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6857301 No.6857301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it /fa/ to cheat on your gf?

I have a qt3.14 gf right now, but she dresses pretty badly and has like thousands of dollars worth of aldo shoes. I don't really want to break up with her because I love having sex on the reg.

I just want to find a girl dressed errday in rick to have an illicit affair with, plus points if she has a dadcore boyfriend

>> No.6857369
File: 178 KB, 600x800, autismannual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Break up with your girlfriend, I'm sure she's waiting for it to end considering all the horrible sex and how her boyfriend looks like a fucking idiot in a diaper. Have fun being alone..er...I mean single.

>> No.6858247

You could probably help change her dressing and give subtle hints on things,my ex hinted on me to change my hair once..i didnt but she was a bitch so it was fine.Give it a chance before you end up breaking up with her and a year later seeing her looking completely different and regretting it

>> No.6858273

You can cheat but honestly it is usually not worth it. You will ruin your relationship and feel bad one way or another. Either just have casual sex with many women or work on your relationship with her.

>tfw married and love her but still want to fuck sluts on occaison

>> No.6858286

do it m8. she prolly cheated on you already.

>> No.6858362

No it's cuntish

>> No.6860004

>dressed errday in rick
even if this story is true you're pathetic

>> No.6860025
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...do it, op....do it..

>> No.6860043
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>qt wants the d
>7/10 face
>10/10 body
>dresses well
>have a gf
>she's changed in the past few months
>still love her, but finding it harder and harder to like her because anything I say can set her off
>mean while speaking to the other girl basically every day
>my face

>> No.6860056

just tell her that she should buy more high quality and nicer clothes and suggest a change in style

>> No.6860076

You will look like the biggest cunt in front of your friends and family if she finds out and tells everyone why you two broke up. It's just a straight up dick move and not something you should do to someone who you are supposed to care about.

>> No.6860101

remember why you love her and work on your relationship. if that doesn't work then go for the qt, but don't cheat. it's not worth it. trust me.

>> No.6860097

>tfw no gf to cheat on

>> No.6860114


Tell gf to gtfo
marry the new qt

>> No.6860166

this is a real feel. unlike faggot OP
hope it works out bro, telling the story online can just never give the full picture. just remember what attracted you to her in the first place.
sometimes a big fight actually solves things. dont provoke it, but sometimes you'll find conclusions. just don't say anything with instinct and think if it comes to that

>> No.6860218

if you do this you are a piece of human garbage. Break up with her then get with the other girl. Cheating is for snakes man. You gotta be 100 percent honest.

>> No.6860230

Thanks, and when we do fight I always stay calm, I seriously can't think of any time I've yelled at her. The other way around though, well, I can think of plenty. Anyway, trying to work it out with her, no idea what the problem is, well, it's that she tends to take her day out on me, but I don't know why this suddenly started happening. And I've started to pull away because of all the shit, she's gotten more clingy, anyway, it's a whole thing, and I don't need to shit up /fa/ with it all.

>> No.6860280

You are honestly the worst kind of person. People who cheat because they're "bored" or "one girl's not enough" are fucking despicable. You at least owe her the courtesy of being honest and telling her that you don't want to date anymore rather than running around on her. I will never understand those who cheat.

>> No.6860389

Don't cheat, seriously, you will regret it. It's just a bad thing to have on your conscious plus girls won't want to be in a serious relationship with you if they know you cheated in a previous relationship.

>> No.6860394

fuck sakes that part got me so mad as well
I hope OP get's shot in the elbow

>> No.6860401


Don't cheat ever.

Break up, give it time, then do your thing. But cheating is for pieces of shit. This applies to both genders

>> No.6860409
File: 94 KB, 637x500, 18MARV REC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know a couple o' do's who persuaded their partners in szcore shit, u can too op.

>> No.6860412

Cheating is wrong, and i also thinking being in an exclusive relationship is wrong.

if you cheat you are a pussy, straight up.

Why? because you are too scared to potentially risk losing "sex" over being in control of your relationship.

what i would do is break up with her, and if she wants to continue fucking (which she most likely would), that's fine.

she'll still get pissed when you fuck someone else, but it won't be cheating.

>> No.6860426

i seccond this. people who cheat are the scum of the earth.

>> No.6860432

cheating is the fastest way to make sure no one has any respect for you. that, and lying.

>> No.6860429

>having a gf
>liking girls

>> No.6860436 [DELETED] 

* also thinking being in an exclusive relationship is wrong in your early 20s (and even longer).

