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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 5 KB, 300x92, 1364522247630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6804762 No.6804762 [Reply] [Original]

What Are You Wearing Today?
Outfit Of The Day
Old thread: >>6802596
Older thread: >>6798812

>> No.6804769
File: 507 KB, 792x1808, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostan cause I was at the end of the thread

>> No.6804776
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>> No.6804772
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>> No.6804790
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saint laurent

>> No.6804796

w2c shoes

>> No.6804808


>> No.6804810

You all dress the same.

You all look shit.

You all look beta as fuck.

But why?

>> No.6804830

talk shit post fit

>> No.6804842

>all of this money to look like you walked out of Urban Outfitters

>> No.6804838
File: 99 KB, 960x720, 1208825_463411590433553_1981979026_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im the guy in the middle. Tell me how i did.

>> No.6804851

guy in the burger king hat actually looks best out of the three

>> No.6804863

Ur moms know you already smoke u brats?
4chins is 18+ only kid

>> No.6804869
File: 912 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-08-30-13-44-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6804872

tailor the shirt and pants

>> No.6804873

cut the slack on tha weed brah

>> No.6804879
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1373078252781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that van

>> No.6804882


>clothes too baggy
>look like a bunch of fuccbois


>> No.6804886

looks decent man but the belt? brown and grey usually look shit together

>> No.6804892

I really should tailor the shirt actually, didn't think of that for some reason. The pants fit real good, maybe they're just off in that pic

>> No.6804895

well i cant really see the fit of the pants i just assumed they fit at least a bit off because of your belt

but definitely tailor the shirt if you plan to tuck it in

>> No.6804901

It wasn't about me. It was about you. How I look makes no difference, because frankly you all look pretty basic/awful.

>> No.6804896

Thanks man, it's kind of a bluey Grey, I slapped it all together last minute, so you're definitely right about that. Looked too plain without a belt though

>> No.6804907

Change for a thinner black men's belt

>> No.6804918
File: 96 KB, 537x720, fucc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this outfit? Don't mind the gun

>> No.6804931
File: 53 KB, 720x482, Heroa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fit, I'm to the right

>> No.6804932

looks cool

>> No.6804937

I actually think you are pulling this off

>> No.6804969

What the fuck is with this WAYWT

So horrible, every single one of you.

is the only halfway decent one but it still looks fairly shitty compared to what you could've had for all that money you blew

Get it together fuccbois

>> No.6804995

change the shorts and you're looking okay

>> No.6805013
File: 1.36 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, mind the hair, shits getting trimmed once my stylist comes back in town.

>> No.6805016
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>> No.6805022
File: 1.38 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother fuck, wrong fit that was from the other day, heres the real

>> No.6805018

what kind of pic is that? seriously. If you can't post a full body pic, don't post at all. That being said, I would fuck your tight virgin hole.

>> No.6805027

Hey hey, no full view mirrors, i posted shoes and shit in post below, furthermore, that was other days fit

>> No.6805029

>posting in WAYWT from the high school bathroom

I seriously hope you guys don't do this...

>> No.6805030

do a handstand and paste the pics together

>> No.6805036

Only place i go on weekdays that i have fits for, makes sense, besides ill be out of here in a few months

>> No.6805107
File: 109 KB, 768x1024, fjyv7FO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6805112

Nice fit m8

>> No.6805124
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>> No.6805128
File: 49 KB, 426x640, lindsey wixson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls tell me it's a joke

>> No.6805133


>> No.6805138

sikk dreamboxes m8

>> No.6805140

spent a lot of much money to look cheap
now hi fashen wow u

>> No.6805146

>predistressed jeans
>hideous shirt
>le geobox
seems about right

>> No.6805145
File: 1.69 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing /fa/?
Would be nice if you could especially tell me how to improve my top half

>> No.6805159
File: 1.76 MB, 968x1296, basic bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking camera

>> No.6805162

It's a white shirt and black jean + shoe what more the fuck do we elaborate on top it all off the shoddy cam quality

>> No.6805176

>Would be nice if you could especially tell me how to improve my top half

>> No.6805186

lol wtf

>> No.6805182

you look fine
you could improve it by wearing something different that looks better
what else do you want

>> No.6805193

You're not really trying. If you're just posting a picture of a white t-shirt and black pants, why post at all? try and do something interesting, you boring awkward teenage motherfucker, If you really have to rely on the internet to dress you, you're a lost cause.

