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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 646 KB, 1156x899, 1375148483520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6743106 No.6743106 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own thread go here.

>should i cop or not?
>why am i so ugly?
>what color should I cop?

>> No.6743131
File: 574 KB, 1280x775, fashoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6743143
File: 340 KB, 1600x1200, 1376965903527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips on where to cop a cardigan that doesn't look shite?

one like pic related

>> No.6743159

>not posting the superior version

>> No.6743175

post it

something like this? http://bananarepublic.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=555409002&locale=en_US&kwid=1&sem=false&vid=0&sdReferer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bananarepublic.com%2Fproducts%2Fmens-cardigan-sweaters.jsp

>> No.6743171

in a shop that sells cardigans like pic related

>> No.6743183

lel dont have trolled hard, there is a better version though

>> No.6743191

thanx dude

>> No.6743251


>> No.6743262
File: 232 KB, 475x750, tumblr_mrv2n92P8g1r6pr34o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone id this tee?

>> No.6743351


>> No.6743358

Go down to the docks and ask one of the old seadogs to knit you one.

Does anyone have those pics of what looks to be a 12 year old fashion blogger wearing like Rick Owens and Pyrex stuff.

>> No.6743400

asos then, probably
(i know, i know, but i have a similarish cardigan from asos that's help up pretty well)

>> No.6743401

where do you tall and skinny gays get your t-shirts? i'm talking about basics, not some avantgarde shit.

>> No.6743422

uniqlo premium cotton innerwear
comes in 2pks
is slim and long

>> No.6743426

C-Can someone please recommend me some white high top sneakers that are not a1's or blazers?
p-please respond

>> No.6743433

vans sk8 hi
those all saints ones, can't remember name
common projects bball hi
raf simons rick owens

>> No.6743431
File: 140 KB, 1000x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c ? (I have been asking for the past week)

>> No.6743436

Raf Simmmmmmmmon

>> No.6743451

brand is avelon. but it's sold out now

>> No.6743452
File: 224 KB, 900x650, ironrangers_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 budget

i have size 14 mens feet

where 2 cop boots that won't look like clown shoes

i really like iron rangers, still gonna try them on in-store, but you guys seem to really be against it

don't know what to do

>> No.6743457


>> No.6743478
File: 1000 KB, 1158x1030, redwingroundtoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not >>6743452 but I've been eyeing Red Wing round toes for a while, I think I'm gonna cop but I'm not sure about what color to get.

I like this color but I've heard that it's supposed to look pre-distressed so I was sort of wondering if that looks tacky in real life. My alternative would be the 8196 which is darker brown.

>> No.6743531

h&m do pretty decent basic ts in small sizes, they fit me real well and I usually have immense trouble finding anything that looks good on my body

if ur skinny id try them

I dunno about asos, are you sure? everything I've gotten from them has had the colour washed out over time and looks like crap now

>> No.6743542
File: 334 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mmvf0vDfuh1qeuwejo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that color

>> No.6743559


fuck fuck fuck i hadn't even considered that color

now i'm even more confused

>> No.6743569
File: 91 KB, 840x840, tumblr_mpks1yh0gO1rqafrjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no reason to be confused, there isn't even a choice here

>> No.6743576
File: 298 KB, 1265x853, tumblr_mm4byjjgDX1r7hj62o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743587


god i can't wait to visit the red wings store on friday

hopefully i'll get to try shit on


>tfw own no chinos

all i have are unbranded raws and black 511s

but yeah, the cheapest iron rangers in those color is 300, when i can get the other colorway for like, between 200 and 250


>> No.6743597

i find their t-shirts to be appalling but this particular cardigan's still in good shape (minus the button i had to sew back on but hey) - however, you're budget's not that high so you've only really got the usual high street suspects

>> No.6743601

can't you put on that sno stuff on these to make them look darker and nicer?

>> No.6743618

I think mink oil would work fine seeing the outside of the boot is suede leather

>> No.6743637


>> No.6743646

think you could take a pic m8?

>> No.6743648
File: 87 KB, 534x662, ryan-gosling-persol-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some guy is selling the persol 2994s' for 95 yuros used
cop or not?

>> No.6743655

w2c cheap decent raw denim jeans

>> No.6743657
File: 568 KB, 1275x1920, 1372016186629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody break down for me a pant size chart? I want to cop some wool trousers but I only know I'm a W32 and the ones I look at have numbers like 48, 50, 54, 56 etc.

