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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 72 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lox7ykFYHU1qbrct0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6747972 No.6747972 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post old trips that have left /fa/. RIP.

>> No.6747978 [DELETED] 

how many trip threads are we gonna have

>> No.6747982
File: 265 KB, 800x600, 1312582530907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika, gone like the wind.

>> No.6747994

i miss blah. she was a total footwhore and would always tease us

>> No.6748004
File: 71 KB, 540x720, 1295598176576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Spoony. RIP.

>> No.6748010
File: 40 KB, 490x351, 1335067185597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


even that dumb whore knows that /fa/ is shit these days with them faggot gothninjas, niggers and swagfags

>> No.6748011

Yeah, no fuck that bitch
fuck you too
thirsty ass nigga
there is a reason she is gone
so there would be less bitch niggas here

>> No.6748012

the trip threads are on max today, its rough out here for an anon today.

DRAG, ALLCAPS, Scotchan, Trance, GOD OF FA, Faberge egg homie(uknow), Canadafalafel, Miranda, i dunno there are others.

I miss them all.

and the ones I've forgotten.


>> No.6748015
File: 85 KB, 640x960, 1321842195540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We miss you Tom. Come back to us. :'(

>> No.6748018

>tease us
nah she's got naked withing 5 second of posting

she's disgusting and always derailed threads. Glad she left.

>> No.6748023
File: 20 KB, 317x240, 1364183473929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's pretty pathetic. I mean /fa/ was never good but I couldn't have imagined it to even become the abomination that it is now.

Look at this post >>6748011

This is an actual person. He exists somewhere. He sat down, read the thread, and though that comment to be a fitting post. It's so surreal see a board try to emulate poverty so fiercely. /mu/ does this too now.

>> No.6748030
File: 260 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_lumxeoAldK1qc2ixg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually know the girl who's kissing tom in that pic through a mutual friend. Never met tom in person tho.

>> No.6748035

I miss seeing scarface beautiful face on the front page of /fa/ ;_;

>> No.6748038
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 1311901086780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss you AC.

>> No.6748047
File: 213 KB, 1000x750, 1291676459709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. She would post feet on the reg.

>> No.6748045


tripsk sent some hot drunk snapchats <3

>> No.6748054

Who the fuck are you
You're some fucking NOBODY, defending a poor opinion. No she had to leave, for the same reason you do.

>> No.6748063 [DELETED] 

canadafag still has an online presence, just email him or something

>> No.6748060
File: 42 KB, 500x278, tumblr_lsfixqTQ441qzmq2ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Berry.

>> No.6748064

god forbid black culture might leak into the culture of the elite

I miss the days when we didn't just discriminate against black people, but also other varieties of white people

>> No.6748066

sieg ethered that ugly bitch berry so you won't be seeing her anytime soon, fuccboi

>> No.6748071

>black culture
You mean poverty culture? It's not a black thing. And there's a reason it's unwelcome.

>> No.6748078

What the butthurt niggers like to do now is redirect you to >>>/b/ and >>>/pol/ anytime you say that word around here

>> No.6748091
File: 48 KB, 640x480, tumblr_lyjuxf2utq1qagd25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground Control to Major Tom. Please come back.

>> No.6748099
File: 289 KB, 224x199, das rayray.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thhis post is like a chicago slum simulator

>whitey keepin me down
>muh dik
>fuck yo lookin at honkey, we high fashion nao

No, it's not. Degenerate filth culture is not /fa/, whether it be white, black, purple, polka dot, or ogre.

>> No.6748108

I felt so conflicted when I heard her voice for the first time, it was such a mindfuck, I still can't get over it sometimes.

She turned pyscho bitch pretty quick, not spoony level, but fuck. She posted awhile ago, regained all that /fit/ /throwup/ weight and seemed just as unhappy and lonely as the first go around.

We fucks with each other on last.fm every once in awhile, but it isn't like it used to be. Sad stuff.

fucking hate that shit.

>> No.6748131

oh great you don't hate black people you just hate the culture of most american black people

that's so different. at least you're not going by skin color, you're going by the words they use and how they dress.

