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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.53 MB, 1200x1500, innate fashion sense tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6861004 No.6861004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think we can all agree on this.

>> No.6861051

Absolutely not. Functionality trumps showiness. Whites and Asians are top tier.

>> No.6861047
File: 70 KB, 400x300, pink ranger is incredulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6861120

do you really think the average nigger dresses well?
whens the last time you saw a good black designer?
i agree with you on the hispanics though
whites should be ok or good tier
asians usually dress nice in my experience
niggers should be at the bottom, at the most ok-tier
and ik, "racism is for /v/ faggots", eat shit.
whites is a very vague label, if you think the u.s.a represents "whites" you're wrong and you're fucking stupid for thinking so.

>> No.6861127

No you're pretty spot on if were talking averages but Hispanics should flat out be at the bottom they innovate nothing fashion wise.

>> No.6861139
File: 1.42 MB, 400x390, 1378127931912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck does "hispanic" mean anyway?
i'm from south america, am i hispanic? what difference is between me and a white guy considering that i'm white?
blacks are blacks
whities are whites
asians have fucked up eyes

there is no "special" feature on latinos so why the fuck are we considered to be a whole different group? my guess is that latinos have their own nigga-alike culture there in the usa and dress like the guys on the pic instead of acting casual about their ethnic group so that people only get to know about it when they are told so.

>> No.6861152

Fashion is a hobby and concern for the rich, which race is the richest?

>> No.6861159

It's actually the opposite
White & Hispanics

>> No.6861165
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>> No.6861173
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inb4 300 replies

>> No.6861174

i saw a nigger in pyrex shorts once

>> No.6861181


>> No.6861195

lol wite ppl r so lame who needs dem lol :p :p

im wite btw lol :p

>> No.6861198

nigger detected

>> No.6861203

HAHA are you argentinian by any chance?

>> No.6861215


confirmed retard.
please go.

>> No.6861280

Black people dress so badly, if you really think black street attire is a good look then kill yourself.

>> No.6861287

the main reasons blacks are GOAT is that they normally dress so badly. when a black guy knows what the fuck he's doing, it's all the more impressive and unusual

>> No.6861292

hurr durr gonna generalize entire skin colors into tiers. /fa/ is so full retard.

>> No.6861296

>you will never be asian

>> No.6861305

the truth hurts

>> No.6861318

Spot on, OP

>> No.6861325
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I wonder who's behind this post...

>> No.6861348

not him but i'm from argentina and also don't understand what you guys call hispanic.

it's the brown mexican-like people? we call them niggers, cause we don't have actually niggas here.

>> No.6861353
File: 51 KB, 500x308, 1344260380724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao don't even know why these cacs still browse /effay/, they will never dress as well as a real nigga

>> No.6861364
File: 55 KB, 960x179, argentinaiswhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

argentina is white

>> No.6861373

if they didnt the whole board would have gone to the shitter
niggers posting pyrex hypebeast shit everywhere with true religion jeans taking over the sticky

>> No.6861376
File: 106 KB, 800x600, messi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i just want to know,
you think this guy is hispanic or white?

>> No.6861381

mestizo with mediterranean descent
argentinians and hispanics believe that anyone with light skin is automatically a white(caucasian) person

>> No.6861397

white is right

>> No.6861405

>implying corny cac menswear shit hasn't already ruined /fa/

>> No.6861410

lol black peole acting like this isnt a white person site.... go to hypebeast niglets

>> No.6861411
File: 163 KB, 500x750, 71a16ddf71426ee4d51df4636595c1bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeee

>> No.6861418

tfw Finnish
>asian eyes
>really thick pretty straight hair, some slight curls, typical Finnish hair color which is neither blonde nor brown, I dye my hair dark brown
>dark eyebrows
>tfw 5'6" manlet
>attractive face, good jawline
>slightly darker skin than european and american whites but still considered clearly "white"
trying my best to get a gf as tall as me so at least my children can be attractive ;_;

>> No.6861422
File: 113 KB, 312x235, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... what am i?
i really don't get it.

>shitty webcam

>> No.6861426

I guess you're from eastern europe, some poor country

>> No.6861433

i'm from argentina.

... but i'm hispanic, white, mestizo or what?
i don't get the "argentina white lel xD" thing.

>> No.6861432

Lmao all I see is a bunch if moe anime bullshit at the top this ain't stormfront nigga

>> No.6861439

I think I might know you... Which city do you live in?

>> No.6861440
File: 456 KB, 680x465, 6f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6861442

top lel, I'm from etelä-savo, you?

>> No.6861444

argentinans and other poor eu countries are their own mix of races, you're probably related to hispanics, whites and russians

>> No.6861447


Wanna bang?

>> No.6861450

Whites are top tier, followed by asians, blacks, then hispanics.


>> No.6861461

whoa are u finish and yur from fronklind

>> No.6861464

so am I the guy you know? xd

>> No.6861490


I guess

>> No.6861496

hyow is findland every real are they mongols?

>> No.6861501


ur dump

>> No.6861503
File: 268 KB, 500x641, circus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat arguments

>argentinians and hispanics believe that anyone with light skin is automatically a white(caucasian) person
how the fuck is this not white?
i bet if he was from europe you would say that he is white.

fucking gringos.

>> No.6861511


>> No.6861514

You are all stupid and do not know what hispanic means. You can be asian/black/white/mestizo and still be Hispanic if you: Know Spanish, were raised in a spanish speaking country, are from spanish descent.
Hispanic only means you are somewhat related to the Spanish culture.


>> No.6861520


A lot of South Americans have European roots and you would know this if you had ever picked up a history book.

Somewhere along the line your great grandma probably fucked a black guy, later on came you.
By your logic you are a nigger even though you have white skin, nigger.

>> No.6861524

this guy could pass for albanian. so are albanians white?

>> No.6861532

>same thing as skin colour
confirmed retard

>> No.6862417 [DELETED] 

Would it be appropriate to class Brazilians and Argentinians black now?

>> No.6862454

my great-grandfather was black and I'm pretty damn tanned

what do

>> No.6862477

Bask in the glory of your superior /fa/ness

>> No.6862490
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