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File: 1.46 MB, 1889x3021, Ryan-Gosling-White-T-Shirt-Only-God-Forgives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6792305 No.6792305 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest. Do you have to be Ryan Gosling to pull of this look?

If I try to look like this, will I just look like a dork in plain clothes and a comb over? Especially the hair. Is it an actually cool hairstyle, or is it just Gosling that makes it cool?

>> No.6792316

That's normal fucking hair. I see twenty guys with that exact hair every day. Same with plain T's+jeans.

There is no "look" to pull.

>> No.6792329

But he looks bad. His haircut is bad, and his beard is worse.

There is nothing dorky or wrong about "plain clothes". A clean white tshirt generally looks good on any guy.

>> No.6792330

It is neither the hairstyle or the Gosling that gives that picture its look. You're thinking of an international media and marketing powerhouse that's drilled its way into your brain.

You want to look absurdly good in jeans and a tee? Either be thin and have fitted clothes or be fit and have fitted clothes. There's nothing more to it than exercise and tailoring.

>> No.6792338

you don't have to be ryan gosling to pull it off
but it helps

>> No.6792340

Good. That's what I was hoping to hear.

>> No.6792351

You definitely don't need to be Ryan Gosling to pull that off. It's a normal hairstyle that looks good on almost any guy. As for the clothes, just make sure they fit you properly.
Dressing like that will make you look pretty much like the average adult male. It's a good look, and very universal.

>> No.6792357
File: 82 KB, 1920x1080, still-of-ryan-gosling-in-only-god-forgives-large-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would still need some kind of product to get this hair though right?

>> No.6792363
File: 73 KB, 618x434, movies-only-god-forgives-still-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792369

he looks good because he's fit

also, that's not a combover

>> No.6792396
File: 44 KB, 635x488, alg-500-days-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I'm glad to hear it. I couldn't pull off the last look I tried, which was this.

I just looked like a fucking dweeb, and not in a cute adorably dorky way like I thought.

>> No.6792407

>tfw want to look like ryan gosling from the place beyond the pines

so based

strong man crush on gosling, but strictly platonic

anyone else?

>> No.6792413


I'd actually let him fuck my ass tbh

>no homo

>> No.6792426

What size do you think he wears? Is his shirt an S or M?

>> No.6792421

i can respect that. ryan gosling is awesome.

>> No.6792417

I'm not fit like that, but I'm very lean and my posture is nearly perfect because I obsessed about it for nearly a year after someone made fun of me for being a hunch back slouching piece of shit. I also got a real nice tan this summer, and my hair became that perfect shade of dark blonde.

>> No.6792434

yeah i'm convinced it's impossible. i do like the motorcycle boots he wears though, i feel like i can cop those and not look too weird.

>> No.6792436

he lifts

>> No.6792430

You can't pull off the sexy white trash look.

>> No.6792450

I run every day, and do some maintainer body weight exercise. That counts for something, right?

>> No.6792465


no, running is pointless when it comes to aesthetics, it only improves your condition, go lift some heavy weights and start eating

>> No.6792463

not even close

>> No.6792485

This, so many times this.
Know your body, dress after your body. That's it. Nothing looks better than clothes that fit. A fat guy with clothes that fit him looks better than a fat guy with loose clothing. To the point where you are absurdly fat, then there is no rescue for obvious reasons.

>> No.6792481

jgl looks like a dweeb in that movie too
(because he is a dweeb in that movie)

>> No.6792489

my grail is his costume designer from that movie

>> No.6792513


let's get shitty lil tattoos together?

>> No.6792612

At least an M

>> No.6792675


Does anyone wh2c a shirt like >>6792363 and >>6792305 ?

>> No.6792694

H&M or something, jesus christ it's just a white shirt

>> No.6792734


>running doesn't burn calories

>> No.6792754


come on you fuck if you lurk for any time you'll know the basic brands

>> No.6792770

>running doesn't improve stamina & focus & awareness & charm

>> No.6792787

>running doesn't improve your looks and female attracting power

>> No.6792790

Seriously now, though

I don't think you can get such a thin shirt with that cut at H&M

At least be prepared to drop 50-100 on a high quality basic

>> No.6792930


why do you guys even browse /fa/ if you don't realize that not every white shirt is the same.
when I saw the movie I also noticed that tee.
I love the thin hems(? I'm not native speaker) and the delicate looking cotton.

>> No.6792944
File: 17 KB, 280x350, 1370703828957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip OP,

If you are goodlooking, no matter what you wear, you will still be goodlooking.

take a good look at yourself op

>> No.6792957

exactly. And I hope I'm not the only one who thinks Ryan Gosling looks fucking creepy. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the decendant of ed gein or something

>> No.6792977

He look cute, but the longer I look at him the weider he looks.
>asymetrical eyes
>ugly nose
>face doesn't fit is head or something

>> No.6792982

Anyone find it weird how the Goose is attractive?

I mean he doesn't really have the typical attractive features (chiselled, strong jaw etc.) but he still manages to be good looking somehow.

>> No.6793003

dude it's a white t-shirt and jeans anyone can wear this.

>classic americana

>> No.6793221

lets open up a garage in the south too

and ride around in breezy shirts

>> No.6793241

Is it just me or does he have that one off-kilter eye you always see on steamfitters and professional welders?

>> No.6793282
File: 487 KB, 1954x1222, 1375313984907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, same here

it was just becasue he pulled off the i dont give a fuck look so well

>> No.6793284

how do i pull off a bandana like he does?
like covering the mouth?

also why is ryan so cool?

>> No.6793296


hell yeah dudes

he really is cool, like i read an interview with him, dude's fucking weird


>> No.6793298

That's not even a "look" that's just plain clothes and the haircut is not extraordinary. You could say it's Gosling pulling it off but to be honest any joe can pull it off if he's comfortable with himself.

>> No.6793314


how fucking shit do you have to be to not be able to pull off a shirt and pull over

fucking pleb

>> No.6793858

Be pretty muscular/low body fat, have a face most women love, and your clothes don't really need to be anything special

>> No.6793890

The Gos's whole being is unique. His hairstyle is simple, but for his head, it looks great. If you look closely he doesnt have quite the fullness of your Clooneys or your Pitt's. The cut just fits him well. If its you well too, by all means cop it.

>> No.6793897

>white t shirt and jeans

c'mon man you don't need to be anything to pull of jeans and a t shirt

>> No.6793912

i wore that out today.
it's not bad
but it's nothing special either
just a tee with black jeans and a pair of interesting trainers