>> No.6748138
File: 236 KB, 450x604, 1355421236476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recall saying I don't hate black people, not that it actually has any relevance to the discussion. Trash is not /fa/ and it will not "leak into the culture of the elite" like you have so fetishized it to.

>> No.6748168

and which non-white cultures are, in your opinion, not "trash", by the way?

hard mode: don't say Japan

>> No.6748185

South Korea.

>> No.6748197

name one good south korean band

>> No.6748206

lmao talking about poverty, more than half the people on this board are poor fuccbois saving paycheck after paycheck to buy expensive designer clothes they can't reasonably afford

>> No.6748220

>implying japanese and korean culture hasn't been fetishized to the point of no return on 4chan by white fuccbois from the midwest

>> No.6748234
File: 28 KB, 577x435, xxo00gzsf04oe5iorg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard mode: don't say the most developed non-eurocentric country

Your arbitrary borders are meaningless. Japan and South Korea. Hell, even Latin American countries like Chile and Argentina can be good. There's also coastal and metro China.

>> No.6748304

>fucking hate that shit.
you hate the word or what

>> No.6748305

Anybody got any sweet tripsk nudes?

>> No.6748312

no nudes

just a zoomed picture of face in pre sneeze

>> No.6748332
File: 71 KB, 640x426, 1327866766630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"hey guys does this blazer fit right"

>> No.6748337

post ur feet on ur cat

>> No.6748345

I feel bad for her like imagine if you knew that anyone could see you naked with just one google search
That's mentally unhealthy

*I love you babe *
*Lets go*
*That's the cue for me*
*So lets go*

>> No.6748341

that cat is stupid

>> No.6748447

thats not me you fucking newfags, its the hottest guy on earth according to his youtube (btw i lot the link can anyone help me out)

>> No.6748485


>> No.6748513

Why has no one fucking said slater?
Slater was the guy who could joke around but still dress well. I loved his heritage style and tbh I imitated his outfits for a while. I also got a pomp partly b/c of him.
Sucks he went emo or whatever.

>> No.6748516

ahh memories.
that ONE picture would always make me laugh without any fail.
tripsk is still here tho

>> No.6748541

i really liked berry for some reason
looks a lot like a girl i see every other day

>> No.6748547

top lol'd

>> No.6748568

#shots fired

>> No.6748573
File: 65 KB, 1024x768, 1339662223179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt german heightist gf

>> No.6748661

tried googling, found nothing

>> No.6748808

just dressed to party? those get posted all the time

>> No.6749070

for fuck's sake,how many of these threads should be created
theres already 4 ive seen in the catalog,jesus we all kno youre an le oldfag,yeah yeah we have a lack of oc atm but seriously the same threads over and over?

>> No.6749154

Snapchat ID?

>> No.6749159
File: 4 KB, 256x144, slater4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749165

I wouldn't have sex with any of these creatures.

>> No.6749171


someone post that pic with slater holding his dick

>> No.6749173

What's the Tumblr again?

>> No.6749174

that's because you're not having sex with anyone at all

>> No.6749185
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 1376840199369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is matt the king of /fa/?

>> No.6749193


>> No.6749191


I get top grade 8/10+ pussy every weekend.

The thought of putting my dick into a 4/10 makes me ill.

>> No.6749203

someone post knoch masturb

>> No.6749214


is she sick of being internet famous or just sick of /fa/

>> No.6749222

i know spoony RL

>> No.6749238 [DELETED] 

Never-ending nostalgia.

>> No.6749269

You niggas remember /r9k/ qts?
Dem r9k specific chatroulette rooms?
it wasn't as bad as in soc, 'cause we all knew we were fucking weird for normal people, but too normal for freaks

>> No.6749272

i never understand whats that board about.

>> No.6749274


>> No.6749309

Now it seems to be just a bout feels.
It used to be about originality, which translated into "x stories" mainly funny or awkward with the occasional feel, but way before they were refereed to as "feels"

>> No.6749411

Fuck, I swear I know these girls.

Drank with them too.

>> No.6749431
File: 687 KB, 320x240, blah tit rub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more blah gifs and pics

>> No.6749423

I actually am poor by American standards. Still running windows XP.

And lots of people on this board are too.

>> No.6749436

For some reason, and I can't believe I'm saying this but. yeh

>> No.6749442

i miss that video of her drawing effay-tan

>> No.6749443

Argentina is eurocentric.

