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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 44 KB, 635x369, smoking-makes-you-cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6834903 No.6834903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is smoking /fa/? what's the effayest brand?

>> No.6834942
File: 17 KB, 350x500, 941626_626390720721833_1355212062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if it's weed, especially at a party where people can see you getting high.

>> No.6835225
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pic related

>> No.6835231

tip lil, false statement

>> No.6835244

Smoking is /fa/
Being a smoker is not.

Pretty simple, we've covered this years ago.

>> No.6835247

fun fact: cigarette companies have made all cool figures in media to smoke and make it gain the image of a "cool" look. everytime you see someone looking effay with a ciggy you can thank those guys in suits

>> No.6835257
File: 65 KB, 333x500, tumblr_lk9scjU38w1qj1qzmo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking is /fa/

Being a smoker is not /fa/

I smoke like a pack of these every two weeks, maybe.

>> No.6835262

how does that make you not a smoker

>> No.6835266

everybody who smokes those is like that.


>> No.6835289

Itt: fun facts are common knowledge

>> No.6835293


Nah, it's Tennyson.

>> No.6835315

Do they sell these in the states?

>> No.6835329
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having a hobby is /fa/

being defined by your hobby isn't

>> No.6835340

I smoke when I'm drunk to look cool in front of my friends.

>> No.6835349


Yeah, depending on your state.

If you're lucky they're in a gas station, if you're less lucky they're more than likely in a smoke shop, if not there, look in a head shop.

>> No.6835356


-------the influence

-------your head

>> No.6835357

Probably only in head shops here... (carolina area)

>> No.6835352

switzerland is calling.

>> No.6835365


>> No.6835366

Yes, I know. I'm an idiot when I'm drunk, it's true. But I don't drink that often.

>> No.6835391
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>tfw you run out of cigarettes while you're drinking and all of the stores around you are closed

>> No.6835401

lol at you living somewhere without every nearby gas station being open 24/7

>> No.6835415

its more of having to get up and buy shit while you're drunk that's the hassle

>> No.6835413

i smoke during school because girls will easily start a conversation with you after they ask you for a cigarette

>tfw no gf

>> No.6835438 [DELETED] 

they sell them by the carton for people like you.

>> No.6835445

>Wanting your clothes to smell like shit

>> No.6835446

>not owning a washing machine

>> No.6835448

That shit doesn't come out. My dad's clothes always have a lingering smell no matter how many times you wash them.

>> No.6835458

then u obv are using cheap ass washing detergent

>> No.6835463

i used to smoke these exclusively when i first started smoking. they start to taste like absolute shit after a while. i still have like half a pack of them but i can't even smell them without gagging

if you smoke these you usually are a little kid who thinks he's cool and doesnt actually smoke

>> No.6835464

Besides e cigs, what are the "safest" cigarettes to smoke? Meaning least harmful to your body.

>> No.6835468

I use Tide for all my shit.

>> No.6835471

Weed is poor nigger tier

>> No.6835473

they sell cartons for people like you

>> No.6835475
File: 937 KB, 2204x1648, am3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6835478

murrican spirit or rollies or like dunhills or something

>> No.6835484

then i dont know why they smell bruv. my clothes always smell nice wether im smokin or not

>> No.6835485

maah nigga

i dont even give a shit that its the hipsters/furries/nerds smoke of choice, it really is the best premade cigarette thats readily available

>> No.6835495

Turkish Royals or roll my own

>> No.6835497

I know that, I too think they look stupid. But I assume they are the most safe thing to smoke.

>> No.6835496

How do I into smoking?

>> No.6835489

e cigs dont look /fa/ to smoke man
it looks stupid

>> No.6835508

smoking is a hobby?

>> No.6835505

smoking weed is safer cause it actually kills cancer cells :)

>> No.6835513


the research is very preliminary tho

>> No.6835516

[citation needed]

>> No.6835521

You're smoking at least one cigarette a day. Enjoy your addiction faggot.
>inb4 "I can quit whenever I want."

