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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 109 KB, 768x1024, fitlel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6865993 No.6865993[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

MFA's TOP WAYWT August2013


>> No.6866016

azurewrath has some alright fits

>> No.6866019

there's bad but the good is still significantly better than /fa/ minus User

>> No.6866024

let's just not give a shit ok?

>> No.6866029

ive seen several of those seriously posted on /fa/


>> No.6866035
File: 128 KB, 683x1024, 2KwFRZ4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first good fit i saw

>> No.6866037

They dress better than almost everyone on here

>le epic 4chan vs reddit war xD

>> No.6866039

that's bad but there are good before it

>> No.6866047
File: 81 KB, 641x1024, 04Ji4uK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6866055


whats up with the shoes? and v-neck tees are actually made for usage with shirts..
and fold the jeans 2 times more so it gets abit above the shoes.

>> No.6866056

that parka is actually realy useless

>> No.6866071

what is it?

>> No.6866085

A lot of these fits are pretty alright. What's the problem here other than the few stinkers here and there?

>> No.6866086

i forget its actual name but its silent by damir doma and they label it as a parka but its relatively thin cotton poplin. doesnt keep your warm in winter, doesnt keep you cool in summer. rain just soaks right through it, the pockets arent attached to the body so if you have your hands in them and theres even the slightest breeze going against you it will make the body flap back and look retarded, the neck sits awkwardly if you have it open, i guarantee you his isnt sitting like that unless he has the top button done up for the picture behind his arm there

a really terrible product for its price point

>> No.6866095

the black version used to be on luis and hypebeast but i cant find it any more

>> No.6866102
File: 183 KB, 545x1136, R7VYnt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these look pretty nice, and most are relatively decent.
But then, yeah, you have shit like this.

However, they still dress better than most of the shit I've seen here.

>> No.6866114

heres the only place i can see it mentioned anywhere any more
i'm acutally wondering if he just bleached and dyed it green himself

>> No.6866131

why doesnt /fa/ do a top waywt thing?
would anyone be interested in that?
like we could make a thread and people could submit their favourites from the last month or something
maybe set up a poll if you want to vote on them i dont know

>> No.6866135

MFA stuff is generally better than /fa/ waywts. probably because the shit they wear is easier to pull off. so many goofballs trying to wear gothninja stuff and failing hard here.

>> No.6866143
File: 66 KB, 768x1024, M0tzElp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why has this guy always got this smug look as he looks down

>> No.6866173

the pic with his zara denim vest is the best kek

>> No.6866183
File: 1.73 MB, 1811x3610, 51ed872ce9eddl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah I really hate that guy and the manlet that always gets upvoted. pic related.

>> No.6866193

>vans with leather laces
>wow so class
>such fashion

>> No.6866200

People come here to hype stuff that looks like shit to viral it like gothninja/geobaskets/rick owens while getting laughs out of the retards who take it serious.

>> No.6866216
File: 158 KB, 400x894, nN0mGbR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if this guy is turnleft and he has a different persona on each website?

>> No.6866221

what if you were funny and made a post worth reading

>> No.6866231
File: 331 KB, 1024x963, XlTmS3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst

>> No.6866241


>> No.6866261

>horizontal striped shorts with red chucks
what a fucking faggot

>> No.6866266
File: 108 KB, 400x916, EvErwD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of the #menswear ones are decent representations of that particular aesthetic
it's not an aesthetic that does much for me personally, but at least they don't fuck it up

>> No.6866275


>> No.6866277

fuck that was gonna be my comment

>> No.6866284

i really don't about that #menswear lyfe, but everything about that looks shitty to me.

>> No.6866279

Too many white people in high value colors.

This is the main problem with 90% of the fits.

>> No.6866283

Fuck i hate those shoes

>> No.6866282

top kek

>> No.6866299
File: 234 KB, 352x1000, RJgUUdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and can anyone explain why this is on there?

like what would you think if you walked past this dude on the street?

>> No.6866311

i'd think he dressed like a child and assume he had a funny voice and would be immature but i'd give him a chance

>> No.6866323

I would think that there's too much white in that outfit for it to be worn with the brown of those canvas pants.

