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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.33 MB, 1432x972, 1368816123247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6816014 No.6816014 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a fashion thread for bigger girls? Sick of people posting rail thin girls, I never can get good inspo on /fa/

>> No.6816026

fashion tip: lose weight fatty

>> No.6816030

i'm hoping that it's because you couldn't find a photo of a big girl wearing something fierce that you posted that ugly shit

>> No.6816032


>> No.6816038

sorry fatties not even you all can top that one!

>> No.6816047

lost weight jesus christ

>> No.6816042


I'm fat I agree

>> No.6816046
File: 355 KB, 683x1024, 1377541036773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely disgusting
if this wasn't obvious b8 i would be mad

>> No.6816056
File: 605 KB, 2011x2724, corset_harpers_bezar1882l1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6816065

What if I told you that not everyone can lose weight ?

>> No.6816069

what if I told you that's not true.

>> No.6816072
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>> No.6816076
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>> No.6816075

heres a tip

>> No.6816078

have you heard of these things called diet and exercise?

>> No.6816079
File: 410 KB, 1690x2048, 1376674804645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are fine

>> No.6816085
File: 132 KB, 450x675, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some (th)inspo fyt

>> No.6816094

>tfw i never see girls like this

>> No.6816097

what if i told you eating less calories than you work off will lead to weight loss no matter fucking what because thats simple 10th grade biology?

>> No.6816102
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x1024, based prophet dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6816104

Fucking rekd.

>> No.6816105

Are you retarded? Yes it is

>> No.6816101

>tfw you're not a social climber

>> No.6816112

Your just a lazy fat bitch. Your should go on the hungry skeleton diet

>> No.6816115

>falling for this bait

>> No.6816116

stop posting fatties

>> No.6816114

Even paralyzed people can diet.

>> No.6816118

Op, do you truly believe you can't lose weight? I don't give a fuck if you're far or not, I'm just curious as I how you got such a strange notion into your head, and continue to believe it when other anons have obviously proved you wrong.

>> No.6816119


i can't believe someone took the time to photoshop that

i bet they thought to themselves, 'wow thisll really rek that basedfaggot'


>> No.6816120

>Not abusing fat people at any opportunity possible regardless of b8 or not

>> No.6816117

Petty. I bet you wouldn't post a picture of your fat arse.

>> No.6816125

shhh just leave him be hes been posting that pic every day for months now

very very severe autism

>> No.6816137
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>> No.6816138
File: 92 KB, 1071x1600, 1372774030115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that pic. I don't even post it anymore. It took 1 minute to make in GIMP. I could have done better on it, but I didn't think anyone would save it.

>mfw all that anger

>> No.6816142

me or the people butthurt enough to make the same post hundreds of times over countless hours?

id say them

>> No.6816144

god i hate self-empowering landwhales

>> No.6816145

No I'm not lazy. Why are you so aggressive? You aren't a doctor

>> No.6816149

i don't think they're butt hurt, you just shit post basically all the time, have a shit attitude, and you're generally annoying. i think the people posting are trying to say "here's the guy that keeps shit posting." not sure what it'll achieve, but you seem bothered enough to respond to it.

>> No.6816147



>primark hoodie
>"the boots are from australia"

>> No.6816148

post pics and i'll give you my official analysis on how much weight you can realistically lose.

and yes i have medical training.

>> No.6816151

Someone's high and mighty.

>> No.6816168

you should all be ashamed for falling for this troll

>> No.6816196
File: 24 KB, 450x588, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starve yourself

there's literally no way a person can't lose weight by starving themselves you piece of shit

if you weren't lazy as fuck you would have already let your body eat itself away and been auschwitz by now

seriously, I fucking hate fat people. if there's one demographic of people that do not deserve to live it's them.

>> No.6816230

>seriously, I fucking hate fat people. if there's one demographic of people that do not deserve to live it's them.
Why? I'd have to disagree and I'm like 5'7 118 pounds. If they own it and do it for hedonism's sake or just because, without perpetuating stupid myths and excuses, what difference does it make? I would hope it's only a particular brand of fatties who actually have a mindset the OP's pretending to that get on your nerves. Oh and also: I do believe I shouldn't have to pay for their health care either. That'd be another reason for vitriol to go their way.

>> No.6816240

yeah, i would hate fat ppl less if they had to pay extra taxes. i would still hate them tho.

>> No.6816256

haha "fat tax" can you imagine the uproar

>> No.6816265

its been proposed before, not as a tax for fat ppl but as an extra tax on fatty or unhealthy food, like fast food. makes total sense to me, same as extra taxes on cigarettes.

