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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 323x468, sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6828165 No.6828165 [Reply] [Original]

what's /fa/s opinion on these? I'm guessing the stitching and fabric quality is shit(Since they all seem to be around the $30 mark) but do they atleast seem fashionable?

5'7" 130lbs guy, so i'm sure i can fit it properly...

>> No.6828179

Negredo strikes again

>> No.6828198

>negredo, slayer of fashion

>> No.6828208

I'm not familiar with who/what that is...

Is this board to fashion, like /v/ is to videogames? Where no one actually discusses or knows anything about fashion?

>> No.6828221

>Where no one actually discusses or knows anything about fashion?

>> No.6828229

Sure m8. They put it on a black mannequin in order to show off how good it looks on people. If it looks fantastic there, it will definitely look good on you. Just a general rule on fashion.
Buy it and post it, maybe you'll make it onto the yesstyle infographic with a bunch of sharped dress men showing off their fantastic figure.
eat shit.

>> No.6828251

Jesus... I get the feeling you have an ulcer or something, with that much searing hatred in you.

You might wanna get some help for that. Probably makes life unbearable for you. Also, as i'm sure you figured out, /fa/ does not support spoilers... Easy way to figure out is if there's the spoiler checkbox next to the uploaded image section on your reply box.

>> No.6828267
File: 16 KB, 207x207, 1374698421527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6828269

hahahahah get a load of this faggot

yes OP get that shitty sweater so we can add you on the infographic of neckbeards who wanted to look like their favorite anime characters

>> No.6828264
File: 49 KB, 436x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh, we just had a thread on this, you fuck.

>> No.6828283

The fuck? Which anime character wore that? And will i be kawaiii like him!?!?

The only person i saw wearing a jacket like this was big bang theory.. which actually made me think it was not a good idea....

>> No.6828297

someone post the infograph already....weve mocked him enough now

>> No.6828322

Have you though? I mean so far all you have done is call me negredo... which to someone who isnt a regular, means nothing.

I wouldnt mind seeing the infographic though. I'm a slim-built guy so seeing a bunch of /fa/ regulars(Who i assume to be skiny-fat or outright fat) would be nice, so i can see worst-case-senario...

>> No.6828336

Look dude the best advice we can give is that if it isn't advertised by a model then save your money.

>> No.6828339 [DELETED] 

>Where no one actually discusses or knows anything about fashion?
This is true

>> No.6828359

dont get mad, bitch. weve had this fucking thread every day for the last years, so someone made an infograph with pics of people who actually bought the crap youre asking about. quality and fit are as bad as it gets, its not even wearable. i dont have the infographic saved but im sure someone can post it.
also youre a fat manlet and far from "slim-built"
i weigh as much as you at 6'2

>> No.6828368 [DELETED] 

>i weigh as much as you at 6'2
not him but 130lbs at 6'2 is disgusting, you're a man

eat something

>> No.6828378

are you retarded?
my bmi is not in the "underweight" category. youre probably just fat

>> No.6828377


>"slim-built guy"

when will manlets learn?

>> No.6828391 [DELETED] 

you're a skeleton mate, i can't imagine you could bench one plate at that lank. pick up a plate

>> No.6828397


Dude... you can stop throwing up. I'm sure someone will want to suck your skele-pole... Stop hurting yourself. Its making your mother cry every time she goes to bed.

>> No.6828396
File: 72 KB, 524x437, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it is

>> No.6828395
File: 38 KB, 256x256, WP_000776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can shut up now

>> No.6828393

That could be from muscle.

>> No.6828411

lmfao yea this is definitely slim built

did you flex especially hard for this picture you silly little manlet?

>> No.6828405

>those birthing hips

>> No.6828406
File: 490 KB, 449x401, grills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File: 1378160006260.jpg-(38 KB, 256x25

>> No.6828409

Holy shit!.... I'm literally laughing here... Look at your hips to shoulder ratio... How is that even fucking possible? Its like a weeble wobble, with the middle caved in!

Are you sure you have any place here to criticize anyones size? Cause from the looks of it, nothing could possible look good on that 'frame'.

>> No.6828420

>you're a skeleton mate
>this is what fat people actually beleive
dude its a 18.8 bmi, thats not very low. i run and swim a lot and im perfectly healthy.

>> No.6828421

at least one of ur worries wont be dying from childbirth lmao

>> No.6828418

Auschwitz mode activated!

>> No.6828429


>> No.6828425



>> No.6828427

Just a heads up
I'm OP... That guys isnt me. He's the one who's 6' something" and 130lbs.

I'm not gonna post my pics here, suffice to say i dont look that bad though.