>> No.6805206

BOOM rekt

>> No.6805219
File: 2.15 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I fuck up ;_;

>> No.6805231
File: 220 KB, 596x1442, 1374647523600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your layering here doesn't work out; the matching of the two tops with your bottoms and shoes is a nice touch, but the dress shirt clashes too much with the shoes. The fit is too strewn in terms of what style you're going for.

The shirt and cardigan aren't working together. With this fit you're better off getting rid of the cardigan and wearing different shoes. I'm not a fan of the pants either, but you can make it work if you try.

Need to see the shoes, because it could definitely break a fit like this. From what's visible it seems okay.

Very laid back, but the colors aren't working. The shoes look really cheap too.

I like the hoodie, but I feel that you're not pulling it off. The shoes are too bright in their colors; go for something that either compliments your top or a neutral color. With the font on your hoodie though it's going to be difficult, because of the array of colors.

Basic but your clothes fit, so it sort of works. The best thing you can do is get some muscle, so these type of basic fits accentuate your body. Can't tell if your wearing shoes or not.

Do something with your hair; the appearance is really boring. Get contacts if you can as well. Pants look cool, but the shirt seems too big. I'm not a fan of the shoes but with a better top it might work out.

>> No.6805235

Let's see the back

>> No.6805243

Yes. 4/10 for trying

>> No.6805247

would avoid based on clothes/10

>> No.6805257


what the fakk

>> No.6805258
File: 482 KB, 482x643, GCLaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have skinny ankles and feet so my laces are usually too long, gonna have to cut these

What's the perfect proportion of lace length to shoe?

>> No.6805270


new round laces always look like shit

>> No.6805285

That Sou Sou scarf was really interesting, I'm looking to up my scarf-game so thank you anon

>> No.6805276
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>> No.6805277
File: 1.65 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aboot this length. Real fashun rite here guise

>> No.6805290

Pants and shoes are ok. Hair is terrible and the fit of the shirt is absolute crap.

Get a better hair cut, your a blond for fucks sake you should be sexy.

That shirt is way to big. Get something that is more form fitting. Also the whole white on black look is over done. Get some color in there.

>> No.6805287

Can you suggest a good basic white T shirt that would work?

>> No.6805308

My last trip to the salon fucked it up -_- s-sorry

>> No.6805332

>implying I can see that shit

>> No.6805329

Yo, in all seriousness, that guys right though. Your kinda short but thats okay, just work aith watcha got, and youve got alot of hair, have you ever tried a pony tail? Or a shirt thats more form fitting?

>> No.6805345
File: 138 KB, 500x749, 1374646809868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're >>6805159 then your shirt works; it's just not doing much for you. White on black is a an easy contrast, so while you can say that the colors go together, it's still a very basic fit.

Basic fits aren't bad at all and are pretty staple for people who haven't developed their own style yet.

You seem to have a misconception that there is something more you can do with the shirt, but there isn't. You can throw on a jacket or some other outerwear, but then the fit begins to change into something else.

If you're still looking for places to buy basic shirts then Everlane is your best bet.

>> No.6805373
File: 1.19 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6805384

You could do with a better fitting t-shirt, maybe even a nice one (can still be black if you'd like it to)

>> No.6805396

Yeah, I'm 5' 2". I was debating on throwing my hair up because it does suck today + humidity outside. I need to invest in a few decent fitting white shirts, so I'm open to suggestions. I like the thicker weight of guys' shirts, most women's t-shirts I've tried on lately have been paper-thin.

That was me asking, sorry I should have clarified

>> No.6805397

w3c shoes

>> No.6805398

W2C shoes

>> No.6805416
File: 569 KB, 1058x435, fixd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually fix'd it, they don't look half bad if I tuck them through the bottom loop


>> No.6805426
File: 252 KB, 391x644, Photo (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6805425

w2c shoes

>> No.6805430

Oliberte ngola

Yeah man, i know the humidy/heat thing, fuck this area. But i dig pony tails, you ought to straighten it to add to a clean look, notice how your pants and shoes are slim? Large hair and shirts throw off the body proportions. Also, if girls shirts are thinner, just think of all that layering you can do. Personaly i think a maroon ir warm color shirt/jacket would make the fit much better.

