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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 646 KB, 1156x899, fuccboi general 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6800250 No.6800250 [Reply] [Original]

any questions that don't deserve their own thread go here

>should i cop?
>can you identify what this is?
>why am i so ugly?
>what colors should i cop?
>what goes with this shirt, etc

>> No.6800284

suck my dick hoe

>> No.6800293
File: 2.31 MB, 1667x3899, where_to_cop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to cop similar backpack and jacket in the UK?

>> No.6800312

softshell is terasoft and the bag is uniqlo
i saw a similar bag on yoox but it was nike and had blue accents

>> No.6800320

what can i wear with plain t-shirts so they don't look so boring?

>> No.6800321
File: 257 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of getting this for school, cop or not?

>> No.6800324


>> No.6800331


terasoft is bringing up some tech companies pls help

>> No.6800335

if its cold you can throw on some layers. zipped hoodie and leather bomber, open cardigan, whatever goes wellwith the rest of your fit. just wear things you like

>> No.6800340

looks p good, cop

>> No.6800346

meant to say this- http://www.trespass.co.uk/

i would cop

>> No.6800349

I go to school in a hot area so I can't put on layers except for winter. what a shame

>> No.6800353

need some trainers for winter, only have runners atm (air max, free runs)

thinking about af1 mids, not sure how they'd look with levi 510s etc though

wat do

>> No.6800364

probably gonna do the same, got some old beater high tops for when it snows though

>> No.6800360

cop or not for these two items


>> No.6800376


ty bby

>> No.6800417

I'm thinking of buying some unbranded jeans

I've heard that even though they are Sanforized they still shrink a good amount. Is this true?

If I'm normally a 30 waist do I still buy a 30 waist?

Also are stains really a problem for shoes that are dark colors (brown in this case)? Should I worry about bleeding if I wear it with brown stuff?

>> No.6800430


which bucket hat




>> No.6800435

what sign is she doing with her hands?

>> No.6800537

What to wear with a varsity jacket?

It's navy blue with white stripes round the neck and wrists

>> No.6800538

Not got contrast sleeves either, they're blue as well

>> No.6800547


>> No.6800599
File: 43 KB, 430x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6800631

are baseball tees okay?

>> No.6800647

nah. Get an all black one and a different style. that one looks like its a mix between minimalist and sporty and It cant make up its mind

>> No.6800674


>> No.6800686

w2c pleated cropped pants a la yohji, second layer on a budget, or is it a case of buying a pair of size too large (for dropped crotch) pleated trousers and tapering/cropping myself with a machine?

>> No.6800692

basically what I'm really asking is what is a good pair of pants to start with to then tailor into what I want?

>> No.6800709
File: 16 KB, 311x363, 1361342087686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw so depressed and stressed out
i feel like my heart is gonna burst out of my chest any minute now

>> No.6800715

how good are the patrik ervell shirts? thinking of getting 1 or 2 for an office job

>> No.6800727
File: 718 KB, 960x1280, 2013-08-29 17.38.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck should I do with my hair? Want to get a haircut, and want to try something new.

>> No.6800770
File: 283 KB, 960x1280, w2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2ccc ?

& is the iridescent burg sup jacket a good purchase for a tech fit

>> No.6800779


Looks like your hair can work for a HY if you grow the top out a bit.

>> No.6800794

More than likely what I will do. Thanks.

>> No.6800806

What different style?

>> No.6800818

is that a DBZ print?

>> No.6800822
File: 115 KB, 480x640, i became the feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6800842
File: 123 KB, 640x480, 2013-08-16 22-52-36.704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with lelders's haircut? it looks alright to me but i'm fucking shit at these type of things

>> No.6800853

When I go to my barber I ask for a 5 on top and 3 on the sides

Should the sides be shorter? Would that be more of a HY?

>> No.6800860
File: 321 KB, 502x374, Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at 8.28.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i cop? im a bitch for adidas and im a bitch for kyary

>> No.6800868

Is this you?

>> No.6800876

No. Some anon I found here that looked pretty similar to the feel guy.

>> No.6800877

god damn it dude dont save my pics with the original filename

making me look like fuckinh coiler

>> No.6800898

Nice response time. Do you just spend your time ctrl+Fing the catalog for your name?

>> No.6800924
File: 64 KB, 1024x768, sms_gooper_blooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like this

>> No.6800927

wtf are you saying?

