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/fa/ - Fashion

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6847173 No.6847173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ feels thread

>tfw you overeat then you feel you dont have the privilege to mock fat people
>tfw you cant look at yourself in the morning because your face is puffy
>tfw that self hatred after you eat good amount of food
>feeling /fa/ when you're hungry when you smoke cigarettes and drink coffee
>tfw constantly thinking how do you look
>tfw feeling insecure/superior

>> No.6847194
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The feel when nothing better than feeling healthy after good meals and exercise
The feel when that sexy glow that only comes from a well rested and fit body
The feel when you find it hard to gain weight, and exercise mainly for a nice tight body

Feel with me

>> No.6847215
File: 20 KB, 750x750, tfw6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw think you scratched your eye or something because your eyes are really dry, foggy and irritated having worn your contacts the day before
>tfw worn contacts for years with no problem
>tfw this is the second time this has happened within a few months

fucking hell i really dont want to wear glasses, I hope i sleep this off by tmmr, but with the way my vision is looking im kind of scared.

>> No.6847251
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>tfw you won your Colorado sprint today.
I raced the shit out of them bitch niggas.

>> No.6847256


>> No.6847267
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>tfw i will never meet james and have sex with him

>> No.6847280
File: 2.08 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20130905_180420_260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lost 25 pounds and now pants are ruined.

>> No.6847283

I know this feel
>tfw went from 34 waist to 30

>> No.6847293

>tfw shortfag 5'6"/5'7"
>tfw would be legitimately attractive if was 2 inches taller
>tfw love plain, fitting t shirts but cannot find quality ones anywhere except American Eagle but they have to put their obnoxious logo on everything they make

I need some nice, plain, good fitting t shirts and a couple inches and I'm set

>> No.6847306

>tfw 5'7"

kill me

>> No.6847312


>> No.6847321
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>tfw insecure/superior
Oh god that feel is me.
I, am that feel.

>> No.6847345

Wear them homes, if you find the perfect pair for you it'll look so fucking nice
Specs are pretty fashionable

>> No.6847361

glasses done right are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6847368

>tfw go on /fa/ every day for months
>constantly feel badly dressed, spend all your money on expensive clothes
>hate face
>hate hair
>hate giant head
>decide /fa/ is bad for my mental health, try to stay away
>stay off it for a few days
>feel better
>get bored

>> No.6847383


it sucks to be so into fashion and know that no matter how well you dress you won't look as good as you could

and i got myself to this point too. i created my own personal hell

>> No.6847391

>cut finger
>wonder if having a bandaged finger would be /fa/
I took a month off /fa/ after that to cleanse my mind.

>> No.6847398

>Tfw looking for a pair of skinny chinos
>Tfw Levi's discontinued their 510 chinos
>Tfw can't a good pair anywhere in that price range
>Tfw I am going to kill myself later tonight

>> No.6847406
File: 69 KB, 705x582, trns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to go shopping for shoes and jeans today
>have to be home for a backpack delivery

>> No.6847409

why is your face puffy in the morning? i have it too

>> No.6847414

This made me hehe

>> No.6847421
File: 202 KB, 500x650, 1372021929140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insecure is not /fa/

>never exercise
>eat like shit but in small amounts
>look like a junkie

cooler than you

>> No.6847428

>tfw look great
>totally confident because of how good i look
>when i actually have to have a conversation i'm still a total autist


i'm so bad at conversing lately it makes me feel so shitty and ruins it all

>> No.6847434

>tfw you work at an urban outfitters because you hoped you'd meet other people who are into 'alt culture'
>tfw the customers are all teenage lamestreamers

In retrospect, that might be closer to /mu/. At least my coworkers aren't bad.

>> No.6847446
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>tfw see someone wearing really cool sunglasses, not even anything show-offish but just really solid sunglasses
>look them up

>> No.6847470
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is space slacker -core a thing yet? cus it should be.

>> No.6847494

sounds like you need self esteem

>> No.6847499
File: 56 KB, 512x384, 1376878062993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>buying bread at store
>qt baker gril says 'thanks, enjoy your loaf!'
>'you too!'

>> No.6847502
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Post pictures please. Always looking for decent sunglasses.

>> No.6847521

u rich or something m8?
They are Ray Ban Wayfarers. Apparently they are pretty popular but I've never heard of them.

>> No.6847529
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>> No.6847530
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>> No.6847552
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>enjoy your loaf

naw bro she's the weird one

>> No.6847566

>tfw you over eat

Fuck I know that feel
>former fat guy
>now regulate my intake like a man obsessed
>workout constantly
>sometimes I just gotta eat
>workout even more to compensate

People say I I've lost too much and actually should be eating more. That shit ain't /fa/

>> No.6847568

>That feel the morning after you clean your face and then seal your pores with ice how ur skin is so tight and smooth.

>That feel halfway through the day when you've blotted your face with water to get rid of the cigarette smoke sticking to it and your skin dries out and you see baby crows feet

>> No.6847578

Lol @ their jealousy. Are they fat?

>> No.6847587

You are scum. I am exactly like you (5'6-5'7) and I AM legitimately attractive. I know this is /fa/, but short girls do exist, and clothes are being sold in stores around the world that willfit your body perfectly.

Stop buying into this notion that 'perfect beauty' exists. It doesn't.

