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File: 66 KB, 455x455, hero38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6699617 No.6699617 [Reply] [Original]

Women are known to be hoarders and eclectic in style. How do you stay /fa/ in a relationship? I'm an extreme minimalist/modernist.

>Being gay is NOT an option

>> No.6699645

>>Being gay is NOT an option

>> No.6699649
File: 1.22 MB, 1702x1054, 1356213443970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But, I'm male and I'm eclectic, but if I was dating a minimalist girl, we could meet halfway.
Minimalism is cute, but not ideal for function.

>> No.6699650


>> No.6699653


>> No.6699656

that pic is borderline hoarding, to me

>> No.6699674

>minimalist girl

no such thing

>> No.6699681

I have an incredible diy-spirit and always have a project and a bunch of hobbies. That means I have all kinds of tools and shit lying around.

>> No.6699687

i feel like the less stuff the better.
and true, girls have so much shit laying around.

im wondering why you are worry about interior design when you want a relationship?

you aren't about to move in with someone are you?

>> No.6699695
File: 205 KB, 1280x960, 1375461128730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, I'm an artist so >>6699649 looks normal to me

what a sad life. It may be a bit cluttered, but hoarding is more like ... (refer to pic related)

>> No.6699689


>year of our lord and savior /fa/scist
>owning a TV

>> No.6699697

Live separately/have separate bedrooms. It might not save you money but it'll save your relationship. Keep shared living spaces compromisable. Respect each other. Look past flaws. hire a maid to come in twice a week

>> No.6699698

>you aren't about to move in with someone are you?
came close to, twice

>> No.6699712

the clutterer overrides the minimalists, every time

>> No.6699707

If we were living together? I think it would be cool to see how our styles could mesh when we decorate a room. The life of a room is usually developed naturally an I think that always come out looking nicer, slowly adding furniture and items to it, seeing what it needs. I'm a clean freak though I have to always have everything organized

>> No.6699708

have a split house. share the bed

or find a girl that has an art degree

>> No.6699709

what about women?

I like having lots of shit laying around, whereas every time I visit home, it gets more and more spartan. My mom has it down to bare tile floors and minimal furniture.

>> No.6699722
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>> No.6699728


>Live separately/have separate bedrooms.

I wish there was less of a stigma attached to such concepts in our society.

>> No.6699748

i was gonna say just dont move in together because i doubt your girl would be open to two separate rooms.

what's gonna end up happening is she sleeps with you most of the time, and slowly (or quickly) every room becomes hers.

living with a GF has a lot of positives, but honestly i wouldn't do it again because the negatives are far worse.

>> No.6699751
File: 72 KB, 499x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say you can learn more about someone by being in their room than by knowing them for a whole year.

I'm really analytical like that too...
I like the small stuff, like seeing where they'd leave their things, the way they lay down in bed, the way they put away their clothes

As long as I have a workspace, and I give myself time to clean everything up I'm ok

Also I hate curtains

>> No.6699772

any articles about that?

i agree but i want to learn more.

>> No.6699786

u gotta eat my omanka firts.. then mabye

>> No.6699789

Planning on doing this the next time around. I have the space in my home and a second bed in storage. I tried to bring it up with the last girl I dated but she was genuinely offended by the concept.
It probably would've kept our relationship going a bit longer, honestly.

>> No.6699791
File: 83 KB, 400x491, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it in a book called the happiness hypothesis
VERY good read, has lots of credible sources as well
Combines ancient philosophies and modern psychology

>> No.6699805

I wish I could do minimalism, but my new apartment is going to have carpet, so I might as well smoke inside, leave beer laying around and watch the Price is Right on unemployment.

>> No.6699822

got pdf link?

>> No.6699841

what a pleb slob
ebt swag

>> No.6699846

>she was genuinely offended by the concept.
yep, that's what makes it pretty unrealistic.

it makes sense to guys, but girls see it as rejection.

>> No.6700038

confirmed serial killer

>> No.6700066

My gf is neat AS FUCK, way more than I am, so idk what to tell you. Find a neat freak. She'll sticky roll your clothes and shit for you too, it's awesome.

