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File: 118 KB, 1024x768, Turn_your_Revolt_into_Style_by_Shayit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6757332 No.6757332 [Reply] [Original]

Which ideologies and doctrines are the most effay?

>> No.6757355

Relativism is absolute fuccboi plebshit.

>> No.6759170


>> No.6759191



>> No.6759231

yea too bad it's also a ticket to being misunderstood by everyone.

>> No.6759239

Nihilism imo

>> No.6759248

It's not a thing, it's just a word fedoradouches use to justify their inexcusable behavior.

>> No.6759257
File: 26 KB, 400x287, Nihilists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihilism is so 90s.

>> No.6759259

whats the difference?

>> No.6759264

Between what and what?

>> No.6759268

Whatever you want.


>> No.6759274

nihilism absurdism

>> No.6759283

a doctrine is a system of statements and beliefs.

An ideology is a belief that rules over every other aspect of existence.

>> No.6759286

ITT - ants arguing about computers

>> No.6759287
File: 160 KB, 1321x900, 1375898469328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a thing
um ok

>> No.6759288

Fascism or anarchism

Nation of Islam, Hinduism, agnostic theism

all done well dressed and well reasoned will make people respect the shit out of you

>> No.6759291
File: 19 KB, 400x300, albert-camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus Camus is effay as fuck

>> No.6759298

even if you don't follow the pussy left-wing variant, people will assume you do.
New Age hippie bullshit
>agnostic theism
The second worst thing after gnostic atheism

stuff for neckbeards and hipsters, no amount of good clothing will make these things respectable.

that leaves us Nation of Islam and fascism.

>> No.6759300

Genuine fascism.

Not le edgy middle schooler Heil Hitler kind of fascism.

But genuine fascism with someone who can support each facet of it.

>> No.6759305


le ubermensch

>> No.6759307

Not everyone can be Billy Zane.

>> No.6759311

traditionalist catholicism

>> No.6759313

Shame, though; the only good thing about fascism is precisely its aesthetic.

>> No.6759321


>> No.6759328

Misanthropy and Nihilism are 90s
Materialism is pleb
Atheism is neckbeard

>> No.6759336
File: 54 KB, 786x372, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does he look like Mussolini?

>> No.6759343

i bet he wore a fedora tho m8

>> No.6759348

So, Lovecraft is pleb and neckbeard ? stfu pleb

>> No.6759352

It's called being bald and beardless.

>> No.6759362

He was. And it pissed him off to no end. He spent his life trying to overcome the dull prosaism of these states of mind.

>> No.6759354

whats the ideology where you think you should have an ideology because it means you're an educated person of depth but every ideology you are aware of is trite?

that's the fashionable ideology.

>> No.6759366

Zen Buddhism and Taoism

>> No.6759372

I think it's called being a hipster.

>> No.6759373

>What is change of times?

Atheism used to be a new practice and very misunderstood.

And Lovecraft pretty much hated himself.

>> No.6759380


>> No.6759375

>implying lovecraft isn't pleb and neckbeard
meh tier horror author loved by nerds who think long words = good writing and hopelessness = oh so deep so insightful

he had a few neat ideas tho

>> No.6759376


>> No.6759381

unlike you, he made something of his life

>> No.6759390

obvious troll

>> No.6759396

except then you would have your ideology but have it pseudo-ironically, so if people like it they can think you're being sincere and if people object to it you can be like "nah it's only ironic bro!"

>> No.6759395

Everything you said is wrong.

he had lots of good ideas, his style is good not because of long words but because of heavy yet flowing sentences, meticulous description and no casualness.

I think a pretty fashionable attitude is yours. I've seen it a lot lately.

>> No.6759399


>> No.6759405


redundant. Post-modernism is all about avoiding commitment, being fake and vain but desperately trying to prevent people from shunning you for it.

>> No.6759406


Let me guess, Of Mice and Men is the best book you've ever read huh?

>> No.6759411


>> No.6759416

His prose is totally overwrought and florid, but the man introduced some real paradigm shifts to american literature. He's shaped so much of what we consume today, I can't even begin.
Some of his work is genuinely frightful, too. The one about the farm and the strange comet? eeek.

>> No.6759417

His sentences flow like a pile of bricks lol, his writing is so stilted and formal and boring. He's trying really hard to be Edgar Allan Poe but he just fails because he doesn't have the writing skills Poe did (though Poe wasn't a great writer, but he was a decent one). He was badly imitating a writing style that stopped being fashionable 20 years before.