>> No.6800929

best mario game

>> No.6800933

What does Carol Christian Poell look like? I think I saw a picture of her face before and she looked gr8 but it probably wasn't

>> No.6800942

yes, from a big fight scene for cell or buu

>> No.6800952
File: 8 KB, 140x179, phpThumb_generated_thumbnailjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6800949

it was cell tomato, how can you forget?

>> No.6800959

yeah, that's what i thought.

they built a big arena for the final showdown

>> No.6800973

Can you post a pic? i thought carol was a girls name

>> No.6800979

a bigger* pic

>> No.6800980

i just posted a pic of him.....the only one lol

>> No.6801070

I'm going to start starving myself today... any tips?

>> No.6801120

how can you get prominent cheekbones? is it all genetics? i'm skinnyfat but i'm thinking of lifting and then cutting to decrease my body fat %, in hopes of having prominent cheekbones

>> No.6801124

Watch out for water weight. I assume you'll get a lot of water to keep you full, and if you still weigh the same or more that's probably what it is.

>> No.6801133

how do you get rid of water weight? is walking a few miles enough?

>> No.6801130

How do I avoid this? Will I ever stop being so hungry?

>> No.6801139
File: 3 KB, 300x151, hmpro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not?
based on looks alone
my fuccboi aunt got me a $100 gift card

>> No.6801149
File: 94 KB, 972x1137, hmprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6801180

Yeah, the hunger stops, or at least reaches a dull point where it doesn't affect you that much.

Just drink less water, your body can't retain it forever. It's not a good idea, though. Instead, keep drinking water and lose weight till you feel comfortable with how you look.

>> No.6801185

You eat less carbs and salt. 99% of the population can't manage this because they're addicted to candy, french fries, hamburgers, pizza etc.

Basically just drink a ton of water, eat lean fresh meats, eat vegetables like lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes to keep the hunger at bay and to add some spice to a meal.

You'll notice a huge difference in facial definition in just a few weeks. Actually if you're skinnyfat to begin with, you probably just hold a ton of water weight, that's why your face looks puffy.

>> No.6801183

What products does /fa/ use in their hair? I bought American Crew Fiber but it falls flat in a few hours; need that all day hold for fine hair.

>> No.6801189
File: 79 KB, 620x545, KayaneDaigoBLOG2--article_image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a jacket for the winter, I really like fur lined hoods. Not sure where to look for something of decent quality like that.

>> No.6801197

no, you need to drink *more* water to lose water weight

the less you drink the more your body will retain, and if you eat tons of salt youll make it even worse

that feel when i gained 6lbs in water weight after mcdonalds binge

>> No.6801202
File: 736 KB, 500x281, Cara.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the best white button ups? not looking to spend over 100, looked at everlane, j crew and RL. tips?

>> No.6801216

The genetics argument is pretty bad. Probably four in five people can get prominent cheekbones if they just drop their bodyfat low enough.

The question is, do you have the mental discipline to drop your bodyfat in the single digits? Look at the general public, it's an incredibly small amount of people who have the willpower.

>> No.6801242

>single digits

>> No.6801252
File: 23 KB, 384x449, idk its cheap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6801262
File: 64 KB, 819x1024, HumanSkeletonFront-819x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found naked and famous weird guy on sale but im auschwitz mode. Should i get them or just wait for the skinny guy cut to go on sale?

>> No.6801256

He's referring to your BMI.

>> No.6801258

pls respond

>> No.6801267

Oh jesus christ thats terrifying

I was thinking bodyfat %

>> No.6801268

% body fat

>> No.6801270


>> No.6801271

Maybe, just maybe some people can get pretty decent facial definition at 10-11%.
But I would say your true features only come out once you hit below 10%.

>> No.6801275

Alright, I'm in a frat at a large state school. Now, I refuse to buy shit like brooks bros and vineyard vines at the moment because I'm still figuring out my ideal body. How /fa/ are sperrys, a polo t shirt (or some casual button down), and a nice pair of chinos? Basically, does anyone on /fa/ dress frat (prep is not frat, frat is kinda toned down)

>> No.6801293

Aren't those the same thing?

>> No.6801294

need new winter jacker, Wanted something tech ish so i was thinking this http://www.parajumpers.it/en/right-hand-eco-man-11172.html#.Uh_3aRukpEA

>> No.6801298

It's impossible to have a BMI in the single digits even if you barely got out of Auschwitz. You would probably be dead at around 13-14 anyway completely lacking any musculature at all, you'd be barely alive.

I was referring to body fat percentage.

>> No.6801304

the fuck's a fuccboi?
why the fuck does a guy that cares about fashion would use the name of diogenes?

shit i misclicked /fit/

>> No.6801305

What do you have to do? I think I have what it takes. The least I can do is just try.

