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/fa/ - Fashion

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6745172 No.6745172 [Reply] [Original]

So some guy on mfa made this from scratch and it made me think about getting into sewing and making my own goof clothes.

Anyone who has experience making their own clothes care to share their opinion on whether it's worth the time and effort and what one should expect?

It might be worth learning even if I only am able to do modification to garments.

>> No.6745181

i think you have to be black and stupid to be accepted in the DIY clothes making community

>> No.6745196

All I care about is whether cultivation of this skill is worth my time and finding out what I can expect.

>> No.6745246

what are you even talking about? is this a reference to zam barrett? in which case youre wrong, his clothing is very good

>> No.6745267
File: 81 KB, 500x335, pouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's worth it imo but it takes A LOT of time and frustration to learn as a home sewer. part of the reason why is there are no real standards so if you're stuck on some technique you will have a million different momblogs and craftygirl youtube vids telling you the sure-fire way to execute whatever... when I just want to learn the RIGHT way.

I've posted shit I've made before but pic related was my very first project. just google lined pencil pouch and you'll find a tutorial. I got the fabric from the remnants bin at JoAnns

>> No.6745279
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after that my second project was this purse. im a male and these were for other people so don't just my fabrics too harshly

>> No.6745301
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after that I did my first real pattern (from threadtheory.ca, which is a new site that offers mens patterns that don't suck). pic is gonna be sideway but idk how to make it not be

>> No.6745319
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then I did this. which I fucked up the lining on and didn't really feel like correcting

>> No.6745320

no its not, many creative designers don't even sew.

and places like dior just use image and pattern plotting software much like a textile version of AUTOCAD then outsource textile production, aswell as garment production, to even distrobution

who else is black and stupid and sells shit tier

>> No.6745352

im going to guess you don't own any zamb but his jeans are comparable in quality to designers that charge 2-3x his prices. I cant speak about his other clothing but I wear the overlock jeans as much as I wear bbs and luc trousers.

>> No.6745348

Is a home sewing machine ok, or do i need an industrial?

>> No.6745360
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then most recently this. so you can see the progression.

as far as what you posted, you will never get good enough to be able to do that without some real instruction, ie a class. or, maybe you could, but you would waste so much time learning pattern making on your own that would definitely be worth the investment to just take a patternmaking course or two or however many it takes (I have no idea tbh).

user obviously knows the technical/industrial side of it more, and he has always recommends to take classes or get a mentor from what I've seen.

however as you can see from my stuff, you are able to make some pretty cool stuff with a little hard work/persistance

>> No.6745374

where did you get that cool fabric?

>> No.6745391
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x2448, cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use a home-sewing machine. good thing about home sewing machines is that they have multiple feet you can attach. so you can have one for doing buttonholes, one of rolled hems, one for zig zag stitch, etc. each industrial machine is designed to do only one thing. so you would probably get a straight stitch machine that would only do that. also it's not worth the cash if you're just starting off.

I used a brother cs6000i to make all this shit I posted. sometimes it's a little bitch handling multiple layers of fabric but I was able to finish all this stuff.

>> No.6745404

>brother cs6000i
ok, for like $200 though you could get an industrial if you want

>> No.6745402

i don't like the guy, and i don't like his holier than thou attitude he has.

i don't like his marketing

and i honestly don't like his work, it looks weird on him

i wear an L in rick, which i don't wear much.
and zamb does cater to my size more than other designers.

i don't fit anything julius, i don't fit anything ccp.

i have yohji, or rick to choose from, and sometimes zamb

i would rather not wear zamb at all

and the proprieter of TOJ (forgot his user name) wen to great lengths to talk shit on my in styleforum, its politics i don't like the whole sheep mentality

>> No.6745412

lol you fat or something?

>> No.6745417
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it's from JoAnns as well (really the only store that's not 1+ hours away), BUT it's from the home decor section, not the apparel fabric section. so I guess it's intended for curtains or some shit like that. wasn't that hard to work with though so that section is worth checking out.

>> No.6745426


lol no man. maybe a used machine if I lived in LA.

>> No.6745441

i live in a smallish town in the midwest and have like 30 $200-300 industrial sewing machines

>> No.6745443
File: 23 KB, 400x534, sieg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wear an L in rick
> don't fit anything julius, i don't fit anything ccp.

You also look Guy Fieri's ugly brother.

>> No.6745489


well duh. did anyone think a company like Dior has a bunch of employees in house making all their shit?

you have to do literally nothing technical to be a "fashion designer." you can buy sketches, have pattern makers do the pattern, have cut n sew ppl make the shit, hire a handsome/charming salesman on commission to sell your shit, etc.

if you have a lot of money, good taste, and a good work ethic you can become successful. it's really more business than it is art.

but then again what does rick say in that youtube interview... something like "first of all, if you want to start a line, learn to make the stuff. don't make sketches and collages, because that's bullshit"

so I wonder if there's a stigma in the industry around ppl that don't really have any technical knowledge

>> No.6745494


what brand? please show me a link to a new industrial sewing machine for that price.

also like I said it wouldn't really be worth it because of the versatility of a home machine.