Could some friendly anon give me a hand here?

>> No.6743664


unbranded to start, to get a feel for it

then save up for n&f

>> No.6743736

It's your lucky day (if your size is uk9 or uk11)

>> No.6743745

w2c that fit

>> No.6743747
File: 151 KB, 525x488, blacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a slim black jacket

I was thinking of getting this slim field jacket from alpha industries

anyone know a better idea? doesn't have to be the same style, just something thatd go well with basic shit

>> No.6743762
File: 538 KB, 1536x2048, 0507000808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey I made that pic. sweet

>> No.6743759


I'm a UK 12. (Well, UK 13, but IR run big)

>> No.6743765 [DELETED] 

Dumping a few jackets I like.
>pic related my most recent cop.

>> No.6743771
File: 115 KB, 400x630, jkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a few jackets I like.
>pic related my most recent cop.

>> No.6743779

I got an olive green one. Make sure you downsize or else it will look really baggy

>> No.6743780
File: 123 KB, 444x750, IMG_2263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743789
File: 494 KB, 1080x720, Fotografi den 16-08-13 kl. 17.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What haircut should i get? What style fits my face best?

>> No.6743796
File: 99 KB, 576x864, 1367863807132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743799
File: 21 KB, 400x600, rafe_spall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the name for this style of hoodies?

>> No.6743804

what is this jacket

>> No.6743811

something with more volume

>> No.6743813

I just call them disgusting

>> No.6743819

No idea anon but I sure like it B)

>> No.6743820
File: 163 KB, 286x434, VTB_JShape_TShirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop or not?

>> No.6743822
File: 2.50 MB, 2448x2532, lel fa as fuark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good fit

>tfw dog in this picture is dead now and just looking at it makes me sad

>> No.6743829


I just ordered two of the more plain shirts (long sleeve with the back hem that's longer and the short sleeve with the seam down the back)

i can update on quality if you want to wait

>> No.6743834

cowl neck I think

>> No.6743838

If you could do that, that would be great.

Anyone else have any experience with them?

>> No.6743845

Bottom part is good, tie the waistband though it looks goofy when it's that long.
Upper part is boring though.

what shoes?

>> No.6743841

>fabrixquare sweats
>boring, plain tshirt

this isn't a fit, it's pajamas. tell me you didn't leave the house like this pls.

>> No.6743847
File: 1006 KB, 256x199, awwww yeah wrasslin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basic but thats A okay

>> No.6743854

how is bottom part good, his legs literally look like two triangles

>> No.6743864

Don't, they're a bitch to wear. Constantly have to readjust them

>> No.6743872

>boring plain tshirt
i like that shirt a lot. it's the silent by damir doma crew.

i didn't wear it out of the house so no shoes, also i don't know what shoes i would wear with that. probably something either exaggeratedly large or a slim silhouette, right?
not really good at this stuff.

thanks mate :)

>> No.6743875
File: 103 KB, 900x1355, $T2eC16ZHJGEFFm5D)kE1BR7fQdJcB!~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-sure that's what he's trying to achieve.

>> No.6743887

i don't care if it's silent, but you make silent look bad anyway. where's your layering game? the fit is hella boring, du. and the silhouette on the sweats just throws it off.

>> No.6743897

pls respond

are these fuccboi/5 or something you guys would wear?

>> No.6743902

>achieving this silhouette with fabrixquare sweats

yeah, no, that ain't happening.

>> No.6743913

I have a cotton/rayon tee from them, and it's probably my favorite jersey material out there. My only complaint is that the sleeves are a little big.

>> No.6743926

Not really sure. I only have one of their J shirts in small. Probably didn''t help that I'm also a manlet.

>> No.6743919

Thanks for the heads up. Are their other shirts decent?

>> No.6743937

okay, i get what you're saying.

seeing as the shirt is long / thin that goes as the under layer right

so i'd wear something over it?

honestly i have no idea how to layer

>> No.6743961

The silhouette of the shirt really makes your hips look larger. Like you have birthing hips. Layer something looser on top of it or something.
Dunno, people more knowledgeable could probably chime in.

>> No.6743962

>honestly I have no idea how to layer


>> No.6743970
File: 74 KB, 308x600, 155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well see, you learn something new every day. yes, that tee would be the under layer, and wear something over it. check out user's fits in waywt threads cause he's always in plain tees with hella layers. derk here has a peek of white coming from under his button up shirt that contrasts with the blacks.