>> No.6759429

yes but it's a pile of bricks that goes surprisingly smoothly. And there's not just Poe, there's Dunsany. Probably Melville too. But it's true that he tended to stick to Poe too much to his own taste.
an author's quality shouldn't be measured by his cultural influence.

>> No.6759426

>paradigm shift
Confirmed for hipster
Please, stop reviewing literature, there are enough people like you already

>> No.6759440

He wrote a hundred years ago, we have a lower tolerance for what is considered stilted and formal

>> No.6759432

His content and concepts more than make up for his dated prose.
You wouldn't have John Carpenter's 'Thing" or "Mouth of Madness" or Stephen King, or hardly anything in modern horror and scifi without lovecraft.

>> No.6759446

His prose is dated, sometimes clumsily, but it's a good thing. The overwhelming majority of horror (or modern) writers have a style that's awfully casual.

>> No.6759452
File: 89 KB, 685x483, TTC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confirmed for hipster
Lose the thought-terminating bullshit and enter a dialogue.

>> No.6759453

No, he was genuinely going for "dated", even back then. He was using tons of archaisms (sometimes making up words to sound ancient) and a purposefully-heavy wording

>> No.6759467

None of us goes on 4chan to enter a dialogue, you're here to hammer your intellectualist bullshit into people's heads, we're here to hammer common sense into your head.

>> No.6759468

>making up words

>like every other great influential author in history.

>> No.6759469
File: 89 KB, 680x467, 1376858142296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759470

What has he shaped outside of horror literature? Generally curious; I've never read him except in a few excerpts or whatever.

>> No.6759475

go read some Hemingway or Fitzgerald. they wrote at the same sort of time but are much more modern and engaging (and beautiful).

>> No.6759472

Awesome. Where is that?

>> No.6759477

No, you're just being a confrontational prick, and just because you come here to poison things doesn't mean the rest of us are also smearing ourselves in feces.

>> No.6759478

A fair amount of occult literature, as well as sci-fi, and there's a bunch of surrealist painters who claim to have been influenced by him and it shows.

>> No.6759482


>> No.6759491
File: 584 KB, 1280x810, Camus Cool Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's whatever you want it to be.

>> No.6759490

The following people have all directly cited him as an influence:

John Carpenter
"Lovecraft opened the door for me" - stephen king
Peter Straub
Aurthur C Clarke
Gahan Wilson
Joyce Carol Oates
Neil Gaiman
Edmond Hamilton

>> No.6759495

i have absolutely no idea what you're trying to imply m8

>> No.6759501

You are trying to criticize an author who is generally accepted to be a good writer, calling his way of writing "stilted" without the knowledge that his way of writing was very common back then. You call his fans "nerds." Your use of the common buzzphrase "paradigm shift" merely cements my suspicion that you are one of those people who like to talk about literature because it makes you look oh so effay and cool. I think hipster is a justified word for you

>> No.6759505

>ITT - ants arguing about computers

GOD DAMN! Thats poetic in context.

>> No.6759503

Hemingway isn't pretty. I feel like everything the man wrote is a treatise on failure.

>> No.6759513

And I suppose you're not one of the ants?

>> No.6759509

>very common back then
oh no it was not.
Many of his manuscripts were refused for this reason.

only that you should avoid generalizing so much when very very few authors' writings could be considered beautiful.

>> No.6759511

But you're wrong, I'm pro-lovecraft.
I know how common his style was back then, and I never called his fans nerds. Guess what, I'm one of those fans, I have almost everything he's ever written. I've played the game and watched the docu.

>> No.6759518

I you know his stuff and if you're pro-lovecraft you should know that his style wasn't common back then.

>> No.6759522

Italy. It was only up for a day during an election, though.

>> No.6759521

>only that you should avoid generalizing so much when very very few authors' writings could be considered beautiful.
beauty is subjective m8, and if any american authors can be considered beautiful, hemingway and fitzgerald are definitely up there.

>> No.6759531

dude you're conflating like 4 different people into 1

>> No.6759527

It's Benito Mussolini's Party HQ

I just said it was poetic.

>> No.6759528

No, beauty, by all definitions, is objective, since it's a quality.

>> No.6759539
File: 148 KB, 500x738, woahh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't apatheist
>he isn't apolitical
top leler
start posting a fit fucboy

>> No.6759541

every other 'cherry picking cunt of the holy <insert paradigm here>'

"no chemicals, they're unnatural"
in nature there isn't anything unnatural
"i'm a vegan"
lolz.... don't even need to elabroately comment that
"i am pro fair trade and buy organic food, this makes me a better person able to judge others"
yes, because both are so good, it's not like they're creating niche economics and disturibing the economic order in the countries where it gets supplied from (and organic food these days just ravages coutnry sides again)

i mean, why do you even want to relate to any of that shit?