>> No.6805436

Ahhh mah niqqa! Showin dem legs off like me. They are nice shoes though. You might want to try a bar type lace, and tucking the laces into the shoe, or something. I personaly dont like my knots/ laces to be seen.

>> No.6805454


If you've got a qt face, try going for a middle part and maybe wear contacts instead of specs

>> No.6805487

hey bro, you work at Context?

>> No.6805502
File: 82 KB, 640x480, 4m7PK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very good




the rest of this thread is unadulterated shit.

>> No.6805513

fuck off

>> No.6805512
File: 2.08 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No maroon but I have dis pink shirt
No jacket because 85 degrees outside

>> No.6805519

if it's hot why wouldn't you wear shorts

>> No.6805526

Git som new shirts

>> No.6805541

also very good imo


>> No.6805554


how tall are you

>> No.6805570

5' 2"

>> No.6805655

I would wear sneakers with that fit.

stop your legs are fucking disgusting, wear some regular length shit.

good fit

sik hair m8 ugly shorts tho

>> No.6805719

As you kidding me! That looks terrible.

Are you an apple shape, or is it your posture? Try fixing it if it's the latter.

>> No.6805724

>its hot why wouldnt you look like a poorfag pleb

>> No.6805754

>that feel when no hips

>> No.6805955
File: 105 KB, 667x1000, xB0tCHJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6805971

shirt doesnt really fit in the arms, please get it fixed because taht shirt is really fucking cool, w2c

>> No.6805976

I don't like that shirt at all.
Other than that
u look qt, anon <3 yes homo

>> No.6805984
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, image (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powers been out for 3 hours

>> No.6805992

Is that a manbun? Is it possible for someone with thick, wavy hair to pull one off?

>> No.6806004

why does everyone use that stupid posture/stance

>> No.6806025

w2c belt and link to shoes?

>> No.6806031

kuz 3edgy5u

>> No.6806130
File: 155 KB, 600x447, my hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks xoxo

it is

my hair's pretty thick but i have no trouble with it

>> No.6806150


>> No.6806239

love this

>> No.6806246
File: 835 KB, 1279x1920, fuck_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my new Geobaskets, niggas

>> No.6806253

1) Those are Ramones
2) You made the right choice buying them over Geos
3) Your fit sucks shit.

>> No.6806259


Fuck, I want my rubber/foam Ramones so bad. Fucking shipping.

>> No.6806256

those aren't geobaskets though

>> No.6806257

You're still a faggot nigga.

>> No.6806266

nice clown shoes ronald.

>> No.6806282

wtf are you doing m8

>> No.6806285

I hope those weren't expensive.

>> No.6806291

Talk shit, post fit.

>> No.6806299
File: 88 KB, 720x960, outfit today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving my new shirt

>> No.6806303

thats it im leaving

>> No.6806350
File: 857 KB, 578x776, Screen shot 2013-08-30 at 5.38.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being classy tonight

>> No.6806363

dsp plz go

>> No.6806384


is this post srs or not? all the fits you quoted are complete fucking garbage lol

>> No.6806456
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x3264, 83013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what y'all think?

>> No.6806467

ugly palette
not enough contrast between the mid blue on the cardi and the faded red of the shirt
a simple white tee would be infinitely better

bottom half looks fine

>> No.6806476

you look like Zach Hill

I know who you are.

>> No.6806477

Werewolf guy from twilight?

>> No.6806479

>people falling for this
c'mon /fa/...

>> No.6806483

actually really like these shoes here
belt's not working though

>> No.6806481

I can tell you're heavily influenced by garish bl*ck celeb "style icons" or whatever you want to call them. It's fucking hideous.

>> No.6806482

basic but everything fits

>> No.6806487

Terrible, since it is much more fucking easy to look effay when you have a vagina.

>> No.6806499

If you're not a faggy twink who wants to get pounded by faggy bears every fucking minute of your life, then bulk up a bit.

>> No.6806497

not a bad palette but poorly arranged
dark gray overshirt over a light blue undershirt would like way better

>> No.6806504

First rule of /fa/, it should be fitted. Second rule, etc, etc etc

>> No.6806517
File: 290 KB, 720x960, 1240664_10201045195466819_128614697_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the 5 panel and old skools are new cops.