>> No.6847589

Some are, some aren't. They're just used to seeing me with pudge.

>> No.6847593

post a face

>> No.6847601

>go to small grocery store
>only 1 cashier
>shes qt as fuck
>easily 8+/10
>walk up to counter and shes smiling at me
>dear god her eyes are gorgeous
>she starts scanning my shit
>the spagetti wont scan
>she tries to make small talk and is clearly flustered and embarrassed for some reason
>she apologizes for it taking to long
>try not to stare at how cute she is
>i am become the spagetti that has created this impasse

>> No.6847610

>be Auschwitz mode
>not even trying to
>eat like 5 huge meals a day
>feel everyone judging you for being so skinny

I like winter because I can layer and then I kinda look ottermode.

>> No.6847624

i know most of these feels

>> No.6847644

>tfw no wardrobe can fix ugly or give charisma

>> No.6847661
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getting my 3 squares.

>> No.6847663

Everyone who judges you has the idea that the ideal body is being muscular to the point of being a balloon animal.

Bitches love skinny boys, on a subconscious level. They can't explain it. Im sure youve caught them staring

>> No.6847674
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dat junji

>> No.6847679

>tfw you look way to closely in the mirror so you notice every shitty part of your face

>> No.6847687
File: 148 KB, 630x700, 38310824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u r qt
>old ladies compliment ur skirt
>yng ppl flirt
>rick owens sends u free clothes 2 wear 2 increase his cachet
>the japanese create an award winning moe anime based around u
>the president sends u a letter
>"thank u 4 being so qt"

gosh (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.6847684

>tfw you don't have a cool sounding name like Junya Watanabe

>> No.6847695

>tfw your gf's name isn't Ann Demuelemeester

>> No.6847704

>In retrospect, that might be closer to /mu/.
you haven't lurked /mu/ long enough if you think this way.

>> No.6847697

How dare they! Your non-fat friends probably felt better about themselves when they were around your fat self. Your fat friends probably felt validated when they were with your fat self. U better lay down the law the next time they tell you to ~eat a sandwich~

>> No.6847698

Just let me die in my sleep already

>> No.6847699

Being auschwitz mode isn't good either. Seeing bones kinda looks disgusting if there isn't enough muscle behind them the depressions between your skeletal structure becomes to much.

>tfw your water retention is up because of exercise so you look super pudgy
I know every night it will disappear but that doesn't stop me from feeling fat

>> No.6847709
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>tfw your first dip dying attempts turned out ok

>> No.6847711
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doesnt exercise reduce fluid retention? also drink mo water

>> No.6847713

im like a babyface 5/10 on my best days so not really

there was this one crazy hyper feminist landwhale that i think liked me at one point.

and this other slutty perpetually wasted chick that would always run up and hug me and gave me the nickname of "soft skin" or some shit. then some other dude that wanted to fuck her got jealous and got a friend of hers to tell her i was gay.

college is weird.

>> No.6847722
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>nobody to talk with while you cuddle in bed
>nobody to have a morning cigarette and coffee with
>tfw no gf

>> No.6847732

>tfw if I succeed in looking good the result is only greater distance between me and the generic-college-look majority

what is the point

>> No.6847742

ugh this. i dress basic as fuck my /fa/ standards, but everyone else is in ill fitting athletic clothes and flip flops, until its cold enough then they all wear baggy sweatpants

only the asians dress nice, and some of the melanin enriched crowd pulls off basic street wear nicely.

>> No.6847744
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>> No.6847746

Make ur bro fulfill those feels

>> No.6847756

>tfw getting really hot because you're inside wearing a ton of layers and it's taking too long to get a good WAYWT pic

>> No.6847753
File: 117 KB, 575x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U don't need them

>> No.6847754

no your body wants to take in more water to compensate for the water lost along with the liquid being necessary for muscle growth. Ya im drinking 4 liters a day its just something that has to happen luckily I usually do my working out and lifting at night so i don't have to look fat around town.

>> No.6847761

fucking lol I'm dying

>> No.6847770
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>> No.6847782

FUCKing christ man, I can never can get full on /fit/ or nxtlevel /fa/ or else I'll just one of 'those' guys.
Fucking manlet life.

>> No.6847792
File: 860 KB, 600x313, 1378164751700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat ending
holy shit maximum WOW right now
more than any creepypasta in my fucking life
feeling infinite feels what the fuck

>> No.6847818

I found skinny fit Chinos at Pacsun of all places and they're pretty nice too

>> No.6847827

>tfw sperged out in front of two group mates who happen to be grillz

>tfw have to work with them the entire semester

>> No.6847846

what constitutes "sperged out"

>> No.6847850

I did it /fa/, somehow I did it.

I finally graduated, my internship paid off, I started making good money, was able to travel and explore the world we live in, I could enjoy several luxeries. I wasnt even stressed about anything.

It was all so perfect, so perfect indeed. I long ago got over the feelings of crippling loneliness and depression. My life coulndt really get any better, but then I met her. She was perfect, in every way. She was so cute /fa/, so damn cute. What she saw in me, I don't know. I know it wasn't the money, she had no idea where i worked until several weeks into the relationship, and the car I drove was modest and just sort of blended into the sea of bored commuters on the highway. She always made it a point to dress nicely, except on lazy saturday mornings where she would just want to cuddle for hours. We fell asleep in each others arms, it was so perfect. She was the final void that I felt was missing from my life, that one final crack that was finally filled in.

