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6783063 No.6783063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Survey: How many of you actually work out? How many of you are on the hungry skeleton diet?

>> No.6783081

I occasionally go jogging and i sorta starve myself. Like i eat 2 sandwiches a day sometimes and i drink a lot of water. (89kg male)

>> No.6783102

im on the hungry skeleton diet but i go to the gym 5times a week

>> No.6783116

I eat medium amounts of food and do some light body-weight workout as well as running at least twice a week.

>> No.6783129

jesus thats heavy, how tall are you?

>> No.6783134

I'm a skinny manlet (5'9" and 120 lbs) but my dream is to go bear mode because I'm hairy and could probably pull it off. I just can't get myself to eat, though.

>> No.6783140

I do half an hour of bodyweight, dumbbell excercises and stretching everyday. Still too skinny though since i started only one month ago.

>> No.6783153

I box 3-4 times a week and work in building, so I'm fairly fit.

>> No.6783156

About 182 cm.

>> No.6783179

I'd say im slightly chubby. I was about 95kg a month ago

>> No.6783233

I dance and do powermoves what is similar to gymnastics

>> No.6783256
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I do a full body lifting routine 3 times a week.

Bulking right now.

>> No.6783273

I work out, currently doing a modified version of 5/3/1. Also, it's extremely important to count your macros if you want to be able to lose weight. I'm on a 40/40/20 ratio of carbs/protein/fat. I've lost 3 kilos in one month and still going strong.

>> No.6783315

i run something inbetween 5-10 km every morning, i go to the gym at least 2 times a week and i occasionaly go swimming during summer. 186cm 65kg. i want definition, not mass and i always skip legs when i work out because i want to still be able to fit into muh hedi

>> No.6783318


>> No.6783319

I don't.

>112 lbs

Always hungry skeleton. Yet no weight. Oh well, I'm not phased.

>> No.6783324

You should eat a 500cals deficit max. Everything more will just slow down your metabolism.

>> No.6783359

nope anon, if you want to lose weight you have to be on calorie deficit, thats all

>> No.6783365

Heavy calisthenics mon/wed/fri, 5k run tue/thurs/sat.

6'3", 180lbs.

>> No.6783402

yes, being on a caloric deficit is correct, but you won' t know what macronutrients you're getting in if you aren't counting macros. You can be at a deficit but only be eating protein sources, and that isn't really the best way to lose weight

>> No.6783415

of course not, but anyway you will lose weight

>> No.6783417

so i could eat only 500 cals a day? What should i eat?

>> No.6783423

5'11" 140, lifting. I want to go ottermode.

>> No.6783426

no 500, you should eat your daily calorie requirment -500

>> No.6783428

If you want to die then 500 cals is fine. I don't know how many you should eat because i'm not you but i'd guess like 1500 should be enough for you to lose weight and not die. I'm pretty skinny myself but that's from work (i'm a chef so I work long hours and have to lift heavy stuff while sweating 24/7) , i'm guessing you just sit at home and eat while playing LoL. (Haven't read the thread so I dunno if that's true but whatever). Basically if you just eat less and MOVE you will lose weight. It requires no effort at all.

>> No.6783432

way confused. Then again i know nothing of dieting. What would be the best diet to lose weight?

>> No.6783438

this should help you

>> No.6783442

generally just starve myself apart from on the weekends when i get drunk/high and lose all my self control

sometimes i will do pushups and pull ups and shit but that's about it

just over 6' and 128 lbs

>> No.6783449

yep, but to ensure you will maintain all your lean muscle mass, you should count macros - cannot stress this enough.

Read the /fit/ sticky and Harsh's wiki. Read all of it and apply it. If you don't stick with a diet and training schedule, there will be no point.

>> No.6783466

192cm, 70kg
I'm trying to work out. home routine because social anxiety lel. been following the /fit/ wiki thing for a month or so combined with eating more and healthier, gained 5kgs since then.

>> No.6783479

>social anxiety

dw m8, everyone is there to do their own thing, unless you go full retard nobody will give two shits about you.

>> No.6783485

I hear a lot about skinny people on here, but I almost never see a skinny person in the waywt, just once two days ago.

as for me, I'm 160 trying as hard as I can to hit 180 but I've got some hardgainer thing going on

I accidentally starved/got sick down to 140, people started complaining that I was grossly underweight

hearing about people around my height in the 110-130 range freaks me out, can you people do.. things? can you run a block? can you do a pullup?