The majority of their ancestry is from Europeans. Their language is European.

>> No.6749459
File: 55 KB, 960x179, Argentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6749461
File: 40 KB, 1236x210, 321321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved to be reused the next time I see someone posting as a stupid nigger.

>> No.6749466

fuck off matt

>> No.6749471
File: 74 KB, 948x710, arab_americans-ffecb13e5e6f61128af48a66cc5ce4f4ccabcf1c-s6-c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nitpicking Americans are so annoying. As a European who has family in Argentina, its annoying. I'm prtty sure my cousin with blonde hair and green eyes is of European ancestry.

Even if it were true, that doesn't negate the Euro language or eurocentric culture.

>> No.6749474

>tfw not white skin argentian

>> No.6749473

Chilean here.
I can confirm Buenos Aires has pretty much 80% caucasians. It's the European colonies. The rest, however, is dark skinned.

We have our share of white people, mainly German descent, but further south (Think Santiago and under, exponentially).
Even Brazil has this

>> No.6749484
File: 88 KB, 640x473, 1367393741287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6749486


>> No.6749482

Even though I've written this post >>6749473 You MUST admit they really are delusional when they think they are European. Most of the people with this mentality have not even been to europe and don't even speak another language other than their broken Spanish. Not ranting, just nothing is black or white. PUN INTENDED.

>> No.6749492

They're South Americans of Euro descent.

I mean, its like how Americans claim to be German and shit. They're of that descent, but not really German, ya know? There's a whole slew of things that come with living in that country, the language, culture, etc. that make up a German person, not just ancestry.

>> No.6749496

>implying I'm northern European or British


>tfw conservative party that has links to old dictatorship are in power here.

>> No.6749508

My great grandmother was German. My great grandfather was Spanish. I couldn't give a shit about the race because it's all bullshit. Culture is all that matters. This is why I cannot relate to people who cling onto things like this. Hell, my wife is English. The only thing I'll be proud of is my kids being mixed race because of the cultural enrichment they will recieve, like being able to speak more than one language. Errything else is babby tier pride.

>> No.6749536
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>hasn't been mentioned yet

>> No.6749558
File: 387 KB, 1228x1525, 1255627013281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyebags, that guy with the blender in his bathroom, Cooltop and that guy from Brisbane who moved to Poland or Hungary or something (had anime character hair)

>> No.6750342
File: 282 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mpwb4bdYFG1r71gy7o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch lost weight

>> No.6750369
File: 965 KB, 240x140, 1367830729969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol what?

>> No.6750404


>> No.6750417
File: 34 KB, 306x337, uprewpqpfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did the tits go...

>> No.6750418

her tits are starting to sag

why do we even let sieg around here?
+he got rid of berry who dressed well and was an angel
+he got rid of spoony by sending nudes of her to her PARENTS I mean what the fuck?!
+he got rid of knochen by posting his fap vid
+he got rid of /fa/schist by arguing 24/7
+he just talks shit on anyone and everyone, he is generally an asshole

I remember when tom fell off of a building he just sat there making fun of her while everyone else was sympathetic

>> No.6750423

top lmao

>> No.6750430

none of the shit you posted about sieg is true though

>> No.6750433

>fell off of a building
What the fuck lol

>> No.6750432


>> No.6750439

>he got rid of /fa/schist by arguing 24/7

lol what a lame reason to leave

>> No.6750457

le neo fa thinks they know shit because some dude u doesn't even have og seigs trip post as him and u all eat it up.
he post literal nonsense and you eat it up.

>> No.6750464

I've been here longer than you dipshit.

I bet you don't even know siegs real name you faglord

its not even true, fascist still posts

>> No.6750470

Who was that guy with the sick pompadour but ate his own boogers? He was kinda cool.

>> No.6750478

berry is far from nice, and I don't think I've ever made anyone leave.

spoony left for /cgl/

can blame tryhard for expelling blah though, he got on a plane for like 8 hours to go fuck her when she was 16, he was 23 at the time

that's not the real one

>> No.6750487

>he got rid of spoony by sending nudes of her to her PARENTS I mean what the fuck?!
if i get confirmation on this i'm gonna unfilter him. this is awesome

>> No.6750489
File: 327 KB, 355x710, Skærmbillede 2013-08-22 kl. 20.23.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbara, RIP

>> No.6750500

>+he got rid of berry who dressed well and was an angel
pls stop

>+he got rid of spoony by sending nudes of her to her PARENTS I mean what the fuck?!
who gives a shit?

