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6844053 No.6844053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you get rid of sebaceous filaments? Not blackheads; they're smaller and even more annoying.
Literally the only thing that really pisses me off about my face is my nose. It's fucking huge, I got those filaments making it even more horrible, and it brings my confidence down.

Size can be fixed with surgery; can the former problem be, too?

General facial aesthetics/hair advice thread, also.

>> No.6844091

you can't get rid of them unless you get surgery

>> No.6844100

If you have pores you will have sebum. If it's such a big deal to you then hide it with concealer.

>> No.6844466

w2c good concealer

>> No.6844493

is there any harm in squeezing that shit out of your pores?

I tried those nose pore strips but they don't really work or idk maybe I just got shitty ones

>> No.6844494

I have bad acne at 24, after doing acutane back in highschool. I just started using a concealer to cover up those red breakouts. It works really well and I can't believe I never did it before. I just use whatever my girlfriend has, anyone else do the same?

>> No.6844496

you can use this metal thing that helps you pull blackheads out.

>> No.6844711

The strips, used properly, in conjunction with an exfoliating face wash will reduce the visibility of your pores.

They won't dissapear completely, but you can make them looks smaller.

>> No.6844720

you can't

use mineral oil to reduce the appearance

>> No.6845384

How much is a nosejob usually?
From a really good surgeon, that is.

>> No.6845406

I battled with bad acne throughout adolescence, and while I don't get many pimples now, my face is still racked with acne scares and my nose will never not have blackheads. I wash my face daily and use a dedicated blackhead toner.

I found when I stopped worrying about it I was happier.

>> No.6845409

blackheads != sebaceous filaments

the latter are very hard to get rid of

though I feel you for the acne thing

>> No.6845413

Plastic surgery is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Stop now.

>> No.6845415

Why? Could you elaborate?

>> No.6845447

an important rule to remember that makeup (like concealer) isn't just for women. Do you want to look good and use makeup, or do you want to be a man (hurrrr) and look like shit

>> No.6845463
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As if I need to

>> No.6845465

>the latter are very hard to get rid of
And blackheads aren't? At least filaments are smaller.

>> No.6845467

Just a nosejob to reduce the length, dude. Not a full shoop of my whole face

>> No.6845476

All those people wanted to do just that one little thing too.
I promise you look fine. Really. Don't.

>> No.6845470

It's most times done in haste without being given the necessary amount of thought which leads to regrets later in life.

>> No.6845483

Honestly, my nose is pretty huge, so I don't know if I'd regret that...
People always assume I'm jewish, which is really fucking annoying.

Man, I don't know how it could be that bad, but I guess I'll listen. Or at least give it much more time to think about...

>> No.6845488

It's a slippery slope. Plastic surgery addiction isn't a joke.

>> No.6845494

You're a male. You get better with age, that's a fact.
There's few people on this board who are below a 6. Your nose is not something you should worry about. Guys need to take the cards they were dealt, and run with them.
I've seen too many people ruin themselves with surgery. Look at reynolds in the picture.
That was a good looking guy, who thought of himself otherwise.
Now look.

>> No.6845504
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>implying a big schnoz isn't /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6845519

You'll be sad in 10 years when distinctive noses on men become fashionable and you've got a little plastic button on your face.

>> No.6845523

>Guys need to take the cards they were dealt, and run with them.
The best part about this is that when you do it right, you're attractiveness level skyrockets.

>> No.6845534

$15,000+. I had a roommate in college who had a nose job (read: big jew honker) and it did a lot. No one really noticed it, but it's a self-confidence thing for most people. The stigma behind plastic surgery "to look younger" comes from celebrity gossip and people's disgusting obsessions with movie stars and the like.

Yes, there are sometimes surgeries that go wrong, or people fuck up their healing somehow, but that's rare. Something like a nose job is hard to mess up.

I'm considering an otoplasty myself.

>burt reynolds
Right in the feels.

>> No.6845552

I was prescribed accuntane a year ago, will that happen to me?

>> No.6845553

You guys are all kinda convincing, I should probably try to live with it and turn it into confidence. I don't know any famous males with jewnoses though
That's fucking expensive, damn
I didn't know what I expected but still.

>> No.6845609

If itl make you happier, do it

Life's too short to be miserable over something you can fix
Regarding the sebaceous filaments, I have the same problem. Try tanning, itl make them less noticeable

>> No.6845613

I don't know, I have to really think about it first.

Can't sebaceous filaments be fixed forever without having to be hidden?

>> No.6845652

Wtf? I live in SoCal and nose jobs aren't anywhere near that expensive. Depending on what you need to get done, it can be from 3k to 7k.

>> No.6845717

More then u can afford