Ignore the crack in the mirror.

>> No.6806513

Good shoes / generally decent look but wtf at those rolled pant bottoms and camo belt. I must agree with faggy twink but you're probably more interested in niggers than bears.

>> No.6806524

Go to /g/, ask for advice for a good camera phone, then come back.

>> No.6806531

I have an olympus Pen-1 but it's out of charge.

>> No.6806538

You might have been the effay king of the republic of effay in your previous life. No one cares.

>> No.6806545

You're ~look~ is very cute. It's cute because it's almost a completely boyish/casual outfit.

Personally, I do not think your pants ending where they do compliment your ~look~.

>> No.6806553

That shirt is terrible. Ditch it.
It's a shirt that my father-in-law would have worn to be more fashionable and he's a farmer.

>> No.6806560

either change to some darker socks or lose them/sub em out for ones that don't show

and then i can't tell what shoes you have on, but from this picture i'm not feelin em

>> No.6806570

They are black old skools with black laces

>> No.6806592
File: 74 KB, 640x480, sdhdshiamafuccboidggad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6806632

10/10 hair

>> No.6806648

You look like a really really nice guy with a pretty much decent shirt.

>> No.6806671
File: 631 KB, 1573x2047, image(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the bad lighting.

>> No.6806677

would honestly call you a fuckboy in the streets

>> No.6806683

hate the polo.
are those rafdidas?

>> No.6806690

You poor soul. Is that Nautica?

>> No.6806688


w2c jeans
shoes = vans?

>> No.6806694

i like this a lot actually, what's the shirt?

>> No.6806701

please don't tease me



>> No.6806702

thats fred perry.
i lold though i completely forgot nautica existed.

>> No.6806716

the shoes were copped at local van store, and the belt is 10 deep, ive been super broke as of late so its been my only resort

wtf r U doing m8, least explain your negative post

ive been meaning to buy a leather belt as of late, but all money I make // recieve has gone directly to school books and such

getting pounded by big burly hairy gay men is not on my adgenda, bulking up, maybe, I just do not have the time lately

camo belt is my last resort as i do not have money for a new one, & hey, i was just trying somethin new :+)

>> No.6806724

not feeling mixing something like a polo shirt with nxtlvl raf sneaks

>> No.6806740


>really really nice guy


>> No.6806771
File: 2.07 MB, 2448x3264, image(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is better. Maybe with a shirt instead.

>> No.6806796

Nice guys finish last and no one remembers them, ever.

>> No.6806801

That ribbing on the sleeves HNNNG. I think it's much better.

>> No.6806803

Buy some new shoes and by shoes I don't include sneakers. That would up your effay powers over 9,000.

>> No.6806804

but polo shirts complete the 2nd grade autist aesthetic

>> No.6806821

lol wtf
those are rafdidas, they look fine

>> No.6806824
File: 441 KB, 694x603, Screen shot 2013-08-30 at 4.08.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nice guy in high school
>realized I have a magic cock when I lost my virginity
>fucked my girlfriend for literal hours on the regular
>ignore her for 2 years after I leave for college
>come back
>fuck her again with no intention of dating her, she tells me after 2 years of sleeping around nobody lasted remotely as long as me
>mfw everyone was right, nice guys do finish last

>> No.6806817

I don't wanna be that guy, but I think this would look really good with some flyknits.

>> No.6806842



I usually wear this with a pair of black brogues but I like mixing it up from time to time

Oh but they do. They break the monotony perfectly.

>> No.6806829


>> No.6806831


the rafs really don't work with such a conventional style

>> No.6806845



>> No.6806846

meme arrows must be true

>> No.6806848
File: 641 KB, 256x271, 1375562296943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone was right, nice guys do finish last

>> No.6806853

>be new year's eve
>finally gonna get laid
>have a session lasting 3 hours
>she's too tired to continue
>wants the d a week later

Heard stories that she could barely walk the next time

iam very okay with this

>> No.6806857


On the real though being a hardcore nice guy is a pretty shitty existence and I've definitely become more independent. Still a nice guy but I'm glad I'm no longer a nice guy. 8)

All about balance, young padawans.