>> No.6866331

He tutors troubled children and has a quirky taste in music.

>> No.6866334

man i like long hair but that does not look in any way good

>> No.6866336


>> No.6866393

does anyone know how old this guy is? I'm 21 and this looks EXACTLY like one of my weirder friends from high school who moved away when we were 16.

>> No.6866564


my biggest issue is color.

High value is when a color is closer to white, so pale, essentially. shouldn't you have similar colors in different values and saturations? and if you have different values, some re going to be high.

>> No.6866618

Yeah its probably him

>> No.6866675

Some twenty something skate rat going no where.

Maybe not with the converse.

>> No.6866689

Is this seriously the best? I always figured /fa/ just scronged through mfa trying to find the worst fits they could. Their best is shit you can find at the gap? Does mfa even go above basic shit, like to mid tier All Saints?

>> No.6866736

to be fair the Allsaints looked can be easily acheived by copping nuetral colored shit at cheaper places. The quality would be better as well.

>> No.6866740
File: 227 KB, 400x855, qSOjRyF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you think how much shit this guy would get here

>> No.6866768


disregarding lurkers there is a moderate portion of recurring users here that wear midhigh to artisanal garments

>> No.6866765

yes, that certainly should have been a surprise

>> No.6866775

It's male fashion advice. a lot of emphasis is put on welcoming/encouraging newcomers, not scoffing at their "pleb" clothing.

>> No.6866783
File: 170 KB, 533x800, d9n82QT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... what?

>> No.6866788

we're not reddit
we wouldnt be able to decide on anything

>> No.6866796


>> No.6866866


>> No.6866878
File: 226 KB, 768x1024, H0IU3uWh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat dip dye monstrosity
feelin them blazers, doe

>> No.6868117

holy shit that dip dye sucks dick how hard is it to get right?
the guy in that pic just posted this shit:
>I've been on a banh mi craze the last week or two. Shit's so good.

fucking lel
>Well, I'm currently working on an article about banh mi, so I usually try to stick to the same two for consistency, thịt nguội and thịt nướng, but those are probably my favorites either way.

>> No.6868129

lol it's like they copypasta'd fits from superfuture 5 years ago

>> No.6868132


You don't look cool from any angle of anything.

>> No.6868134

If this guy lifted or was just bigger this would look gr8
too fuckin skinny for this look

>> No.6868612

that nigga dip dyed with water lmao

>> No.6868633

Rightfully, I mean you can't encourage that with a clear conscience, can you? He looks like a stuffed sausage and what's up with that fucking pose? Shirt fits like absolute shit, too.

>> No.6868635

>le epic 4chan vs reddit war xD


But then again, shitposting is fun every now and then:

Dat dip wtf.
Looks like this nigga tucks in his shirt and then jumps in the washing machine.

Would ask if bottom half has ever been washed/10

>> No.6869272

Whether you're promoting this or baiting us to hate it OP,

Either way,

Please stop posting forever,

>> No.6871068

>gently caressing his bag

>> No.6871945

Those are the kind of shoes that fags on ironheart forum jerk off to.

>> No.6872896

except no it wouldn't not at all

>> No.6873022

I would think “Holy shit, Richard D.James dresses like a child.”

>> No.6873029

His name is probably Moonbeam

>> No.6873040

is that smegma on that shirt?

>> No.6873323

This is the wankiest thing I've seen all week. Fuck this guy.

>He looked in the mirror and thought he looked dope. Toplel

>> No.6873682
File: 243 KB, 853x1280, useriousm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if serious...

>> No.6873721


>> No.6873741

tee hee

>> No.6873744

>that brown
>with that red
Nah. If you're gonna be that bold you can't be fucking up your colors on such a basic level.

Anyway that one blonde dude who actually looks confident dressed pretty well. Can't think of any others who looked good.

>> No.6873770
File: 361 KB, 394x595, Screen shot 2013-09-09 at 10.24.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite fit from the album.

>> No.6873802

would be ok in the right setting. i think he looks good but it would have to be the right context. if he lost the blazer it would be good for everyday

>> No.6874061

THIS WHOLE THREAD: reddit pls go

>> No.6874198

come on, just change the belt and the boots and it's cool