>> No.6759543

you never heard the phrase 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'? how the fuck can you objectively judge beauty? who are you to tell me what i find beautiful?

>> No.6759547

My bad, thought it was all samefag

>> No.6759557

I heard it so often I started questioning it and realized it was bullshit and that the fact that beauty is ofbjective is unrelated to your ability or authority to judge it, rendering your two questions completely irrelevant.

I'm just explaining you that objectivity is in the definition of beauty. It's a quality.

>> No.6759568

That's an old problem. Beauty is not wholly objective, but neither is it wholly subjective

>> No.6759575

So, what you believe is merely that we can't recognize for sure the thing commonly known as beauty by anyone with a consistent vocabulary.

Not that beauty is subjective.

>> No.6759581

Everything is both according to a phenomenological paradigm.

>> No.6759601

I could very well be wrong!
I feel like the plodding, heavy style was common in the sorts of serialized and pulp tales HP was writing.

>> No.6759619

but beauty is ENTIRELY based on the human brain's emotional reaction to the outside world
beauty doesn't exist outside of our heads, therefore it cannot possibly be in any way objective

>> No.6759618

you people are too far gone

>> No.6759631

I agree with you, but your statement pretty much guarantees the following reply: "If enough people think it's beautiful, maybe there are empirically evident qualities that comprise beauty as we perceive it."

>> No.6759626

just like everything else in the world, clappity clap

>> No.6759639

yes but at least other things we can measure consistently enough to reasonably believe they objectively exist
beauty you can't

>> No.6759654

Finally, a little progress.

What does all this "objective" or "subjective" crap have to do with the way we actually experience the world? We experience the world one way, and splitting it off into two pseudo-a-priori categories doesn't make much sense.

People have been having this debate for literally millenia, and I don't think any of it has helped us understand what happens when we perceive beauty, what constitutes it, or how to create it.

>> No.6759669

IMO There's no formula for the creation of beauty, but there is a benchmark. The problem is that the benchmark is intangible and largely unobservable. Beauty is like the Supreme Court's definition of Porn - "You'll know it when you see it."
The benchmark is a certain fleeting feeling you get. Some people cry when it's really strong. Maybe you have at some point. Nevertheless, that's not good enough for the folks who demand tangibles, so we have this debate over and over again.

>> No.6759701

Everybody in the world can measure beauty in something else. How? it doesn't matter, but don't try and say it's fucking immeasurable

>> No.6759736

Yeah. Although, the funny thing is how hard our civilization has skewed the notion of "tangible:" if your own, as we're so often reminded neurologically correlated, emotions aren't tangible to you, then what is?

And the weird idea that, when it comes to people, for something to be considered "objective" it has to be universal. It's like some earnest but obtuse kid pouring vinegar onto salt, getting angry when it doesn't act like baking soda, and declaring that chemical reactions are subjective.

And none of the old round-and-round is *interesting*. What's interesting is trying to understand what's actually going on when you're confronted with an experience, not categorizing it. It's an objectively existing response by a particular subject in a particular context to an particular object with objective existence created by another particular subject. Okay. How can we correctly make the nouns proper? What's going on in the spaces between all those words?

>> No.6759748
File: 41 KB, 297x320, Jesus+mp3+songs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholicism. They wear gothninja every day. They practically invented the draping techniques we use today.

>> No.6759781

>What's going on in the spaces between all those words?
That, I think, is the secret to good art. The unspoken, the undefined. Stephen King talks about this in "On Writing". You have to show them the monster eventually, Ooga booga booga. But the trick is to leave enough pieces of the puzzle blank so that people stick their own worst fears into the mix. The unseen horrors your mind has prepared for you are far worse than anything clearly known and direct.
Lovecraft does this, at the end of the day. Sure he's florid and descriptive, but we can only guess at the real whys that drive the horrific events in his tales. He stressed repeatedly that there are horrors far worse than you could ever dream up. What does that make you do as a reader? Dream them up!

They were copying brown desert people.

>> No.6759801

Alan watts

>> No.6759799

Are you seriously this retarded? Togas, tunics, palas, stolas, and all of that clothing that you have deemed gothninja have nothing to do with religion. They have nothing to do with catholicism and that clothing was around way before Jesus ever was. Ancient Roman wear was invented by ancient Romans. Fucking duh.

>> No.6759819

Only logical choice, at the end of the day.

>> No.6759817

unitarian universalism

>> No.6759836

The most useful concept, in my experience, for looking at art experiences comes from a short (really!) DFW piece on Kafka, "Laughing with Kafka."'


