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/fa/ - Fashion

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6783345 No.6783345 [Reply] [Original]

newfriend here,

so /fa/, how were my back to school cops?

any advice?

>> No.6783352


>> No.6783360

nothing inoffensive here.

>> No.6783368

Very Asian...

>> No.6783378
File: 224 KB, 898x964, 1376970078513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd you know?
haha, any advice?
>buying colors

>> No.6783380

i bet you came to that conclusion all by yourself, didn't you?

>> No.6783384

I really like the color, cause i read up it was a good tone in general and yeah, i guess i'm on the hype bandwagon but i like it :)

>> No.6783385

joe everyman/10

>> No.6783393

whers the rick

>> No.6783395
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does this board ever give advice or is it just endless insults

>> No.6783397

>Levi's 559

Are you fat?

>> No.6783401

erm, skinny fat, getting leaner, kind of scared i wont be able to fit into this shit soon.. thanks anon

>> No.6783406

return those big 'ol jeans then. buy a size that fits when you're the size that you want to be. if it's going to be soon, those big jeans will be wasted.

>> No.6783420
File: 116 KB, 615x313, asian expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that guy but
>laying your clothes on the floor suggests that your floor is clean
>clean floors mean that you probably take your shoes off in the house
>taking your shoes off in the house equals asian

>> No.6783431
File: 693 KB, 1840x1232, 1377311060248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

btw, all my white friends take off their shoes in their house, infact out of all houses i've been to wearing shoes inside has only been a thing once.

>> No.6783436

this is fucking terrible advice, they'll stretch and you'll end up with pants too big by the time you're small enough to fit them.

and OP don't worry, those are all fine for back to highschool
.. please don't be in college though.

>> No.6783441

why do people wear shoes in the house? let your feet breathe a bit for fucks sake

>> No.6783448

>puffs plus
for when the feels come?

>> No.6783452

>this is fucking terrible advice, they'll stretch and you'll end up with pants too big by the time you're small enough to fit them.
no i mean wear what you already had, and when you're slimmer, THEN buy new jeans. no sense in buying new 559's if you're trying to slim down.

>> No.6783454
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thanks brah.

>> No.6783457

Wat. Every normal person would take off their shoes in the house. what the fuck USA

>> No.6783498
File: 1.53 MB, 320x180, fuckyocouch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing your shoes in the house
>not putting your feet on the couch

>> No.6783547

Sometimes I forget to take them off. Comfy socks.

>> No.6783576
File: 80 KB, 828x552, Ue9VkAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


umm no. It depends on the type of flooring. Hardwood/tile flooring, USUALLY you will be told that shoes on are ok. Carpet flooring are always shoes off.

Carpet floors are untermensch tier anyway,

>> No.6783789

It doesn't depend. Your shoes have germs on them. Fecal matter and other shit. Why would you walk around your house with them.allofmywat

>> No.6783796

/fa/ is pretty big on bully culture at the mo
you'll get used to it if you stick around

>> No.6783800

little worried about the camo pants, but blows dadcore kid away.

>> No.6783810

Im white, wear my shoes in the house, and never get sick.

>TFW i have a better immune system than you because I wear my shoes in the house.

>> No.6783901
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I hate going to houses where they ask me to take off my shoes. What if they have athlete's foot or some other contagious foot disease? God knows how many different people have worn the guest slippers.

>> No.6783928

In literally every other country not taking your shoes off at the door is absurd. It keeps everything so clean though....

>> No.6783932

>tfw I haven't worn socks the whole of this summer
If someone asked me to take my shoes off i'd be mortified , good thing I live in England where it's not common practice here.

>> No.6783942

Pig disgusting
>what is a sock

You know how when you go to the urinal and all the nasty fuckers before you leave piss on the floor? You know how you can't avoid stepping on that piss without having to stand a foot away from the urinal? You know that sidewalk you step on where dog shit has been? That rain puddle with garbage mixed in you stepped in? Yeah buddy, I take off my shoes when I'm in my house. I'm not a disgusting pleb.

I don't make people walk around my home with guest slippers or anything, that would be nasty too. Usually people have socks.

>> No.6783954

So you'll let someone with athlete's foot walk around your house as long as they have socks?

>> No.6783960

>camo pants

Hey man, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but you really shouldn't be wearing camo. Really.

I wouldn't wear track pants in public ever, but if you are a high schooler its okay. The yellow/tan jeans, I would return those and get a pair of tan/khaki slacks instead. The camo pants you ought to go ahead and burn.

>> No.6783964


>what is a mop and broom

>> No.6783984
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Are you a scientist?

>> No.6783981

I have carpet in almost all areas of the home.

Shit, I don't want to have to make them wear guest slippers though. I guess I'll just spray down every guest with tinactin when they show up at my door. : )

>> No.6783990

Looks fine, you'll look just like every other guy on campus.

>> No.6783994



Nigga, what's wrong with you.

They have steam cleaners, you know.

>> No.6784006

Well except kitchen, bathroom and laundry room. Hallway where front door is does not have carpet. Apart from that, all bedrooms have carpet. Even the door leading to backyard is on carpet.

>> No.6784043

Return the pants. Get 511s if Levi's.

>> No.6784091

511s fit pretty whatever on me and other people tbh

I like 513s a lot more, not that I even wear levis except to work these days

>> No.6784101

Stupid advice. 511's are just thrown around here as soon as someone mentions denim. Have you actually worn them? The fit and cut are terrible plus the quality is just slightly higher than like h&m. If you want good jeans then go and try some on.

>> No.6785404

Fuck yo carpets u Ching Chong niggers

U can take my shoes when I'm stone cold dead bu I won't be dead ill be playing dead and ill jump up and stab u cheeky chink cunt

>> No.6785440

Nigga u gay taking off your shoes just ain't proper, looks a mess seeing to ugly worn goddamn socks.

All that bullshit u just posted don't mean shit since its all just 4 he own piece of mind. Who the fuck cares if your carpet has supposedly been contaminated wit that shit they're fucking floors u shouldn't be doing anything but walkin on em or maybe at most sitting on them were do u even keep ur shoes

>> No.6785450

Return that gay camo shit

>> No.6785526
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511s fit absolutely fine on me. Not the guy you were responding to