>> No.6816271

and I wholeheartedly agree on my tax position being overlapped into cigarettes too. Forgot to mention it but thanks for bringing it up.

>> No.6816275

i imagined a sort of means tested tax. except the test was that if you're fat

>> No.6816273

It's because of shits like you I have an eating disorder.

Hope you're happy you're part of the reason people like me are slowly killing themselves!

>> No.6816287

id be fine with that too. or even just if you had to pay for your own hospital bills if youre overweight.

>> No.6816289

>There is nothing inbetween!

>> No.6816295

Considering everyone's saying extremely thin people are the only beautiful ones, no, there is no inbetween.

I limit myself to 300-1000 calories per day, purge if I exceed that amount, etc. etc. I typically purge no matter what, though.

When the fuck am I supposed to feel better about myself and think I'm thin again? I've been doing this for about two years now and I'm still fat.

>> No.6816304


does that mean you're fat? or skinny af?

either way anyone who kills themselves over someone else's opinion is COMPLETELY fucking retarded. don't get me wrong, I love suicide as much as the next guy, but it's gotta be for better reasons than body image

>> No.6816310

>Considering everyone's saying extremely thin people are the only beautiful ones
Blah blah. Strawman + sweeping generalization. You're probably trolling. Shut up.
>I limit myself to 300-1000 calories per day, purge if I exceed that amount, etc. etc.
"What is exercise?"
"What is thermogenesis?"

I don't even know why I'm responding.

>> No.6816327

>It's because of shits like you I have an eating disorder.
Assuming troll, but the reason you have an eating disorder is because you're weak minded.

You are just as bad as ignorant fatasses. I don't care how much someone weighs. What disgusts me is ignorance. Your failure to accept responsibility for your eating disorder is just as pathetic fat peoples' failure to accept responsibility for their weight.

Maybe if you stopped focusing on all these overpowering forces ruining your life from the outside, you would be able to realize that because your problems are internal that your solutions are internal as well.

>> No.6816342

Solution: stop caring what other people think.

Protip: most people actually think that low self-esteem is pathetic. Far more unappealing than an imperfect body.

So you actually have two solutions

a) stop caring what other people think
b) continue caring what other people think and realize that by harming yourself, you are making people think you're a fucking idiot doing a damn poor job of making yourself look good

>> No.6816354

in japan there is basically a fat tax
if you work you earn less and your company earns less if you're fat so they probably wont hire you
you dont see a single fucking fat guy in japan

>> No.6816370
File: 206 KB, 1101x571, mendicate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this fooshbwoi only posts when someone bashes his butt buddy

whats ur adress ill fight u irl

>> No.6816373

How many pounds have you lost in your life? I bet you're one of those kids who thinks that you're a health expert because you lost 20 pounds by starving yourself. It'll be back in five years, and more in ten.

>> No.6816379

"You need to have been overweight in order to know basic science."

I know you're trying to get a rise out of people, but it's too easy to see through.

>> No.6816380

why do fat fuck bitches just buy a hoodie in each color of the rainbow, and throw up a tumblr post on how fashion is "unrealistic expectations"

bitch you shop at target, I don't think RTW is really marketing itself to your fatass

and if you knew anything about fashion, you'd get some couture shit which they'll produce in any size

>> No.6816388

nice projection but eh

I lost 10 kg on a 700-500 cal deficit in a matter of three months once, it works
If you only eat 700-1000 cals a day your body will go into preservation/catabolic mode and start eating away at your muscles, hindering bodyfat/weight loss

>> No.6816386

Hey, looks like we've got a medical professional here. Protip: a disease of the brain is a disease just like the flu, only much much harder to cure.

>> No.6816392
File: 51 KB, 500x667, 1376771333601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat piece of shit

muh purging muh calories hurr two years

Go on /fit/ and read the sticky you fucking stupid sack of lard.

>> No.6816393
File: 11 KB, 200x235, 200px-Asashoryu_Jan08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6816397

>a disease of the brain is a disease just like the flu
Then don't be weak minded enough to bring on the disease to begin with. It's their fault. For example, I don't find it incredulous that smokers are unable to quit - I blame them for being stupid enough to start it.

>> No.6816404
File: 45 KB, 642x960, 1351206114990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering everyone's saying extremely thin people are the only beautiful ones, no, there is no inbetween.

this chick has a nice bod

>> No.6816400

> Protip: a disease of the brain is a disease just like the flu, only much much harder to cure.