>> No.6700067

I was in the same situation. Found an apartment near the city, the landlord was in the midst of renovating it, and when i was accepted for the lease, I offered to pay for hardwood and installation in the apartment.

Landlord refused, and installed this godforsaken white carpet everywhere except the tile kitchen and bathroom.

It's appalling.

>> No.6700076

That almost makes me physically ill.

>> No.6700098

why would he not accept free wood floors?

>> No.6700112

How can I display my piss bottles in a minimalist way?

>> No.6700117

piss in vintage mason jars and stack them in front of your window to give the room a golden glow


>> No.6700121

I have tendencies and small nuances of personality that are similar to "psychopaths"
But I'm not an aggressive or malignant person
I use those things in a very artistic way if anything

>> No.6700125



>> No.6700131

stay single, die alone

>> No.6700133
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1373078252781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golden glow

>> No.6700151


things a psychopath would say

>> No.6700165

What if my piss is clear as water because I'm not a dehydrated fuck?

>> No.6700179
File: 203 KB, 1280x960, 1375460961328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

understandable. Was just joshing you, broseidon.

hmm, I have more. I'll post them so my room will look minimalist by comparison.

>> No.6700195


>> No.6700206


>not willing to sacrifice health for home aesthetics


>> No.6700209
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, 1375461235818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like, who even needs a trash can, ya know?

>> No.6700221

My original purpose was so that my mom can clean them up easier.

>> No.6700256
File: 270 KB, 1000x750, 1374702118496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6700364
File: 294 KB, 1263x603, tumblr_mg0koburXx1qfes56o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say my room is minimalistic or something else?

im thinking of getting some stained glass.

>> No.6700369

no, not really. it's clean, though.

>> No.6700386

>that naked anime figure rising from the rubble

>> No.6700397

seems about right

>> No.6700402


>> No.6700405

Do you take girls home

>> No.6700447

I don't think it's such a big deal. If I lived with a partner long-term I would need my own space. even if it's an office or a studio.

I'm respectful of mutual areas, especially if I'm a guest. Like everyone, I don't like having my things moved or manipulated and I think the person who the place belongs to kind of dictates that. At my place, I don't really move things unless it's specifically requested or if I know it's something that the partner would prefer. I dated someone once who would find problems with the way I arranged the food in my own fridge, and complained if there were books on my desk (he was only there on weekends too). And I dated someone who strode over a carpet of clothes and only spent time in my bed. I think finding the right balance and being ready to compromise is important before you move in with someone.

At my partner's, I would ask before doing most things. I don't know if I'll be able to drop that feeling of being or hosting a guest. I still have a lot to learn.

>> No.6700489

dude this isn't ACTUALLY your room, is it? How old are you? Why would you decorate your room like that?

>> No.6700508


Don't live with her. I hardly got any furniture and I have enough place to tidy EVERYTHING.

There's NOTHING in my kitchen when I'm not cooking. My bedroom consists of a bed.

Of course it's cluttered when she comes at home but I feel relief when she lives. I clearly am visibly ill when surrounded by her things (she doesn't tidy her macbook pro and her work stuff ever and since she's an architect student it can get out of hand very easily).

>> No.6700509

I'm not a minimalist, I just do my room however the fuck I want to.

I hoard a lot sometimes, like legit hoarding, not "oh thats hoarding" little petty bullshit. Roomates keep me in line now though.

>> No.6700511


Maybe it's a form of expression. Maybe he gets some sort of sadistic pleasure out of seeing the disgust and revulsion someone faces when coming across something like this. Maybe he's also a little masochistic.

>> No.6700527

Also does anybody else feel relief when guests (be it friends or girlfriend) leave your flat? God, people are so messy. I always use glass mounts (as I own a moderately pricey ethnicraft table) and when I see people putting their glass on the table without a glass mount I feel like I could just throw them out.

My 2cts, it was just an example by the way

>> No.6700532

Nah, I love it when people are over, then again I'm messy as fuck.

>> No.6700554

I mean, I can enjoy it when people are here but there's always a moment when I'm like "ffs when do they leave".

