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/fa/ - Fashion

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6729465 No.6729465 [Reply] [Original]

Can poor people /fa/ too? I was thinking of stealing stuff. How does /fa/ shoplift?

>> No.6729505

don't shoplift. learn to sew and then thrift everything

you can look better than people with fits that cost 100x more just because of custom fit

>> No.6729502

N52 grade 1" cylindrical magnet

I've shoplifted from nordstroms, neiman marcus, bloomies, barneys, etc.

really easy, esp if you have a partner

>> No.6729704

where to cop?

>> No.6729808

> shoplifting

Pick one. Only low class people do it.

>> No.6729820

Shut up cunt, stealing is pretty effay as not too many people can handle the rush, great benefits for a high risk.

>> No.6729832

Whenever I go on holiday my mates and I usually have a competition to see who can shoplift the most stuff. I would never do it in my own country but I really couldn't care when I'm abroad. It is something to do to pass the time.

>> No.6729845


>high risk

You for real?

>> No.6729846

> not too many people can handle the rush
> literally every low class poor kid does it

Top lel. Being poor isn't /fa/. You've probably mistaken wearing $2000 worth of clothing to look poor, with actually being poor.

>> No.6730840

what does the magnet help you do? disable security devices?

>> No.6730895

Yes to take out the tags. You can get them on amazon.

The funny part is that I'm not poor. The rush you get from shoplifting is soooo nice. I've stolen just to steal. Sunglasses are pretty fun to cop. I've stolen at least 7

>> No.6733091

good ones? How? enlighten us with all your shoplifting wisdom

>> No.6733104


Oh hey, it's this thread again.

>> No.6733113

>Shut up cunt, stealing is pretty effay as not too many people can handle the rush, great benefits for a high risk.
That's like saying cheap liquor is effay

Stealing is the shittiest thing you can do but if you really need to justify your behaviour-

>> No.6733127

there are people on /fa/ who still think petty crimes are cool
can't wait for the next drug thread!

>> No.6733142

hand-me-downs are your friends, OP

and if you can't acquire hand-me-downs, try to reinvent fits with your already bland wardrobe.

If that doesn't work, just get a fucking job and save.

>> No.6733169

uuuuhhh is a 5'6 18 year old trust fund baby
formally known as the most basic (pasty cornball) poster on /fa/.

>> No.6733173

>formally known

>> No.6733175


>> No.6733177
File: 21 KB, 300x400, 'bad boy 82'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I'm not trying to pass off petty thievery as "pretty effay as not too many people can handle the rush, great benefits for a high risk."
it's the realm of tracksuit wearing 14 year olds

>> No.6733178

I think it's correct.

>> No.6733182

ETA: I mean the grammatical structure, not the statement about uuuuhhhh.

>> No.6733185

stealing from thrift shops is super easy. almost no chance of getting caught. no security devices and no one monitoring changing rooms... at least at the two big ones near me. just wear layers and take anything you want in the dressing room and put it under your layers. actually yeah you would have to be pretty terrible at it to get caught

>> No.6733191

Fuck the system harder than it Fucks you.

>> No.6733194

>stealing from thrift shops
wow u guys manage to sink lower

>> No.6733201

lol dude come on have some class jesus christ.

>> No.6733197
File: 71 KB, 477x700, Nash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealing from thrift shops

>> No.6733198
File: 8 KB, 267x31, deeeeerp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would someone's name be different in a "formal" context? The malapropism "formally known" comes from the silent pronunciation of the letter "r" in "former".

>> No.6733211
File: 53 KB, 268x265, frenchtrollcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever happened to the phrase "Honor among thieves"?

>> No.6733350

>i'd rather commit crimes abroad than home
you've never seen locked up abroad have you?

>> No.6733394

I do this all the time, especially if something is over 5$, im not fucking paying more than 5$ at a thrift shop.

>> No.6733405

>stealing is the worst thing you can do
yeah nah thats completely fucked up. I can think of 20 things worse than stealing. whiteknight some more

>> No.6733420

When I was broke I hung out with V necks and nice looking jeans that I would get at thrift stores. It did the trick.

>> No.6733428

except thats not how copping works you scum

>> No.6733434

WHre did you get the grade? Magnets aren't graded on a numeric scale?

>> No.6733438

are you retarded
did your parents ban you from google

>> No.6733446

I have to agree with this anon. Stealing is pretty fun but after a while stores catch on, especially when the items are expensive. Also do you realize how stupid it is to just steal something off then hangers at a store? You're getting ripped off to begin with, and you're risking a lot by stealing something that is actually worthless. Fitted gear is actually where you will look best. It's a whole lot cheaper to tell someone to do something just for you. Like this dude said, thrift clothes and learn sewing.

>> No.6733506

Lol dude trust me I know what I am talking about. I hang out on /sci/ and I can tell you "grade 1" is not a rating for a magnet. Yea it's not numeric, it's actually alphanumeric.

>> No.6733515

52 is the grade of neodymium magnet you fucking retard
1" is the size
'hanging out in /sci/' is not a valid credential

>> No.6733525

Yea dipshit believe me I got some pretty strong credentials.

>> No.6733526

ooh yeahhh show me your credentials baby thats the stuff

>> No.6733527


>> No.6733534

jesus christ shut up