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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 89 KB, 264x396, brbmasterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6850829 No.6850829[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You're worthless, a manlet, and statistically a man who will never climb his career ladder or be a leader of anything more significant than president of his local stamp collection club. People dont look at you, they look down at you. Girls are NOT interested in you unless they are below five foot themselves. You tell you're self everyday "It's all about confidence" and then wonder why tall ugly fucks score with 0 game. You effectively have 20% of the dating pool normal people have. When you bulk up you look bulgy and stocky, very unaesthetic. What's even worse is that people know you're compensating.

You're the perfect height, the pinnacle of the human genome, the human form of the gods themselves. 90% of the population looks up to you and you're more likely to get higher paying jobs. You have all the benefits of being tall with none of the negatives. You're within the perfect height range for girls (statistically a girl likes guys 6-8 inches taller than them, and the average woman is 5'4"....) so therefore it takes NO effort on your part to slam 8-10/10s on the reg. When you bulk up you look jacked and well proportioned.

The second best height group, have all the benefits of being tall but also the negatives. This group tends to be completely delusional to the fact that they are the second best height, only because "the manlet" compares so poorly against them. Statistically, you are more likely to die an early death. You are LESS successful at attracting girls than the 6ft person. While some girls still enjoy your height you are in the "cut off" zone for a lot of girls. Girls must be above 5'8" to date you without it looking awkward. You're physique looks lanky and goofy unless you pack on SERIOUS mass. More problems:

- You're more likely to have back problems
- Clothes often fit you poorly
- Shower heads are too low for you
- Getting in and out of cars is uncomfortable as phuk
- You have relatively weaker lifts
- You're clumsy

>> No.6850841

the difference between 5'11 and 6' is 2,5 centimentres

2,5cm is two fingernails side to side

kill yourself

>> No.6850845
File: 641 KB, 256x271, 1375562296943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to make height troll threads on /fa/

full disclosure I am 6 ft

>> No.6850852

So you are 6 feet eh, manlet?

>> No.6850856

From worthless manlet to perfect height in 1 inch top lel

>> No.6850860

if somebody posts anything related to models on /fa/, it's automatically a shitty post

>> No.6850864

well pretty much everything he said is true, I'm 184cm and I would like 2 or 3 cm more but 6 - 6'1 is perfect and will help you in everything in life

>> No.6850866


>> No.6850873

user is best dressed on /fa/ and 5'9

>> No.6850903

put your trip back on

>> No.6850900


>> No.6850905


other contender for best-dressed is 5'6" (uuuuhhhh)

>> No.6850914
File: 99 KB, 625x626, 1377723068455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850929

Already posted it on /fit/ about 15min ago but it got deleted. :|

It's more suited for /fa/ though.

>> No.6850937

5'1" here. I'm glad I'm not on that list.

>> No.6850950

6' foot manlets talking smack on the 6'2 perfect height ?!

not on my /fa/


>> No.6850960

Why is it more suited for /fa/?

>> No.6850961

Its funny when people think height has something to with life.
the only thing that being short or overly short gets you, your gf has to be limited height range. nothing more.
people who brag about height usually have nothing good to brag about.
Yes i am aware this is a troll thread but id like to point it out to people who think they are gods because of there height.
Also if a girl judges you on height would you want that girl?
Btw im 6'2 but i have 3 friends under 5'9 and they get laid alot.
Everything is about confidence
If you are self conscious about your height then thats the only reason its setting you back

>> No.6850971

>tfw 171cm/5'7
>tfw even when i know it's blatant trolling i feel bad inside

>> No.6850974

>implying over 6 feet is second best

6'3" master race reporting in. How is everyone today? Jealous? It's cool, I get that a lot.

>> No.6850978

at first I hated these threads, but now they just make me laugh. 6' master race here, enjoy being developmentally challenged and getting no women tallfags and shortfags.

>> No.6850980

does most of /fa/ live in northern europe or something? because I'm 5'10 and have never felt short in my life

>> No.6850977

well spoken

>> No.6851029

this is complete dogshit
girls prefer taller men because that comes naturally to them it's not a matter if you want the girl or not its if the girl will settle for you
people who are smart do not brag because they know their advantage but in a social situation the taller male of the two close to equal in status will always be better off
you must be retarded if you think any amount of confidence will do anything but make you look childish

>> No.6851042

YEAH, I live in LA and I never felt short. A lot of people here are short though. I imagine I had good nutrition as when I was young. Both my parents are unde 5'7 and I consider myself lucky for being 5'10, but I been this height since I was 17 and I am now 22. I did not eat right during high school and stoped drinking milk. I use to drink two cup fulls of milk a day as a kid. I imagine I would of been taller if I did sports and ate right.

>> No.6851057

Lol you cant say taller men as if its something you can apply a rule to. Height is but one of many factors when it comes to women's preference, there are a myriad of things more important like facial aesthetics that have alot more impact on your overall. As long as your not insanely short like under 5'6 the effects it will have on your aesthetic is negligible.

>> No.6851064

To be fair, I live in the Netherlands (I'm 6ft). And both of you would literally be seen as manlets here.

>> No.6851075

>girls prefer taller men because that comes naturally to them
Women want a man to protect them, the height doesn't matter.
If you are 5'9 and lift weights and look more athletic then the 6 foot guy she will choose you. Unless your ugly af
If you can make a female think you are nice to her, while still protecting here from anything dangerous, you are in.
Women do not want height (Some do) women want the feeling of safety.
Being tall is equal to being rich, funny, good looking.
Its an attribute but its not nearly as huge as people make it out to be.

>> No.6851081

>myriad of

>> No.6851087

What kind of psychotic, aggressive dweeb types this shit up?

>> No.6851104

6"2 here.
OP is obviously just a 6" manlet.

>> No.6851106

an wot

>> No.6851100

A tall person who is trying to convince himself that the only thing that matters is height, or a manlet doing the same to attribute his failures to things outside of his control.

>> No.6851132

>Shower heads are too low for you

>> No.6851138
File: 2 KB, 120x117, 1377920231748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where I live being 5' 11" is already tall

>> No.6851167

>and statistically a man who will never climb his career ladder or be a leader of anything more significant than president of his local stamp collection club.
Bill Gates: 5'10''
Warren Buffett: 5'10''
Mark Zuckerberg: 5'9''
P. Diddy: 5'9''

>> No.6851185

>6' guy mad he barely qualifies as a man, and tries really hard to put down the 6'1"-6'4" gods of the earth
I get it, you don't like being the whipping boy of the cool group, but you don't have to take it out on the internet, kiddo.

>> No.6851240

5'11'' 200lbs reporting in. Looks, personality, intelligence and fitness are in no way relative to hight. I've never had any problems. Guy in pic has feminine torso/10, would beat up in public place.