I'm apparently more aware of this than they are. I at least realize that their problems are mental while they think they're problem is the media, because that's everyone else tells them.

Stop enabling mental weakness.

>> No.6816402

you can be /fa/, or you can be healthy, but not both

>> No.6816405

boy or girl?

>> No.6816408

No such thing as a good looking fat person. Lose some fucking weight you lazy piece of shit.

>> No.6816409
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>> No.6816406

Noice b8 m8 I r8 it 8

>> No.6816412

>Noice b8 m8 I r8 it 8
>I r8 it 8
fucking lol I've got to remember that

>> No.6816417

nice desu~

>> No.6816425
File: 112 KB, 599x900, 900x900px-LL-eb8bc6a8_nbr_73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6816428


>> No.6816434

Why do these threads only show up when based is around to shit them up?

>> No.6816432
File: 130 KB, 589x800, Philly_babe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6816439

I would love to cram my nose and tongue fervidly up her ass chute after she was sweaty and musky. Ugh. :(

>> No.6816443

>tfw new favorite trip

>> No.6816447

Starving yourself is a shit-tier way to lose weight. It completely misses the point of cutting down the pounds, y'know, health.

>> No.6816450

idktf m8
i would hold hands with her

>> No.6816461

They're fat. Just say fat.

>> No.6816490

"bigger" girls?
you mean fat girls right? let's call a cat a cat
lose weight or you'll never look good
rich people are good looking and thin
poor people are gross and fat

>> No.6816489

Do people like this not have any shame? I hate to be the stuck up guy here, but going around bicycling naked isn't fun, edgy or cool. No shame and bad taste.

>> No.6816493
File: 66 KB, 500x365, 1345573499383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is sexy
anything bigger is gross

>> No.6816500

Why be shameful if you're a healthy, reasonably attractive female?

The fucking males dawdling around should be the ones who have same. No one wants to see cock.

>> No.6816506

it's for a nudist bike ride

>> No.6816513
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 1377440769586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks stretched

i love girls like pic related

>> No.6816519

What's the point of flaunting your fit body in public in the first place?

Not like it's a pleasurable experience to see an attractive female completely naked, and not being able to get her and fuck her, having other dozens of men stare at her. That's just teasing and torture.

It doesn't count for men that way, we are different creatures. Women should have self respect (i.e. not be nasty promiscuous whores and go around naked).

>> No.6816521

is this the real sieg posting?

because it cracks me up when you post about obesity and women, when you are fat yourself, and your girlfriend is a legit 300 pounder.

>> No.6816524
File: 157 KB, 341x848, 1301981832791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too short and chubby

i like pic related

>> No.6816525

>and not being able to get her and fuck her
>implying you're not

>> No.6816531

i like short girls but the one you posted is great too
depends on my mood

>> No.6816536

my GF weighs 220..........I can lift her

>> No.6816533

I don't see why girls don't understand this its shocking

>> No.6816544

why are you posting fatties m8?

>> No.6816545
File: 71 KB, 1023x1023, 1377003492614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my GF weighs 220

>> No.6816547

i like them this way

>> No.6816552

well... I suppose they need love too

>> No.6816559

oh haha yea 220 isn't fat at all

PS that was sarcasm

>> No.6816561

You can be fashionable as a fat person, it just takes more than if you were normal siZe

Yes being fat isn't normal

>> No.6816575

You're probably not fat at all, you just think you are. That is called an eating disorder. You should take a serious look at yourself, and decide what your goal body is. Chances are you've already obtained it, or need to lift some weights to add definition.

>> No.6816578

>What's the point of flaunting your fit body in public in the first place?
To flaunt it. Don't you know what flaunt means?

What's the point in wearing clothes when you can feel the warm sun and crisp air on your skin? Don't be such a colossal pussy anon.

>> No.6816585

ITT: /tg/ and /g/ girlfriend material

>> No.6816593
File: 44 KB, 270x290, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're not the bikesaddle

>> No.6816594

Hey, she could be a friggin' giantess.

>> No.6816602

i would kill myself if i had that face

>> No.6816616
File: 228 KB, 533x800, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promoting females to be promiscuous whores

Get some class, anon. And some control over your hormonal urges with it, plebkid.

>> No.6816623


>> No.6816624

Because based never leaves his house and is always around to shit every thread up.

>> No.6816627

Typical brainless 4chan reaction, sad. I should probably leave this board, it truly brings out the worst in people.

>> No.6816630

dump set

>> No.6816631

not the same guy, but would you try to stop a dog from eating meat?

