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/fa/ - Fashion

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6750255 No.6750255 [Reply] [Original]

How can I have this hair colour

>> No.6750272
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you a girl?
>speak to your hair dresser.

>> No.6750271

Bleach and toner, google how. Delete this thread

>> No.6750286

1. buy a wig
2. realize that you aren't cute enough to pull it off
3. go back to being boring

>> No.6750288

ask >>>/cgl/ they have constant threads about hair and a lot of the seagulls dye their hair pastel colours. they can help.

>> No.6750296

Are you asian?

>> No.6750302

holy fuck I laughed so hard why have I never heard that before?

>> No.6750341

/lgbt/ = legbutts

>> No.6750360

outfit would not be complete without an unknown pleasures tee

>> No.6750410

what was the one for /out/ again, they had a funny one too

>> No.6750414

because you were never a regular on /cgl/?

>> No.6750512

u posted this same thread on 420chan /st/

>> No.6750517

not surprised some fuccboi high on weed and the pills in mommy's medicine cabinet wants to turn their hair this color

>> No.6750557
File: 32 KB, 350x294, 1373289624421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joy division shirt
>dyed grimes hair
>lolita skirt and collar
what the fuck

is this a parody

>> No.6750847

>lolita skirt and collar
how the fuck is that skirt in any way lolita?

and it's not parody. it's tumblrcore pastel goth shit.

>> No.6751022

Bow to your Empress.

>> No.6751030
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>> No.6751038
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/fa/ Grimes

>> No.6751045

If you're white, use two home bleaches (30 dev + peroxide), condition a lot, tone until your hair is white, mix your manic panic with conditioner, retouch it every few weeks

If you're remotely ethnic, go to a stylist.

>> No.6751065

lel it's like she went through 2012's tumblr dashboard and came out on the wrong side

>> No.6752933
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>> No.6752976


Do you still have that dildo?

>> No.6753163

grimes is honestly the ugliest fucking incestrous looking cunt ive ever seen in my time on the internet, her face looks like my cousins friends disabled grandads gurned jaw. your face looks like a prehistoric caveman botched operation..I don't even know why your parents conceived you, they are selfish tbh, why would ugly as fuck parents bring a human life into the world and know that this life will be on the path of failure. its just PURE selfishness, your lips pout out like a prolapsed arsehole. you look like a caveman slash redneck hybrid. honestly, why was you even born? you are dumb as fuck, ugly as fuck and just a boring indepth piece of shit. i would love to know what kind of thoughts she thinks off when she's alone. probably shit like "whens my chicken nuggets done" and stupid shit like that because you are not capable of thinking of anything more intelligent because ur brain is strained. you look like a citizen of chernobyl reactor explosion, you took the radiation up your asshole and now you look like you do. shit son, you fucking ugly as fuck kid. why do you even live? --- biggest mystery known to man. you look like a fuckking feral ghoul from fallout 3 everytime i see your caveman face i get a little bit scared that i will get killed by feral ghouls. seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your face? explain to me, because i honestly dont think you are human, you are a poorly made robot, you was prob made by dell or something as an experiment and the creators gave you the ugliest features known to man.. kid. i swear i just cannot believe it, people like you should be lined up and shot onthe spot so you dont pollute the gene pool, you fucking abomination kid. i wish that happen, never have kids based caveman because you will cause a lot of unhappiness and depression, you absolute ugly fuck, you disgusting fucking chernobyl creature, mutant fuck, you an extra in the x-men bitch? die kid, die.

>> No.6753179
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7/10 of troll
8.4/10 if coffeepizza

>> No.6753185

use paint trstme

>> No.6753210
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>> No.6753225
File: 57 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m6jk07acfx1qcvefqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sammiii had her hair that exact same colour and even had a video on yt about it, just checked her channel and she's deleted like all her videos ;_;

>> No.6753365

we grimeth now

>> No.6753361

What about a Mexican with straight hair
Or a white person with curly hair

Those bleaches can tell ethnicity?

>> No.6753376

O U T kind of sounds like coyote

>> No.6753381

Thanks for your valuable contribution