I think it'd be cool to be 135 lb for a few weeks, wear some skinny af clothes and trot around, but I wouldn't want it to be determinant, nor would I actually put effort into losing that much weight.

>> No.6783495

why would i ever want to run a block or do a pullup? the modern world doesn't require that i do either of these things

>> No.6783500

to be honest it's not exactly social anxiety, I have no fucking idea what it is. I have absolutely no problems in social situations but the thought of going somewhere new/different makes me feel absolutely horrible. for example, I felt suck during all (and actually had to fucking puke before a third) of my driving lessons but the moment I got in the car I was absolutely fine.
going to a gym will mostly fuck up my weight and not contribute to anything because I won't be able to eat beforehand. I'm fine with home gym for now

>> No.6783524

I lift three times a week. 187 cm and 83 kilo, currently bulking.

>> No.6783565

I'd put dat ass on my diet ifuknowutimean

>> No.6783609

You do realize like 40% (probably less than that) actually post in those threads. Only people who people who post in them now-a-days are the short term or new lurkers + copy pasta here and there.

>> No.6783634

I run most weekdays, often every weekday, and do pushups and situps every night

I've been eating at a calorie deficit (or trying to) for a while now, and have slowly lost weight. I'm pretty happy where I am now at 155/70kgs, but there's still weight to lose, so I won't stop the deficit

I'm really not looking to get muscular, just trying to stay healthy. Weekends are the worst, since I work at a restaurant and my calorie deficit gets raped with all the food there

>> No.6783640

I hate when people say this, it's almost cliche, this world is centuries of years away from being that automated. it's like you think the modern world's some year 2500 manga, I don't know..

personally I'm adventurous, I intend on cave exploring and climbing mountains one day, hiking. I know I value different things and that's not a problem, but I think I'd feel sick if I knew for a fact that if I needed to be physical because it was required at some point, either because the world doesn't have something automated to do it for me, or because the system that provides it has gone down, I would be helpless in your body.

Do you at least know the joy of carrying a female in your arms?
>aiming for your feels

exactly 6 ft
enough fat to cover my abs when sitting, but not enough to stop that glorious serratus from showing

>> No.6783652
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5-6 times a week i go running.

>> No.6783654

Just started last week. 6' 177lbs right now hella skinnyfat so gotta do something about that.

>> No.6783683


in b4 /fit/ is leaking

>> No.6783699

I do a long triathlon/ironman training what means ca. 2-3 hours of training everyday including long runs, interval running, road and mountain cycling, yoga, swimming, some other kinds of cardio, also lifting weights 2 or 3 times per week.

get on my level, bitch

>> No.6783712

89kg 182cm, 2 sandwiches without working out, that's pretty heavy, but you should probably just start eating more and run more often.
I'm 183cm and 72kg, too lazy run regularly. Trying to get into calisthenics. Eat normal, 3, 4 meals.

>> No.6783715


Unless you just came out of Auschwitz, I advise against it

>> No.6783732

Jesus, 192cm, 65kg? I can't even picture that, can you post a body pic?

>> No.6783757

currently on a 1000 calorie all-protein diet in preparation of a modelling gig

6'2" 160lb

>> No.6783770

How's the diarrhea treatin' ya ?

>> No.6783776

I've started going to the gym in preparation for joining the chairforce next year.

I'm 110lb 5'7 18 y/o male

>> No.6783943

loads of people with more extreme stats have posted in this thread. why have you singled out him?

>> No.6783947

the bad breath is worse IMO

>> No.6784023

Bodybuilder diet, no carbs, just turned from strongman and power training to bodybuilding. my goal is heracles mode.

>> No.6784040

185cm / 6'1 and 58kg

Gained about 4 kg thanks to /fit/ and bodyweight excercises. Feels great.

>> No.6784095

nah this is bullshit. New studies has shown that unless you completely starve yourself (less than ~40-50% of your TDEE) you will be fine. It won't hurt to eat a bigger deficit than 500 calories.

>> No.6784099

I used to but I've been getting lazy so I've just been eating at a deficit and letting my muscles waste away. I'm really trying to shrink my thigh, my squats used to be LMAO2PLATES

>> No.6784116


I bet you mean 1 plate on both sides

>> No.6784123

Nah 225 lbs. I'm also a manlet so my squats shot up quick.