But then I woke up.

Back to the life of a uncharismatic, directionless, 3rd year broke as fuck college student that still has not been officially even been admitted to a major. A skinny, ugly good for nothing piece of shit that come next year wont even be able to afford the goddamn insulin keeping him alive, because he was lucky enough to randomly get type 1 diabetes as an infant for some unexplained reason.

I'm not gonna make it, guys. I think ill just coast along until I run out of track.

>> No.6847862

Nigga, >>>/r9k/
take that to the feel board

>> No.6847893

I'm sure posting your sob story on a 4chan board is really gonna help get your life on track, instead of, I don't know, trying to improve your life.

>> No.6847917

prob one of the more /fa/ people here. it's so easy to pick out the ones who try too hard here it's nice to see someone just act natural

>> No.6847918
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>> No.6847938
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>> No.6847964

Couldn't look them in the eye. Kept staring everywhere other than at them. Was so nervous about where my eyes were that I stared at the chest of one of them. Didn't say anything other than a few muttered words to them. Looked extremely nervous snd not likeable.


>> No.6847985

how to dip dye?

>> No.6848008
File: 78 KB, 600x400, Yes-Dude-Yes-Online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you start your day, take a nice shower, shave, hair's doing what you want it to. You put on your fit and feel like going out. You feel like a million dollars.
But then you remember you don't have a life and you sit on the computer for 14 hours.
You think about posting in that WAYWT thread, but don't because you don't feel like people telling you your pants look like shit.
>tfw you make an online dating account
>you know you're not the person you thought you would be

>> No.6848013

>get shirt
>get dye
>dip shirt
>dip dye

>> No.6848027


damn that guy looks good

>> No.6848064

>tfw ugly face
>tfw knees face inward
>tfw 6'4 and 130 pounds
>tfw 28x34 jeans and can never find anything that fits at the store
>tfw 510's end up looking like straight legs
>tfw short waisted
>tfw my horrible proportions makes clothes look awkward on me
i'm not even trying anymore at this point

>> No.6848094
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, mini ika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would post this

i hate u

>> No.6848139


at least you're not ugly and short

>> No.6848158



>> No.6848177

I love Ika and have a murder/squashing fetish.
A deadly combination.

>> No.6848186

>tfw 5'11 127lbs
>tfw two years ago I was 5'9 240lbs
>tfw qt3.14 grills/bois compliment me
>tfw happiness
>tfw getting over slag i thought i was in love with
>tfw i realize i'm out of her league

Thanks, /fa/. For all the bullshit you guys spew, you can be really helpful sometimes.

>> No.6848187

>tfw normal face
>tfw normal knees
>tfw 6'2" and 210lbs
>tfw wide hips and wear 34-34s
>can't fit things into pockets of 510s because of large ass
>tfw wide hips are horrible and give me an hourglass

At least my shoulders are nice and wide.

>> No.6848226


>> No.6848233

yea. that's pretty much my thought process on that situation. Fuck 'em

>> No.6848248

>i realize i'm out of her league
That's one of the best feels ever son
Congratulations on dropping the pooch

>> No.6848278
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tfw built-fat and hairy, so at best i look like this

>> No.6848323


holy shit dude, i know your feels. can't find shit at 99% of stores

>> No.6848490
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which rapidly degenerated to this

>> No.6848521

you don't have to look like some of the fuckers here to be /fa/
In all honesty if you dress right you could look really good I imagine

>> No.6848533
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More like skinny fat

>> No.6848543
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those aren't exclusive to /fa/ people, they are also for people with narcissistic personality disorder; and I feel them too.

>> No.6848545

How is that builtfat? That's just average joe 15%bf with a normal amount of muscle that every man has.

>> No.6848546


>> No.6848602

4 liters? Nigga I drink 9. Up yo game. Flush that body out. Fill up yo belly and boost that metabolism.

>> No.6848630


>> No.6848892

You need some muscle though. No one likes a skeleton either. Plus fitness is very /fa/. Just do cardio and basic bitch bodyweight (pushups, pullups, planks, glute bridges) and you'll have a solid, slim build that looks great with a shirt off.

>> No.6848899
File: 386 KB, 718x539, fsgdhkjll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw eating dinner with your parents on acid

god damn silent dinners are weird as shit
and realizing your parents are getting old and senile is the most depressing thing ever

0/10 do not recommend

>> No.6848902

i'll enjoy... your loaf
i-if you know w-what i mean

because i don't

>> No.6848906

> confident
> Auschwitz-mode
> great sex life
Not much more I could ask for

>> No.6849975

Why would you do that.
I can't think of anything worse.

>> No.6849997

thats probably the worst feeling

>> No.6850031

>> Auschwitz-mode
> a good thing


>> No.6850036
File: 52 KB, 533x773, 1362338456495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw working hard on your personality so you are one of those "intense" people
>tfw not much money and have to think through every piece of clothing you buy
>tfw you start working out because working out is modern couture
>tfw you become less nerdy because you suddenly appreciate aesthetic value in electronic devices
>tfw getting inspired by 3rd reich and street riots
>tfw people tell you you have that "SS vibe"
>tfw you are still a little underweight and muscles are getting some serious definition
>tfw getting unresponsive to your environment because you stop giving a fuck about everything except yourself
>tfw one day grills start staring at you
>tfw yesterday a grill talking to her boyfriend awkwardly tries not to stare and starts to stutter

t-thanks /fa/

>> No.6850046

fuck off nazi scum.