(All the easily Googleable HTML versions have been taken down, apparently.)

>Another handicap, even for gifted students, is that -- unlike, say, Joyce's or Pound's -- the exformative associations Kafka's work creates are not intertextual or even historical. Kafka's evocations are, rather, unconscious and almost _sub_-archetypal, the little-kid stuff from which myths derive; this is why we tend to call even his weirdest stories _nightmarish_ rather than _surreal_.

"Exformative associations." Kafka was a master of them, but they're... not everything, but a whole lot of things. It's stuck with me more than anything else in the piece except a punch-bit towards the end where he's talking about human selves. You'll love every word of it, I bet.

>> No.6759837

>even if you don't follow the pussy left-wing variant, people will assume you do.
No, only you would do that. Only a complete faggot would just indulge on faggotry like that. Knock it off.

>New Age hippie bullshit
Hinduism is older than Judaism by over ten thousand years, and Judaism is old.

>The second worst thing after gnostic atheism
You're ordering is all fucked up. The worst is gnostic theism. The second worst is gnostic atheism. After that there's agnostic theism, and the best is agnostic atheism.

Literally, the single least /fa/ religion.

You must love being controlled by elitists. Yes, yes, listen to authority. Respect authority. Don't think for yourself, and declare war on critical thinking. Never question authority; always let those in authority control you and your decisions. You are a stupid sheep, merely a follower of those in authority, and are too dumb to make decisions for yourself. But fear not. Surely those in power are not corrupt. Surely, they aren't greedy. Surely, they can defy human nature and be totally selfless in making decisions for you.

>> No.6759840


>> No.6759842

Hinduism is new age? Ummm okay...

>> No.6759843

and so i direct you to >>6759817

>> No.6759847

I like it.

>> No.6759851

I was actually the one that wrote >>6759840. Unitarian Universalism is awesome.

>> No.6759857

Meritocratic democratic republic.

Anarchism and Fascism are both for edgy teens.

>> No.6759917

sure they can measure it, but they can't measure it consistently
everyone 'measures' beauty in different ways
hence it's subjective

>> No.6759934

> implying

>> No.6759954

Their appreciations are subjective.
Beauty is simply itself no matter what people think of it.

>> No.6760067

i hate how i thought i discovered something through eating mushrooms then i discover guys like alan watts and terrance mckenna who have already covered it

>> No.6760434

>Anarchism and Fascism are both for edgy teens.

>> No.6760440

>atheism is neckbeard
Stop shitposting

>> No.6760452

What are you implying?

>> No.6760468


only acceptable answer in this thread

i mean i love camus writing but absurdism is just not that good of a philosophy

>> No.6760471


thats not at all what postmodernism means you uneducated fuck

>> No.6760483


>huh who's that trip
>damo suzuki
>tears in my eyes, suzuki-era can is my favorite band
>camus amongst my fav philosophers
>he prolly likes cats, too

can we pls be frenz

>> No.6760493


youre a fucking faggot go choke on a dick

>> No.6760532

debate me

>> No.6760561

Making that my next track for my IDM/future garage/shoegaze group.
Thank you tomato :^)

>> No.6760588




first statement is actually 100% true altho you have to consider the fact that the meaning of the word 'natural' changed in the last few years

second statement is just plain dumb, there's not a single thing wrong with being vegan. altho i love meat and i'd never give up my sweet sweet filet steaks with red wine rosemary sauce i can totes respect people that value the lifes of animals. also (this is specifically for germany, not sure how it is in the rest of the world) meat is just so cheap right now since there are tons of hormones and sometimes even antibiotics in the meat which can actually like legitimately completely fuck up your body. i guess not eating eggs/ milk products is definitely limiting but if you're against cage system housing thats what you gon have to do

now your 'comment' on organic food is half right, half wrong. yes it will create niche economics but at the same time you will also damage gigantic food concerns which definitely is a positive thing. in the end tho none of that matters because the main difference is whether the poor negro farmer in africa gets five bucks or fifteen bucks a month.

>> No.6760686
File: 332 KB, 716x683, French Nationalist Style 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These kids are protesting AGAINST faggot marriage in FRANCE.

French far right confirmed /fa/.

>> No.6760701
File: 65 KB, 960x641, French Nationalist Style 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More French neo-reactionaries.

>> No.6760719
File: 26 KB, 560x345, michel houellebecq 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michel Houellebecq, neo-reactionary writer.

>> No.6760733


the only thing i hate more than internet mysoginy is internet racism and internet homophobia

this used to be /b/ and /pol/ exclusive

now entire 4chan is littered with autists

>> No.6760749

This is one of many reasons I never come here often.