>> No.6816643

>tfw i live in Europe where fat people don't exist

>> No.6816646
File: 243 KB, 533x800, 01 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will only post more if you apologize for being an insufferable twat with low standards, being the disgusting pervert you are.

>would you try to stop a dog from eating meat?
We aren't dogs. We have brains, and I know it's easy to get enslaved to your sexual desires/emotions and lower your standards to such promiscuous levels, it doesn't take away the fact that it's sad.

Media nowadays make us horney and numb our senses and minds 24/7.

>> No.6816645

>leaving a board because of one shitposter

Harden the fuck up

>> No.6816650



>living in fat countries

its like why even bother?

>> No.6816653
File: 57 KB, 550x828, PetraKopie3550x828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right, americans really are dumb
i went to japan last month, fat ppl dont exist there either

only in america lol

>> No.6816659


>> No.6816660

Sorry for what?

>> No.6816655


>> No.6816656

I actually meant to say "I should probably leave 4chan entirely". The benefit it brings to my life is minimal compared to how mindnumbingly retarded most of the posters on here behave. It's like I get dumber and more backwards with each passing day I visit 4chan.

>> No.6816662

for being an insufferable twat with low standards, being the disgusting pervert i am.

>> No.6816667


>> No.6816668
File: 274 KB, 533x800, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your posts clearly indicate you are more likely to suffer from autism.

Good boy.

>> No.6816671

>Media nowadays make us horney and numb our senses and minds 24/7.
not saying i disagree, but that isn't what im talking.
true, we aren't dogs but we are animals, and we do have instincts and nature.
a dog with no training will jump on the table to grab meat, period. it's in their nature.
you can train a dog to not do it, but she will still WANT to do it.

this isn't about low standards, it's just how things are.

you can find a girl who isn't a total slut, and that's great.
but if you honestly believe she doesn't WANT to be, you are wrong.

>> No.6816676

can someone post a picture of the siege legacy?
i've filtered this faggot so long ago that he became irrelevant, until the recent shit-storms he's been stirring.

>> No.6816683

Lost 30 kilos over 6 months, everytime my weight goes back up a little I say "fuck it I'm on a diet again" until I'm back to normal, it's not fucking hard, Goddamn I hate people that pretend like they can't lose weight and diets don't work

>> No.6816689
File: 26 KB, 423x423, 1377736141658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't save it on my computer, but you can find it on the archive.
it's pretty disgusting, and i couldn't bear to save it, i did save this pic so that should give you a sense of how bad sieg's is.

>> No.6816699

ikr lost 12 kg in a month& a half
it was easy as fuck
fat people not only are ugly they also have no willpower

>> No.6816710


>eat less
>move more


>> No.6816738

So Chris Chan finally went full homo?

>> No.6816857


>> No.6816927

You're fat and never will be /fa/.

Lose some weight fat ass.

>> No.6816935

You understand that if you obey the basic laws of thermodynamics, you WILL lose weight, NO MATTER WHAT.

>Calories in calories out.

Fuck stop making it seem like it's such a difficult life changing concept. If you can put on weight, your body obviously obeys the laws of physics, therefore you can lose it.

This is why people hate fat people. You make it sound like it was never your fault.

You give other fatties, who I regularly enjoy the company of because they're not self-loathing faggots, a bad name.

>> No.6816937


>> No.6816947

Fuck you're an idiot. My mum who is 5'4" and weighs 55kg has a BMR of 1100 calories.

If you're a fat fuck and you're eating 300-1000 calories a day and you're still fat. You're definetly not eating 300-1000 calories a day.

Don't kid yourself and blame the world for your problems. Society doesn't owe you shit.

>> No.6816953

I lost 40lbs doing moderate exercise at home, watching calories (1500 a day).

30lbs of it was just by changing my diet and paying attention to what I ate, and finding lower calorie/healthier replacements for shitty things I liked.

It's been 5 years and I've lost more weight but I'm skinny fat because I haven't worked out consistently in 2 years and my eating is inconsistent since I'm living in a place where people are cooking giant meals twice a day even if I'd rather make something myself and prefer lots of small meals and snacks through out the day.

Still a size 2/4
You're the type of person I dislike. It's basic fucking biology. Unless you have a serious: metabolic, muscular, physical disability, hormonal disorder that can't regulate your weight even with medication
You are being retarded.

Fun fact, fat people burn a few hundred extra calories more (and thus have a higher metabolic rate!)than a skinny/average person because their bodies require more calories to maintain their weight!