>> No.6743980
File: 28 KB, 290x370, cowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c for less than 60$ ?

>> No.6743981

aiight nigga
thanks a lot

also i'm about to be buying a damir doma tank in grey would that layer well beneath that shirt?

good picture, thanks nigga

sounds good. thanks homie.

>> No.6743985
File: 161 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6743990

i was told to buy suit pants for an event coming up with pleats "because they have more room" - im skinny as fuck. i think its a bad idea but thought i'd ask

>> No.6744000

If you're skinny as fuck, why the fuck would you need more room?

>> No.6744022

that is what i'm saying.
she's also asking me to buy pants for my brother, also pleated because they have lots of room. my brother is taller than me but probably the same weight, aka even skinnier than me.
i feel like making this decision for my brother too but considering i'm not paying for it..

>> No.6744027

yeah, could def work. honestly, the thing i hate most about your pic is the sweats. for real, if you're gonna do sweats, invest in something with a better silhouette than those korean shits. they barely even reach your ankles, bruh. and the huge cuffing at the end, ugh.

>> No.6744030

not paying for my brother's suit*, just mine.

>> No.6744051

i get you. honestly i just didn't even know what i was doing and bought some pants i thought looked cool.

what sweats would you suggest? acne johns?

>> No.6744060


>> No.6744065

If you have no problem with shit quality and you don't expect them to last more than three months, yes, you are allowed to cop.

I assume that that's your first real pair of shoes wich is ok for someone that doesn't know a fuck about anything or simply doesn't have the money for anything better. I can recommend Vans Authentics, though. The cost the same and last waaaay much more than those. Get some unbleached whites. Those are acceptable.

>> No.6744128

Pleats are unflattering, and if you're brother is skinnier than you then he definitely won't need them either.

>> No.6744122

acne johns work. user/void makes diy sweats for purchase, but idk if he still does that, so you can try contacting him.

>> No.6744133

I can't stand white or black as a shoe color, though.

>> No.6744142
File: 51 KB, 600x400, 20130417-200603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rock streetwear a lot, and there's this bape polo i've been eyeing for a while. it's finally in my size but it's $160. do i cop, i really want to but i feel like i'd regret spending that much on a polo.

pic related, its the right one

>> No.6744143


>> No.6744185


what boots & w2c

>> No.6744191

Then search for "ASOS retro sneakers".

They look way better and are cheap as fuck. You can buy three of them and have money left instead of buying the ones you posted. They're still shit quality, though, but it's a start.




>> No.6744206

any easy way to get in contact with him?


the look is confused and awful

>> No.6744226

You'd have to pull that off ridiculously well for it to be ok. otherwise don't do it

>> No.6744228
File: 22 KB, 539x322, 57[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, all of those colors look fucking horrible to me.
How are these, if I were to go with the vans? Do I have any other options? Something about vans just turns me off and I don't know why.

>> No.6744248

get converse jacks in white

or chucks in white

>> No.6744251
File: 28 KB, 800x800, converse-allstar-hi-unbleached-white-8001981-0-1352912540000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way to fail with these.

If you have the money, get some leather monochromes. Whites are better.

>> No.6744262
File: 61 KB, 570x379, converse-chuck-taylor-all-star-hollis-10-570x379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of converse, cop these?

>> No.6744263

do this

they look great

>> No.6744267

Info on pants

>> No.6744271

Do you even have to ask?

>> No.6744274

where did you find these
link now

>> No.6744282


>> No.6744288

shitty fabrixquare dropcrotch

>> No.6744301

what looks better

>> No.6744319

w2c shirt

>> No.6744330


The secon ones are too pretentious for me. Not saying that they don't look good but they're a very tryhard into "fashion".

Also, I can't imagine them in anyone that isn't asian.

>> No.6744328


>> No.6744354
File: 315 KB, 1200x1600, $(KGrHqZ,!p4FCK3(LT98BQtS8,eMVQ~~60_57 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what would I need to do to pull off an HBC blanket coat?

>> No.6744362

i have an old blanket the looks just like that.

>> No.6744368

black skintight shirt
black leggings
mmm balaclava
raf simons sneakers

you'll look gr8

>> No.6744372

If so, that blanket is worth at about 300 bucks.


>> No.6744378

how much coke do you think it takes to get with cara delevingne?

>> No.6744387

More than you can afford

>> No.6744389

aw shit nigga

bout 2 sell

>> No.6744391

the more I learn about that girl, the more she strikes me as a braindead druggie party girl.