>> No.6784128

I play sports that are related with rackets
Tennis, racquetball, squash, badminton ETC

>> No.6784138

i'm not a bigbody but i'm a hardbody, i play AFL

it's a great sport for increasing your stamina and your aesthetics

>> No.6784141

you are quite the tosser

>> No.6784150

God... my right forearms are crazy big compare to my other parts of my body
Good thing I jerk off with my left hand
even things out

>> No.6784159

>Good thing I jerk off with my left hand
H-how? I can never get comfy. I even prefer side jerking

>> No.6784167

When i was a youngling I use to hold up a picture of a nudie girl with my right hand :/
guess i developed my amazing skills that way
>side jerking
The hell is that?

>> No.6784174

Been doing Starting Strength/StrongLifts for a month and half

Finally hit 200lbs deadlift because I suck at eating

>> No.6784186

Can someone please answer this, I have been wondering it a while.

Why is regarded as healthy and ideal to be at really low body fat (4% or so) while being muscly but unhealthy to be at low bf while skinny? people always say you need a bit of fat on you to be healthy so why is one example celebrated and other other looked down upon?

>> No.6784192

more like suck at lifting

top #wrecked

>> No.6784195

>The hell is that?
You like grab your for skin and just squeeze your dick to your thigh

>> No.6784197

dat term
Don't use that shitty term
I know that if i gain weight I look like shit and if I gain muscle I look fat

>> No.6784205

also I'm not that tall so muscle gain is pretty much a no-no

>> No.6784213

thats really fucking low, in wrestling we aren't allowed to go below 7% unless we were underneath it at the start of the season

>> No.6784226

why does it matter dude it's all staged

>> No.6784231

no im talking about the competitive kind, like the kind that was removed from the olympics

>> No.6784232

ur a dum yuropoor

>> No.6784235

its also in high schools and colleges

>> No.6784236

5'9 104 lbs
Not on hunger diet, just young
I need to get in shape

>> No.6784238

>removing wrestling and track cycling from the Olympics to make room for swimming event #46
Fucking hate the IOC

>> No.6784243

Yeah. Probably some big money behind it though.

>> No.6784253

I do a 30 minute work out, mostly body weights and some kettle bell exercises, also on a ketogenic diet

Lost 25 kilos so far, want to lose another 5 before I'm done

>> No.6784338

>buttmad homosexual wrastling fag
If I wanted to see two men playing grab ass I'd go to my local bar

>> No.6784348

I'm not a wrestling fan really, much more a fan of the velodrome stuff. Still silly to add all these retarded X-Games events and having a billion different swimming distances while you remove original Olympic sports like wrestling

>> No.6784362

do they still have javelin tossing and charriot racing?

>> No.6784365

Nice try homo queer. Olympics is for real manly sports like dressage. Stop pushing your gay liberal propaganda to the youths of the world.

>> No.6784389

Not everything needs to stay the same, but I think X-Games events should stay in the X-Games. Nothing wrong with BMXing but there has to be drawn some arbitrary line somewhere deciding what is an Olympic sport and what is not

The horse event are just there to give the UK their quota of medals, like swimming is for the Americans

>> No.6784413
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I ran for 30 minutes last night, about 2.5 miles
Felt really good. Especially with Death Grips on

bburrrrnn through itt, burnnn through it | I'm not takin' tuuurnns to it, tuurns to it

Makes you stronger and happier everyone should wrok out

>> No.6784792

wouldn't be so sure about that, depends on the gym you go to. I go to the cheapest one around because broke and some dipshit picked a fight with me simply because I was in the squat rack. accidentally broke his arm

>> No.6784823
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>tfw you will never be 6 feet tall

>> No.6784827
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>> No.6784844

I Work out. Very nearly ottermode (might be there, /fit/ can mess your perspective) would like to get a little bigger but I'm more interested in making my body do shit It's never done before.

OP's pic related, I wanna learn to planche so hard

Captcha: peniench physical

>> No.6784858

>for women
male and female bodies store fat differently, so 15% for a female is like 9% on a male

>> No.6784854

Bodyweight master race I also do cardio when not feeling lazy.

>> No.6784861

You realize most models only do this when it comes to things like major runway shows or major shoots.

>> No.6784862

>2.5 miles
>30 minutes
U srs?
Damn son, you gotta step it up. Did you just start working out?

>> No.6784877

Bodyweight exercises, bicycling, and hiking/backpacking almost every weekend. I also play basketball or football or stickball (don't knock it) with my friends a lot, but I don't think that makes me any more fit.

>> No.6784894

holy shit that ASS

>> No.6784898
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p90x cause it's effay

>> No.6784912

im 18, eat whatever the fuck i want, and run XC. yeah, i'm a high school senior.