>> No.6850051

>Ray Ban Wayfarers
>Apparently they are pretty popular but I've never heard of them.

>> No.6850056

>not being confident in the body you find best fits your identity

>> No.6850064


tfw you are deluded

>> No.6850074

>tfw you're sitting next to a qt on a bench and have to fart

>> No.6850082
File: 52 KB, 500x490, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making out with a girl and you fart

>> No.6850099

Uniqlo makes skinny chinos now. I bought a pair but I can't decide if I should keep my size 29 or 30

>> No.6850102

yes it is. It's called spacecore or lunacore.

>> No.6850120

>tfw you cant look at yourself in the morning because your face is puffy.

Why does this happen every time I wake up? It goes away after a shower or some time awake, but when I wake up, all the good features are flabby.

>> No.6850126


>tfw went from 38 to 30

had to buy a new fucking wardrobe

>> No.6850159

>Had around 8K for chin and cheek implants
>Folks wanted me to go to Europe for two weeks
>Went with them
>Had to pay 1.5K US dollars
>No longer have money to pay for something I should have done instead
>Can only afford one procedure
>No job

>> No.6850163

how long did it take you m8? 36 wanting to go to around 32 or 30

well done btw

>> No.6850179
File: 7 KB, 223x226, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no job
>wanting to spend thousands of your savings on plastic surgery
>'something i should have done instead'
kekekekekek thanks i needed a good laugh today; enjoy your life flubber

>> No.6850188

Do you think every cosmetic procedure gives an outcome like that lady?

>> No.6850195

You don't know how surgery works then.

>> No.6850192

eventually yep

>> No.6850198

pls leave insecurefag, go stare at yourself in the mirror and continue your self-loathing

>> No.6850201

>Implying personality changes everything

>> No.6850207
File: 1.95 MB, 1434x912, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this yesterday B^)

>> No.6850213

Those are surgery addicts m80 :^)

And Im not getting a facelift.

>> No.6850253

>tfw new boyfriend is more attractive, confident, fashionable, charming, likeable, and successful than you would ever be
>tfw during weekends he has a social life and goes to parties and concerts and has friends while you wallow in self pity and feel bad because you distanced yourself from most of your friends since you're an annoying piece of shit.
>tfw there is no reason why he should be dating you and in return you're scared that he'll realize and break up with you

>> No.6850262


Since the start of the year, haven't lost any weight for about 3 months but still getting skinnier and skinner

>> No.6850263


>> No.6850266

ill b ur shitty self-conscious bf, gurl ;^)

>> No.6850704

I am like 168-170 cm tall.I fucking hate my life.You know where I buy my pants? IN THE CHILD SECTION.I WEAR PANTS DEVELOPED FOR KIDS.I JUST LOOKED UP MY SIZE IN US AND IT FUCKING SAYS 11-12Y.

>> No.6850760

isnt that like 5'8?

>> No.6850772


like 5'6" iirc

>> No.6850778

>tfw big thighs

>> No.6850810

cuddling isn't even that great

>> No.6850818

What? I'm 170 and wear 29x30 mens...Fits perfect

>> No.6850832

boo hoo bitch. The more you whine about it the worse the absence is going to make it.

And when you do finally get it it won't be what you expected

captcha: ndatdet confidence

>> No.6850844

Same for me
>tfw normal face
>tfw normal knees
>tfw 5'10 and 162 lbs
>tfw wide hips have to wear 32-32
>tfw thighs are so big they push the outline of my phone into my jeans
>hourglass ;_;

>> No.6850889

>mfw /fa/ has made me narcissistic for no reason


>> No.6850917
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based starfucks

>> No.6850951

34 to 29 here. Feels good. Levi's 520 all day erry day now.

>> No.6850993

/fa/ made me more mean spirited. Just the other day I caught myself calling my friend a pleb.

>> No.6851030


I tell people to get rekt now ._.

>> No.6851068
File: 15 KB, 640x773, 1351229307730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're on campus
>tfw you see a qt dressed in black and white sitting on a bench
>tfw you have somewhere to be and would like to talk to her but you know you're awkward and you would never know what to say and then you just keep walking to your class and then you realize you left your car's window cracked and it's going to rain soon

>> No.6851126

>/fa/ made me more mean spirited

You'll grow out of it.

>> No.6851130



kinda weird that /fa/ made me a better person all-around lol

>> No.6851316

>not being ottermode/athletic build masterace
>being /fa/

Pick one.

>> No.6851337

having somewhere to be is the best way to keep the conversation short, simple and get a number close. it gives you something to talk about too

>> No.6851347
File: 108 KB, 1680x1050, The-Kramer-seinfeld-32009188-1680-1050[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6"0
>not long enough to be lanky

i like lanky

>> No.6851350
File: 182 KB, 1013x767, 1365128030390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851354

Oh yeah, moral of this story is you´ll always want more cause we greedy motherfuckers

>> No.6851361
File: 137 KB, 386x417, monalisobama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw could be a model if not for acne
Hold me /fa/.