>> No.6835522

1. buy cigarettes and lighter or matches
2. pack cigarettes (depending on brand)
3. open cigarette pack
4. take out a cigarette
5. hold the cigarette by the filter with your lips
6. hold lighter up to the other end of the cigarette and inhale
7. put lighter in pocket
8. take 2 draws on cigarette
9. throw it on the ground and stamp on it to show that you dont give a shit about wasting money

>> No.6835525


>> No.6835520

>Le 420 smoke weed saves lives xDDD

>> No.6835530

#9 lel i did that w/ my 1st fag and regretted it

>> No.6835535

i bought a pack of oranges once because i was unfamiliar with the color scheme of spirits and the gas station i was at didnt have blues or yellows

it was the worst thing i've ever fucking smoked in my life; i would have rather gotten menthols.

on topic, though, i prefer parliament lights or AS blues. parlis mainly because i can whitecap them and everyone know that's cool as shit.

>> No.6835538

also this, i started with the blacks 1 a day, then it was 2 a day, then it was 5 a day, then i started buying murrican spirits because the djarums taste like shit and smoked half a pack for a while now i'm back down to like 5 a day

>> No.6835547

Ok, I love smoking. I love sitting on a patio and buring through most of a pack. I love them with beer. I love them with coffee. I love them with chocolate ice cream. I love them on good days. I love them on bad days. I love the excuse for a pause, a break, and an escape hatch in awkward situations. I love smoking alone. I love smoking with people. I love the flavor, and the way it feels.

That said, don't smoke. Just don't start. I don't love the constantly clearing my throat or getting twitchy when I want one but can't have one or getting yelled at by strangers. I don't love the fact that I know I stink to non-smokers. I don't love the fact that I am going to have to relearn how to hang out on a patio with friends and beer and conversation and not smoke- this has nothing to do with addiction, but actual habit. What will I do with my hands? How will I be silent and take time to form an answer without lighting a new one or looking awkward.

>> No.6835550

yeah the oranges are like smoking paper and cardboard

i bought a pack of them once and after the first two i started ripping the filters off them

>> No.6835558
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>> No.6835568

why 19 cigarettes?

>> No.6835572


I agree with these paragraphs. Have you noticed your skin turning gross? I swear my along my nose/cheek area next to my nose look great in good lighting but omw if I look at it in really bad fluorescent lighting and smile they look like a 50 yo burnt leather woman's!

>> No.6835579

quit smoking when you get into your late 20s, because you won't be /fa/ anymore

>> No.6835604

because an even 20 is not /fa/ at all. Its all about that odd number asymmetry

>> No.6835606

This shit is called in mexico "perfora pulmones" lowest of the low cost, 1.50 of a dollar

>> No.6835681

not in itself, but if you're already /fa/ it gives you something to do and it can be a social thing

>> No.6835702

djarums are heavy, smoking a pack of those every two weeks is "being a smoker", just not an intense habit
aw damn, why do you have to remind me. trying to quit. just want a pack of dark greens right now

>> No.6837133

>be me
>only smoke on weekends
>always say i only smoke when i drink
>always say i can quit whenever
>decide to quit
>go for 2 1/2 months no problems no cravings
>randomly want stogies
>start smoking again
>have been smoking for the past week
>realize its an on going addiction

If you smoke regularly whether its a pack a month or a fag a month, youre a smoker. I hate it tbh, but it just feels SO right.

>> No.6837235

You sure it just didn't go stale?

Not really a /fa/g, but I'd guess Natural American Spirits are /fa/. Or maybe just hipster.

>> No.6837250

what does whitecap mean?

>> No.6837251

Ah man I want some but I don't smoke enough to justify going to get them when I already have a pack of camel menthols I got when I was drunk and the station that sells NAS was closed.

But I want some.

Yellows. Blacks are good too but too strong for smoking every once in a while.

>> No.6837255

but what if you do only smoke when drunk. like literally im disgusted by cigs sober.

