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/fa/ - Fashion

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6869294 No.6869294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ my mind is not feeling stable tonight so i am drinking too much, can we have a thread of random discussion, /fa/ stories, feels, mindless daily life shit please.

>> No.6869334

i drive

>> No.6869331

What did you think about the movie?

I couldn't decide if it was fucking great or if I just wasted 1½ hour.

>> No.6869337

anyone else feel like they should be trying harder?

>> No.6869338

thanks heaps, the entire time i was thinking it was pretty weird but realized i actually enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.6869335


>> No.6869342

>That feel when afraid to post pictures of yourself on /fa/ because you fear destructive criticism

>> No.6869343

My girlfriend who is possibly the best person i'll ever meet in my life just broke up with me because I majorly took her for granted.
She is immensely talented and has already set out an amazing future before her.
I'm sat here browsing /fa/ thinking about how much I miss her and how she won't let me try to fix it.

These are my feels.

>> No.6869341

yes but i'm too lazy and apathetic

>> No.6869345
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still no gf

>> No.6869346


that's my exact feel

but if I don't try everything's going to shit

>> No.6869353

just say "pls ne nice"
usually we are really nice to ugly people and point out every flaw in handsome people because of jealousy

>> No.6869355



pls b in london

>> No.6869350

i know man.. but what can you do when you are a natural born loser.. wanna become a heroin addict with me?

>> No.6869358

anyone here suicidal? i need to share some feels with /fa/ bros

>> No.6869359

tell me more, how did you take her for granted? i have done very similar things

>> No.6869364

no i'm sorry man we are gonna be alone, lets try look good though

>> No.6869361
File: 72 KB, 960x708, tfwnoavgkgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no kgf

>> No.6869368

yeah. my depression is on and off and i can't even explain why i am suicidal, vent to me i like to listen

>> No.6869371

If you say so...

>> No.6869378

fuck i am more drunk than i thought that sounds retarded as fuck

>> No.6869385

my life is going well but i still feel depressed
my psychiatrist wants me to take pills again but wouldn't it be an easier way to go through winter and hope for getting depressed enough to finally end it?

>> No.6869382

I spent the last year mostly avoiding her because I'm crazily addicted to the computer and video games. Instead of spending time with her I'd prefer to be at home playing vidya
When I was with her all I'd do is think about how much I want to go home and be by myself and play vidya.

I guess I didn't understand how much I loved her and that I should have been spending all that time with her. She asked me to do tons of different things with her but my depression/ocd and general anxiety kept me from it. She started to realise that I wasn't really worth being with.

This situation has happened before and I managed to fix it.. but I've sunk back into the same ways and she doesn't want to try again.

I only have myself to blame and that's the hardest part I guess. I'm not really sure what to do with myself. I hate all my friends, I don't speak to any other girls because they all bore me to tears.

Suicide is looking to be a fairly good option at the moment.

>> No.6869398

>tfw can't find a decent pair of home slippers

any recs?

>> No.6869400

i've been suicidal on and off since i was 10 for various reasons, but i hate the thought of seeing someone for it. i just want to solve my own emotional problems.
still, even now i can't seem to see why i'm alive in the first place, because i don't really have many enjoyable moments. i'm trying to find a purpose. like i don't get the point of being alive alone when i didn't choose to be either of those.
i think i'm just critically lazy, to the point of not even wanting to live until the end.

>> No.6869404

Well /fa/ here's me

I'm sitting on the bus going to University. A place I someone hate already because I don't fit on with any of the people. I find them to be highly pretentious, gay, and boring. I don't know whether or not I would like to be with my girlfriend. I'm somewhat lost in terms of friendship (not that I lack it, i just dont know who my friends are). I cant decide whether i wanna be a really nice guy or a douche all the time, I've been doing both and it throws people off. I've been told I have dual personalities. I'm just kind of confused you know? Nothing big, just enough to piss me off and slow me down. However I'm happy with what I have accomplished in my life

I'm sure many of you share my confusion

>> No.6869405

i'm exactly the same as you and because of this i can give you no advice, actually i am worse off because the only gf i had was years ago and some part of my brain actually despised her. you are not alone

>> No.6869411

I feel like you're future me. It took me 17 years of life to find her, my first girlfriend. We were almost together for 5 years. I haven't made a friend since high school and that was now 5 years ago as well.

What the fuck do I do?

>> No.6869412

sure it would definitely be easier but don't you think there is something in your life that makes you want to continue trying? some thing in my life keeps me going yet my future looks horrible

>> No.6869415

>but i hate the thought of seeing someone for it. i just want to solve my own emotional problems.

i know this feel so bad, not a healthy question but have you tried substance abuse?