6'1" 135, nearing ottermode

>> No.6784920

My education brings around two hours of dancing every day with it, and then I stretch daily. Starting to get a nice skinny-muscle look going.

>> No.6784927


i figured the poster was a grill, my bad

>> No.6785051

in other words:
>no I do not actually work out

>> No.6785063

>mouse in right hand and left on dick
I honestly don't understand how ANYONE uses their right.

>> No.6785064

Kill yourself.

>> No.6785135
File: 84 KB, 640x960, 76549_545069968875671_64433176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

65kg 5'8 19 y/o manlet reporting in. Starting a couch to 5k running thing, I don't work out much but have a good body. I do lots of situps and pressups though, avoid leg workouts because big legs are shit. Got a gym membership and will be going more this year (university year) trying to be lean and mean and manly hoorah!

>> No.6785147

I work out, run, do yoga, and play sports

I am on a hungry skeleton diet.

I enjoy it. A lot.

>> No.6785148

haven't for ages but maintained skinnyfat ottermode
last few weeks been running
upped my runs from 2km to 5km 3x per week + I do yoga once or twice a week to
currently 5'11 78kg/171lb
already noticing face becoming slimmer, becoming addicted with making face as good as I can but afraid I'll have to get to ridiculous bf% to get cheekbones out ;_;

>> No.6785157

not fat bf%*
Lose more weight fatty

>> No.6785160

>31% is average
>32% is obese

>> No.6785169

5 5 perfect aesthetics reporting in

>> No.6785170

literally no idea what you were trying to say there but yeah running 5km 3x per week hopefully in a month or two I'll be down to around 70kg ottermode

>> No.6785179

I'm saying that you're fat. How do you expect to reach heroine chic with that mindset fatty

>> No.6785183

sorry /fa/ I'll stop running my legs and start running heroin into my arms ;_;

>> No.6785256

why would you ever assume, without any information, that someone on 4chan is female?

>> No.6785319

no ur not chubby ur fat
i'm about the same height as you but i weigh 137 lbs

>> No.6785375

Dem Russel Howard aesthetics.. mmmm

>> No.6785555

Eat what I want but I keep it healthy.
Have to start working out because Agency asked me to

>> No.6785589

most people post in feet, lbs.

>> No.6785593

I'm thinking of buying a pull-up bar for my home, are the ones that stick outwards a lot better than the ones that are just a bar between the door frame?

>> No.6785628

It's more comfortable and you can avoid bumping your head against the door frame

>> No.6785652

Former skelly here,clothes look damn good when you're bone thin but damn you look nasty naked,also i felt really weak,and i could only pick up weird chicks.Now i've been lifting for 4 months and damn im strong,i look pretty damn sexy naked now,normal bitches started to pay attention to me so i dont have to focus on just the crazy one and eveything is pretty much better.Strongly recommending it

>> No.6785667

stay below 160 and youre fine

>> No.6785675

oh dont worry not planning on getting huge,just you know ottermode-ish

>> No.6785692

Thanks bruv. The bar-ones on Amazon are about £8 and the other ones are about £20 so not sure if it's worth it.

>> No.6785710

Ye its weird everyone on here is trying to be mad skinny but my agency was like we're trying to get guys to actually be "ottermode".

>> No.6785736

If that's a problem get the cheaper one. Anything you can do chin ups/pull ups on is fine.
Check out convict conditioning.pdf. I downloaded it last night and it looks pretty cool for bodyweigh only training.

>> No.6785748

Thanks man, where did you get the pdf from?
Yeah I think I'll just get the cheap one then maybe get a better one in the future when I've got more cash.

>> No.6785758

tpb has it

>> No.6785802

> this world is centuries of years away from being that automated

Except it's not. I enjoy being active, too, but look at the number of genuinely frail or nearly immobile obese people who get on in the world just fine. I would never want to be like that - automatic doors bother me, even, so fucking slow - but it's more than possible now. It's how the world is designed.

Think about it: in any developed country, most everything, certainly everything built in the least twenty years, is set up for people with genuine, irreversible disabilities to be able to function and live as well as people without them. The volitionally incapable benefit from those same systems, and don't have to deal with things like elevator outages on transit, because they can just stand on an escalator.

>> No.6786081

I go to Krav Maga twice a week and cycle everywhere, always. Also have one hour of sport at school

I refuse to lift weights and only do calisthenics/cardio.