>> No.6801306
File: 59 KB, 745x649, tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird Question:
Are masks ever ok in the colder months?
Was thinking about cutting out the eyes and just fucking wearing this.

>> No.6801309

No, BMI is body mass index. It's pretty accurate for everyone besides bodybuilders. Normal people have anywhere from 18 to 23, beyond that they are pudgy, under that and they are too skinny.

Body fat is a different story, males can have as low as 4-5%, females can have as low as 12-13% (though females stop menstruating if it drops lower than this and it's a bad idea in general)

>> No.6801319

a fuccboi is a newfag, or a person who doesn't know what they're talking about

idk, diogenes was a cool guy

>> No.6801322 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 299x198, 46dc5f6501f96019f72f61912ebc9b0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which color should I get? I could rock any but i don't know whether to get black or red
plz respond

>> No.6801346

cop if less than $75

>> No.6801341

You just have to stick to a clean diet. You don't even need excercise unless you want to speed up the process by burning an extra few hundred calories or so per day.

Stay off extra sodium, stay off empty carbs (white bread, candy, pizza, fries), get all of your energy from natural sources like lean meat (chicken, beef) or beans, lettuce, salad

Drink nothing but water, lots of water. Fruit juices are not "healthy", they contain massive amounts of sugar and empty carbs. Don't drink them just because everyone else does. You can get adequate vitamins from foods and veggies just fine
(except vitamin D, if you live in an area with low sunlight you will need supplements)

If you really have what it takes to stay off garbage, candy and fast food, congrats, you are the 1%.

>> No.6801351

it might not be horrible, but theres a p high chance that itll look be weird as fuck
but then again youll have a warm face while everyone else's freezes off so idk maybe your onto something

>> No.6801352
File: 77 KB, 612x612, 319806_2754249393525_828698819_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? Just do pic related. You'll be a lot less of a fag

>> No.6801358

fuck that's a cool mask w2c

>> No.6801364
File: 68 KB, 334x629, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some states have weird laws on wearing masks in public i'm p sure. i think they're cool though.

>> No.6801361

well the only reason im asking is i can get if for about 30% off

>> No.6801374

how much tho?

>> No.6801370
File: 486 KB, 596x651, backpack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped this backpack at a garage sale, it's vans, but i thought it looked semi-decent. Was i wrong?

>> No.6801373
File: 169 KB, 1035x1380, 2001tl_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c best white tee with a slightly longer body?
Under 50 bucks. I might just get the American Apparel fine jersey tall tee

>> No.6801379

>what do you have to do

stop eating shit basically

took me 15 months to get from 21% body fat to 8%, the difference is mindblowing

all i did during that time was basically sitting on my couch and watch tv series & movies

so it doesnt even take effort, it just takes mental fortitude
it was hard as fuck though, i did break about 5 times and proceeded to have huge binges, didnt hurt the overall process though

my features became visible at about 16% and really prominent/handsome at around 10-11%, i use an electric impendance scale to measure

currently at 8.5%, really easy to maintain now, since i reached my goal ive eaten junk food maybe once a month and it doesnt make me fat

>> No.6801381

that logo is kind of annoying looking. get a seam ripper and remove it. would make a really chill minimalist bookbag.

>> No.6801388

$23 including shipping

>> No.6801392

how much do those go for?

>> No.6801395

Na, it's decent, you good

>> No.6801398

yeah good price I'd say cop but design seems kinda meh looking at it now

>> No.6801404


>> No.6801414 [DELETED] 

anyone please

>> No.6801438

i guess you pay for quality, the more accuracy you want the more you have to pay

bought mine for 80 bucks, but ive seen them run for way above that

the most accurate method is calipers, but in that case its easier to just visit a doctor or personal trainer than buying them, they will likely do it for free

>> No.6801443


>> No.6801444

I had a $150 to spend on a bag at Danier Leather and this was the best they had, but I'm not really a fan of the contrast stitching.

What do you guys think? Is there anything I can do about it? I have this urge to take a brown marker and color all of the stitching, should I?

>> No.6801450
File: 1.03 MB, 2304x1728, contraststitching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6801451

can i borrow yours?

>> No.6801448

How pleb tier are my jeans?
Gap 1969 slim and skinny cut dark washes.
What are some good casual shirts to wear to classes and like to hang with my friends?
all my shirts are either fancy-casual, band shirts, or old shirts from high school basketball tournaments that are comfy as fuck but ugly.