>> No.6744395

Don't. They're realy nice.

>> No.6744405

belt sander

>> No.6744401

how to get rid of knee bags?

>> No.6744432

I would never wear converse again.
It's a long story that involves a tragic death, and a lost love.

>> No.6744452
File: 13 KB, 400x400, creepycrawlers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6744475

i think she's so fucking gorgeous

like easily the most beautiful girl alive right now

but what she posts up on instagram and whatever makes her seem like a boring ass girl

you'd think someone that looks like that would be out eating expensive meals and relaxing in beautiful places and sailing and being lavish

instead all she does is get her ass smacked by female porn stars and stumble out of clubs

>> No.6744481

not porn stars, damn i got my mind on other shit, pop stars

>> No.6744516


Can you post some fits with those unbleached Chucks?

>> No.6744564
File: 133 KB, 1024x680, BlackCp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some cheaper alternatives to black CP's? I have a pair of white achilles but dont think I can splurge on a black pair. looking for something similar and minimal, thanks.

>> No.6744577

all saints
adidas or nike tennis shoes

>> No.6744588

if ur size 41 cop mine

>> No.6744602

w2c cheaper chucks, need some beaters and not feeling like spending 55 on a pair of beaters

>> No.6744627

size 44/45 :/

>> No.6744645

how much u sellin for

>> No.6744647

How much do you want for them?

>> No.6744659


theyre too small for me so ive not worn them much

>> No.6744697

Looking for something in between.

>> No.6744706

size 41

so like 8 in real americlap sizing

i'd buy if 43

>> No.6744714


to the other guy do not buy his shitty shoes for 115

he told me on skype they were covered in dog shit

>> No.6744718

would be a true to size 9 american sizing

>> No.6744728

what goes well with camo other than black?

>> No.6744738


>> No.6744750

What do you think is the best military style/olive drab jacket? I want to buy one but I can't find any that I really like.

>> No.6744780

what's a good way to waterproof suede boots?

>> No.6744787
File: 251 KB, 1909x812, ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fit for my body type? My wardrobe desperately needs an.overhaul.

I live in coastal Texas and its hot as fuck here

>> No.6744800
File: 2.74 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20130820_1845211743257631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my new(ish) 511s are already starting to fade a bit. am I washing them wrong? I've just been throwing them in with the rest of my clothes, hope I didn't fuck up

>> No.6744807

this nigga is full bear mode

>> No.6744809
File: 45 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was drunk and I peed on my ann ds
what do

>> No.6744813

>washing jeans

>> No.6744814
File: 32 KB, 1060x356, glassy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left or right?

I bought left but then felt insecure about my choice so I also ordered right and they won't cut the lenses until I choose a pair

>> No.6744826

I can't even find unbleached white on the vans site

>> No.6744839

Wash inside-out in cold water. If you put them in the dryer, keep them inside-out. I have 511's that are 7-8 years old that haven't faded that much

>> No.6744905
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130821_151347940907806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I washed them once or twice.

also I just noticed a cheap pair of shorts I have are faded in the exact same spot, anyone know why that would be? it's just below the pocket

>> No.6744917


Bump. Any tips would be appreciated

>> No.6744918

both look autistic, left looks better.

>> No.6744927

i imagine that's the part of the pants where something like a coat would make contact with the pants. But i can't imagine jeans fading that hard from rubbing against a coat.

>> No.6744932


>> No.6744955

left but both suck

>> No.6744962

I think it could be my phone/iPod? idk. I'll stop using that pocket for them and see if it stops.

>> No.6744996

I just moved to chicago. Trying to aquire my taste here, and everything is outrageously expensive. I'm paranoid of shopping at brick stores now and kinda just want to stick to buying online.

Any chitown anons here with some general advice for clothes shopping in the city/ general recomendation if any locals in the thread?

>> No.6745023

Going foe neo 80s look in the fall. Sticking to black grey and other neutral colors. Think the cure/ softcell. Any inspiration /fa/ can provide?

>> No.6745025

>tfw anterior pelvic tilt
>No pair of pants will ever look good on me until I fix it
>Will look fatter than I actually am
How long does this take to fit?

And w2c some posture/fat hiding clothes like baggy/oversized sweaters

>> No.6745076

Look through No Wave and Post-Punk bands
Keith Harring
You want your personality to shine through your clothes

>> No.6745071

Looking for a picture of a guy in a sweater over a white, untucked shirt. Any help?