My daily intake of food on a normal day would look like this

-No breakfast
-4 pieces of bread for lunch, I usually eat them during 2 breaks.
-some kind of processed food, noodles, microwave/oven shit
-homecooked dinner, usually potato's veggies and meat, sometimes dishes like spaghetti or burrito's.
-2 or 3 pieces of fruit

I'm around 1,87m (6'1") and weight about 70kg (155lbs)

>> No.6786200

You must be dutch.

>> No.6786236

I am, how'd you guess?

Also, take that spoiler tags don't work on /fa/?

>> No.6786810

what's your 5k

>> No.6786900

I'm on the hyperthyroidism diet. It works great for me!

>> No.6786931

Spoilers don't really make sense in a fashion board. Television & books can be ruined so the spoilers apply there.

>> No.6787114
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>150 lbs

a-am I fat, /fa/-sama?

>> No.6789803

6'4" 140lbs here. No diet required, eat all the crap food I want. My active job keeps me healthy and strong(not megaman strong, but averageman strong) and that metabolism ditches the rest

>> No.6789807

well im 5'11 132 so

>> No.6789828
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I'd need to sort out how I eat before considering working out. I don't eat a bunch of shit, it's usually brown bread, vegetables, some sort of meat, etc, but I don't eat enough.
>tfw I ended up puking when I tried cycling around my area

>> No.6790098

you must be a fucking stick dude.

>> No.6790118

Yeah, Pretty much. Unlike most sticks I'm not awkward looking, I always laugh at the lanky guys who can't even walk properly.

>> No.6790124

ive never understood how ppl can throw up from a little exercise or even shit like eating food they dont like

like is it really an involuntary thing or are they just being pussies?

>> No.6790133
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ive never understood how basedprophet is still mustering the will power to forum shit 24/7

>> No.6790135

I swim a mile a day, 5 days a week. Sometimes I also use a treadmill, sometimes not. I also use weights 3 times a week.

>> No.6790172

run 50km/week and have just started lifting. Unfortunately my diets pretty bare, mainly just oats, fruits and veges

>> No.6790189

I used to do xc and track in high school I wasn't too good but it kept me somewhat in good shape. It's been a year since then and I'm out of shape now but not much has changed really. Still skinny/skeleton arms arms, somewhat skinnyfat now, had some good legs and not so bad thighs but thighs have some more weight now. In appearance now that bad honestly just noticeably skinny arms. I'd like to start running again sometime though

>> No.6790538

doing ECA stacking, having an apple, spinach, and sandwich. I got to the gym to sauna and cardio.

Currently trying to lose 20 pounds 140-120. I'll have a nice meal everytime i lose five pounds (Currently at 135, got panera soup and chipotle chicken sandwich, so good).

>> No.6790557
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>> No.6790569

Military, so even if I didn't want to, I would.

>> No.6790830

Go to the gym every day. have a pretty decent physique (ottermode)
Don't want to get too big but I think a bit of mass looks really good especially with T-shirts.

>> No.6790844

>Go to the gym every day.
What's your routine

>> No.6790918

I sometimes go jogging (I ran 3 miles this morning), but it's not really a regular thing. Sometimes I work out, and I try to watch what I eat/drink.

>> No.6790932
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I always thought 20-24% was average, and Fit was 18.5% and lower.

>> No.6790947

Bench 30kg 10/10/8
Chest press 30kg 12/12/12
Leg press 40kg 15/15/15
Curls 25kg 20/20/20
Dips 50% body weight 20/20/20
Lat pulldowns 20kg 16/14/12
Military press 15kg 12/12/12
Incline rows 25kg 10/10/7
Triceps push down 20kg 20/20/20
Few others, have them written down

>> No.6790951
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>> No.6790955
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>Bench 30kg

>> No.6790963

Yeah, it's not great but I go to a really small gym and I have no one to spot me so I have never gone up weight. I am terrified I will drop the bar and crack my sternum.

>> No.6790971

silly anon, OP said work out not carido

>> No.6790972

getting up to at least 45kg shouldn't be hard honestly.

>> No.6790976

then do military press first and add weight to that
or just do weighted dips as your main pressing exercise
you're never going to get muscular benching 30 kilos, what the fuck

>> No.6790985

>bodybuilder diet
>no carbs

>> No.6790983

>not auschwitz
pick one and only one

>> No.6791003

>4kg gains
>bodyweight exercises
oh my god i love /fa/

>> No.6791022

Yeah, I might try it out in the Smith Machine to get my confidence up a bit. That way I can rack the bar at any point.
I guess my biggest fear is hurting myself but you guys are right, 30kg is pathetic. I'll add some more weight tomorrow.