>> No.6806858

lulz masturbation induced desensitivity

i bet if you jerked it for 3 minutes you would have bust on her every time

>> No.6806865

I kno this feel all too well
they first are like OMG then they get bored of long as fuck sexy sex sessions etc
then when u dump em after sum years they come back to you cryin for more

>> No.6806864

v nice

>> No.6806871

haha good choice to not fuck her again
maintain your golden reputation on both stamina and standards
well played, well played

>> No.6806873

that cardi looks really nice up close, the grey felted wool feels really nice, the picture doesn't do it justice.


it's the most normal posture ever man, I'm just standing in front of the camera. No awkward arm position or anything.

cardi isn't mid blue, it's black/heather grey wool. I agree a white tee would look nice, my 2 white t shirts were washing thought, and I really wanted to wear that silent t shirt, and I do black/white/grey all the time, needed some color for a change.

>> No.6806869

I think they look great

>> No.6806883
File: 2.05 MB, 1872x2816, DSC06610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor bitch

>> No.6806884


no, they I don't. definitely not in the way you've executed it here

while I'm at it, you could also stand to lose some weight, which throws things off a bit

>> No.6806886

>lulz masturbation induced desensitivity

Seriously this. Was a chronic masturbator in early high school. Then I got confident and unleashed my depression-induced sex drive on the world. Work out p nice.

>> No.6806889

stop being delusional your outfit sucks nd rafs look way out of place

>> No.6806890
File: 166 KB, 720x1080, Photo on 13-08-30 at 7.14 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wore this to the cne (not posting shoes cause they were comfy flats for all the walking i did)

>> No.6806898

ugly palette
needs contrast
white soles look bad with the brown shirt
at least everything fits though, 5/10

>> No.6806899

Rapid transformation into fat housewife ensues.
keep eating piggu.

>> No.6806913
File: 560 KB, 1251x3264, 83013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the gym

>> No.6806910

>(not posting shoes cause they were comfy flats for all the walking i did)
Flats look nice on girls though.

Can't say the same about your dress though. Obnoxious pattern. Unflattering cut. You've got to learn to work your frame dude. Everything you wear is so shapeless.

>> No.6806911
File: 180 KB, 635x430, Raf-Simons-Adidas-Sneakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people actually find these fashionable?
My mum bought me these kind of shoes when I was ten, because we couldn't afford Nikes or Adidas.

>> No.6806917


>> No.6806920

I.. just want to fuck you.
Because I feel safe and confident when I hit on a 5/10 chick.
Don't judge /fa/...

>> No.6806926

you look like a college kid that replaced his asics with the rafs. kind of ironic

>> No.6806922

cheap monday

i got them for $12 from a local thrift store

>> No.6806928

Everyone on /fa/ looks beta because they are all Virgins from /v/ who think they can be cool by changing their clothes. But in the end you are all still losers who never go out or have any social skills and it will always be that way.

>> No.6806930

:3 had deep fried oreos today, did i do you proud??

ahh thanks for the feedback. and yeah im pretty dumb about this stuff haha- that's why i started posted on fa. what kind of shit would you recommend

>> No.6806936


what the hell lucky bastard

>> No.6806950

I'm definitely too chubby for that /fa/ look.

How would you use the rafs then?

>> No.6806954
File: 504 KB, 586x578, Screen Shot 2013-08-31 at 00.25.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Julius_7 SS/10 coat
>Mainline Rick AW/08 double layer shirt
>ILU Zespy tracks (lel.)
>National Standard sneakers
>Selfie in my mums full length mirror.

>> No.6806964

Not sure if you care for criticism since it's a gym fit but man that jacket will never look good on you.
Even if you had a flawless outfit, all the colors that look good with colors of that jacket look just as bad against your skin tone as the actual colors of the jacket.

>> No.6806965

I guess you have to appreciate the thrashy 90s aesthetic. To each his own.

>> No.6806976

looking good

>> No.6806973

it's not even that
i would prefer cheap ass all-white or black and grey mesh new balances than fucking adirafs that dont color coordinate for shit

>> No.6806981


stop samefagging this trash

>> No.6806987

helps that my gf works there and watches for me

>> No.6806989

lose the footwear

>> No.6806995
File: 56 KB, 426x281, 1375020240630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely terrible. Would not even think those were Rafdidas if I saw you in person.