>> No.6745081

Why does /fa/ hate supras?

Are they bad quality or some shit? I like how the logo is kinda muted. Having a giant swoosh or a big fucking N on the side looks retarded imo.

>> No.6745191

what jacket is this?

>> No.6745234
File: 106 KB, 407x597, 1376180695633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have some more but idk if it's what ur looking for

>> No.6745239

please respond

>> No.6745328

no one likes supras here because they're gaudy
and not attractive or appealing in anyway

>> No.6745381


damn @ both sucking

>> No.6745439

why am i so ugly?

>> No.6745451
File: 940 KB, 2316x2860, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the shit do i measure an upper thigh? this about right?

looking for something with some skinnier thighs than this pair.

>> No.6745598

shirts baggy af

>> No.6745592


just do it

>> No.6745610

baggy in a bad way? not like drapy?

>> No.6745668
File: 143 KB, 546x359, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guady? Really? From the shit i've seen posted in shoe threads these same tame and almost boring.

>> No.6745675

anything that fits
cargos and underarmour if it makes you happy

gym shorts and compressions shirts
sweatshorts and blank tees
sweatpants and tees

it's pretty w/e when you are attractive built and have well fitting clothes

>> No.6745689

you have too much hips for it to be drapy in a good way. it's not baggy/well trimmed enough to look drapy, it ends up giving you an hourglass figure

>> No.6745713

>tfw actually have hourglass figure

okay, i get you. what would you suggest i wear with the shirt to minimize that?

>> No.6745745

i dont really know, that's a good question for someone else.

>> No.6745781

Can someone please point me in the direction of some /fa/ waterproof jackets? Needs to go rather well with "menswear"-tier shit (I have a dress code I need to adhere to 5 days a week). Preferably rather lightweight, budget being ~£150. Dark colours would be appreciated.

>> No.6745788

aiight. thanks for your help.

>> No.6745792

Are uniqlo jeans good for no budget?

I am currently bulking and fit in 33 x 32 levi 511 so what should i size up or no? ?

>> No.6745855

also wondering this, 30x32 in 511's

>> No.6745873

I'll bump this and ask also

is uniqlo shit good in general? I want to buy a few sweaters, hoodies and shirts from there. how is the quality?

>> No.6745889

Oval/Oblong shaped head

Need good looking sunglasses that aren't my retarded looking $20 ones from target

What do?

>> No.6745923
File: 22 KB, 418x418, 03760_BL9139_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cop this bomber for $230 for winter?

>> No.6745939


>> No.6745959


>> No.6745979

cop or not? i wanna pair it with my acne max black... It's from a pleb store above gap and banana republic. They have a fall sale right now.

>> No.6745989

where to cop light/acid wash jeans
you can't all wear indigo and black all the time, help a guy out

>> No.6745993

shirts/outwear are p good but i haven't bought any jeans
i haven't heard any good things about them and i'd recommend buying some levis from jc penny or macys

>> No.6745997

30x32 guy here, ill just stick to my 511's then, thanks

>> No.6746002

I have like 3 pairs of levis all of which I grew out

I just want a different color

>> No.6746013

idk m8, go for whatever you like and goes w/ur wardrobe

>> No.6746017

if ur asking about the legging jeans, those are ok
ur not getting anything amazing for 30$

>> No.6746033

Got a pair of trousers with leather drawstrings which get dry and brittle af after washing

so much so that i was ricking around with one the other day in the barbers and the thing fucking ripped completely :(

tried lubing it up with vaseline right after washing but it didnt help much tbh

>> No.6746044

Uniqlo jeans are really good. I had a pair a long time ago and I had em for like 2 weeks and I recall loving them more then any other jean I ever had - but then I got into a car accident in them and they had to cut the jeans off me to make sure I had no lacerations or some shit.

I was heart broken but never bought another pair for some reason

>> No.6746072

oh damn nigga that's awful

sorry to hear it

>> No.6746311

i can id that alice glass is fucking bomb

>> No.6746339

nah they're nice m8

>> No.6746341

What the fuck do I do with my hair to distract people from my huge forehead/big nose?

FYI I have "2" cowlicks on the very front of my hair, so that puts a lot of stuff out of the question

>> No.6746354

leather laces arent hard to find man

>> No.6746355 [DELETED] 
File: 855 KB, 938x408, awk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm new here coming from /fit/, what can I do about my hair? I want something simple but I have very fine hair so I tend to keep it longer and layered in order to make it look full. I also have a very long narrow head. Any tips and pics of hairstyles I could try?