>> No.6816954

>hey, looks like we've got a medical professional here.

Looks like we've got a medical professional here.

>> No.6817503

What if I told you not everyone can be /fa/?

Specially fatasses.

>> No.6817548

I laughed

>> No.6817559

I know you're trolling but that girl's outfit is 1000x trashier than confident nudism.
Confirmed for tasteless pleb.

>And some control over your hormonal urges
>implying every dude in those pictures with her is sporting wood
They're not because they can appreciate nudity outside of sexual contexts. If you can't, maybe you should get some control over your hormonal urges.

>> No.6817561


>> No.6817563


>> No.6817579

Well... My friend lost 70 pounds in 6 months and he is still losing weight. he didn't starve himself, he just ate less and exercised more. it's all about calories in and out. learn2eatandexcercise and you'll lose some fat from your fatty ass.

theyre no such thing as "cant lose weight"

>> No.6817588

Y'all niggers are ignorant, fat is incurable.


>> No.6817586

I limit myself to 300-1000 calories per day, purge if I exceed that amount, etc. etc. I typically purge no matter what, though.
>300 calories
a bottle of coke is 240 calories...

>> No.6817590

do u drink a bottle of coke everyday

>> No.6817604

7/10 would rek.
If you're fat don't try to be effay, though - it's extremely hard, if not impossible. Still, fat girls are sexy, most guys don't mind them, the ones that do are too hung up on other people's opinions.

>> No.6817609


pick one you land whale

>> No.6817620
File: 899 KB, 1278x1920, tumblr_mj3dufDzpk1r5pzlpo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really wish i didnt search now

>> No.6817626


please no i dont want to be gay

>> No.6817631


>> No.6817640


You want to fuck the lollypop guild?

>> No.6817635


>a bottle
Top kek, what are u, poor?
Good luck with just one bottle fuccboi
Smh fucking skeletors

>> No.6817641

I want to go to one of these, I want everyone to see my big fat cock.

>> No.6817648


>This the year of our lord 2013
>Still drinking soda

Jokes on you.

>> No.6817654



>> No.6817701

The amount of trolls in this fucking thread is ridiculous.
You guys can't seriously think that being skin and bones is healthy.

>> No.6817715

>5'8", 112 lbs
>perfectly healthy
I can't believe at least one person here thinks being obese is healthy

>> No.6817716


>> No.6817720

>tfw 5'7 and 168
>tfw not even fat

apart from being a manlet, fuck yeah. I look about 120 apparently.

>> No.6817722 [DELETED] 

I got dealt a shit genetic hand
[nospoilersoneffay]also I'm underagedb& and still have a little bit to grow[/arethere?]

>> No.6817725

>still have a little bit to grow
Lel, this is what manlets really believe? Huehahiwdhqw

>> No.6817746

btw Ima a GRILL!!! XD

>> No.6817745

This thread went from babby's first troll to some multilayered shit. What next, shitting on gothninjas?

>> No.6817751

Kek, r u implying that you're trying to fuck me but I'd rather fuck you?

>> No.6817759

they looks so ugly and awkward

>> No.6817791

Now smell those seats

>> No.6817875

Holy shit.
First time /fa/ browser here.

I'm leaving, you guys are a massive anorexic circlejerk.

>> No.6817881

Good decision m8

>> No.6817885

>not being anorexic as fuckk

Lel fuck you
Ana and mia forever bitch!

>> No.6817889

lol bye

>> No.6817909

>getting trolled by land whales

>> No.6817917

welcome to /fa/ friend

>> No.6818190
File: 478 KB, 245x180, tumblr_mij0xgre8z1s62la2o1_250[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6818231

now fuck off

>> No.6818255

Work on your weight before you concern yourself with dressing nicely.

>> No.6818263
File: 647 KB, 243x199, 4670963+_da2235d2fb82c84f01d17923c5289dc9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if I told you that not everyone can lose weight ?

It's easy. Expend more calories than you eat, you retarded faggot.

"Muh slow metabolism"

>> No.6818279


lel, you made me snarf yo!

>> No.6818283

Oh thanks /fa/, almost forgot to take my ephedrine today.

>> No.6818295

Hungry Skeleton reporting in.
I swear, if I wasn't camera shy I'd take some thinspo pics for you guys.

Thanks for keeping Ana alive.

>> No.6818302

dont forget to stack with caffine and asprine

>> No.6818311

Yeah, coffee is forever, aspirines help with my constant headaches (I have terrible "designer headaches" caused by staring at computers and small print for too long). I forgot to add the ephedrine.