>> No.6828437
File: 54 KB, 958x677, 1374878713114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6828438 [DELETED] 

>doesn't even understand how to calculate BMI
all that not eating is going to your head

>> No.6828433 [DELETED] 

lol wut
you are so skinny you're out of shape. you are nothing but skin and bones

eat sumthn

>> No.6828447

thats weird, i guess i got the feet and inch thing wrong. im 186cm and weigh 65 kg
guess ill just stick to the metric system from now on haha

>> No.6828445

oh, oopsie

he still looks dumb af tho so its ok

>I'm not gonna post my pics here, suffice to say i dont look that bad though
lmao that just makes me think ur a skinnyfat nerd

>> No.6828444

Don't buy clothes sold by Negredo. Any time you see clothes displayed solely on mannequins, it won't fit you right; those clothes only look good because of the skeleton build of the mannequin and the fact that they're pinned in several places. Only buy stuff that is also shown by actual models.

>> No.6828441
File: 554 KB, 1512x1944, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Trying to look fashionable

Im sorry man..

>> No.6828440


>> No.6828456
File: 455 KB, 863x2600, 08asU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6828457

>He's the one who's 6' something" and 130lbs.
nahp its not me either, its just someone making fun of you

>> No.6828460
File: 684 KB, 863x3156, 1368109236808[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy one so that we can add you to this.

>> No.6828462

Yeah, i'm mostly on /fit/, so i'm well versed in that. I'm also a fag though, so being short isnt *too* bit an issue... esp if you have a younger looking face. My bigger issue in that regards, is the body hair and thinning head hair...

>> No.6828477

Well, then I guess that you'll be fine. Have fun with your life.

>> No.6828478 [DELETED] 

>im perfectly healthy.
I could curl you anon, that shit isn't cute. Get in the gym.

>> No.6828471


>> No.6828487

You know what? I will buy it and report back! I'm expecting it to look like shit, but its the last one they have in stock and its been reduced to $10(and free shipping) so whatever... Even if it looks like ass, it'll only be $10. And if it looks good? Great! I'll have a jacket i can wear 3 or 4 times before it falls apart!

Thanks for the help and laughs, /fa/.

>> No.6828502

Post a fit so that we can add you to all the fucking idiots who wanna look like an anime character

>> No.6828508 [DELETED] 

>I will buy it and report back!
>not reading
come on anon

>> No.6828518

report isnt the same as posting a fit

>> No.6828542 [DELETED] 


>> No.6828536

>big bang theory
kill yourself

>> No.6828616

Wow... Didnt think people on /fa/ would DEFEND big bang theory... This place really does do very little fashion related discussing.

>> No.6828651

May I ask what website you are on?

>> No.6828649

Idk about the jacket, but I do want that (fake) lv belt

>> No.6828694


>> No.6828717

no shit ey? I mean where he wants the SICK asian jacket from.. (sarcasm) you are white dude. dress normal.

>> No.6828731 [DELETED] 


>> No.6828738 [DELETED] 

real autism

>> No.6828736 [DELETED] 


>> No.6828742 [DELETED] 

Oh no you (le) did'nt!

*Airms hands, shapped like guns at you*

Zap! Zap zap zap!
PEW pew PEW!!!!

You're dead no, hombre!
*Throws a spork at you*

>> No.6828747 [DELETED] 

top autist

>> No.6828743 [DELETED] 

clinically diagnosed autism

>> No.6828763 [DELETED] 


>> No.6828770 [DELETED] 


>> No.6828766 [DELETED] 


>> No.6828775 [DELETED] 

le reddit maymay autism

>> No.6828780 [DELETED] 

OP here...

I should probably delete this thread now, for the same of the community, right?

>> No.6828785

OP here...

I should probably delete this thread now, for the sake of the community, right?

>> No.6828786 [DELETED] 


>> No.6828792 [DELETED] 

manlet with autism

>> No.6828800

I know the girl from the top left corner of that infographic, the one in the blue
>tfw her bf is a 5' 9" bodybuilder who hates his body so much he compensates by lifting things

>> No.6828811

Fix your shit it is We've or just say We Have

>> No.6828813

check my dubdubs

>> No.6828831


>> No.6828860

>defend big bang theory
fuck are you smoking bitch nigger

>> No.6828985

I said(>>6828283) seeing it on big bang through made me think getting the sweater was a bad idea.
You said (>>6828536) i should kill myself for insulting big bang theory.

What, are you illiterate or soemthing? Again, not many people on 4chan flaunt their love of big bang theory.... Not many people openly mention they are fags either, so clearly we're both breaking the mold... Though to be fair, i'm only sucking cocks.... You're the faggot watching/enjoying big bang theory.