>> No.6806998

I remember one of your earlier fits wasn't super offensive.
I think it was a black pencil skirt. While you're still learning you should seriously just avoid loud patterns and work on developing your taste for colors. That dark red/purple jacket you have looks good on you. Flatters your skin tone because it's fairly desaturated and the dark color contrasts with your skin.
Stick to dark form fitting skirts. That one beige one you had got a lot of hate but I think you gave up on it before you learned how to wear it. The bow was kind of ugly but it wouldn't look bad with a white top and a dark blue heavy layer over it.

Anyway, make that black pencil skirt your default. Then you can develop your own kind of formula for fits from there. Basically
black skirt
any sort of light colored, very desaturated top(off-white, white, light gray)
and then a dark colored layer over it(maroon, navy, very dark olive) in articles like parkas, jackets with nice silhouettes, chunky sweaters, finer knit form-fitting sweaters

>> No.6807003
File: 102 KB, 554x516, 1373735350752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6807004

also black flats are a super safe option while you're still working on your layering game
I think they're cute anyway
fuck heels tho

>> No.6807009
File: 581 KB, 1536x2048, Unoriginal_Spoonfed_Internets_Fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the gym.
Same Old Shit, but I liked the way I looked.

>> No.6807010

Looks really nice though I'd rather see a crewneck than a v neck.
What shoes? Hoping they're something simple, dark brown, black or monochrome white would all work here.

>> No.6807006

Looks good, still, to me this is more catwalk/magazine fashion.
Looks retarded to me IRL.

>> No.6807015

Nice man
shoes look great here
I usually find /fa/s deployment of trainers distasteful

>> No.6807020

I suppose that does make sense, and it can look out of place, I just enjoy the aesthetic.
I wouldn't wear something like this every day, but it's not entirely uncommon, and i'll normally dig out stuff like this for social occasions such as nights out, and gatherings

>> No.6807021
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>> No.6807023

Nah the jacket is fucking awesome bruh everyone loves it

>> No.6807026

Eh. Not so sure you've got the frame for the Julius. Definitely not feeling the rolled sleeves. The tee looks good. Bottom half looks fine. I'm just really underwhelmed by that coat.

>> No.6807025

looks like some nice Upmarket Garments™

>> No.6807030


stop posting

>> No.6807031
File: 1.30 MB, 1083x2000, Upmarket Garments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DID SOMEONE SAY Upmarket Garments™?

>> No.6807038

But everyone you interact with probably has shit taste 8)
Colors simply don't suit you. Totally cool that your friends like it but that doesn't mean it looks remotely good.

>> No.6807033


post a better pic without the filters

>> No.6807034

interesting, are you saying i'm too broad or thin for Julius?
yeah the rolled sleeves I don't normally do, I took that picture because i'd just got the coat from japan and found the fact it had drawstrings in the sleeves interesting, so was playing arround with that

>> No.6807045

thinner would be better imo
don't starve yourself for it though, it could just be a bad picture
not sure if athletic or skinnyfat

>> No.6807047

what the fuck. plez stop wearing things that divide at the waist; it makes you look fat :/

>> No.6807041

yeah sorry man this was instagram, I'm afraid i'm currently in bed so that's not really an option, but this is my first WAYWT entry on here, i'll probably get int the habit of posting more

>> No.6807053

stop pretending to be other people

>> No.6807054

You should.
Definitely look more interesting than most virgins from /v/ who thinks by wearing a v-neck or a plain white t makes you effay and shit.

>> No.6807058

Thankyou, man. Genuinely appreciate hearing stuff like this. I've been lurking for absolutely ages and started experimenting recently with high end clothes.

>> No.6807055

very much athletic mate, I've been an artistic gymnast since I was five, I am slightly short though 5'8" I think? so that might explain it.
Been out of training a while so i'm pretty much skinny with an athletic frame

>> No.6807062
File: 5 KB, 100x150, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat dangerously stringy arm hole
>nip slips eminent

>> No.6807064

wow man, thanks a lot!

haha i am fat tho?

>> No.6807080

Gonna start tripcoding under this, if you're interested

>> No.6807097


I wouldn't start tripping til you've got a lil more experience and posted more fits tbh

>> No.6807109


it shows progression and growth tho imo

>> No.6807110

Fair enough. Been here a long time but I will take your advice and wait until i've posted more fits

>> No.6807108

What you'd prefer sounds real boring

>> No.6807117

hmm that was the thought behind starting a trip...

whatever, i'll probably wait a while then start

>> No.6807128

yeah dude do what you want
/fa/ is one of the few board where tripcodes can actually be helpful for the community
we get more context for your progress while also getting more context behind your opinions, good and bad.