>> No.6745503

>don't fit anything julius, i don't fit anything ccp
lol y not sieg?

>> No.6745498

that's why twerk it says BBS is a hack
there were like 3 other designers twerk it diatribed against in a thread a few months back, all for the same reasons.

>> No.6745499

consew and singer

>> No.6745513


link please. I honestly can't find anything that cheap

>> No.6745528 [DELETED] 

sht the consew is gone

>> No.6745534


>> No.6745539

I've never been able to draw for shit and am pretty much spacially retarded. I do have have good taste and can memorize complex techniques and procedures though. Should i bother?

>> No.6745542

>tfw have good ideas for clothing but can't make shit

it's all a waste gawtdomot

>> No.6745556


excuse my ignorance but what is BBS? im probably going to feel dumb when you tell me.

and I mean yeah before I realized this stuff (I'm reading Kathleen Fasanello's (sp?) "entrepreneur's guide to sewn product manufacturing" now for fun), I wondered how the hell Pat Ervell, who studied art history and poli sci or something could be so successful at such a relatively young age. then I learned more about the industry and decided he probs just has a rich dad or something. same with the band of outsiders guy, although I know even less of his background. not that those guys aren't very smart

>> No.6745567

boris bidjan saberi

kinda bothers me all you have to do is have money and an idea to be a designer but as long as good clothes are coming out it doesn't really bother me tbh

>> No.6745570


>never been able to draw for shit

doesn't matter at all for sewing or patternmaking for that matter

>spacially retarded

that could be a bit of a problem. directions are sometimes vague or very concise and you have to think about how the garment needs to be sewn or whatever such that it will end up correct in the end. that sentence sucked but you get the idea.

but I definitely think it's still worth a shot. just learn to stitch straight and you'll be able to hem/taper stuff, btw

>> No.6745571


its often the most expensive thing on a hookers "menu"

>> No.6745572

boris bidjan saberi

>> No.6745576

scott sternburg (band of outsiders guy) was in the movie/television industry in hollywood

>> No.6745587


get someone else to make it, like a lot of companies do. I actually really want to try to start a line and have some capital. I just have never met anyone interested in clothes like myself IRL and don't want to go in alone.

anyone know if theres a website for connection potential business partners by interests/industry?

>> No.6745596

that makes me wonder...what about thom browne? he got a degree in economics, so how the hell did he get so big?

>> No.6745602


yeah so he probably had some of his own money to use, but still shows you can make interesting stuff and because successful without any design experience

>> No.6745601

by shrinking suits in the wash

>> No.6745608

how much money did you need? when will an investor see returns?

will you offer percentage until capital is paid off and then shares+small percentage of profit?

what can you show upfront to impress an investor, prior to any due diligence?

>> No.6745613


by being a good businessman, cuz that's what it's all about, especially if you're just making slight modifications to established menswear pieces

>> No.6745618

>running late for only job interview he ever had in his life, since he has such a horse shit degree

>throws thrift store suit in the washin machine (he's an econ major, of course he's an idiot)

>i-its supposed to look like that....:(

>> No.6745634


I just said I have capital bud. nothing ridiculous but 5 figures. I would be looking for a partner not an investor. so someone with similar tastes and ambitions who would also invest.

also isn't it established that retailers generally pay half upon initially ordering then the rest upon delivery.so they basically pay for the cost of production, then profit is made after the clothes are produced and shipped. I could be totally wrong..

>> No.6745649


that's not to say there aren't a whole lot of things you have to drop cash on before actually producing the clothes, especially those one-time payments that coming with starting any business

>> No.6745671
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gotta go work outside for a bit but I'm gonna bump this up if it's not on the front page. talking about sewing and the industry has been the most interesting discussion on /fa/ in weeks for me

>> No.6746293
File: 2.78 MB, 3872x2592, yaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bumpin like I said. any other sewers or industry ppl on now and have anything to add?? I don't want this to die:(

>> No.6746307

looks like naruto meets yesstyle

>> No.6746351


look really well done though. I think it's actually a denim fabric

>> No.6747670

I'm learning but have only made one thing and can't put finishing touches on it because i don't have any velcro.
I made some shorts from some old 80's pattern and they turned out really weird and next level.

>> No.6747794

i'm a sewfag too. so far though the only wearable things i've made include a dress for my mom and pants, shirt and jacket for myself. no pics, sorry, but i would compare the shit i made for myself to visvim/nepenthes stylistically

anyway i'm having trouble with plackets. can't seem to get them to lay right without tucking. my fat american fingers aren't built for all this nimble needlework

>> No.6747826

Honestly, sewing is pretty easy to learn, but difficult to master. It can also be pretty expensive if you're using quality materials. There isn't really a point going through all the trouble if you're going to sew things that you can purchase elsewhere (unless you really want the pride or whatever of making your clothes yourself..)

this is super nice, great job anon-kun