>> No.6818314
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, 179487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"being fat isn't a choice it's a diseaseee!!1"
>"muh curves"
>"don't judge me, accept meeee!"

I fucking love deluded fatties.

>> No.6818333

blame the media, they started the whole acceptance bullshit

>> No.6818350

being proana/promia may not be healthy
but its the only real way to be /fa/ for women

>> No.6818471

not to shame you for being fat
because its none of mine
but fashionable and attractive clothes don't really exist for fat people. There's some, but it's extremely rare, because the most important rule of fashion is that fit is everything, and to be blunt there is no good fit on a really fat person.

i am also a little curious as to why you can't lose weight.

>> No.6818495

you can be attractive and fat
if you have them tits and that ass and good posture
but you will never be a /fa/tty, and you will never be as desirable as a healthy woman

>> No.6818523

You don't need the asprine, actually it's probably better without it

>> No.6818529


>> No.6818544

autistic people are generally right about the things they're autistic about

>> No.6818556

Autistic people can't pick up social cues like that this thread is a troll thread.

>> No.6818559

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8.88

>> No.6818615

you know, there has been a recent study that shows that fat people GREATLY exaggerate how much they actually eat. They say "Oh I eat healthy and don't eat very much and I exercise every day I swear. It's just impossible for me to lose weight.". I in the meantime, their idea of "healthy" is a diet consisting of salad swimming in dressing with a metric ton of cheese on top, a bunch of fruit every day, and some bread.

God damn fatties are the most delusional people in the world

>> No.6818652
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>You understand that if you obey the basic laws of thermodynamics, you WILL lose weight, NO MATTER WHAT.


for some seconds i found this to be the epitome of humor

>> No.6818696
File: 35 KB, 500x665, tumblr_mr2nigUl2N1qmvg34o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this rly isnt a troll then sort yourself out and log off /fa/ if its triggering and remind yourself most grounded well-adjusted ppl dont care if youre fat and you can look decent. thats not to say im discouraging weight loss but do it healthily, consult a dietitian for a meal plan catered to ur needs and speak with ur GP if you suspect a condition that is preventing weight loss like hypothyroidism.

ana/mia is not ~*/fa/*~ these nerds that represent a tiny subset of fashion have virtually no authority on what constitutes as fashionable. theyre trolls, fetishists, or battling ana/mia themselves and compensate their lack of any accomplishment with being the "thinnest of them all". have u looked at any of the selfie threads???? theyre all like crater-faced HS seniors who want 2 emulate cole/rj/yuri/valter to impress women and fellow dorky suburbanites online. theyre not even on the fringes of the industry; they have no clue.


>> No.6818698

The kind of fat sumo wrestlers have is different from the kind of fat fatties have. Sumos are real athletes, not just fat fucks running into eachother.


>> No.6818753

what ever happened to chrissy chan.

>> No.6818824

Healthy =/= Beautiful

>> No.6818842

Hedi Slimane and many other famous personalities in fashion disagree with you.

>> No.6818946

yes it does you delusional skeleton

>> No.6818968

lol 10/10

>> No.6818972
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>not a single fatty posted

>> No.6819021

Beauty standards are measurable by the general idea transmitted from fashion makers to the general public at any given time.

If you go back in history, you can judge what the beauty standard was from ads, prints and pictures.

Right now, considering the most influential companies, our beauty standards are anorexic to thin. I must also add, while some companies are adopting the "clean face" look atm, it does not mean they are promoting healthy, plump people.

Keep in mind your idea of beauty is not the norm just because you say so.

>> No.6819028

Lose weight.

>> No.6819031

>healthy, plump people
lol 11/10

>> No.6819042
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(Built)fat is beautiful guys!

>> No.6819059

nah it's not lol

>> No.6819079

why the fuck would "fashion makers" (lel) try and convince people to be thin??
the body types shown in marketing don't *dictate* society's standards of beauty, they *reflect* them.

>> No.6819080
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>> No.6819075

That's a terrible idea.

Aside from the obvious health risks, she'd have to buy an entirely new wardrobe. Do you know how fucking expensive that is? Don't get me started on the in-between-weights wardrobe. hellish.

>> No.6819091
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>> No.6819094

>i want to look pretty but i'm too lazy to put a bit of effort in
fuck america

>> No.6819111

hnnnnnnng i love fat chicks

>> No.6819126
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>> No.6819134


Do these girls realise they're killing themselves.