>> No.6851362

>tfw 6'1 but nothing more than average in your country
>tfw you see guys taller than you where ever you go

>> No.6851367

acne is very curable

>> No.6851378

Yeah I´m Dutch, it´s okay though, lot´s of people are smaller than you but you look over them.

>> No.6851392
File: 19 KB, 600x300, 1361116132334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you me?

>> No.6851397

I'm Danish so our feels are very relate-able. My biggest problem is my two closest friends are 2m and 1,90+, so I feel like a midget next to them

>> No.6851406

Takes a long time tho. Treating it for nine months approximately. It's already a lot better than it was, but still, I still have small scars in my face. They aren't very noticeable, but I feel so ugly ;_;

>> No.6851416

Ahaha i´ve got two 1.90+ friends too, the rest is about my height or a little bit smaller so I´m on the high point of average, and I´m okay with that.

>> No.6852576

Mine's almost gone. There's lingering red marks that apparently take years to fade.

>> No.6853088
File: 16 KB, 500x461, MqmLp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6853176

>Tfw dissasitisfied with purchase no matter how nice it is cuz you feel your limited budget could have been better spent even tho it probably couldn't have been.

>> No.6853190
File: 52 KB, 420x388, 1378097382451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those asos pieces sitting in your closet that you will never be able to sell

>> No.6853203

>tfw live in canada and have to pay outrageous shipping and duty

>> No.6853197

>tfw it costs 10 bucks to ship it back so you just write it off as a sunk cost

>> No.6853233


fuck being 18

>> No.6853239

>tfw acne ridden face
I've tried for years and nothing works. I'd rather just take a cheese grater to my face.

>> No.6853254

>tfw mentally cringe and laugh at people who think they're /fa/ with their god awful fits
>tfw I realize I think I'm /fa/ with my god awful fits

>> No.6853282

Just wait until you're 20 and still have it 8)

>> No.6853288

>tfw Id feel like a dick letting my friends know how bad they dress
>tfw I feel like a dick continuing letting them dress like that

>> No.6853296

can't you tell them without being a dick?

>> No.6853293

thanks :(

>> No.6853301

A-are you my gf?
If so I'm really not that great, it's just you see yourself as lesser than you really are; elevating me as a result.
I love you

>tfw not with you tonight and now worried that you are having a bad night

>> No.6853302

why does it matter? Them dressing poorly only makes you look better. It's kinda like hanging out wiht manlets, you end up looking way taller.

>> No.6853307

[awwing intensifies]

>> No.6853309

>tfw started freshman year college yesterday
>everyone's taller than me except for some grills

>> No.6853316

just go after short girls

>> No.6853320

>tfw closest group of friends consists 7 guys who are 6'0+
>tfw 5'5

That doesn't look weird, r-right?

>> No.6853328

I'm 5'6 and most of my friends are a few inches taller than me. it's not too weird but sometimes I feel bad about it. They don't seem to care

>> No.6853334


Just go after the big dicked guys

>> No.6853350

>tfw most fucking qt girl on the planet is making fb statuses about how shes in her college dorm alone and wants someone to come over and hang out and watch movies and listen to music.
>no one is fucking answering her call
>tfw I would if she wasn't 500 miles away
>tfw I wanted to transfer to her college before I even knew she was there
>By next year when I go there, if I go there, she will already have a clique

>> No.6853342
File: 105 KB, 304x304, iggy-pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are any of these tall men single homosexuals

>> No.6853369
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>> No.6853385
File: 96 KB, 506x461, 17704886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6853387

.tfw 21, didn't get it until i turned 20. Why me?/????

>> No.6853390

worst feel of them all 3bh

>> No.6853407


>tfw big as fuck dickkk

>> No.6853409

Post a fit

>> No.6853427

>tfw i wanna wear something to school cuz i figured out a nice fit
>wore it a few days ago everyone will laugh

>> No.6853493

Even in the future beat-up white converse look good.

>> No.6853530

>tfw there was a hottie you daily three year ago
>tfw you saw that hottie today and's only more hot

>> No.6853535

>tfw relatively big hip bones
not like giant, but my waist tapers out to my hips and its annoying. i just wish it were smaller

>> No.6853542

>tfw on a college sports team
>tfw live team house
>everyone wears workout clothes 24/7
>"Dan why do you dress so weird"

>> No.6853550

i hope u started quoting kanye lyrics

>> No.6853563

>tfw when plebs cant tell my acne t shirts are superior to their basic tees and i feel terrible about myself

>> No.6853570

which kanye lyrics

>> No.6853575

>"anon why do you buy $100 tshirts, they're the same as the ones I get for $15 at American eagle

>> No.6853581

pretty much my life

>> No.6853586

Don't get me fucking started.

>> No.6853592

>not feeling insecure and superior at the same time

>> No.6853593

"i had a dream i could buy my way to heaven
when i awoke i copped a fresh necklace
i told god "ill be back in a minute"
damn it's so hard not to wreck this
did you say something?
ha ha you can tell me nothing
ha you can tell me nothing"

>> No.6853596

wow actually reading that made it sound so stupid

>> No.6853597
File: 92 KB, 556x700, 1334803816546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so hard not to wreck this
It's "so hard not to act reckless"

MFW I knew that without even looking it up

>> No.6853601


is that really the only part that bothered u?

