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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 143 KB, 1215x446, photo 3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6791018 No.6791018 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, are small bra-less tits in tight white crops /fa/ or extremely tacky?

>> No.6791031

Bit of both, i quite like it. Better than seeing the outlines of those padded bra's.

>> No.6791044
File: 74 KB, 279x279, 1376294361060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna need more pictures to tell you

>> No.6791050

one of those things that depends on how good looking you are

>> No.6791055

i can never bring myself to go (visibly) braless in public even though i don't think it's necessarily bad or tacky

the environment has to be just right, and i've yet to find such an environment outside of a private setting

imo you're better off just wearing a soft bralette if you're at all unsure about it

>> No.6791064

For me the right enviroment is a night club or a festival in summer. You should give it a shot, it's very liberating.

>> No.6791092

>muh feminism
its just having your nipples show through your top, nothing special.

>> No.6791100

Physically. It is physically liberating to not have your tits squeezed into a bra, and be able to feel the air and the sun on them. jfc.

>> No.6791101


>> No.6791119

>physical discomfort
>muh female rights
LoL go maek me a sandwitch bitch!!!

but no, in all seriousness, sorry for the misinterpretation, mah bad.

>> No.6791132

>You should give it a shot, it's very liberating.
it's the opposite for me

night clubs and festivals are bound to be filled with people that i would never want to indulge by letting them see such a thing, but do whatever makes you happy

>> No.6791142

Is it effay or gay for a guy to wear a slightly cropped (ie when i make a bit of movement my stomach shows) black, waxed vest-shirt

bc I'm gunna make one

>> No.6791145

it looks nice, and I don't mean the sexual aspect.

>> No.6791150

gay, its not /fa/ whatsoever.

>> No.6791156

Look up the definition for liberated you dumb ugly cunt, it doesn't mean "comfortable"

>> No.6791163

being uncomfortable and surrendering something to people that you don't want to surrender that something to is being "liberated"?

>> No.6791169

No, it means setting free. Which is what I do to my tits.

>> No.6791170

>It is physically liberating to not have your tits squeezed into a bra, and be able to feel the air and the sun on them.
>Look up the definition for liberated you dumb ugly cunt, it doesn't mean "comfortable"

>> No.6791167

Gay as fuck.

Don't rustle the feminazi

>> No.6791198
File: 81 KB, 594x396, slutwalk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in the east women are forced to subjugate themselves to men

in the west women voluntarily subjugate themselves to men.... and think they're liberating themselves. hahaha. its a funny paradox. empowerment is subjugation to women. theyre the same thing

>> No.6791204
File: 2.47 MB, 450x222, elliotHulse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading this
misogynist p-pig

>> No.6791206

it looks awful

>> No.6791209


elliot hulse is such a hack

>> No.6791211
File: 281 KB, 1454x993, 1377533577788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha this

>> No.6791215

yet youll never come close to even 1RMing his warm-up sets, you twink

>> No.6791219

i will

>> No.6791227

Matt "Hymen Buster" Helders could kick that dudes ass, no prob brah

>> No.6791236
File: 2.83 MB, 450x247, 1376755039100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791243


all his faggy 'strongman' training wont protect from my knee in his balls

i guess we wouldnt be able to breathe then either

>> No.6791247

oh man let's not rustle anyone's jimmies, I h8 arguing about that shit. In all honesty, as a male I would find it tacky because I judge people by their appearance. I wouldn't mind if it was me and my gf chilling at home with no bra, but if I saw a girl on the street with her nips obviously showing I would think less of her

>> No.6791248

I DL triple your bw

>> No.6791262

>mfw people are feeding the trolls
It doesn't look good just fyi OP. This coming from a male.

And unless your looking for an easy lay I wouldn't advise it. It's a little too casual, like bumming around town in a night shirt and your pajamas

>> No.6791264


>> No.6791269

this is some exceptionally pathetic and not very subtle samefagging today, matt

>> No.6791270

dude stop arguing over this shit, if you actually do post a vid, if not respond to the OP's question

>> No.6791271


why is he a hack you fat little maggot?