>> No.6791017

Jesus Christ just concentrate on the essentials

I've been at it for a month and a half and thought my 50 kg benches were pathetic

also why so many reps

>> No.6791033

Hang on, do you count the weight of the bar when you bench?

>> No.6791042

yes of course you do
bar is usually 20kg
a 50 kilo bench is still awful, btw
please add weight

>> No.6791043

>Bench 30kg 10/10/8
My bench sucks ass and even mine is better than that. either you're 5'4'' or you're not ottermode, you're auschwitzmode in denial.

>> No.6791054
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Ok, well that looks a little better then 30kg lol.
I will add weight though. See if I can find someone to spot me or something.

>> No.6791065

please eat

>> No.6791070

We are on /fa/ right?

>> No.6791067

Thank you hungry skeleton.

>> No.6791074

>Talking to some guy I just met
>Ask him how much he can bench
>Keeps making excuses around it and shitty jokes
>He finally tells me
>45 lbs.
>Burst out laughing

>> No.6791079

i think a lot of people come from /fit/ to laugh at the procession of aushwitz and stare at your writhing hairless manflesh
n-no homo

>> No.6791095

seriously though, how much do you weigh?
PRs dont mean much without context

>> No.6791148

are you me as a 15yo?

>> No.6791158

rowing off 1000 Calories a day
eating 700 Calories a day

I've lost a stone in 2 months. pretty pleased.

gonna start lifting once I've cut another half a stone.

>> No.6791175
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i do indeed

>> No.6791178


I imagine you'll be losing a lot of muscle with a cut that extreme

>> No.6791189

I'm 6'4 with about 30% Body fat, trying to cut big through the summer for the start of Uni.

I'd rather be skinny fat than fatfat.

rowing's pretty good for my legs and shoulders and I do a couple of dumbell exersices and some 3/4 sit ups every monring and afternoon.

>> No.6791192
File: 37 KB, 720x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think I have some sort of digestive problem because if I eat more than one meal a day I feel super sick. Like "heat exhaustion about to pass out" sick.

15 bmi 4 life

>> No.6791202

178cm, 63kg

feels good not to be a manlet

>> No.6791208

>not exclusively toning your ass with the Brazilian butt lift workout

Don't you want a fuckable ass, /fa/?

>> No.6791225

I don't "work out", but I walk around EVERYWHERE!

>> No.6791231

what th fuck

>> No.6791245


As in, I use walking as my main mode of transportation, even if it's into town. I also work in a job that requires lots of walking all over the place.

It's not strenuous exercise, but it's nice.

>> No.6791246
File: 444 KB, 685x928, scooby_and_scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

52 year old fitness guru and younger boyfriend out on the town for a lovely afternoon attending a gay BDSM festival. Are we /fa/?

>> No.6791258

whats with the exclamation mark and the weird mode of speech

are you trying to come across as gay on the internet because you somehow did

>> No.6791355

i'm surprised you managed to get any chest development with sub 1 plate benching
must be the dips

>> No.6791414
File: 68 KB, 500x375, 1340407685944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to lift, my life is fine as it is.

>> No.6791418

We have the same birthmark thing.
Advice me; how does one make chest not skinnyfat chest. I have abs but my pecs are just so ugh

>> No.6791477

you prob have gyno

>> No.6792167


How can u leg press less than bodyweight that don't make sense dude. If that is right u can't even sit up from a chair.

Also holy shit you aren't ottermode if u do 20kg pulldowns unless u weight like 40kgs that means u can't even do a pullup.

>70kg bench
>85kg squat
>125kg dead

9 months of lifting at 172 cm and 67 kg.

>> No.6792558


Please do ss.

You're gonna thank me in a year.

>> No.6793225

I think clothes fit much better if you're in good fucking shape. Soooo... yeah, I work out

>> No.6794103

> mfw imagining all these kids under 21 who are on the skeleton diet plan
> they're too dumb to realize that not eating stunts growth

This whole "skinny is most /fa/" trend has been a massive troll to turn the kids on this board into manlets. Everyone who's opinion actually matters will agree that ottermode is the most /fa/.

>> No.6794137

I know this was a joke, but that military-core fit is pretty /fa/. Just add t-shirt and jacket for maximum /fa/ness.

>> No.6794164

I run about 20-30 miles a week.
I quit cross country to do weight training. but I hate it.