>+he got rid of knochen by posting his fap vid

i wish
that video is a fucking legend and will probably never be released even if it does exist

>+he got rid of /fa/schist by arguing 24/7
do you really think fascist left because of sieg? don't lend him so much credit

>+he just talks shit on anyone and everyone, he is generally an asshole
this is really the only valid complaint, however, you're a dumb fuck if you think we "let" sieg come here

sieg is regularly shat on by a wide variety of people, he's not going to be truly exiled unless he posts CP or something and can never find a way around the ban

>> No.6750509


what happened to these people?

>> No.6750518

jalland took mushrooms and died
franz got hiv and died
unpop got killed by a negro and died

>> No.6750528

It's a real shame. Ironic shitposting.

You can't even go on /mu/ anymore without seeing it in nearly every post. I don't understand how the admin or mods let it get this bad.

>> No.6750535

>jalland took mushrooms and died
no he didn't

he got a gf and stopped posting. Don't believe LVW's lies

>> No.6750533

Those are the people who died, DIED.

>> No.6750631 [DELETED] 
File: 2.87 MB, 164x134, 13265380452132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People dont believe in the knoch fap vid

>> No.6750642


>> No.6750645

Why am I laughing so hard.

>> No.6750668
File: 468 KB, 170x197, 1376911231418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750665

>posting cp

>> No.6750673

how old was he?

>> No.6750670

did he just cum on his face

>> No.6750674

nah he dodged it and came on his hair

>> No.6750688

idk like 19 probz

>> No.6750682


>> No.6750684

he had long hair when he was like 15

>> No.6750695

15? You are suggesting that he made that gif 8 years ago? I don't think so jimmy.

>> No.6750696

someone post that close up of tripsk face.

>> No.6750698

why did he film himself?

>> No.6750697


>> No.6750706

for his gf? his ex posted it years ago when he broke up with her or some shit

>> No.6750860

what's her tumblr

>> No.6750863

now she is just a regular whore and doesn't tease anyone

>> No.6750869


>> No.6750871


#love louise

>> No.6750883

xyna or something

>> No.6750885

cute boi alert

>> No.6750889

he has a nice home

>> No.6750890
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1291603448553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should come back and cause a shitstorm.

>> No.6750898

what a whore
muh dick

>> No.6750899
File: 70 KB, 500x344, tumblr_m22lu6rIPI1r89d0ao1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Steezy of Peezy

>> No.6750902

she looks like she's trying to be sasha grey
they were always pushed up

>> No.6750907
File: 1.67 MB, 3648x2736, 1291681918474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she was all about being a toe hoe.

>> No.6750911

damn i aint even a foot guy but dat ankle and dat milky skin hnnngh

>> No.6750923
File: 192 KB, 1024x764, 1291682278018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always looked so soft and delicious.

>> No.6750928

i want to beat her to death and fuck her dead body so bad

>> No.6750924

from what I remember as a teen, sasha grey was notorious for licking toilet seats, and having 65-man gangbangs not posting low resolution mediocre soft core nudity on tumblr

>> No.6750934

who is this

>> No.6750975
File: 51 KB, 508x700, ~~ !!1KeCqFgUac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u r weird m8

>> No.6750969

tripskank. some indian chick that used to post here for a few years. she was okay

>> No.6751023

i think i know her? anyone hav emore pics?

>> No.6751074
File: 165 KB, 640x480, Tripskank-DUMP-BOYFRIEND-DUMP-FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off trip wiki, everyone on /fa/ should no her. As it says on there, she's the queen of /fa/.

>> No.6751078

Wtf? I never get those two words mixed up?

>> No.6751109


this is really unsettling to see knowing what his demeanor/personality was like

>> No.6751112

that bitch is ugly af

>> No.6751140

y'all are weird

>> No.6751146

You don't find it far more unsettling that this man's most private moment is being laid out right here for you and others to refer to as "unsettling" ?