>> No.6819144

idk whats wrong with your gays but id much rather fuck this fatty

than abominations like


>> No.6819161
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Stay beta, bitchboy

>> No.6819166

Fuck off...and we don't like you because you're fat and you fuckin moan about it.

>> No.6819168
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>> No.6819172

Please read about the "trickle down" effect.

Also, if your argument were valid, the majority of american brands would focus on fat people.

I want to politely ask, what is your job/career?

>> No.6819174

/r/ing that "there is no thin person inside me" picture

>> No.6819182

not even built

>> No.6819192

Ah yeah, that ones brutal but the worst thing is that it´s true.

>> No.6819199

it's practically impossible to purge everything in your stomach every time you throw up for 2 years. heaving until you're dry will give you severe chest muscle pains. purging makes it a lot harder to control and measure your intake. you're already meticulously measuring your calories, so why not put some of that obsessive effort towards NOT purging. Stop throwing up and maintain about 800-100 calories a day and you will see better results than with purging. I advise a 2-4 week break where you exercise an hour a day and eat 2000-2500 calories a day in relatively healthy unprocessed foods to help reset your metabolism because it must be pretty fucked.

>> No.6819231
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>> No.6819257
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>> No.6819272

the things people do to avoid exercise

>> No.6819278
File: 31 KB, 385x580, m79290882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this slut was nearly kicked out of the industry for being this thin, she looks fucking great. what is this world coming to?

>> No.6819279
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>> No.6819287

hahaha fatasses

>> No.6819306


it just looks so bad to me. this whole ( ) shape of women really sucks,

>> No.6819325

Wow what sexist.
I'm not a feminist or anything, but telling a woman they shouldn't go through all the benefits of losing weight because you'd rather fuck them if they were fat is so fucking wrong.

>> No.6819331
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>> No.6819343

I would actually prefer to be this size (8?) than a 2 or 4 if my skin would look that amazing and firm but soft. But it's probably photoshop'd.

Fuck fat acceptance, I want cellulite and skin-fold acceptance, it affects all but the most vanity-fit.

>> No.6819361

why not just get thin? people will like you more, and you'll get bfs you ccould never have got before.

why don't all fat women get thin? Every fat girl i know who got thin has such an improved life.

>> No.6819376 [DELETED] 

oh do u know slimane personally??? plz the idea that the industry dictates rail thin as anything but a convenience for sample size fittings and the fact thin bodies dont "interfere" w/ clothing is some hackneyed "devil wears prada" bullshit. its not as cerebral as ppl think. only ana fetishists and projecting ED sufferers would think cachectic/emaciated is an ideal aesthetic.

>> No.6819393
File: 8 KB, 290x433, 0b1b105a-2bfb-4cc0-bda2-f7517cfbc57b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ponte and sheath dresses look awesome on plus size girls.

>> No.6819394

Brands use super skinny people because it is not easy to be slim and there aren't as many slim people as fat people

Which results in brand exclusivity


>> No.6819404
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>> No.6819413

lol so fashion

>> No.6819440

as a fat dude I agree with this, If you're fat and not actively attempting to lose weight through diet/exercise you disgust me.

1 and a half stone down in two months. wont stop till I'm ottermode.

>> No.6819449
File: 42 KB, 320x480, tumblr_lhk5301T1z1qfg58ro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh do u know slimane personally??? plz the idea that the industry dictates rail thin as anything but a convenience for sample size fittings and the fact thin bodies dont "interfere" w/ clothing is some hackneyed "devil wears prada" bullshit. its not as cerebral as ppl think. only ana fetishists and projecting ED sufferers would think cachectic/emaciated is an ideal aesthetic.

gotsiy had a lucrative career prior to the guy laroche show, she continued doing shows after gaining a much needed few lbs. the following season.

blatant troll b8 but whats sexist is u dictating how a woman should look to appease u, underweight BMIs starting around >17.5 carry the same mortality rates as an overweight womans and i think below >16 its the same as a morbidly obese womans iirc.

>> No.6819455
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>> No.6819464
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>> No.6819482
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>> No.6819501
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>this thread

>> No.6819568

>implying women are not strong minded and can decide for themselves how they want to look. You don't have to baby them -.-

>> No.6819595

a cute grill i know lost a lot of weight. But she says she wished she did get super thin. How do I support my friend?

>> No.6819607
File: 119 KB, 500x681, tumblr_m213j9E1JD1r2vwz4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol again its not that cerebral. "brand exclusivity" is bullshit, houses need $$$ to sustain esp. now more than ever and theyre not gonna get that by shutting doors to larger women, hence the h&m/target collabs which caters to them.

