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6837615 No.6837615 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw come from silver spoon.
Grow up thinking the people I go to school with and live near are also normal.
Grow up a bit and see poorer places.
Realize I got most of the jobs I did before I finished college was on appearance and ties alone.
Talk to my current employer about what he looks for in applicants during interviews and what seals the deal.
He says "they have to dress to kill".
Realize that I did that in all my past interviews including the one that got me my current job.
Realize that I used my parents money to buy those clothes.
How do poor people make it?

>> No.6837632

This is why poor people stay poor.

>> No.6837630

They don't make it

>> No.6837631

Poor people have ties too.

It's just that we can't get the same pay with our ties, so we're left with debt as we exit college.

Unless you're non-white and can get scholarships.

>> No.6837655

Well its one of the reasons

>> No.6837673

How does it feel to be that naive.
I would kill to be able to make it to my mid 20's and afford to be that naive.

>> No.6837709

Poor people can make it if they work their way up and be really smart with money.
By work their way up I mean they will have to work thier way up from the bottom most of the time (because they have no relevant ties) but I was always told to dress for the position you want not the one you have, work hard and you will get noticed. Also save and try your hardest to look like they aren't as poor as you actually are.
Young people in sharp "dadcore" fits" have a very easy time landing jobs because most young people have no idea how to dress formally anymore and are often written off during interviews because of this without realizing it.
Too make it you need a few interview outfits a resume decent enough to at least get you called in and the ability to do well in social situations.
Be likable.

>> No.6837710

>How do poor people make it?
They buy land. They forget about looking fly and they buy land. Land ownership is the KEY to class mobility.

>> No.6837715

*look like you*

>> No.6837737

I'm a waiter and today a very fat bald man with a horrendously gravely voice sat down in a booth he was wearing a nascar t shirt that barely covered the bottom half of his stomach. Needless to say no one wanted that table and the manager had to make me take it.
He was a very blunt man and I thought I was in for a very poor tip.
He ended up leaving me a tip that was the same price as the entree he ordered, a 50$ steak.
I gave him a extremely "hearty thank you and have a great day sir!" he replied with " Damn right I'm gon have a good day. A man just bought 18 acres from me and I'm gon get hammered as hell"

>> No.6837746



>> No.6837769


>> No.6837793

i worked as a server and this one average as fuck looking guy came in one day 30 minutes before closing, needless to say everyone was pissed but i took the table and had a nice conversation with him, he bought a 35$ meal and tipped me 65$ + bought me a few shots

>> No.6837808

You really never know, most of the people that look rich and I bust my ass for never do anything over the top or are particularly generous I just have to keep suggesting things for them to buy to run their tabs up.

>> No.6837827


A waiter I know tells me that the richest people are always the ones you would least suspect.

>> No.6837831

Maybe if you weren't such a cunt and gave everyone your all you would rack up some serious cash.