>> No.6853602

haha i quoted it wrong on purpose but then i felt bad.

>> No.6853613

>tfw when wearing new samurais
>"lol nice levis fag. got nuthin on my true religions"

>> No.6853614

shouldve done #recht

>> No.6853622

I just reread that post actually paying attention and lol'd

>> No.6853626


in a French ass restaurant

hurry up with my damn croissants

>> No.6853640
File: 31 KB, 525x350, croissants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6853699

did that really happen?

>> No.6853711
File: 74 KB, 997x1500, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes fml

>> No.6853726

post a fit nerd

>> No.6853735

Should have called him a baka gaijin and laughed and told him that he will never understand the intricacies of selvedge Japanese denim.

>> No.6853742

ill be sure to say exactly this next time

>> No.6853813

>tfw i can feel my friends disapproval of my dressing well.

>> No.6853846

omfg that's beyond adorable

>> No.6853856

It's called envy. But if you really have such a need for acceptance, grab sum sick hollister and Aeropostale shirts

>> No.6854040

>tfw I'd rather talk about literature, film, and music with /fa/ than with /lit/, /tv/, and /mu/ respectively
u guys liek cool stuff

>> No.6854095

naw man
but check this out

>> No.6854144

maybe you just look stupid and theyre trying to help you out

>> No.6854776

>Be me
>Get pulled out of line sothe airport security can pat me down
>No issues
>"enjoy your flight, sir"
>You too

>> No.6854801



>> No.6854802


>Block party on the street wrapping up
>Dad's friend walks up
>Pats me on the back, tells me to "Enjoy college bud"
>You too

>> No.6854911


>> No.6854925

post a pic

>> No.6854954

Speaking of airport feels...

>flying to NY
>wearing some gray skinny jeans and plimsolls for ease of travel
>empty my pockets
>miss my lip balm in my pocket
>the attractive female security agent looks down at my crotch
>"Are you sure there isn't something that you want to take out?"
>assume my dick is somehow showing through my jeans
>prepare for imminent spaghetti
>look down
>see lip balm outline
>calm down
>laugh and apologize

There's a small part of me that hopes that she was just checking me out, but I think she was just doing her job.

>> No.6855146

you fucked that up so badly lol

>> No.6855389

>tfw my gf is the same

>> No.6855403
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1332288438517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw take a fit pic and wonder if you have chubby hands

>> No.6855700

>tfw be a contrarian, aloof, indifferent in college because it somehow makes me feel more /fa/
>tfw realize everyone in my faculty hates me

W-whatever, I won't ever see them again once I graduate.

>> No.6855738

>tfw hair grows really slow so constantly in a transition period where I have to wear a hat or look like a retard
>tfw only make $160 a week before taxes so I sometimes resort to Fabrixquare for my sweats
>tfw feet are too big and most designers don't make size US13
>tfw not creative enough to make my own fits so I just steal from other people
>tfw really bad vision but eyes are too small for contacts so I have to wear glasses but no pair of glasses would ever go with anything I would wear and too poor for laser surgery

Kill me now

>> No.6855773

>tfw auto immune disease of thyroid makes my hair thin as fuck


>> No.6855795

>not ending up both laughing

>> No.6855798

>"Are you sure there isn't something that you want to take out?"
>An alarm instantly goes off, with a voice over announcing a suspected terrorist at security checkpoint 2C
>A 300lb middle aged Mexican man suddenly tackles you from behind and begins to search your anal cavity in front of everyone
>T-thanks Obama

>> No.6855799

>tfw feet are too big and most designers don't make size US13

i dont have much trouble finding 13 honestly

>> No.6855844

Being unable to make up your mind about which direction you want to take your wardrobe.

>> No.6855885

>tfw when I am happy with myself
>tfw when everything else i do is fun cuz im improving
>tfw life is too short to not enjoy every moment

>> No.6856030
File: 164 KB, 887x901, 1360840014812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel good and confident as fuck when checking out your fit in the morning
>Feel bad about half way to work, but can't change unless I wanna be late.

Every morning, fml

>> No.6856045 [DELETED] 

Fucking this, I have some basic staples but some unique items that clash with everything.

Just wish I could pull of an edgy milsurp look, damn you baby face ;-;

>> No.6856050 [DELETED] 

Fucking this, I have some basic staples but some unique items that clash with eachother.

Just wish I could pull of an edgy milsurp look, damn you baby face ;-;

>> No.6856079

>TFW when
> when when
You know what the w stands for right??

>> No.6856087


Dope as fuck.

>> No.6856099

>tfw don't know where to cop those black and white low adidas trainers that keep getting posted here

Pls either kill me or provide sauce

>> No.6856126

>y-you too
also this >>6847552

>> No.6856133
File: 796 KB, 773x597, 1364909042937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoking while waiting for the bus
>a cute girl comes up to me
>asks for a lighter
>suddenly my hand flinches and it sends the cigarette right in my face
>feel ashamed
>pick it up, give her the lighter in the meantime
>she says thanks
>no i thank you

>> No.6856135

This is what you need anon, to stay as far away from her till you're over her.
Liberation from clinging infatuations is this greatest relief on Earth.

>> No.6856143
File: 28 KB, 200x200, 1358630622643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i will never be light skinned perfection
>tfw minority
>tfw i can buy all the clothes i want but still no 9.5/10 gf
>skinnyfat, submissive, and too humble

Yea things are getting better in my life but i'm just lonely.