>> No.6837274

As long as your drinking isn't habitual, you're good

>> No.6837292

Yo for real spirits are the shit. But warning to those who have never smoked them: get comfy where your at cause you aren't getting into buildings for a while. They take forever to smoke compared to reg cigarettes

>> No.6837321


Also, I still don't know which is my favorite color. I hate menthol cigarettes. I love the cyan, and red ones the most, but I wanna be ballsy and try the black ones. How are they compared to those two?

>> No.6837322

hahahaa my friend bummed one from me and 5 minutes later he's like "when is this thing going to be finished i got shit to do"

>> No.6837331

the black ones are heavy as fuck. they are great but i bought two packs of them in a row and felt kinda shitty for the whole time i was going through the second one. i'd say buy a pack alongside the blues and have one when you need a little more kick

>> No.6837340

Wow dude
funny story you got there :|

jk it made me smile i can relate 8)

>> No.6837341

The black ones will literally make you feel like you are that Indian smokin a peace pipe on the box.

>> No.6837344

nah those things don't go stale because theres so much chemical crap and flavoring in them. thats the reason they taste bad, after a while all you can taste is the chemicals, like you're smoking a black and mild

>> No.6837357

shit man im tempted to buy one

>> No.6837352

it was mainly the way he said it :^)

>> No.6837361
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao @ Camel Menthols new cellophane cover. Copped these @ $2.64 w/ tax!

>> No.6837371


In NYC it's like fuckin 11-14$ for a pack of cigarettes depending on brand

>> No.6837376

not that guy but i'd fucking move
still, murican spirits are 7 here

>> No.6837408

wu@ in pa?

>> No.6837403

Bro I feel your pain. I come from westchester. It's rough there too. I move o pa though recently. It's like 4.75 for Marlboro nxt. Best tasting menthol next k Nat Sherman's

>> No.6837404

I live in Virginia & tobacco is out cash crop!! Plus these were 75¢ off! If not I would have gotten Camel Blues.

>> No.6837412


>> No.6837570

its 20 dollars for 20 cigarettes in australia.

>> No.6837579

thats why ya smoke dem doobs.

>> No.6837618

Just try it man. They're great, but I want something lighter for my normal smoke.

Normally get yellows but I think I'll get the light blues from now on if my local gas station has them.

And here I thought I was done smoking.

>> No.6837862
File: 58 KB, 197x198, 17a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw started smoking when I was 15 and now im on a half a pack a day habit

>> No.6837876

u must look old as shit yuck.

>> No.6838031

hhaha yup. me too. shit sucks.

ive been 'trying to quit' all year and still will take a smoke if offered to me out and about.

I think it just means we're not serious about it yet, cause cmon. shit's nice.

I've stopped buying weed atleast? and buying the actually durries.

but just can't say no.

>> No.6838055

on LI cigs are 11 and it fucking blows

I smoke menthols but Im trying to start smoking regular cigs as to not look/smell like a nigger

I also get the e-cig Logic which I try to use indoors to avoid the smell, but you look like a total herb using one.. especially inside a public place

>> No.6838085


I quit over a year ago but every time I see someone smoke (in movies, on the street, whatever) I get this overwhelming desire to start up again. I'm worried that my quitting will, in the long run, end up having been only temporary.

at the same time, I don't like the idea of never smoking again. I want to do it in moderation, but I know that my idea of "moderation" will eventually specify shorter and shorter intervals between cigarettes until I drop the idea that I'm doing it in moderation at all, and then I'll have to quit again.

>> No.6838109

>smoking is a hobby

If smoking is a hobby for you, then you're a smoker.

>> No.6839172


>> No.6839428

thread is good?

>> No.6839457

Bad health is not effay
Cancer is not effay
Wasting moeny on cigsthat could eb used to enhance your ward drobe or some effay interior dec is not effay

Enjoy your early grave you impressionable try hard faggots

>> No.6839485

You could say that about anything remotely pleasurable.

>> No.6839483

>all this

Thanks for not making me type. Congrats on quitting.
Superior feels 8)

>> No.6839484

Rollies with drum baccy for me.
I only smoke like 3 a day doe, 5 at most.