>> No.6801456

what does hongkong have to to with 83?

>> No.6801464

nice magic cards
as far as the stitching goes I have no clue

>> No.6801525
File: 184 KB, 354x448, everlane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everlane bag in either Reverse Denim or Charcoal?

I know a shitload of people on /fa/ have this but I want to see fit pics and quality check.

>> No.6801530


I'm getting rid of my bulk commons and uncommons to some guy on craigslist, I've got like 6000-7000, and I should get like, 50+ bucks

that money is going straight to new clothes :D

/fa/ and mtg aw yiss

>> No.6801548

Buy my charcoal one
Email me

>> No.6801555

something tells me you didnt make a profit from that transaction

>> No.6801562

pls respond

>> No.6801577


Shitty commons and uncommons have ZERO use or demand, they're designed strictly for a format called limited. If you're buying packs for value, you only care about the rare and certain uncommons, the rest of the pack is just trash that takes up space.

The fact that I'm getting any money out of it makes me happy as fuck, and now I don't have to keep boxes of cards in the corner of my room.

>> No.6801574


i like the green one though :)

>> No.6801583

Im interested in fit picks too. any of the new colors

>> No.6801602

sounds pretty legit.

>> No.6801648


>> No.6801651

can i wear a button down shirt with a hoodie and not look like a trymedium

>> No.6801676

if u live near walnut creek in cali, then sure i don't mind

actually i dont even need it anymore since reaching my target weight

>> No.6801683

OCBD + unzipped hoodie looks pretty good IMO. The oxford gives a more dressed up look while the hoodie brings it all down. Really mellow vibes. Especially if you're in college.

Do it.

>> No.6801695

damnit im in socal

>> No.6801723

Considering im a poor fag and rebuilding half my wardrobe i was attracted to start copping poppins and oxfords from everlane but im not to sure about the quality?

everlane shirts, is the quality decent enough for the price?

>> No.6801815


pls respond

>> No.6801831
File: 150 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should a hoodie/sweatshirt fit? I just copped this hoodie in small after following the online size chart and I thought it was rather tight for a hoodie, i'd almost say it's well fitted to my body like a button up. Im not usually use to hoodies being like this. Do you think I should return it and get a medium?

>> No.6801836
File: 2.21 MB, 225x168, 1367867070712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which color should I get? I could rock any but i don't know whether to get black or red
plz respond, last chance

>> No.6801854

im not a fan of contrast stitching, then again im not a fan of messenger bags either but it doesnt look terrible and definatly dont take a marker to it cause after like 2 days IT WILL look way worse. not much else you can do...

>> No.6801855
File: 83 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyebrow slits. Y/N?

>> No.6801844

I've got a charcoal one on the way if you're interested in pictures when it arrives before you make your purchase.

>> No.6801876

no oh god no please no stop make it stop please

>> No.6801877

i would say black just because its going to be more versatile with the rest of any wardrobe

>> No.6801895

Only if you can take the 10 inch cock in your ass required by anyone who gets those

>> No.6801909


post a fit

>> No.6801922


so everyone here is full of shit?


>> No.6801919

pls respond

>> No.6801951

have fun with a bag that smells like fucking sharpie and will fade in inconsistent areas so you have to draw on it every week

>> No.6801959


Woah now, no need to be hostile, I just want to be sure.

>> No.6801962

is that just a scarf wrapped around his neck a few times and then brought up? it looks cool and my face gets cold as fuck when walking during the winter.

>> No.6801976

did it once a few years back. regretted it immediately pls no.

>> No.6801998

listen if you ask for advice and then dont like the answer you get than maybe you already had your mind made up. ty and help and get told im full of shit... cmon

>> No.6802030
File: 614 KB, 1328x2280, fit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels like a tight fit. I'm afraid of it shrinking.

>> No.6802069
File: 2.52 MB, 2736x3648, DSCN1493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shirt /fa/? My mom works at Macy's so she got it discounted.
>letting your parents buy your clothes

>> No.6802096

hoodies dont need to be washed as much and if you cold wash it then it will stretch back after a wear or two. the fit actually looks okay to me so i would be a bit caucious that going a size up because it could end up too baggy. but if you cant move your arms in every direction without feeling you could tear a seam than its definatly two small. hope that helps

>> No.6802111

better wear it so ya dont hurt your mums feelins

>> No.6802107

it fits good. never wash it.

also, what brand is that? can you hook me up with a link. I need a red hoodie and that one looks really nice.

