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/fa/ - Fashion

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6754728 No.6754728 [Reply] [Original]

thousands of dollars worth of clothes

hundreds of hours spent online shopping

nowhere to wear it

i've started feeling like i'm just filling this void in my life with material goods

i'm so fucking lonely

i don't talk to anyone

i don't go anywhere

i feel like i'm wasting the best years of my life

tfw no brilliant funny qtp2t gothninja gf

>> No.6754733

yeah nothing makes you more social than bitching about your problems on 4chan

go outside

>> No.6754739
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you need friends :)

>> No.6754760

I hate based but he brings up a good point.

>> No.6754764

don't make me feel these feels



>> No.6754770

>i feel like i'm wasting the best years of my life
ouch that feel

>> No.6754775
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>> No.6754778

sell all your shit gothninja clothing online
buy normal, accepted by society clothing
meet sluts/dudebros
go to a shitload of parties, do a shitload of cocaine, get blackout drunk, fuck strippers
have a good fucking time in life bro
fuck everyone else

>> No.6754787

you'll never have a perfect /fa/ gothninja crew but average friends are better than no friends

what do you do op? where do you live?

>> No.6754807

it's kinda sad that this is the only "socially acceptable" way of having fun

>> No.6754811

whats fun to you
sitting at home on /fa/, admiring your new rick peice? it's not society m8, it's you. you're just weird and probably don't like fun

>> No.6754817

It's not. Go to places where smart/artsy people hang out.

>> No.6754829

those second pants look yuck

>> No.6754834

I like fun as much as the next guy...

but the whole club scene, wasted out of your mind shit gets kinda old... I just wanna hang out sober with my friends around town.

Everytime I try to set up something other than a trip to a bar, everyone just bitches out.. And when I mentioned that after military service (finnish, mandatory) I'm going on a working holiday to Australia all the reactions I got were like "why?"

and no I'm not a goof ninja

>> No.6754832

i would have such a terrible time if i did that

>> No.6754845
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this is now a burdo thread :-DDDDDDDDD

>> No.6754849
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oh dog now u done'd id :---DDDDDDDDDD

>> No.6754853

its because you're fucking ugly OP

leave this board and never come back

>> No.6754855
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>> No.6754860

if your friends don't like doing the same stuff sober as you do, then don't force them to do it

go do the shit you want to do, and meet the people already doing it

>> No.6754857




>> No.6754862
File: 31 KB, 471x444, spurdo moto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*prooooot* :D

>> No.6754864

they are cheap silent sweats

>> No.6754865

OP you are either

(a) autistic as fuck and delusional thinking you deserve a better life when you are nothing more than a common proletariat

(b) autistic as fuck

>> No.6754868

well thats your problem
youre probably depressed or some shit, see a doctor

>> No.6754870

don't listen to that retard you'd be even more miserable if you befriended 'dudebros' just look for more creative/artsy people and hang out with them

>> No.6754871
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how new are you?

>> No.6754879

>meet people
it doesn't really work that way

>> No.6754885

not very. is being an autistic loser that cant have fun a new requirement to be an oldfag?

>> No.6754886

Nah man, dudebros and sluts aren't the only 'fun' people around, actually that kind of people seem really shallow and boring. Doing cocaine and fucking some filthy ugly sluts is not what everybody wants from life.

Usually the most fun people to be around are art/fashion students tbf

>> No.6754889

get the fuck out of finland

>> No.6754893
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>> No.6754896

This is terrible advice. I know i could never find any satisfaction like that.

You have find your own way to be happy. Try different approaches until you find one that works.