>> No.6746374

yep thats right

>> No.6746378

looks like jcrew

>> No.6746379

What the fuck does fuccboi mean?

>> No.6746411

you'll find out fuccboi

>> No.6746419

anyone tried aston grey shoes? gilt doesnt have good ones i like cheap atm. they look great irl but they are cheap and possibly shit, styleforum doesnt have any feedback on them.

>> No.6746428
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>> No.6746431

why is cara such a qt in some pics while in others she's just fucking hideous

>> No.6746430

someone who wears osiris

>> No.6746439

People don't wear me.
I wear them.

>> No.6746486

how did u get osiris to be in ur tripcode

>> No.6746508

w2c non MMM GATs? I don't wanna spend 320 dollars for a ~100 dollar shoes.

>> No.6746525

google tripcode explorer

>> No.6746516
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>> No.6746530

>tripcode explorer

buy it from the german army or ebay

>> No.6746557
File: 11 KB, 340x340, bad-fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /fa/, I was looking at one of your Levi fit infographics, and it said not to go any looser than a 514. However, I think the 514's make me look like pic related. They are tight at the thigh and then loose at the calf making me look girlish even though I'm a dude. Are the 505's or 501's ok? I didn't buy any of the 514's at the store but I can post a pic of the 505's I currently own if you want a reference

>> No.6746566

post a fit bruh

>> No.6746581

ok gimmie a second to go get my pants on and phone. I'm in my briefs right now

>> No.6746592

can you post the infographic

>> No.6746608

you look fucking terrible m9, downsize.

>> No.6746623

>I washed them once or twice.
like in the last 20 months?
ISHYD mean you've washed them twice in the last 90 days

>> No.6746628

Yeah sure, here it is. I found it on young-stalin.com

>> No.6746633
File: 113 KB, 1020x545, 13373383624854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I retarded now

>> No.6746635

t-thanks anon

>> No.6746642
File: 239 KB, 918x1632, WP_20130821_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here goes. Turns out I did have a pair of 514's from my glory days when I didn't weightlift and my thighs weren't so large. Here's me in 505's

>> No.6746644
File: 213 KB, 918x1632, WP_20130821_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the 514's

>> No.6746648

new friend here Should I just assume most brick and mortar stores are over priced and not worth it.

I dont mind copping a few cheap things at H&M now again like scarves and some sweaters.

>> No.6746654

you can find a couple nice pieces at almost any store, it's just hard to find them

Mossimo t-shirts from target (crew and V) are pretty nice and they're 10 bucks a piece

>> No.6746662

Looking to buy a pair of /fa/ approved jeans.

what are some good eh starter brands I guess?

>> No.6746664

They look fine. Get a side shot.

>> No.6746665
File: 225 KB, 918x1632, WP_20130821_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's my juicy quads which are twice the size of Neptune

>> No.6746672

no definition at all

you just look fat

>> No.6746670

how much do you squat?

>> No.6746687

levis 511s

you don't wash levis? i thought that was only raw denim? don't they get sweaty and gross?

>> No.6746697

Me too, w2c shirt.

>> No.6746710

255 3x5, slept on my back funky last night so I didn't get to do 260 today

Sorry I guess, maybe they would look better in person? Or if I was actually lifting? I'm also towards the end of my bulk if that makes any difference

>> No.6746718
File: 245 KB, 918x1632, WP_20130821_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, 514's side shot. Pulled up shirt because it's a night shirt and kinda long. Thanks for all the help dude

>> No.6746726

>you don't wash levis? i thought that was only raw denim? don't they get sweaty and gross?
yeah totally because raws have a magical trait that prevents your legs and pussy from sweating....but seriously raws arent washed as often because of them siccfadez.
I treat my shitty gap jeans just as I do my raws, and you should too.

>> No.6746722
File: 218 KB, 918x1632, WP_20130821_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a butt shot if that helps or for your troubles, if you're into that kinda thing ;)

>> No.6746723
File: 37 KB, 454x471, thom-browne-oxford-shirt-L-TS7cFH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Thom Browne shirts the only shirts that have this kind of detail?