>> No.6802122

What is a good style of jacket/coat to pair with brown boots? Only coats I currently have are a black peacoat and a navy blue duffle. The duffle goes nicely with them but I would like something more versatile with other colors of flannels or sweaters to wear in layers.

>> No.6802127
File: 138 KB, 952x1428, 32418M021007_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not? I was looking for some nice and very skinny raws. YSL seems like a good option


>> No.6802129

I'd wear the shit out of that shirt. Love the drapey look too.

>> No.6802132

wear it ironically. wear a grey hoodie unzipped and maybe a jacket over it. sicc ironic-core

>> No.6802137

call me a jew but I would never throw down 400 on denim. and those look like ass anyways tbh

>> No.6802152

any ideas of other quality raws? N&F is too wide on the ancle for me

>> No.6802165

idk I wear levis because I'm a broke fuccboi and idgaf. just saying though $370 is pretty fucking steep. you'd have to wear those for like 3 years to get your moneys worth

>> No.6802191

How is the quality on Uniqlo jeans?

>> No.6802212

There was a thread about it the other day....I can't say myself but the general consensus was Levi's tier, so not bad but not superb either

>> No.6802226

I have Levi's 511 Rigid Dragon from a Levi's Outlet, and they faded (greenish white, doesn't look so great) despite about 4 washes and one year of wearing. Would it be a step up to get Uniqlo?

>> No.6802241

pls help fa

>> No.6802296

Should I start buying straight leg pants and getting them tapered or can I get a pair of already skinny trousers and taper them?

>> No.6802314

Not sure if I'm too late, but eating Top Ramen would be bad to eat if trying to lose weight, I assume

>> No.6802344

>N&F is too wide on the ancle for me
Get the super skinny cut. It's the skinny cut with a more drastic taper knee down

>> No.6802353

Should not cop

>> No.6802382

How2be ottermode?????

>> No.6802389

Where to cop Unbranded? Which one fits most like Levi's 511?

>> No.6802394

looking to cop some norse project jeans...

The only size left is a 28/32.. I know that every company has slightly different sizing so does anyone know how they fit compared to other brands?

>> No.6802401

either the website, urban outfitters, or sometimes randoms in weird stores

the skinniest ones are like 511's just dont size down if you want an immediately similar fit

>> No.6802448

If the consensus was that Uniqlo jeans were Levi's tier: no, Uniqlo wouldn't be a step up.

>> No.6802542

How do I good skin?

>> No.6802549

The skinniest ones at 510's

>> No.6802642

Looking for some black raw denim jeans, around $100, tapered leg so I can get stacks.

>> No.6802648
File: 134 KB, 820x1000, 09_069691_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c black leggings? Are Uniqlo ones anyone good, and do they ever restock mediums?

>> No.6802649
File: 78 KB, 297x264, 09017_trans_IS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color, cigar or black, and what goes with these boots? Bonus points for anything not explicitly dadcore or workwear.

>> No.6802668
File: 74 KB, 455x555, 08_078619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not? i feel like the design is too busy but i like it

>> No.6802683

what are good shorts to lounge around in? i was looking for some like, cloth shorts, something hobo chic

any suggestions?

>> No.6802682


>> No.6802686
File: 299 KB, 1300x953, broken leaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not
found it on sale at a boutique for less than $100 after taxes

>> No.6802690


>> No.6802699
File: 81 KB, 1178x876, DiemmeFirenzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be 300+ USD when it drops, but never dropped that much on suede because I have always tried to stay away from it.

>> No.6802705

Looks fresh as fuck.

>> No.6802707

it's safe as fuck dude
there's nothing offensive about it
it's black and white, essentially gray from a distance

>> No.6802712

I don't like how angular the pattern is
hurts my eyes

>> No.6802713

cop. Diemme is pretty dope

>> No.6802724
File: 75 KB, 1163x893, DiemmeRoccia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking this over cause these are great as well and they are shined leather. Also where to cop similar laces they use.

>> No.6802718

Copped a red and white one today, looks nicer IRL then it does on the internet.

>> No.6802721

w2c jacket?

>> No.6802722

no god no

>> No.6802744

I like these

>> No.6802745

are glasses /fa/?
I've never tried contacts, but have been considering them. Also been thinking about what my next pair of glasses should be if I end up not liking the contacts

>> No.6802759


Help, please.

>> No.6802763

Thanks for the info. I actually plan to hold on to this one and order a medium so I can compare the fit side to side. I'll return whichever size I don't like.