>> No.6791277

no, you don't understand, please stop. You're going to kill this thread.

>> No.6791278

dw its all in good taste, 200kg DL is not worth recording.

>> No.6791276
File: 333 KB, 529x411, 1376807087796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should take it to the next level

>> No.6791282


are u fucking autism?

>> No.6791291

But that fact that you wouldn't be comfortable doing it is what means you aren't liberated. But you were using it as if it means comfortable

I'm not a girl
Again, not a girl and I'm definitely not a feminist (I believe in hitting women, for example)

>gay as fuck
Ah well

It's the fact that they're doing it in their own terms, and more importantly, flaunting themselves
It's the flaunting and freedom of inhibition that's liberating

Anyway your persona is really annoying. You look like an ugly step child (esp in that baby pick) like the kid from The Bully, and the fact that you constantly talk about fighting in an Internet message board is comical
You're a faggot

>> No.6791293
File: 260 KB, 720x3662, reddit vagina bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats previous level

>> No.6791300



>> No.6791308

i feel sick, fuck where this thread is going

>> No.6791311

its my opinion, feel free to enjoy him, i used to watch him all the time. But slowly i realised he's a total pseudo intellectual who doesnt know what he's talking about. He's not actually part of the youtube lifting community because no one takes him seriously, in terms of actual advice. He says he doesnt read studies because they're boring, yet answers questions on things which are proven by studies and just goes off his anecdotal experiences. People buy into him because they get sucked in by his authoritative demeanor and just sort of believe what he's saying, hence why he has so many 'drones'. I prefer to get my information from people who know what they're talking about and can source it. Also i think his more general lifestyle type advice is pretty bad too but thats just opinions anyway


>> No.6791316

that place is clearly 2hardcore4me

>> No.6791314


shut up u cunt i know where u live u mug ill fucking stab u in waitrose u prick

>> No.6791319

Good thing i didn't like bacon in the first place

>> No.6791320

That can't be true.

>> No.6791333

I literally want to puke. Welp, that's it, I'm gay now.
Thanks internet.

>> No.6791335

4.5 plate DL is worth recording, are you kidding me? Even by /fit/'s standards you'd be pretty ripped, not the biggest guy on /fit/ but def been lifting more than a year or two to get that far

>> No.6791337

i dont shop in waitrose, i shop in the tescos on green man roundabout, it's about a 2 min drive from my house near whipps- best of luck mate.

>> No.6791347


meet me outside mcdonalds near tesco in 15 minutes if u want to settle this

>> No.6791362

i'd rather not unless i wanted maccy dees, i'm a veggie and the deli of the day is not the spicy veg- not cool man.

>> No.6791364

/fit/ is full of retards, honestly.
You dont have to be ripped to be able to pull big on DL, theres a guy much skinnier than I that pulled 5.5 plate.

>> No.6791368

it's not samefag you autist

>> No.6791382

its not samefag, he has a few skype friends who suck his dick on 4chan

>> No.6791383
File: 214 KB, 1000x749, 1374201066378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know who you are

>> No.6791384

I think it depends on the shape of the breasts. I think nipple showthrough is fine. If the top is really tight and you still want to wear a bra, try a soft-cup bra as opposed to a molded-cup bra (they always look weird under thin material)

>> No.6791400

>theres a guy much skinnier than I that pulled 5.5 plate.
post a pic of yourself
or better yet, post a vid of yourself DLing 4plate

because I have trouble believing that.

>> No.6791401
File: 14 KB, 679x427, 1377408534786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off tripsk

>> No.6791424
File: 926 KB, 1124x1340, progress_20_month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not planning on recording any of my lifts til theyre a lot higher.

>> No.6791419

Good summary of Stockholm over the summer: transparent tops with black bras, or tight tops with no bra.

