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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 125 KB, 550x1775, tumblr_mdlkjowHji1rlo6jro1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6726278 No.6726278 [Reply] [Original]

Is stealing to afford clothes /fa/ ?
I cannot possibly make enough money while studying to afford the stuff I want.
Also: where and what to steal ?

>> No.6726293

dont be a fag thats like the most fuccboi thing you can do, only thing you could steal is mall tier pleb shit
fucking highschool kids in japan work 2 jobs while keeping up with intense academic studies just to afford their designer shit that's why those 17 18 yr old kids are so swagged out

>> No.6726300
File: 1.69 MB, 139x215, 1374196954999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to rick store
>walk out with michele lamy hide pod shorts

and ur done

>> No.6726304

no it isntl

>> No.6726329

what about robbing ? apple store/ big stores

>> No.6726338

just don't be a dick and steal from local boutiques and shit, steal from big stores.

>> No.6726642

Shoplifting is possibly the most pervasive crime that people believe is okay, especially if you steal from the 'big' stores.

Some employees and teams are actively punished for stuff that gets lifted during their shift, usually by in the way of negotiating lower pay/hours because they can't manage running a store and looking for lifters. Some bonuses are linked to how little gets shoplifted, meaning that you're stealing from employees that work there who have little to no control over what people do.

Stores also factor in loss prevention (cameras, security guards, specific employees) in their prices, and usually tack on an extra % because they know that merchandise goes missing a lot, meaning higher prices for everyone. You wouldn't believe the amount of stuff that gets shoplifted everyday and how people get away with it... usually, 99% of the time, people get away with it, but it's a moral issue.

So in the end, you're stealing from not only the employees that work there, you're also stealing from everyone else as stores have to factor in shitheads like you which steal to cover their losses that gets translated into higher overall prices for everyone else. So immediate gain now, higher price later on.

Make your own choice, and don't believe for a second that it hurts any less because it's a big store. You're stealing, and someone has to cop the fall- usually the employees.

>> No.6726649


w2c the fall

>> No.6726654

This. I'm pretty Machiavellian and my morals are somewhat ambiguous, but corporations are assholes and will make things worse for everybody the more they lose.

>> No.6726655

Oh damn I lost my shit

>> No.6726660

stealing from big stores is fine

>> No.6726706

That picture is from my tumblr, good taste. Stealing is a shitty thing to do though, people that say "it's a big shop so it's fine" don't realise how much it hurts the people that work there.

>> No.6726723

>That picture is from my tumblr,
so you mean you took it from somebody else's tumblr and reposted it?

why do so many asosbois have #highfashion#nextlevel#gothninja tumblrs anyway?

>> No.6726762
File: 108 KB, 1200x1600, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from my tumblr, people reblogged it from me. Here's a picture of the Jacket

>> No.6726774

steal designer shit. paying those prices is like getting robbed

>> No.6726781


>> No.6726782

fuccbois on here will tell you otherwise

>> No.6726865

I've stolen from nordstroms, neiman Marcus, Bloomingdales, etc

>> No.6727103

>w2c the fall

It's Autumn/Winter, fuccboi.

>> No.6727137

Hard to steal from electronic stores, high security and big repercussions. Places like Topman and H&M are easy to rob tho.

>> No.6728472

>be me, two years ago
>have ginger qt gf
>dresses preppy as shit but w/e
>we move in together
>all of my clothes fit in one laundry basket
>she has a moving truck full
>wtf where did you get these
>'oh every time i go to j crew or nordstroms i steal something'
>mfw she had thousands of dollars of stolen clothes
>mfw being a 100 pound ginger girl makes you the perfect criminal

>> No.6728493

>and usually tack on an extra % because they know that merchandise goes missing a lot, meaning higher prices for everyone
so the only way to look out for myself is to stop being a schmuck and start stealing? cool

>> No.6728509

Or you could have some empathy and play by the rules for the sake of the greater good.

>> No.6728631

No seriously how hard would it be to shoplift from a Rick store? Or a place like Atelier or Barneys New York.

>> No.6728670

Just put the merch in your cargobaskets.

>> No.6728686

I steal snapbacks/fitted/5 panels from gigs.
sell that shit on ebay.

stupid fuckers shouldn't be wearing box logos.

>> No.6728693

>for the sake of the greater good
you just reminded me that it doesn't matter what i do for the greater good because the rest will keep doing it and fucking it up for me

>> No.6728703

srs somebody pls tell me

>> No.6728716

screenscap to remind me bro

>> No.6728747
File: 149 KB, 574x800, 1370487670129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is some mega-bottom bitch fuccboi faggotry if you're a shoplifter. If you're a robber then you're a mega-nigger, which isn't as gay as a mega fuccboi but as shitty.
If you're one of those mega heist guys who do those elaborate robberies and do it successfully with a cool twist to it, then ye that can be pretty effay.
If you fail you're back to mega fuccboi status with a mix of nig.

Congrats, faggot.

>> No.6728754

Go read Nietzsche before you lose your fedora.

>> No.6728767

w2c stealing guides

>> No.6728800

it would be extremely hard, nearly impossible

>> No.6728835



>> No.6728846


>Neiman Marcus

Eh, there's one here in NYC that doesn't seem too difficult to sneak out of with a pair of jeans. I wouldn't try it though.