>> No.6807131

just do it, i started posting under a trip after posting one fit lol

>> No.6807136

yeah I believe you
at this point I feel it's either the height or the photo filter
I'll reserve judgment until your next fit

>> No.6807137



>> No.6807138

fuck it. I'll start.

>> No.6807146


yeah, like I don't mean you have to be an expert. but as it is we've got too many lames invested in that 'oh i'll just show my growth' but most of them are ignorant as fuck

good start though man, keep it up. def post a clearer pic next time though

>> No.6807151

I like your hair and you liked my nice guy story.
Will back up/10

>> No.6807154

I might throw something together tomorrow taken with my SLR rather than just an instagram iPhone picture, being as there seems to be some interest in that

>> No.6807157

haha welcome aboard

would you prefer the 'lames' run wild confidently expressing their shitty opinions to the confusion of rookies?
look at trunks and all the stupid shit he says. I'm glad he trips so I can ignore him

>> No.6807163

>look at trunks and all the stupid shit he says. I'm glad he trips so I can ignore him
Scratch that. Most of the shit he says is so ass backwards that I'd ignore it regardless of who it came from, but I'm glad he trips so newcomers can quickly learn to ignore him

>> No.6807170

sauce on shoes.

>> No.6807165
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>> No.6807175


>> No.6807182


>> No.6807186

Your stance is unflattering. The way the trousers meet the boots are not to my liking. Otherwise good.

>> No.6807209

Those r cool as shit.

>> No.6807217
File: 69 KB, 451x485, visvim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like shit

>> No.6807232

Is this a joke?

>> No.6807234

Trim your neckbeard
Solid fit

>> No.6807246
File: 71 KB, 489x633, Screenshot - 06212013 - 05:53:15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6807295

W2c shoes?

>> No.6807305

clean up the bottom of your pants and try to get it so that they don't puff out at the knee as well. this would look better with a belt imo. i don't like henleys personally but keep on rockin it if you really like the look.

>> No.6807334

Like I'd be feeling this fit if you were thinner...

>> No.6807369

Sounds exhausting

>> No.6807416

It's actually not that bad of a dress..I wouldn't have belted it though with your frame. If it's not slimming as is, without the belt, then it's a dress not meant for your body. It should fit loose. You can give it to me if you want.

>> No.6808101
File: 51 KB, 494x478, Photo on 2013-08-29 at 01.26 #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6808119

can't see shit
looks alright though

>> No.6808138 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 375x480, Photo on 2013-08-23 at 01.26 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clear version, still have black eye

>> No.6808146
File: 40 KB, 375x480, Photo on 2013-08-29 at 01.26 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clear version, still have black eye

>> No.6808204
File: 1.31 MB, 561x1715, WAYWTSep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6808210

Do you switch it up every now and again, or are you just going full on lunarcore now?

>> No.6808212

Lunarcore on some days, Rick & Damir on others and always for the gym.

>> No.6808276

Nice fit
kind of a weak palette though
Not enough contrast between jacket/pants

>> No.6808280

What color would you recommend up top?

>> No.6808311

I'm not that guy but you should rock a cream top and navy jacket nigga

>> No.6808313

Not him, but dark brown would be pretty cool with this fit. A red-hue brown with a red shirt, with some green on the bottom.

>> No.6808324

pretty neat shirt where you get that

>> No.6808321

actually fuck that go with the exact same shade of navy for the shirt and jacket.

>> No.6808332
File: 2.24 MB, 561x1715, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything darker, even if it's still brown.
Once I made your shirt a little lighter I didn't feel so strongly about swapping the jacket. I think the black tee made the jacket look dark by comparison or something. You should note that I did darken your jacket, but I thought once the tee was lightened the mid-brown color you were already wearing looked fine.

As far as contrast goes, notice how similar your jacket and pants are in darkness. If you put that image in grayscale they would be very close grays. Even a slight darkening does a lot for the palette imo.

>> No.6808337

This guy here
This guy knows what's up

I'll leave it up to you to interpret those cores into lunarcore though.