>> No.6860451

were u all cheated on lmao
if you want to you should do it op, i mean if you want to then you obviously dont care about her as much as you do

>> No.6860453
File: 217 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 6-5-13 at 8.53 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bitch, in every long term relationship someone will most likely cheat, so youre better off cheating rather than her,

dont go out looking for it, chasing for it tho,
but never turn down an oppurtunity when the girls throw themselves at you because youre fcuking awesome

i cheat in all my relationships, i always get away with it

i tell the girl that it was a one time thing, and that she threw herself at me,

or once i said that i was confused and i didnt know who i liked more, this got the girl to fall in love and treat me EVEN BETTER!!!

be a pimp, or be a nice guy that gets cheated on..

im 23 years old and havent had my "heart broken" yet....

be abundance...

>> No.6860460

that's pretty much the worst thing you could do to a girl.. unless she is already some kind of polyamorous po-mo tumblr feminist in which case this problem wouldn't exist.. i'd hardly call what you suggest an improvement over cheating. You seem to have very bad judgment and little to no life experience, and an obnoxious and childish moniker leading me to think you are no older than 17 or 18.

>> No.6860480

Do you have extremely low self esteem? Stop trying to add inches to your penis and fuck off obnoxious dadcore watch wearing fuck.

>> No.6860489

i've never been cheated on but i've been tempted to cheat.

i ended up not doing it though, and now i don't even do exclusive relationships so it's not an issue.

it's true, in most LTRs someone will cheat in some way, i just see a cheater as a really weak person.
i'm mainly talking about men, because that type of shit behavior is just normal for women.

a man who cheats is weak.
i get that "you get away with it"
it's not hard, but it's better to control a girls head so much that you are allowed to fuck whoever you want without "cheating."

it's like cheating in sports, you get disqualified.

>> No.6860490

>someone is likely to cheat
Its not like cheating is a random even though, and that you cheating means some kind of statistical quota for relationship deviance is filled. I think your reasoning is flawed. Odds are you're just a person who gets around the kind of people are morally ambiguous and selfish enough to cheat a lot. If you're cromagnon enough to think that way, your gf probably is too.

>> No.6860496

you're female, right?

>> No.6860503

actually i have very high self esteem havent you read psychology today august issue?

people with higher self esteem are less happy... LOL WHODAtHUNKIt

if i had low self esteem i wouldnt feel better than others

>> No.6860514

Holy shit, you are actually stupid. I thought you were just fucking around with that "statistical cheating" thing but it looks like you're real deal retarded.

>> No.6860518


You are a tragedy.

This whole thread is tragic

>> No.6860530

which one's the dude

>> No.6860546

and you tards wonder why you don't have a qt gf
cheating is for cowards

>> No.6860566

Being an obnoxious cunt who proves himself by sleeping around, having to dominate relationships, and flaunting e-wealth that nobody gives two shits about in order to make your "point" is not exactly having high self-esteem and self-worth, tryhard faggot.

PS wear a t-shirt

>> No.6860637 [DELETED] 

actually, i reread your post and i'm positive you are female.

>that's pretty much the worst thing you could do to a girl.
what? being upfront that i don't want to date her anymore, but allow her to choose to still have sex with me?

>You seem to have very bad judgment and little to no life experience
unfortunately you are wrong. when it comes to social dynamics i have great judgement. that is a direct result of my life experiences.

>an obnoxious and childish moniker
now this is just ridiculous.

>> No.6860679

i dont dominate relationships, all my relationships go well, and end well both parties leave fulfilled and more mature.

the last girl i dumped, thanked me for how awesome i was to her, wrote like a 2 page love letter, AFTER I BROKE UP WITH HER!!!

to be honest i just want as many girls to experience me and think about me for the rest of their lives,

thats all... its a good thing we always have fun, we always learn, with all the girls in my life,

if i was a girl i would be so happy if a guy like me entered her life

the money is not to make a point its to troll...

and no i dont wear tshirt because it makes the girls shy, when i dont have it on, they wanna look but only look when im not looking and its really cute...

here aresome parts of a love letter a girl once wrote me this was a coulple weeks ago:

"you had a big impact on my life..." it was like having someone walk into your life and making you realize why it never worked out with anyone else"..".i felt you were the best thing to ever happen to me"..."you dont know how much i would think about you", "you made me so happy..."

its stuff that like that makes me feel good to be honest,

i want more girls to think of me like this.

i havent talked to her since she texts me but i ignored them.

now im just sleeping around waiting to invest more time into a chick i dig... so she can think about me for the rest of her life, even after she gets married

>> No.6860730

how old are you?

not a troll or hate, im just curious.

girls have said similar shit to me after i broke up with them too.

>> No.6860748

whats wrong with aldo?

>> No.6860755

ya i think they say it so we can feel bad about leaving them or something, but i like it, its like mission accomplished move on to the next girl

im 22

and yourself?