>> No.6791435

Replied to wrong post >>6791424

>> No.6791445

You love her really

>> No.6791450


im speechless

>> No.6791452

must be a very early miscarriage or some shit and the chick didn't even realise she was pregnant

>> No.6791454

tr.v. lib·er·at·ed, lib·er·at·ing, lib·er·ates
1. To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.
2. Chemistry To release (a gas, for example) from combination.
3. Slang To obtain by illegal or stealthy action: tried to sell appliances that were liberated during the riot.

>> No.6791521
File: 14 KB, 419x304, 1377437884295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she cooked a miscarried baby in a frying pan

>> No.6791530

that's the only way i can explain it away since that was pretty much all meat and a little dried blood

>> No.6791542

>takes shirtless pics in gym
Kill yourself.

>> No.6791545

i lyk girls who wear that and they rock big circle hoop rings with adidas tracksuits and slicked back pony tail damn that make me hot

>> No.6791549

reddit is the new /b/

>> No.6791557

it's not a miscarriage

menstruation will usually include chunks of tissue because the lining isn't just fluid
the meaty parts are what cushion the fetus


>> No.6791558

And I thought I was a disgusting piece of shit

Reddit really is 4chan's even more autistic little sibling who can't live up to his big bro

>> No.6791559

that picture doesn't make sense

>> No.6791571

Women are truly disgusting creations

>> No.6791575

dayam i would suck on those on the left directly through the shirt

>> No.6791594

why is it disgusting? you have more rancid (literal) shit inside of you as we speak

>> No.6791598

>you know shit about the east

>> No.6791595

Not really a fan

>> No.6791599

i've been saying that for years
hard to believe that there are actual people in the world who try so hard just for a disgusting mucus hole

>> No.6791608
File: 21 KB, 534x533, src_1343509131634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ
i feel intimidated enough to talk to a pretty girl
let alone be able to see her nips and tits through a shirt

liberation and freedom and rights aside, please spare us autists the spaghetti

>> No.6791606

everyone has literal shit in them at all times, but women somehow find that insufficient so they have to shit out bloody bacon out of their vaginas
yuck pigdisgusting women

>> No.6791621
File: 10 KB, 233x216, disney drawn frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just cum and start farting

>> No.6791633

>you have more rancid (literal) shit inside of you as we speak

Yeah..so does everyone in the world including women you fucking idiot.

There's a pic from a forum, i'm sure someone here has it, where a chick is describing in detail about these black strips of what looks like leeches that came out of her vag as she was taking a shower...truly disgusting.

Women are a mockery to mankind.
they are literally rotting corpses...

>> No.6791634

>but women somehow find that insufficient so they have to shit out bloody bacon out of their vaginas
it's a biological process that is necessary for reproduction

it is less offensive in smell, ability to carry disease, and appearance than the shit that exists in almost every human being at this very moment

tl;dr get over yourself, princess

>> No.6791637

You wouldn't exist without one, man.

>> No.6791638

>Women are a mockery to mankind.
You sound like a woman right now. Getting this dramatic about nothing. I'm pretty sure you're just a mockery to anyone unlucky enough to share a demographic with you.

>> No.6791643

>expected to give oral
>to a place where dead rotting bacon strips reside
dude you better check yourself yo

>> No.6791642

People like you shouldn't be allowed to use the word literally and variants

>> No.6791648
File: 111 KB, 789x525, i will pump semen into u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we gooooo

>> No.6791655

My roommate is always wearing my wife beaters with no bra...

She dosn't see how desarming this is

>> No.6791658

Although this wasn't ever about oral the "rotting bacon" strips reside in the uterus itself, not the vulva or even the vagina. It would be like a woman getting asspained about sucking you off because your bladder is further up the line.

>> No.6791685

what came first- man or women?

>You sound like a woman right now. Getting this dramatic about nothing.
You sound like a faggot.

people like you shouldn't exist
you liberal piece of shit

Man...what happen to this place?
i can sense a tumblr fag influx on this site all of a sudden. I guess this is what happens when 4chan goes mainstream and stupid tumlr brats come in here and ruin this board. Plese go back to your social media sites, you're not welcomed here you scum.