Pic related

>> No.6746735

huh, never knew that. just wear, iron, fold? or is there more to it

>> No.6746754

I feel like if you were to wear anything for that long they would start smelling like sweat and farts, no matter what type of clothing item it was. Never gone for months except with raw denim though, and even then it started smelling kinda weird right before the first wash

>> No.6746759

Look fine bruh

>> No.6746768

Wow, thanks mang. I can now confidently buy 514's without feeling fatasfatass or looking like a twink. Thank you /fa/, you're actually a pretty helpful board

>> No.6746851

pro tip for stains on the thigh from ketchup and shit:
dab the corner of a towel with cold water and lightly rub them off, then iron inside-out and spray with your gf's perfume around the ass and cock area or fabreeze fabric spray (just once every month)
and there you have it, saved yourself two tones of fabric fade.
I can only speak for myself, I personally don't sweat at all, I have a pair of extra-slim ingigo jeans from the gap I purchased three years ago, only 3 washes.
the only time my jeans did funk up was at a concert I went to in may, I wore them the next day and they smelled like coins...anyway I rinsed them with iced water in the tub with some fabric softener and voila. My longest streak was 14 months.

>> No.6746935

yeah, I've noticed concerts will do that. High concentration of sweaty fucks bumping into you.

Anyways, I'm happy for your luckiness in the no sweating department, wish I was the same. I sweat just laying in bed when the thermostat says 75

>> No.6746984

Similar, I think its a black sweater, white collared shirt. Much appreciated

>> No.6746999
File: 45 KB, 410x410, 13968905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more thing, you have to give your jeans time off so that they can properly "air-out" without a wash. Do what I mentioned here>>6746851 but after the iron, hang them, seal the bottom of the legs with a rubber band, and stick some of these fuckers in there somewhere in the home for a a week or two, saved yourself another wash. If you have roommates and embarrassed of your love for eternal jeans then just iron, and stick the sheets (3-4 in each leg + 1 in each pocket) then fold and store.

>> No.6747028


I know all of this sounds like a drag but I assure you it's absolutely worth it, you'll grow to become excited about that time of the year when its time to cleanse your jeans, it's similar to masturbation after no-fap.

>> No.6747046

tommy hilfiger

>> No.6747074

thanks a bunch dude. do you have any advice in a similar vein about hair/shampooing schedule? or are you a denimdemon

>> No.6747092

yeah don't wash your hair, ever

>> No.6747095

Looking to buy clark desert boots, but I'm not sure exactly what color/material to get. I wear mostly jeans (not raws sorry /fa/), but going to pick up a couple new chinos fairly soon. Was looking at red wing chukkas too but don't think I can justify the extra cost.

>> No.6747161

first let me bust some a myth
this long term no-poo for 6 months shit is fucking stupid.
a person that's been on no poo for 30 days will have the same hair as a person that's been on no poo for 10 years. At some point you'll need to wash your hair with shampoo.
wash your hair with warm water (opens pores, cleans your dirty ass scalp), run a comb through it (keeps your hair kempt) then steadily decrease the temperature of the water until its cold (closes pores). I have to wash my hair with anti-dandruff every 4 or 5 weeks because my scalp dries:(

black/brown suede or beeswax leather look best distressed

>> No.6747176
File: 80 KB, 952x1428, 32347M040001_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the sizing on Raf velcros? Also would an "overlong" dress shirt be a bad idea? pic related obv.

>> No.6747181

I think I'm leaning towards the leather. Before I cop though, is there anything special about the sizing? For example, should it feel especially tight before it gets broken in?

>> No.6747210

need some new chinos, probably going to get 2 pairs. what colors will be the most versatile? also w2c?

>> No.6747229

Sort of on these lines...

best place to get the slimmest chinos? I'm like a 29x32 with chicken legs.

>> No.6747230

tts on the newer ones mate

If you're new, tts is true to size. So buy you're regular size

>> No.6747243

don't worry too much m9, you won't need to break them in at all, they stretch about as much as a pair of sk8-hi's after 2 months.
also try visiting the nordstrom-rack, I copped both the black/brown suede for $70 a piece.

>> No.6747245
File: 372 KB, 851x960, 1376629263828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea where I can find the jeans and cardigan in this outfit? Already got the shoes

>> No.6747248

I have a brooks brothers shirt with one of their stripe patterns on the placket.

>> No.6747252

>copying an outfit piecemeal

seriously though....

>> No.6747253

that guy looks like such an asshole

>> No.6747254

shit fit but if you must just visit fuccboi central (H&M/F21)

>> No.6747256

w2c shoes similar to this? all the ones ive seen are too point

>> No.6747265
File: 12 KB, 384x449, hmprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic LOL

>> No.6747288

Brooks Bros. put that on some of their new stuff

>> No.6747294

What's your max squat

>> No.6747298

Link?,I can't find it on the site.