>> No.6856150

most /fa/gs come from those boards, mostly /mu/

>> No.6856152


Fucckk them bitches, let them get ahold of u, not the other way arround, fuccboi.

>> No.6856155

Fuckin fo real, stop giving a fuck, starting fucking some butts B^)

>> No.6856163


only feel ITT that I can relate to

>tfw /fa/ are pathetic crossposting /r9k/ NEETs

>> No.6856177

>come home from lifting
>make dinner
>dinner turns out shitty, only eat half of it
m-muh nutrients

>> No.6856193

>tfw start going to gym cuz Uni provides it for free
>tfw it's fairly crowded
>tfw have to wait to use squat rack or bench
>tfw everyone is ~6'
>tfw 5'7
at least the routine only takes 20 min, it's still a pain having to stand and wait to use something

>> No.6856236
File: 104 KB, 604x516, 1377566060647 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am pretty attractive
>also /fa/
>great personality
>can swoon girls pretty easily
>meet my gay friend's qtp2t friend
>we hook up a few times
>they often talk about what it's like hooking up with different people they know
>have been insecure about girth
>pen15 looks like 7" mushroom
>few days later hang out with friends (gay friend and his gay friend)
>two gay guy friends make joke using a muffin about looking like a mushroom
>they both laugh
>know it's a reference to me
>know they talked to gay friend's qtp2t friend bout hooking up with me
>know they were making fun of my manhood
>so many feels

>> No.6856257
File: 7 KB, 160x213, 1000246_642981745713248_1294916332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you brah.

>> No.6856265
File: 272 KB, 750x870, 1376904518778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6856271
File: 680 KB, 1119x647, sleeper lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what did you cook

>> No.6856276

>if women were men I would be gay

>> No.6856281

>going to ask this store clerk out later in the day
>walking to work feel something hit my face
>get to work
>look in mirror and see a giant stinger sticking out right beneath my eye
>fucking mountainous area
>decide to try to squeeze it to hopefully get some fluid out
>it begins bleed and pus going everywhere
>get it down to the size of a big zit
>run into my boss
>he just stares at me
>end of the day double check
>it's scabbed pus yellow and black

that shot my confidence to hell and back, went home broke out the peroxide and cleaned it more deeply getting an ounce of pus out and reducing it to just looking like a bad pimple pick

never did ask her out ..

>> No.6856410


>> No.6856470


>> No.6856516
File: 42 KB, 500x500, gosling OGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everything in you life is coming together, including your potential losing of tfw no gf status, but you still feel like shit for no reason at all

>> No.6856540

it wasn't meant to be

alternate feel; she would have helped you get over your vanity and you would have bonded over it

>> No.6856563

>tfw my life is in the dumps and i should feel like shit yet i'm happier than i've been in the last 10 years.

how ironic that my depression decided to leave after it ruined my life.

>> No.6856577

post a pic you liar

>> No.6856586

apply to ln-cc. have you seen their model ?

>> No.6856592

most of the autists on /mu/ dress like anthony fantano or like stupid hipsters and/or are fat

>> No.6856604
File: 6 KB, 645x773, 1322797896001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skinny but have short chubby sausage fingers

>> No.6856616

>Going to dinner with parents tripping on DPH
>They're getting eaten alive metaphorically and physically
>Spiders in coffee cup

>> No.6856731

mtf. Before transitioning I used to wear nice things: Raf, Yohji, Jil, Undercover.
Now that I'm transitioning I'm too big to wear qt femme things like Valentino or even Margrett Howell, Simone Roche, or Boy by BO. Now I'm reduced to wearing ASOS stuff. One of my least favorite aspects of transitioning.

>> No.6856748
File: 68 KB, 350x525, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw giant callused hands

>> No.6856971

>tfw it's getting darker (and colder) outside earlier and earlier and I don't know why it is, but I just can't handle that this year

>> No.6857436

No sorry.

- A

>> No.6857478

Isn't this something you should have taken into account way before you ever even considered hormones?

>> No.6857496

>tfw very long waisted and broad shouldered
>tfw nothing fits well up top
>tfw keep losing weight on the scales but stuff gets tighter

>> No.6857611

>tfw got a qtp2t gf i could only dream about before, but still feeling sad sometimes
A gf is not going to fix your life, Anon. Unless you can/she wants to be with you 24/7. Missing her and knowing she doesn't that much is worse than not having a gf

capcha: its ntReekt

>> No.6859411

This ten times over, but without the online account.
>Why not make one, anon?
Because I'm not a bitch.

>> No.6859586

>be 6'0
>be hanging out with 3 other white friends that are 6'2+
>and one brown friend that is like 5'6-5'8
Honestly we looked like his bodyguards or something.

It's weird, when I'm with another friend that's also built and as tall/taller than me, I feel like we look like a couple of badasses, but when I'm with someone scrawny I feel like a babysitter.

>> No.6859615

"I had a dream I could by my way to heaven
When I awoke I'd spent it on a necklace
I told go god I'd be back in a second
Man it's so hard not to act reckless"

Get it right fuccboi

>> No.6859753

Most people on this board go on other boards. I'm mostly on /mu/ myself

>> No.6860110

Yeah, before I started taking hormones I knew I wouldn't be able to wear fashion stuff.
But I'm happier now so fuck it.