>> No.6791718

please go back to r9k

>> No.6791723


>> No.6791724

r9k? Isn't >>6791606 the guy from r9k?

>> No.6791727

>this thread
*tips fedora*

>> No.6791731

>i can sense a tumblr fag influx on this site all of a sudden.
This board has been having 'post your tumblr' threads and a huge tumblr presence for years but you're an idiot if you actually think that calling you out as an overdramatic baby is being a tumblrtard. Telling other people they aren't welcome because your dumbass ideas are not being accepted as the status quo is textbook tumblr tactics.

>> No.6791738

i cant believe women are so goddamn awful seriously i think im gonna puke

>> No.6791742

>what came first- man or women?
>You sound like a faggot.
>you liberal piece of shit
>i can sense a tumblr fag influx on this site all of a sudden. I guess this is what happens when 4chan goes mainstream and stupid tumlr brats come in here and ruin this board. Plese go back to your social media sites, you're not welcomed here you scum

This is what happens when the less bright followers of pol get butthurt about biology.
They call you a librul, tell you to go to tumblr, and continue making absolutely no points at all.
Buzzwords and a sense of community are the worst thing you can give a stupid person.

>> No.6791751

it's funny that you think this is even a fitting acccusation when >>6791571 >>6791606 >>6791633 >>6791685 >>6791738 are the only ones acting like stereotypical arkanines

>> No.6791757

feels good man

>> No.6791791

if i was a woman i was going to kill myself

>> No.6791792

>this thread

>> No.6791819

Might as well do it. You're already one mentally, but you don't even have the physical charms. Youre like a hideous woman that everyone hates being around.

>> No.6791861

>having any type of charm to them, ever
bro don't you look at women for what they truly are? you know...sex objects?

there's nothing charming about women at all.
especially nothing physically, they put on too much makeup and they are fake. women in this time of age look like fucking clowns. If their disgusting little pussy hole didn't feel so good around my cock i wouldn't even talk to them.

I actually feel sorry for women...
they will never experience what it feels like to be an actual human being :(

>> No.6791872

oh god

and no, it only looks good if you've got super tiny tits, with small nipples, and are tall and skinny. anything else and you just look dumb.

>> No.6791880
File: 1.28 MB, 381x263, 1373174073417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone has/is fapping to this

>> No.6791876

this so much
even the most liberated woman prefers to be treated like a fleshlight, you just have to cake it up as actually treating her like she is another human being
if it werent for their mouths and vaginas women wouldve been absolutely useless to the mankind

>> No.6791895 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1280x993, 1365632901757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tuna and mayonaise buddy

>> No.6791893

Lol, reply to the wrong post bby?

you should post a braless fit

>> No.6791904

do any girl posters here go braless often?

>> No.6791905

nah, i meant to reply to the "freebleeding" post. and maybe if i grew 5" and lost 30 lbs I would

>> No.6791924

>bro don't you look at women for what they truly are? you know...sex objects?
>doesn't realize that he just admitted they have physical charm
You have butthurt induced cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6791926


I just realized that this is the dude who used to pretend to be sieg

>> No.6791933

>the dude who used to pretend to be sieg
that would be matt

no need to drop your trip, matt

>> No.6791935


jesus man

>> No.6791929

oh lol
i misread that post

also fuck that bb post it

>> No.6791940

no it wouldnt

>> No.6791944

Oh shit lol.
>mfw these are all the same person
>dat delicious combo of thirst and asspain

>> No.6791942


>> No.6791947 [DELETED] 


>> No.6791960

i never pretended to be sieg...
i'm anonymous to the end

>sieg suddenly appears...
now people are seriously going to really think i'm you.

oh well.

>> No.6791970

why do you care, you're anonymous

>> No.6794919

>3am in the morning
>skeleton trying to put me down
Kill yourself.