It's an ASOS Zip-Through Hoodie in oxblood

>> No.6802772

get both

>> No.6802778


>> No.6802793

go on ebay and buy skinny guys for 1 hunna

>> No.6802803

should i buy the uniqlo bomber jacket? or save the money for something higher quality? im poor

>> No.6802806


>> No.6802834

please don't get either, in bucket hats you're looking for something like this:

>> No.6802847


>> No.6802864

there have been a few posts on here bout em. The reaction seems to be mixed. I say go for it. check it out for yourself, homie

>> No.6802869
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1369033887330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802931

what's wrong with suede?

>> No.6802945

It's top grain leather
I know that it's basically 'roughed up' to get the soft texture, so on top of top grain leather being thinner than full grain leather, it's further weakened by the sueding process. This is just speculation though. I don't actually know how suede is produced.

>> No.6802953
File: 140 KB, 1920x1440, 2372921-p-4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl and what is "decent-looking fall boots"?

I just moved back to the U.S., I have no fucking idea where to start. Homie tell me what's good.

>> No.6802954

wolverine 1000 miles

>> No.6802957

I actually really like this. The color palette is so nice. Wear it with a cardigan or something.

>> No.6802962

RW Iron Rangers

>> No.6802964

Uggs lel
Nah get some boots for men with a subtle silhouette. Docs alfies or regular docs, and what mah dick would give to see a girl wear those Diemme hikers.

>> No.6802965

Thanks, good start!

I should mention I've got a very wide arch, so any fellow fuccladies with the same problem (or people who know where good unisex shoes are at) please speak up.

>> No.6802977

Don't eat shit food

>> No.6802976
File: 15 KB, 492x328, DI1307VE05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh, pretty.

>> No.6802982

No never. It just makes you look like (a.) you were in a fight and lost, or b.) you missed your cigarette and burned part of you eyebrow off like a fucktard.

>> No.6802992


>> No.6802995

i'm looking for a jacket, black, i think it's a varsity jacket? or a bomber... i believe it's a collab between stussy and some japanese brand. can you guys help me out?

>> No.6803002

I've got to disagree. I think it looks more like
(a.)You are a total boybitch attention slut and can't wait for me to ask what the fuck happened to your eyebrows
nah just kidding that's the only option

>> No.6803006

Probably Mastermind Japan just try to google Stussy X visvim/MMJ/Undercoverism

>> No.6803024

oh ok i'm getting things mixed up and making things up. so
>aight there is a stussy x mastermind japan collab
>i still think ive seen some jacket with a skull on it that looks similar to aforementioned collab/brands

>> No.6803019

this one?

>> No.6803023

Bump motherfuckers

>> No.6803026

Never black

>> No.6803031
File: 28 KB, 570x565, stussyxmmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803035

I'd say brown suits the aesthetic of the shoe more.
As for what goes with it, they're brown boots man. They're pretty versatile. Wear some outdoorsy shit in earth tones.

>those boots
>black jeans
>off white waffle knit thermal
>fitted dark green parka

>> No.6803036

there we go, that's exactly it. thank you

>> No.6803121
File: 147 KB, 1080x1440, PEDRO LOURENCO-'architecture' cropped multilayer gilet, zip detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever run your hand across a swatch of really supple suede and felt that thin layer of upright, almost fuzzy material that changes colour with the direction of your touch? that is called the nap, and it is the most damned fickle thing. it's extremely moisture sensitive and will stain if wet in any way; also, depending on the colour, natural imperfections are amplified 10000%. i'm not familiar with the leather production process but i know as a material suede can be very fragile.
i invested in a pair of jil sander ankle boots a while ago with the intention of having them be basics/semifrequent wear and although i'm anal about cleaning (about twenty-half an hour brushing/conditioning+any necessary erasing per boot after each wear) them they still are very prone to being 'messed up'-small bits of inexplicable lint, dust being caught in the nap, scuffs that appear literally out of nowhere. i'm extremely careful with them but they are just so damned prone.
then again, they are black-if i'm wearing them i always have a small cleaning cloth+a suede eraser nub in my bag-but it doesn't make it any less of a pain. i love them to death but i will never again buy a suede shoe for 'everyday' wear.
the stains-with-water issue is also easily avoidable if a bit harrowing: in order to 'erase' any moisture stain, you have to softly blot over the entire body of the shoe with a wet cleaning cloth and let it dry so it'll return to its original shade, and before the stain itself is dry otherwise it'll permanently tint the leather. it is the footwear equivalent of a brush burning.

if anything they're beautiful shoes construction and ease-wise and if they were a different colour i wouldn't be so paranoid, so by no means is it an issue of quality. in the end it's the material that gets me, i feel.. that's just my own experience, though.