>> No.6819617
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Fuck this thread, time for ass gifs!

>> No.6819610

Fatties don't get to have fashion.
They get to learn that they need to be thinner

>> No.6819654

is that the only one you have faggot?

>> No.6819668
File: 1.92 MB, 2136x3201, 00090h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh houses have been making clothing for fatasses for a while
the clothes aren't big enough for the hamplanets in this thread, but they're pretty fucking big for anyone that's going to wear them and not look like an absolute joke

they might just use 34-38 on models, but they continue to make tons of shit in 40-44 for WOMEN even though the majority of it doesn't sell every single season

>> No.6819665

Doing that for two years, not starting above 500lb there is simply no way you can not be unattractively skinny at this point.

>> No.6819666

It's okay, because these people are wiping themselves from the gene pool quicker. The fact that they'll die sooner because "Lol so fat and beautiful!" "DON'T LOSE WEIGHT BECAUSE SOCIETY BEAUTY STANDARDS". America has an obesity problem, and our life expectancy is dropping because of these fucking idiots, while countries like Canada have free healthcare, lower obesity rate, and a rising life expectancy.

Funny enough, the media and corporations that they blame for making them feel like shit, is the same media and corporations pushing shitty food down their throats and selling them fat positive shows on MTV.

I don't think the surgeon general or doctors give one shit about the fashion industry.

>> No.6819690

This is the easiest I've ever seen /fa/ trolled.

>> No.6819700
File: 43 KB, 500x660, tumblr_mm6ke2ipqg1qahc7ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread, with the exact same picture has been on here before maybe a month ago. I think we're just using this as a starting point for this discussion while semi-disregarding the OP and just discussing for ourselves.
Damn that is amazing

>> No.6819715

>Considering everyone's saying extremely thin people are the only beautiful ones, no, there is no inbetween.

Only time that comes close to being true is with white guys who like sticks with tits or just straight up and down awkward shaped women with boxy waist.

Even this these "extremely thin" people you talking about are not the standard. You're probably just some lardwhale that perceives anyone who's not a planet as "skinny", and are so insecure that even their simple existence makes you and the other fatties go on defense.

The modeling industry is not a standard, I assure you that about 99% of the American population couldn't give less of a fuck about the modeling/high fashion industry and none could name an current prominent model at the moment. When you have most people dressing in fucking mall brands, who cares?

If you look at who's at the forefront right now of pop culture, female stars like Kary Perry, Christina Hendricks, etc are fronting. These girls are hot, though they're not skinny, nor are they unsightly lazy hambeasts who want to turn their laziness into something positive.

>> No.6819792
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>> No.6819810

She looks like she feels unbearably uncomfortable in her skin. Like she wants to be someone else.

>> No.6819873


>> No.6820443

he looks like a creepy cillian murphy

>> No.6820466


>> No.6820471

>no tits
>no ass
>no thighs
>shitty veiny feet

>> No.6820481

Dude what the eff are you talking about? I weigh 120, I still have cellulite, and skin folds when my body moves. I was making a joke about how maybe I wouldn't be self conscious about it if there was a cellulite-acceptance movement. The fit reference was because I've never met anyone with ZERO cellulite (yes, even on their ass in harsh lighting) that didn't work out like a fiend.

>> No.6820497


>> No.6820514

>being retarded
quit spookin me, jitterbones

>> No.6820531

panther is mai husbando

>> No.6820549

why would there be acceptance of something that doesn't look good? Doesn't beauty matter? Shouldn't it matter? It just shouldn't matter so much is all.

>> No.6820767

don't lie to yourself pleb. Even fat people don't find other fat people attractive

>> No.6820774
File: 224 KB, 490x640, picture-1-136018810299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adore this look

>> No.6820779
File: 213 KB, 435x580, Kim-Kardashian-White-Dresses-Memorial-Day-Fashion-05212013-01-435x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6820783

She looks like a fat mermaid. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6820795

go be 14 and prepubescent somewhere else

>> No.6820790
File: 177 KB, 810x1024, tumblr_mnbrupACjm1rdncjuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6820801


>> No.6820874

>Christina Hendricks
>nor are they unsightly lazy hambeasts


>> No.6820904

>likes kim kardashian
>calls others prepubescent
do you think we could get tinny's gf to start posting so there would be at least one effay female on this fucking board

>> No.6820909

ena is effay

>> No.6820993
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>> No.6820999
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>> No.6821145
File: 78 KB, 500x750, 1350638073239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some inspo

Lose weight and look like this