>> No.6860124

>tfw when none of your friends really like you
>tfw when the best thing people can say about you is you look good
>tfw barely care because slowly getting totally accustomed to self-absorbed loneliness

>> No.6860184

>tfw frequent /k/....
Dont tell them I don't wear arcteryx, 5.11 and Rhodesian camo every day.

>> No.6860193

can i have some of the stuff that don't fit you anymore please

>> No.6860200

You fucking faggot if you go on any board other than /fa/ you should cut

>> No.6860204
File: 18 KB, 633x758, 1378191794433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been having so many goddamn dreams about girls lately
only a handful of them are actually erotic, though

i'm so fucking lonely
school doesn't start for another two weeks and i tell myself i'll make lots of friends and get my dick wet
but i know nothing will change

>> No.6860207

>know they were making fun of my manhood

Ouch, that's rough. Considered telling them something embarrassing about her body? Although it probably doesn't do any good to fuel that fire. Also, that's kind of a dick move from your friend.

>> No.6860216
File: 14 KB, 429x410, 1377262136935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6860226

any loose skin?

>> No.6860228
File: 189 KB, 1935x773, 1376621114678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-stop it

>> No.6860232

i was daytripping with a friend and although we didn't dose much, i was still bugging out at dinner and overanalyzing the decay of the human mind and the american family while eating a disgusting hamburger that i was not hungry for

everytime i do acid i forget about how it makes me feel

whenever i'm in an awkward situation while tripping i get so terribly uncomfortable with humanity in general

i become able to empathize with the ignorant working white man who comes home from a day of unthinking blue collar labor to do fucking nothing and numb his mind with beer, marrying a woman only for physical but not emotional support

and i question how our species has come this far

i get so many unsettling feels that aren't easy for me to put into words

jesus christ that sounds weird
details pls

>> No.6860233
File: 215 KB, 720x644, 1365822237409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we are all gonna make it

r-right guys?

>> No.6860236
File: 124 KB, 460x578, gosling coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~30 minutes between her replies

>> No.6860231

/fit/izen here

>> No.6860241


>being this much of a nerd


>> No.6860252

not if i man up and gain the courage to end this fucking existence before it ends me

i have a horrible attention span so it often takes me 30 minutes to an hour to notice, reply, and remember to reply to texts
not to mention i'm a fucking asspie so i have to put effort into thinking of what to say
and all of this goes for people i care about

so calm down buddy, maybe she just has add

>> No.6860259


would be cool if every board had it's own lounge of a sub-board for off-topic discussion by the board-specific community

but that'll never happen

so i like having off-topic generals like this


>> No.6860270

Fuck i need that coat. Anyone know where to cop?

>> No.6860279

you don't need that coat

>> No.6860286

>decide to try and find it
>google "Ryan Gosling coat"
>all of the results are the Drive scorpion jacket

Guess you're fucked.

>> No.6860294

At least I could be a real human bean. Th-thanks /fa/.

>> No.6860316
File: 58 KB, 633x754, 1360558040195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's me for the past two years. How the fuck do I make friends? I almost want a group of guys to hang out wiht more than a qtgf

>> No.6860332
File: 7 KB, 194x160, images-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6860351
File: 23 KB, 674x339, 1365646224419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no fucking idea

i'm not completely socially retarded

the only new friends i have are because EYE HAVE gone out of my way to introduce myself and shake hands and shit

why don't other people ever bother introducing themselves to me

i don't get it

it's easier for you to introduce yourself to somebody if they are less socially-well off, so why the fuck don't people that do bette than i ever return the favor when i'm too intimidated to say hi

it feels like i'm the only one that ever goes out of my way to act like a human being, and i suck dick at it

>> No.6860456

Sold most of it. Only kept a few pieces which I'm really attached to.

>> No.6860572
File: 26 KB, 354x275, 1354458369706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my last friend last night, posted about it on /adv/ before. How the fuck does someone make friends when you work with people 20+ years older, don't go to school, don't have a hobby that requires me to leave my house? I can't just go hunting for friends...

Can I?

>> No.6861393

>tfw I met all my friends at school
>went to 3 different schools
>now have 3 different groups of friends I constantly juggle lest I lose them

They're all amazing though so it's worth it.
Hadn't seen two guys of one of the groups in a year, I just messaged them and they where happy to go and meet up, even though we all live in different parts of the country.
Maybe you should try to get in touch with some old friends? I find it usually snowballs into where you meet more often and you get called/messaged again. The dynamic is sort of like giving a round at the bar, the whole group puts some effort into meeting sometime one person after the other until it's your 'turn' again. Now of course there are people who do this more often than once in a 'rotation' but it generally works like this in these three groups.

>> No.6861398

oh i forgot
>tfw no gf

>> No.6861443

>tfw have some really good friends
>tfw got a qtp2t gf
I should feel better about myself, because you guys have less than me. I wish i could help you somehow. How can i do that?

>> No.6861454

Do you have hot, steamy femdom sex with your gf? And if so, could you retell some of these experiences?

captcha; should faptin

>> No.6861480

No femdom and only handjobs/fingerings and ye olde lickaroos/blowjobs YET. And there is not much to tell, just having fun all night long. The best part is seeing her smile in the morning