking classy is modern couture

>> No.6877522

If you look like you're trying too hard then you probs are
Although putting a suit on to go grocery shopping is stupid
Dress for the occasion but don't let the occasion dress you
Make yourself happy

>> No.6877534

w2cop Ricklamp?

>> No.6877555

The problem isn't the clothing. The problem is that you can afford designer clothing but you are shopping at Walmart. That immediately tells people
>I don't make much money but I buy designer clothing

>> No.6877561

the point of buying designer clothing shouldn't be to look rich, it should be to look gud.

>> No.6877574


shopping at walmart can be justifiable and so can spending a lot of your income on clothes

like, what the fuck?

>> No.6877602
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>shopping at walmart can be justifiable

justify it

>> No.6877606

finding cheap raw material

>> No.6877613

i buy pllain large 5 dollar shirts at walmart

>> No.6877635
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I wanna buy some fucking coca puffs

>> No.6877714
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You can wear "luxury" clothes even when your life is relatively removed from luxury. I like nice clothes, I wear them everywhere from grocery shopping to going to the pharmacy, because I own nice clothes and I feel comfortable wearing them. Is that concept really too hard to grasp?

>> No.6877736

Exactly. I don't wear clothes to appear rich or anyrhing. I wear it because I like it. Why would I wear something I don't like because it'll make other people think better of me?

>> No.6877792

Dressing up for every occasion is what mfa does imo

>> No.6877791

i get dressed up no matter what. If im gana be home all day i dress up.

The /fa/ way of life.

>> No.6877801

Heineken is the worst beer

>> No.6877808
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no it isn't, but it is overpriced and tasteless
the worst beer is la crosse

>> No.6877809


Only place I can get El Yucateco hot sauce unless I steal it from a Mexican restaurant.

It's like 3x more on Amazon so I just bite the bullet and go to Walmart every couple months and stock up. It fucking sucks every time.

>> No.6877812


I got it for free because some guy left it at the hostel I was staying at

>> No.6877859
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I guarantee you this is the worst beer in existence. it's so bad I'm surprised it's legal to sell it.

>> No.6877894

those are good, i really fuck with the green habanero

>> No.6878231

Have you even tasted fosters? So bad it's country of origin refuses to drink it.

>> No.6878245

no cuz even in sweats i look amayjing

>> No.6878262
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no, i dont fuck with many mass market beers because there's a huge supply of affordable micros these days

that said la crosse smells like sweaty feet and tastes like they probably do (not into feet myself no h8 tho i dated a guy who was and he gave amazing massages)

>> No.6878263

needing to pick somethin up quickly?? i hate walking into walmart mostly because of the customers but i do occasionally

>> No.6878374

There are times when it just isn't worth it to dress up IMO. I don't put a lot of thought into my outfit for college where 99% of people look downright awful and I'm going to spend the whole day jumping from one class to another sitting on hours on end.

People seemed surprised when I do dress well.

>> No.6878398

Having a bit of Rick & Damir in your closet can make all your "lazy days" a bit more interesting. It's really effortless to assemble outfits from a lot of that stuff, and a lot of it's really quite comfortable.

>> No.6878674


As has been said before, for fuck's sake don't go to Wal-Mart ever.

Nothing wrong with "lazy days". You don't have to look like shit to do something basic and comfortable. In summer for me that's chinos and a polo shirt. Still look better than the tshirt / shorts / sandals doucheherd.

>> No.6879185

>Dress for the occasion but don't let the occasion dress you

Call me retarded but I don't quite understand what this means.

>> No.6879244

Your outfit should acknowledge the occasion without looking to out of place on you.

>> No.6879254
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If you live in the suburbs and wear Lanvin or Rick Owens you'll look like an autismal try hard. If you live in L.A. (parts), NY (parts), or cool Euro/Asian cities you'll be fine. Remember, it's all about context.

>> No.6879268


Seriously who goes to walmart for fucking clothes?
You go to walmart because it's convenient and they have all the shit that you need and use on the daily. food, toiletries, etc.

>> No.6879275


I always thought this was a fucking retarded attitude. you're supposed to look like shit because the people around you do? you can't wear what you want because people will judge you? if you're interested in fashion and want to wear rick or whatever just do it.

>> No.6879279


I worked at Walmart my highschool and early college years.

And even then, with my walmart discount, the only shit I bought there was video games, shavers, deodorant and the occasional carton of eggs.

Everything else in that store is ass. And I can personally vouch for it.

>> No.6879285
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That's not what I was trying to convey. I simply meant that you don't want to be "that" person... Standing out and bringing attention to yourself is the polar opposite of /fa/. If you live in the suburbs you can still be "cool" or "edgy" but do it in a discreet way.

>> No.6879310

maybe if youre a blubbering awkward shit baby you dont.
Go fuck your dad shit legs.

>> No.6879324
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Tell your mom I say hello next time she picks you up from baseball practice Zach.

>> No.6879329

is this a reference to some humorless pile of shit meme i wasnt around for or are you just a weak land lover who needs to die alone in the coves?

>> No.6879335
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Ryan stop.

>> No.6879347

lmao wtf happened to ur signature
something about subscribe to me for more extreme adventures or something

>> No.6879521

apparently those are against the rules so i got banned and here we are dealing with this bundle of bullshit poster over here