>> No.6747331

So I'm team broke bois, planning on grabbing a fake HBAxBeenTrill from Choise, anyone know their quality?

>> No.6747364
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>> No.6747366
File: 884 KB, 1024x1243, MG01040_BLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look under sport shirts
There's two shirts with different colored ones

>> No.6747373
File: 51 KB, 700x700, 0271569_1_700x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already copped. It arrives tomorrow.

Regret or not?

>Inb4 do you even boat

>> No.6747378

pls respond

>> No.6747384

>fake HBA


>> No.6747391

does anyone ITT own Uniqlo tops? care to comment on their fit and quality? are the sweaters thick or thin?

>> No.6747392

why do you even come here? do you want us to assume things of you?
oooh, i'm so prep lel hey gurl watch me not slip with my boat shoes. boat shoes russle my jimjamz.

>> No.6747395



>> No.6747400
File: 6 KB, 157x153, 1368404998236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this mad because his way of dress doesn't suit your grunge ohh woe is me dark and edgy as my soul lifestyle

>> No.6747410

fam have you got mental problems

they're just basic shoes, chill.

>> No.6747425

oh wow okay

>> No.6747462

I agree with the other posters. You've autism m8

>> No.6747503
File: 177 KB, 853x1280, 1377040776315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c pieces in the man's outfit? I'm okay with buying second-hand or getting similar pieces from less renowned brands (ex: vtb, but they only sell basic tops). In particular, I'm looking for a couple bottoms, thin black beanie, some pieces for layering, boots, different suggestions for bags that would go with this style. I'd appreciate any suggestions

>> No.6747516
File: 25 KB, 512x384, 1369121667768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /fa/
educate me on watches like what goes well with leather or stainless steel etc
thinking about buying one and i have no style when it comes to accessories

>5'9 asian glasses 7" wrists ottermode
>mostly wear vnecks with jeans or chinos


>> No.6747523

anybody know w2c /fa/ zip up backpacks?`

>> No.6747528


>v-necks with chinos

u g h

>> No.6747539

Post fit bruh

>> No.6747538
File: 86 KB, 717x960, Greg #1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what face shape am I? C:

>> No.6747541

newfag as fuck i dont know what that means :(

>> No.6747546

Where2Cop EXTREMELY slim fit chinos and oxford buttons downs? I'm 6ft 135lbs - have a 35" chest and very skinny arms.

>> No.6747552

uniqlo for button downs and they have something called "leggings jeans" which might be up ur alley

>> No.6747553

the generic white guy kind.

>> No.6747558

sry misread, didn't read you wanted chinos

>> No.6747566

Post-A-Fit-Fuccboi: Common phrase /fa/shionable guys ask other posters - most usually a new poster - to take a picture of themselves in fashionable clothing in hopes of seeing their style and the way their clothing fits.
Often they request several pictures from different angles in hopes seeing how the clothing fits on the whole body.

tl;dr: Post a picture of yourself in some clothing

>> No.6747561

The uniqlo button downs in slim fit are actually slim?

Do you know where they're made? I assume China, but I'd like to buy US/Europe/Japan made, if possible, price isn't a huge concern.

And I was hoping for chinos, not jeans, but thanks for the help regardless.

>> No.6747571

...sooo oval, round, or heart?

>> No.6747578

yeah it's china, idk much about higher quality clothes

>> No.6747584

doesn't matter because people will forget your face immediately after meeting you.
it's not a bad thing, you're not ugly, you just don't hold fetures that make your face interesting ormemorable.

>> No.6747583

>>6747366 thank you very much

>> No.6747599

hmm well alright I understand haha, I guess I just wanted to know so I could get the correct hairstyle. Been buzzcut most of my life and I'm trying to grow it out currently. It's pretty curly btw.

>> No.6747635

HY. It won't look bad on you. Like I said, you're not ugly, you're actually so generic that anything will work and not look bad.

>> No.6747647
File: 936 KB, 1325x1821, IMG_0131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is something id normally wear
>what watch should i get

>> No.6747684
File: 166 KB, 330x406, btfhfyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747732

Pretty damn interesting, never seen anything like it.


>> No.6749061


>> No.6749068


this is considered on the edge of ottermode on /fit/

>> No.6749820

nobody got intel?