>> No.6751151

he was in love

>> No.6751147


the fuck? Why would Knochensack do some shit like that. He has a wall full of family pictures and he's jerking off with them in the background.

Fucked up..

>> No.6751153

>He has a wall full of family pictures and he's jerking off with them in the background.
They're just pictures. They're there every day. One gets used to them. You sound like you have an unhealthy relationship with both sex and your family.

>> No.6751161

judging by her proportions she seems kinda tall

>> No.6751165
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mq9exmZo2V1qc2ixgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has gotten hotter since she is older tbh tho she has always been a butterface

>> No.6751164

what? You don't want in rooms that have photos in them? That's retarded.

why stop at photos? My family came to stay at my new house and walked through my bedroom. Its now thick with their memories. I will never wank in that room again. So sad.

>> No.6751170

shes a midget

>> No.6751171

literally disgusting

>> No.6751167

woah slow down there big boy you make it seem like your world just crashed and burned

>> No.6751180

>midget drug addicted footwhore
i think i found the love of my life

>> No.6751186


nah that's also pretty unsettling

but he sort of kind of recorded it and was stupid enough to let it seep into the internet somehow, so my sympathy is reduced

>> No.6751189

my fave poster

>> No.6751194

whats your tumblr

>> No.6751202


lol I come along very good with my family. I think it's just wierd when you literally have people from your family looking at you jerk off, that I find strange yes.

>> No.6751204


>> No.6751200

yeah i'd #wife that

>> No.6751219

Point taken. I read on some bullshit site that if you make something like that, it eventually hits the internet, 8/10 times.

>> No.6751230

more like stupid enough to get infatuated with some crazy bitch

>> No.6751243

u r hot post u r feet

>> No.6751237

i love you baby pls come back

>> No.6751327

Anybody who goes on 4chan and thinks videos like that are gonna stay secret forever is pretty stupid.
I've thought about uploading nudes of one girl but I couldn't do it. For some reason, despite what happened between us, it feels really wrong. Maybe i'm just waiting for the right time.

I also think she would actually like the attention from it.

>> No.6751344
File: 117 KB, 1000x1333, Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jalland..

>> No.6751345

there are several years between his ex and him posting on 4chan though

>> No.6751369

the same thing happened to tripskank basically, broke up with a guy in like 2008, as soon as she turned 18 he released the pictures

>> No.6751380

>as soon as she turned 18 he released the pictures

which was also in 2008

>> No.6751385

the second or third time i had sex the girl says out of nowhere "Oh hey, this is my mom!"
and i panicked because i thought her mom walked in.
She said it so calmly, and when i looked at her she was pointing at a huge pic on her wall.

she was adopted, btw.

>> No.6751391

she only turned 21 this year, l2math man

>> No.6751657

>tfw not a famous tripfag

>> No.6751669

old childporn is still childporn......

>> No.6751700

fuck off you fat piece of spic shitstain goober

>> No.6751701

i know that feel man :(

>> No.6751708

>that video is a fucking legend and will probably never be released even if it does exist
It exists. Saw it in .gif form
Plenty of people have it, but only people that don't hate Knoch so it doesn't surface often.

>> No.6751715

huh. I know there's one of him with shorter hair too.

>> No.6751716

It's literally in this thread

>> No.6751749

there isn't

>> No.6752216

fat people can't be /fa/ sorry seig

>> No.6752255

Don't post them. You don't need the bum Karma.

>> No.6754578
File: 398 KB, 500x500, tumblr_lrdwd8xJOi1r356x3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6754607

no it isn't

>> No.6754611

Americans aren't actually racist.

They're actually classist.

But Americans are supposed to pretend that class doesn't exist. The supposedly egalitarian values perpetuated by the American myth prevent Americans from acknowledging class, or acting classist or hating poor people...

So instead they just hate on blacks and immigrants, because there's enough overlap with the poor to satisfy their need to shit on people with less money.

When they want to hate on people with more money than them, then they start ranting about Jews.

>> No.6754633

what's knoch's tumblr?

>> No.6754637


>> No.6754665


>> No.6754672
File: 125 KB, 435x508, Astonished_Pressure_suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god man, that was on point!

>> No.6754681