>> No.6869417

Iunno my dude, I think if you look long enough you will find a purpose. You just gotta look hard. And don't be lazy, laziness is such a waste of time

>> No.6869420

i don't even try to become happy. living sucks and i want to get it over with as quick as possible. my expectations in life any myself are impossible to meet. narcissism and depression is a horrible cocktail.
what are the things that keep you trying?

>> No.6869421

sounds about right, i have no advice to give because all i did was turn to addictions and push my friends away/change my families opinion of me. i live off the government atm and probably feel more lost than you, don't follow my route dude

>> No.6869426

seems mostly natural, a lot of people get confused every now and then, relax and have a good moment to think everything over, sounds like you have nothing bad going on

>> No.6869434
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>narcissism and depression is a horrible cocktail.
my fucking life in a sentence

>what are the things that keep you trying?
i don't fucking know man and you made my eyes water a little.. my mother i think.. she was just like me but is worse off mentally and i am the only one she can talk to about it, she went through poverty and addiction, my siblings all discard her because they don't know what mental problems are like, they all idolize my father who, although i love him, is very close minded and not the person they deceive themselves to see.. i am just rambling man

>> No.6869441
File: 25 KB, 300x277, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get over here bro

>> No.6869444
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>tfw your mommy would be sad if you killed yourself

>> No.6869455
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shit guys

>> No.6869462
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This girl came at me while I was walking around in the city and said: 'Hey you wanna drink a coffee with me?'. I said she must be trolling and she said she had to write an article about how guys would react when they get hit on by girls. I said I was in a hurry and exausted. She was 7/10 at best.


>> No.6869470

>I said she must be trolling

>> No.6869484
File: 164 KB, 887x901, 1360840014812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I feel confident as fuck while checking out my fit in the morning, but then immediately feel shot down when i step out of the door because everyone still looks better than me

>> No.6869490

I don't man you're 100% right

>> No.6869761

pretty shit op
/fa/ wise im doing ok Im getting rid of acne and I will be looking a lot better pretty soon along with working out and generally looking pretty good.
got no money to cop clothes with cause i don't want to starve in real college if i cant find a job right away.
Basically money it sucks cause i have worked hard in my life and been very frugal only to need it now and still be out on cash.
either way I am leaving for europe soon whether to college or not.

>> No.6869771

>she had to write an article about how guys would react when they get hit on by girls.
That's such a dick thing to do.

>> No.6869789

i have thought about it a few times, but i don't want to get into it. the only thing i consider is alcohol at social events, because i know that i have problems initiating things instead of reacting to what others do, and alcohol helps me socialize a lot

i've been trying to get myself out of my comfort zone (ie alone at home in front of a puter or a book), i'll do my best. i know a person who was in a similar situation who said love helped him (sounds cheesy), but i can't say it has affected me.

>> No.6869801

>tfw make thread asking for inspirational and educational documentaries
>could be /fa/ related
>somehow against all odds a mod deletes it

>> No.6869806

imma give the old faggot fucker answer


>> No.6869913

> paid last night at midnight
> almost £1000
> £124 left because I spent it on clothes
who needs food if you're /fa/?

>> No.6870032

i really really want to get into running but again i have trouble finding the motivation and the time, i need to force myself.
doesn't help that my metabolism is still p good at 6" 140lbs and i'm already pretty happy with my body.
fuck i really need to start doing things by myself instead of doing them because i need to. i'm going nowhere.

>> No.6870046

lol yeah you know what i mean

>> No.6870054

holy shit /b/ and /v/ are even in /fa/ now. 4chan truly is shit now

>> No.6870063

>4chan truly is shit now
yeah no shit newfag

>> No.6870096

Seasonal depression guy here. Falls coming in and So is the sadness. I thought about getting one of those light boxes but I feel like their bullshit

>> No.6870098
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LOL at these losers!

>> No.6872434

>TFW you lurk fa for a year
>Post first fit pic today
>No one comments on it

>> No.6872443

I thought it was great from an artistic standpoint

>> No.6872476
File: 189 KB, 1000x1500, Inspo 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a grill become extremely attached to you and then upon the relationship becoming long-distance, cut off all contact

>> No.6872496

I got photographed for my clothing twice this week once for a blog and the other one was a creeper pic today. My girlfriend whose father is a high end fashion photographer (has lots of vouge work ect.) has now decided to step up her game so she can be photographed more.

>> No.6872538

maybe focus on your /fit/ and your fit will improve?

>> No.6872572

Afraid that you'll cheat on her maybe?

>> No.6872652

I can't dress for shit and I come ere hoping to pick up some helpful insight. I do but I just have no clue how to implement it. I can't figure out what looks good and what doesn't and I get anxious whenever I buy clothes. I've gotten rid of two whole wardrobes worth of close and still have no idea what I want my style to look like. I'm poor and unimaginable and lonely. Al I have left is self pity.