>> No.6760773


>Faggots and social justice warriors
>Not the biggest group of autists on the planet

>> No.6760792

really, no, it's you guys, sorry

actually it's something awful, then you guys

>> No.6760825

>actually it's something awful, then you guys

You know those autism posters? Those ones that list the stereotypical behaviors of an autistic person. Those describe how most faggots and SJW's behave in public.

>> No.6760826

Only in the eyes and eyebrow
Nose is not as small
Nostrils are not as wide
Mouth is not as wide
Ears are not as big
Jaw is not as defined

>> No.6761542


>> No.6761564

>needing an ideology or doctrine to form your own opinions

>> No.6761742

i gladly gobble down some cock, just not yours

it's probably tiny and disfigured

>> No.6761802

nah he was a football player u autistic fedora

>> No.6761889

yes very true,
nature once ment "of natures origins" or "part of nature"

these days it usually means "my opinion is better, xyz is unnatural in a system of nature because i deemed it so"

great step for mankind an even greater step for cherry picking cunts of <enterholyparadigmhere>

>> No.6761900

You kidding? Zen Buddhism of course

>> No.6761911

implying you in the west could even know the last shit about the origins of either

next you tell me you do yoga and it's yogic meditation

this place is great, you have to thank great namefags of effay for the influx of in/b/reddit netizens

>> No.6761918

>Implying Fascism isn't the single best system in the world.

>> No.6761984

Yes, because Tayyip Erdogan is an Edgy Teen and J.F.K is too,
you're bright and in no way just very opiniated based on biasted hipster swag.

>> No.6761996


Every fascist state ends up in the dirt in a relatively small amount of time because it is shit. Thats what happens you give power to an easily corruptible man.

>inb4 but my one would have a really good dictator or group of dictators

It makes no difference

>> No.6761997

Wabi Sabi

>> No.6761998

Haha, chill out bro. I'm not some kooky orientalist. Also, the origins of either? I'd say that Zen Buddhism is technically a thing on its own like Chan or Seon Buddhism. Now tell me how to get that awesome undercut ponytail look I'm looking for.

>> No.6761999



>> No.6762014

Man, I'm actually sorry and you're well at disarming, my advice is asking a good friend who works in that business, I for that matter learned to cut my hair myself so I'm more Edgy and can destroy jobs by doing so.
Got a good barbier knife, two different hair cutting machines and no good scissors anymore, tho they're important.

With those tools you can also play around whenever you want.

>> No.6762018

They only end up because of what you said, corruption.

Nazi Germany was probably the only example of a perfect fascist state with minimal corruption. And look what they became, a fucking super-power from one of the poorest nations in Europe in less than 10 years.

>inb4 hurr America kicked their ass

If Nazi Germany wasn't involved in WW2 they would by far be the most advanced nation in the world now. There is no debating and rooming around issues for years, an issue could be solved within the hour.

>> No.6762162

>can we pls be frenz
Dude, we're on the interet. On an anon imageboard.

>> No.6762250

It's cool man, you seem like a good guy. Everyone assumes the worst on 4chan until they've got reasons to do otherwise.
You're right, I'll probably go have a talk to a barber. Here's the thread I made if you wanna have a look.

>> No.6762258

captcha: leimpli 228

>> No.6762345

>Implying Nazi Germany wasn't a structuralist mess with a broken economy and incessant corruption

>> No.6762628
File: 40 KB, 320x343, news-graphics-2007-_447437a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these people
>compared to the US anti-gay lobby

>> No.6762676
File: 5 KB, 1132x38, sticky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the sticky:
"Do not post board unrelated things and ask if they are /fa/. Asking if something is /fa/ does not make the post board-related."

>> No.6762712

Even if he did, it was at a time when fedoras were acceptable.

>> No.6762753

Fine. Lets have a seperate thread for each ideology.

What are some good /fa/shions . . .

for communists?
for reactionaries ?
for monarchists?
for anarchists ?
for nihilists?
for enviormentalists ?
for libertarians?
. . .

>> No.6762800
File: 17 KB, 300x394, tumblr_mqdfmf6MtH1rpzoico1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally, the single least /fa/ religion.

You are mixing Islam with Nation of Islam.
Malcolm X was a suave motherfucker.

>> No.6763985

Its funny because for as long as I've been on 4chan, all I've heard was "4chan boards are all respectable communities without racism or homophobia, its just when /b/ or /pol/ comes in that everyone starts calling each other 'faggots'."

That's bullshit and you know it. Go back to choking on dicks.