>> No.6803128

There are plenty of other nice looking non-suede Diemmes being released and plenty more on eBay. Pass on it.

>> No.6803136

>There are plenty of other nice looking non-suede Diemmes being released
Just checked the site and disregard this I'm full of shit. Most of the stock is suede.

>> No.6803775
File: 37 KB, 500x422, nike-air-force-1-mid-07-schwarz-weiss-315123-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803783

What shoes go well with black 510s?

Colour/styles. Im going to try and get some cps, but im 24 and I think theyre a bit too teenagery. Would some suede db be okay? What else?

>> No.6803784

w2c plain black jumper?

>> No.6803785
File: 621 KB, 652x1473, 1377782273318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c sweater?

>> No.6803791

dude theyre the most boring basic bitch shoe in existance you could probably wear them when youre 90

>> No.6803802
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x1024, based prophet dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803805
File: 537 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot_2013-08-30-11-19-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should cop?


>> No.6803817

our legacy

>> No.6803819

>any leather product ever

Do it if you want compliments from basic bitches though.

>> No.6803838


LOL what a joke

>> No.6803842

it's not that much new, it's COS
still not gonna be great quality but for 20 i'd prob cop go for it dude

>> No.6803864

doesnt look too high quality but go for it and play with them until they get fucked

>> No.6803878
File: 41 KB, 762x1100, NI112A061-851@1.1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im new here and try to build a basic wardarobe. wanted some nice black sneakers which are a bit higher than usually for ~90€ and found those nike (pic related). are they shit or are they ok for 90€?
Also, are "cheap monday" jeans for 50€ good for that cheap price?

>> No.6803909

w2c best plain tshirts for 20€?!

whats about hanes?

>> No.6803913

COS or american apparel, COS is better

>> No.6803921


i also need a slim fit black jeans for about 60€ is cheap monday /fa? is there anything i can get already tappered?

>> No.6803956

cheap monday is good for that price, depends what kind of legs you have, seeing as i'm a squat bro they stretch fucking awesome over my tighs.

>> No.6803958
File: 715 KB, 608x797, hairfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to do with my hair?

I'm due a haircut and considering an undercut, but I've had something similar before and it looked like shit. Help.

>> No.6803962

cheap monday is H&M.
sure its okay if youre on a budget but if you save up just a little more you can get acne or blkdnm jeans for not much more.

>> No.6803970

>cheap monday is H&M.
can't believe I never knew that

>> No.6803969

>you can get acne or blkdnm jeans
on sale. forgot that part.

>> No.6803973

not it's fucking not are you retarded?

>> No.6803974

well I guess that's why I never knew that 8)
Also I don't shop at h&m

>> No.6803979

what about hanes?

>> No.6803984

yes it is, dont get mad.
COS, Monki, Weekday, Cheap Monday and & Other Stories are all H&M.
apart from COS theyre all the same as H&M mainline quality-wise.
now dont get defensive because you buy your clothes at weekday, im just stating facts

>> No.6804048
File: 810 KB, 800x800, pnts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop these pants?

>> No.6804054

just minimal

>> No.6804073

Could khaki pants go well with a denim jacket, gray tee and brown sneakers with a white sole

Would grayish jeans be better?

>> No.6804083

Post the pants

>> No.6804084
File: 43 KB, 762x1100, CH622A04D-802@1.1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they are skinny jeans and i am pretty skinny. or what else do you mean with "hat kind of legs"? oh and what do you think about the shoes?

>> No.6804113



>> No.6804116

Where from?

>> No.6804118

all cheap mondays i've owned have fallen apart after a year or so of normal use, so, y'know, keep that in mind.

>> No.6804124
File: 185 KB, 660x660, james-blake-retrograde2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c a shirt and jacket like the ones James Blake is wearing in this photo

Slim fitting obviously

>> No.6804135

I had a dream I went on a date with Cara Delevigne. How do I stop being sad it wasn't real?

>> No.6804153

short back and sides

>> No.6804194
File: 1.35 MB, 3836x2132, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6804195

please someone say something about the shoes

>> No.6804196


He is draped in full zara
Just go to a zara outlet that still sells cLothes from 2009

>> No.6804197

If they fit well then I don't see why not

I'd personally go for white sneakers

>> No.6804198

there was an anon on here a while ago that had some sort of disease where his hair all fell out. he was literally feel incarnate

>> No.6804211

I remember him. He was quite the downer. I hope he cheers up.