>> No.6860787
File: 22 KB, 261x142, Screen shot 2013-08-14 at 9.40.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>so we can feel bad about leaving them or something

it worked on me once, but never again.

>> No.6860806

im 21 in a relationship of 3 years and im really bored and i dont feel the same about my partner. I really want to be single but I think she will be pretty bad off if we break up (depression problems and shit), any advice /fa/?

>> No.6860821


Go to swinger partays bru
she will suck other old men dicks and u got to fuck sum milfs
after that she will feel pretty awkward and she'll want the divorce.

win win situation imho

>> No.6860822


How a normal non-dramatic man would handle that (you gigantic faggot).

>I think we should just be friends
>No, I'm good. See you around.

Did you also write her a poem about how malcontent and indigent she's left you?

>> No.6860823

Not that guy but i can say the same. Girls are fucking terrible and i don't want to get into a whole thing but fuck them.

>> No.6860831


she'd flip out in rage as soon as i mentioned it

>> No.6860838

you aren't thinking clearly, but i've been there man.
it was 2 years, but still.
it was so fucking hard to fucking end it, and then i got back and then it just blew up.
it hurt like shit but what i learned what from it was worth so much.

nobody can say anything about understanding relationships until they've ended one.

It's natural for you to worry about her, as a man, but i doubt you are ONLY worried about her.
you are worried about yourself as well, but that's a whole other issue.

You can't worry about her. She'll be fine.
You need to look out for yourself, number one, over everything else.

she may get depressed, and go crazy, but she WILL bounce back and recover.
she may talk a ton of shit about you, and try to ruin your life, but that's your fault for letting her be such a big part of your life.

that may sound insensitive, but it happened to me too and i realize how wrong it was.

it will be hard for a while, but it's better than staying with her and will only be harder later on.

it's better to feel like a dick for a few months than to look like a fool for the rest of your life.

>> No.6860847

i didn't really write shit.

but i do know now that it's a bad call to stay friends with an ex, for hundreds of reasons.

she may say "i changed her life" but watch how quick she'll let someone else change her life after.

>> No.6860861


thanks for taking the time out to write this it has made my decision a little easier.

>> No.6860864

23 kool, and it seems that girl may want to be freinds with benifits why you dump her

>> No.6860874

i can give you more advice if you have anything specific.

for me the two hardest part was STAYING AWAY after.
I didn't, and it fucked a lot up for me.

when you do it, you have to mean it. not for her, but for your own sanity.

if you need to, tell her it's best to not talk for a while and commit to no contact.

>> No.6860883


oh hundred percent man. no chance i'd keep contact and prolong it. i've thought deeply into it. pretty loaded up with school work at the moment so i will have to prolong it as i can't handle that stress at the moment.

>> No.6860892

it's a lot more complicated than that.
we did continue fucking after that, but it was a mistake.

i don't think guys should keep hooking up or even staying friends with their ex.

if it was just a fling or a casual relationship, whatever, but this was a serious 2 year relationship.

but really i could handle it now. i ended up listening to her words VS her actions like a true retard.

>> No.6860900

agree to be friends after a relationship that lasted more than a year ended. It's fucking over for a reason.

The "let's be friends" line is a ploy, and a shitty one at that. Delete them, delete their numbers, delete delete delete and move the fuck on

>> No.6860910

ouch big mistake man,listening to her words, not her actions, seems like you got hurt more in the end, well guess im a natural with women. dont even gotta fcuk up once, dont even have a broken heart yet...

you never had that girl ever... and maybe you didnt really want her either

>> No.6860925

Being a nigger is more wrong than cheating.

>> No.6860929

no, i did have her, and she was mine.
she would've jumped off a bridge if i told her too.

but i got too comfortable in the relationship which left us both bored.

it's true.

this is what makes so many guys go fucking crazy.

>> No.6860936

>guess im a natural with women.
you had an older brother and/or older sister, right?

>> No.6860986

no but i just put myself in their shoes and see how i would have acted if i really cared about me. you’ll be more aware and, hence, you’ll be prepared to anticipate problems and deal with them as they arise this way...

>> No.6863250

you're just as bad as somebody who read the sticky and thinks they're a fashion god.

>> No.6863258

then again get somebody you want (full rick whatever) so you too can be happy,but i suspect you secretly love ur current gf hence why you only want to cheat and not breakup.

>> No.6863266

I cheated on my gf and i felt like shit. I got bored of her and didnt love her like i used to. So i went to a bar on my own one night and fucked a girl. Turns out this girl was really something, so i told my now ex and she flipped (understandable)

So yes, its a cunt thing to do. Tell her first