What I think would look good might not necessarily suit your aesthetic.

>> No.6808342

those colors*

>> No.6808453

Guys - Thanks a lot for the input!
I'll definitely try a cream or white top, and I'll be on the look out for the colors you all mentioned.

I really appreciate you all helping me hammer this out.

>> No.6808523

Another opinion: I think the original black top might be better. A cream or white top would work, and you should try/rotate/whatever it, but the white will probably match the boots a bit too well. And >>6808204 reads as "generic lunarcore future casual guy in a city" in a very good way and >>6808332 reads more Indiana Jones-y in a way I think is workable and like but doesn't seem like what you're going for. And an intermediate-in-a-bad-way amount of contrast in the outfit: not like an all white/cream ensemble, and without any kind of solid anchoring contrast.

>> No.6808528
File: 970 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6808533

This could look nice, reds and greens.

I don't thing the idea of matching the navy would go well. Like a grey or charcoal would be best, I think.

>> No.6808539

Grey or charcoal shirt, navy jacket.

and this post are all me, if it's not obvious, which it probably is.

>> No.6808637

Guys, we foozeball noaw. I really hate that most of my days are occupied by things that require a uniform. I hardly ever get to dress how i want. And if your curious we lost 6-26 we just couldnt stop the fucking spear option

>> No.6808641
File: 1.67 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opps, and no, there are no full bodied mirrors anywhere

>> No.6808655
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, 20130828_233830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday night and Raf Semens

>> No.6808665

Bill Cosby is a size queen

>> No.6808684

so how would you deal with raw denim bleeding? I have Max cash Jean and I want to wear with white cp and black high tops I don't want raw bleeding on my sneak. how do you handle this

>> No.6808696

mac cash arent raw u dumb fuck

>> No.6808721

what?! so they don't bleed then? don't lie to me man

>> No.6808727

don't they fade though

>> No.6808726

with a tampon

>> No.6808911
File: 2.18 MB, 3264x2448, 20130830_225210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critizism and tips are welcome. Hows the fit on my banana republic pima crew? Should i return and down size?
I still need to hem my n & f weird guys.

>> No.6808930

Thank you for this. All noted.
I'm just beginning to understand color and it's a lot more powerful than I originally thought. You can combine colors to suggest distinct tropes, and it's an exacting science.

>> No.6808949

Is pima crew the pants? Because if you're talking about a crew neck tee I think it's a good size. Those pants are baggy though. Nagl if you're not a construction worker. But it's ~rugged~ an your big arms make it sexy.

>> No.6808971

>n & f weird guys
>n & f weird guys
>not knowing naked and famous
The shirts okay. You have the same problem as I with wide hips. I think you should try for shorter tees to downplay them. As for your fit, it looks pedestrian.

>> No.6808978

I wear cheap washed black jeans that I know won't bleed on my cp's. I don't know if acne ace cash is raw so I can't really help you there.

>> No.6808990

Not to mention the palette is boring and doesn't look right.

>> No.6809083

I get what you're going for here dude, but there are a few problems:
> jeans too long - change your cuffing style
> shirt doesnt fit at all - too long + not fitted enough
>colors bad - navy on grey denim doesn't work
> boots ok

seriously, the way things fit make you look exactly like a construction worker, and not in a good way.
Im too much of a skinny faggot to to know what to get for your body type, but you need to find things that fit better more than anything else.

>> No.6809117

I also don't like the fit of the jeans so im going to hem them to stack and show off my thorogoods.

>> No.6809126

I agree. The shirts black by the way. Ill be returning the shirts and getting a size small instead.

>> No.6809152


pls make fun of me bcuz im in my kitchen.vry cool.

>> No.6809146
File: 416 KB, 476x678, Picture 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore all blak erything.

>> No.6809170



wit a uniqlo undershirt

>> No.6809198


I can't see everything but it looks like a solid fit. could be more adventurous 4sho

>> No.6809208


post better pic so we can see.

>> No.6810316

Why not wear a dress? These clothes don't flatter you.

>> No.6810614

the shirts shitty but you already knew that.

No detailing anywhere because you bought the most basic ass stuff.

>tennis shoes with jeans
assuming those are jeans shit I cant even see

still, you have some nice pieces so 7/10 considering everyone elses fits in this thread.