>> No.6804233


Also, I feel like I'm not too good with colors/color theory or whatever

I've read the wiki and all but I still don't feel like I'm too good at picking colors that look good together

Any way to improve on that shit

>> No.6804248


I already get that, it's just gotten bushy. I'm wondering about the top.

On the sides, I usually get a 3 or a 2.

>> No.6804275

I have just started getting /fa/shionable and have a nearlly unlimited budget towards it. I want to try and pull of prep but can't seem to design my own outfits to wear with it. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas for good color/clothing combinations?

>> No.6804418
File: 286 KB, 429x429, adidas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do black jeans and those grey/dark grey adidas shoes fit together? im new as shit and those are the only shoes i own and i ordered some black skinny jeans.

i mean of course black or white sneakers would probably fit better but is it ok for some time i only have those?

>> No.6804441
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>> No.6804476


>> No.6804497 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 290x370, image1xl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do you guys lace your brogue/dress boots?

I got some like pic related and I was kinda wondering if anyone has done anything that looks super nice before I just blindly lace them

>> No.6804498

Should I cop?


>> No.6804503

Any good duffle coats you guys could recommend for cold winters -20C or so, nothing expensive, im poor student, around $200, €150.

>> No.6804506

it's a bagpack with notebookpocket, exactly what i need for uni

>> No.6804509
File: 117 KB, 298x418, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6804514


>> No.6804597

Is 'offensive' and 'unoffensive' literally just 'too gaudy' vs 'moderate/reserved'?

Is there more to it?

>> No.6804679

should be fine

>> No.6804697
File: 138 KB, 508x368, 2013-08-30 10_32_54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would these work with basic goofninja wear? I'm a poor ass nigga. Can'f afford muh Ricks.

I've seen some pretty cool inspo with these. What do you guys think?

>> No.6804735
File: 496 KB, 372x677, adidas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, thanks. while i'm at it. what about the shoes with grey jeans and t shirt?

>> No.6804738

Fuck no. I have the shoes, they're basic streetwear and that's it

>> No.6804742

shut i cop hanes x supreme white tees

>> No.6804745

I had the Bad Brains ones but they died in like a summer. Miss them :(

>> No.6804747

pls halp

>> No.6804753
File: 740 KB, 489x726, 2013-08-30 10_47_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about in a fit like this? Because this is basically what all of my shit is like.

>> No.6804759

>Because this is basically what all of my shit is like.

>I'm a poor ass nigga.
does not compute

>> No.6804763

I only have a few legit pieces. Most are just the Fabrixquare rips.

>> No.6806012
File: 28 KB, 500x648, tumblr_inline_mivv6iR8Ok1qzuyaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c a varsity jacket like this in the 100-200€ price range

>> No.6806020


>> No.6806066

i am 5'10, 160 pounds, on the softer side of ottermode. weird guy size 31 is probably what i'm after, right?

>> No.6806109
File: 167 KB, 1035x1380, rsa0406c_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these pants any good? -> http://store.americanapparel.net/product/?productId=rsa0406c

I can get a pair of them for free, but if they're shit I don't want to even bother. What could I potentially wear with them?

>> No.6806122

It's nice looking material. Fit is shit. Get it, get it tailored.

>> No.6806127

Navy, purple, or black would work

>> No.6806134
File: 100 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop? Y/n( tsubo winslow ii) also were to find some beautiful simple, black boots or black brouge boota

>> No.6806199

cop em cowboy

>> No.6806226

dnc, overdesigned and ugly.

>> No.6806590

so i guess you can call me a poor boy but i only 4 t-shirts, 1 tank top, 2 short sleeve button downs and one oxford, levi 511's, black jeans and brown shorts. i also have 3 shoes

how can i go about not looking like im wearing the same clothes everyday or should i just save up and get some nice shit

how the fuck can i go about not looking like

>> No.6806602

fuck no

>> No.6806626

Sneakers up to $80? Not gonna torture them, just casual walking around, preferably all black.

>> No.6806660

Save up and go scavenging the sale rals at J Crew, H&M, Urban Outfitters, etc. every opportunity you get. Get dat shit cheap and take good care of it.

Mfw I got a $108.00 sweater for $38.00 at J Crew. When I got a $130.00 jacket for $40.00 at UO.

>> No.6806707
File: 70 KB, 580x612, 1377800635318 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i cop a shirt like this? are there many designers that do this?

>> No.6806729

thanks brah

>> No.6806772
File: 86 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c black Chanel men's sweater?!
Live in pa

>> No.6807328

that's hideous

why would you want that