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/fa/ - Fashion

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6701330 No.6701330 [Reply] [Original]

I need a newhair cut pls adivces, i'm cutting it in about 2 hours.

>> No.6701343

your haircut is fine. slim up the sides more.

i'd be more worried about your taste

>> No.6701356

>go to barber
>ask for cut with straight razor
>tell him to cut anything and everything above your neck
>once your head is removed, proceed to acquire new one

>> No.6701367

wow this board sure went downhill

>> No.6701376

in all seriousness though, get rid of faggy earrings, glasses because don't fit face shape, learn to dress better, that combination is horrid. still your hair up not down with a hy, use wax or pomeade. stop looking like a try hard and lurk more faggot

>> No.6701421

maybe it's just me but your whole head head has this bubbly look going on what with the rounded face, round glasses, noticeably circular gauges & broad-tip nose

the haircut's find though, really
maybe a bit less on the sides since it looks like it's getting rounder (unless that's the curtain peeping out from behind)

>> No.6701431

you look like amir from collegejhumor

>> No.6701456
File: 66 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-foto3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6701459

that is from the sides

>> No.6701475

dat lack of chin

>> No.6701494
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>> No.6701536

Wow. I bet you aren't one of the popular kids

>> No.6701551

so mean

>> No.6701560

Well sorry, but if you weren't trying so hard.

>> No.6701563

IDC at all

>> No.6701574

Get new glasses and remove the earplugs, and you are good to go.

>> No.6701609

fucking this

god damn califags shitting up the west coast

>> No.6701631

you look like someone who thinks they're good looking. I've got bad news for you

>> No.6701645
File: 34 KB, 505x479, 1376040086187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.6701670

You look like a mix between a leprechaun and a fag

Anyway you look like shit

>> No.6701681

You're on /fan and everyone thinks you're a faggot.
Reflect on that as you cross a freeway without looking.

>> No.6701765

honestly you are the gayest looking human i've ever seen. I bet everyone who meets you hates you before they even get to know you. you just have one of those faces. little faggot bitch

>> No.6701787

You look like a cross between hipster McLovin and justin bieber before he cut off his hair

>> No.6701824

Christopher Mintz-Plasse, is that you?

>> No.6701831

Wow the lengths you sad trolls go to try and belittle my looks is just sad, I'm at a loss for words.

There are better ways for dealing with jealousy, you know.

I'm happy with the way I look, and so is my girlfriend.

>> No.6701853

lol you look like a bitch

>> No.6701901
File: 1.14 MB, 446x374, 1376168827333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been back on /fa/ after a while and within 5 minutes i see this huge shit-post thread.

/fa/ is still full of pleb-fags, half of them fadora wearing chubby fags who like to get an ego boost by putting down others.

OP, actual advice.
get rid of the earings and the glasses (especially the glasses)
Don't button the shirt all the way up
If i were you about the hair, you could go hitler youth, but I can't tell what your head shape looks like and not everyone can pull it off.
Whatever you get, get it really short on the sides, like a number 2.
The length of the top of your head is pure preference, or if you want it blended from the sides to the top or not (I suggest blended)

Good luck op, but remember, don't use your clothing to try and display superiority to others, make sure you look approachable.

>> No.6701919


>> No.6702024


you just look like the worst kind of person

>> No.6702042

I want to kick those glasses right off your face. Holy shit you look like such a chode.