>> No.6872677

>I got photographed for my clothing twice this week


>> No.6872688

For the past 21 years when I actually had time for a relationship, I never had any opportunities. Now I've got several opportunities, but my life is too full/complicated for a relationship. I'm going to be alone forever. At least I'll look good (ish).

>> No.6872725

I met alot of male models this past week and realized that a lot of them are nicer than expected (or just awkward).

>> No.6873026

The first time I was wearing http://www.oaknyc.com/topo-fisherman-pants.html these pants and a thrift shirt and low docs. Second time was leather awang pants hba shirt and gats.

>> No.6873053

I want to live on my own but can't afford it. -$1000 more a month would leave me with no money for the amount of leisure I like. Why does LA real estate have to be so fucking garbage. I have family with properties and they won't give me a deal.

Moving out of LA is an option for cheaper living but it would mean leaving an easy 40k a year job with my best friend in which all we do is smoke weed. Staying with roomates is just more headaches, food going missing, late rent and putting up with unwanted visitors.

>> No.6873059

also if your complex isn't a mile away from the actual USC campus you shouldn't be able to advertise it as such. You drag in college students into awful commutes and jack up the price for no reason.

>> No.6873062

Been in a similar situation before, but not quite as extreme.

If she is truly a lost cause that you cannot repair, then the real problem is that you have too much time to play vidya and sit on 4chan all day. spending time alone daily builds character, but everything needs to be taken in moderation. go get busy. all that free time needs to be occupied with things you are obligated to do like a job, exercise, volunteering, school, whatever. If you stay busy, things will look up.

>> No.6873112

>tfw when changed majors today and have wasted tons of my parents money on first year of school
feel with me /fa/ :(

>> No.6873146


bad feel

what was your major and what did you change to

did you waste money cuz you changed or cuz you failed out

>> No.6873153

>tfw dropped out of both semesters last year

no credits
had to pay whole cost of tuition
im a 2nd year freshman
u dont even know

also no gf
no direction
and no friends at my new school
and the weed here is overpriced
probably goin to fail this year then kill myself

>> No.6873163

but u own geos :(

>> No.6873207
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sort of know your feel
>been in school for a year, on scholarship doe so w/e
>hate it
>decide to take a year off to *find myself*
>absorb as much art as i can over that time
>still don't know what i want to do
>transfer schools, registered too late to apply for aid so just pay tuition out of pocket
>couldn't make up my mind so decided to stick with same major
>a few weeks into the semester everything clicks and I know what I want to be
>will have to switch schools again
>will have to grind through this boring semester because i already paid for it and the credits can come in handy if i change my mind again

is this the blog thread?

>> No.6873230

Bio to Business
I understand

>> No.6873241

>that feel ;___;
GF of 4.5 years (2.5 were long-distance) stopped talking to me. I want to say it was out of the blue but the signs were there, I just never noticed them.

>> No.6873242

any recommendations for a good film on Netflix Instant?

watched Antiviral last night. if anyone here has ~1 hr 45 min to waste, watch it.
not a great film, but it's certainly entertaining and is pretty /fa/
directed by David Cronenberg's son

>> No.6873257
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shes fuckn another dude lol

>> No.6873268


>shes fuckn another dude lol

actually not atm. maybe soon tho

>> No.6873276

ohman, i remember seeing breathless for the first time when i was 8
i thought the movie was boring so i just gawked at Jean Seberg the whole time

thx for the crucial 3rd grade memories

>> No.6873284

I can't recall if Fallen Angels is still on Instant, but if it is, check it out.
It's one of my favorite Wong Kar-Wai films and it's relatively /fa/.

>> No.6874113

>not atm
it's irrelevant, but how do you know?

>> No.6874112

I actually met this guy in the Sydney CBD.

>> No.6874431

Definitely fucking great

>> No.6874567
File: 252 KB, 511x428, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't stop obsessing over a girl who's clinically depressed/bipolar and tried to kill herself a couple of months ago. we hooked up a few nights ago and it was the highlight of my year. i've told a couple of my friends and they all think i should stay the fuck away from her, and deep down i know theyre right.

>> No.6874582

I'm gonna amaze you with some coldreading here:
You're a generally insecure person.

>> No.6874588

four things could happen in this situation, anon
>you stay away from her and she kills herself

>you stay away and never hear from her and she does fine

>you get together and she kills herself

>you get together and everything is perfect

>> No.6874597
File: 67 KB, 426x364, 1378790792252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight /fa/

>> No.6874602

Are you.. me?

>> No.6874673

do not m8
been there

>> No.6874892
File: 30 KB, 450x258, chungking_express_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chungking Express is superior, if a bit less cool.

>> No.6874918

don't put your dick in crazy
m8 for real

>> No.6874935

P good chance that if she tries it again, you're going to blame yourself and others will blame you as well because you were porking it. Unless you think you can put up with that kind of baggage for life, I'd reconsider your options.