>> No.6700559

I bought my own flat in London and decorated it myself. When (if.. ) i get a girl she'll move in around my stuff. I'm minimal as well so hopefully she wont have all that stupid shit girls collect.

that's a great vintage box, babe, but do we need 60?

>> No.6700560


I'm both of you fuckers.

Sometimes it's a relief though, when things get a little fucked up I can do what I like.

I'm waiting for someone to scratch up my coffee table so I can stab a note into it with a hunting knife that says either "Use a coaster" or "Don't scratch the fucking coffee table". Am still taking suggestions.

>> No.6700567

When I lived alone, I just never had guests over besides partners. My best friend has spent a total of 20 minutes in the apartment I lived in for three years, and she had to force herself in once.

Most people would be uncomfortable with the clothes and the mess and the writing on the wall and the mirrors anyway.

>> No.6700581

god i know. I bought a super king size bed so i wouldn't be constantly woken up by the girl next to me.

in an ideal world after sex we would sleep in different beds. Ideally i would leave and go to a colder bed.

>> No.6700595

that post is borderline retarded, to me

>> No.6700614

>all that old food will attract fungus and bacteria
>fungus and bacteria will will see you as food too
how can anyone live like this? imagine the risks of a skin or lung infection. fucking disgusting!

>> No.6700623


Most people that live like this are also overweight, and care for themselves the same way they care for their homes. Don't think about it too much man,

Just know that your antithesis is out there right now, doing everything it can to be eaten alive by its own furniture.

>> No.6700652



>> No.6700698

Dude... not all overweight people are like that. I mean, I don't know about the 300lb-ers, but shit, there's unhealthy lifestyles, and there's giving up on life completely...

>> No.6700711

I "lived" in a filthy apartment for a while (not that bad, but still) I would just not go into certain rooms for months. It was a combination of not caring and not being there. Life can sometimes just pull you under.

>> No.6700751

I know that feel

there was a period where I lived in a fortress of beer cans and pizza boxes. Nothing like the pee bottles and garbage of the pics in this thread, but it was an awful mess.

I try to forget sometimes. being meticulously clean now is how I remind myself that that's not my life anymore.

>> No.6700754
File: 727 KB, 1920x1200, wallpaper-30753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've just moved in with my gf temporarily - I'm fairly minimalist, she's Indian so she's super messy.

I'm slowly teaching her to be clean and tidy.


In an ideal world she at least stops sleeping in the middle of the bed. I'm not asking for much

>> No.6700785

>I've just moved in with my gf temporarily - I'm fairly minimalist, she's Indian so she's super messy.
>I'm slowly teaching her to be clean and tidy.

Helps if you've ever had a dog.

>> No.6700795

i try to go to their place because i don't like them knowing where i live.
makes it easier for them to stalk me and shit.
the less they know the better.

23, and because DBZ is cool.
why not?
it's inspiring because goku is strong and im strong.

>> No.6700816

>mfw soon-to-be wife is japanese
>mfw I come home and our room is now fully functional-minimalistic

Used to look like the inside of a gypsy wagon before she moved in.

>> No.6700825

Where did you find it?
White women are so stupid and think they're equal to men.

>> No.6700838
File: 214 KB, 1600x800, 1375006761240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god the trolling.

Protip OP: You don't. When I moved in with my current gf, we did a rundown on how we wanted to set everything up. It sounded perfectly decent on paper. Not super minimalist, but not cluttered in any way. Essentially, meeting halfway.

Then she bought two extra chairs just to have. And some throw blankets. And the pillows, oh God the pillows. And if I ever hear "but it has sentimental value" again, I swear I'm going to start flinging shit out the window.

>> No.6700842
File: 59 KB, 500x344, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably japan

>> No.6700861

please post pictures of your gf

>> No.6700867 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 546x728, Arminders wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here she is

>> No.6700873

i wish i could find an indian who wa sn't covered in hair

>> No.6700875

thats some nice pussy

>> No.6700876

they make good subs/slaves because they're self-race-hating enough to get rid of the hair once they realize how offensive it is.

>> No.6700916

>flat-screen tv
get a normal tv hipster faggot

>> No.6700925

lel where the fuck do you live?

>> No.6700930
File: 6 KB, 500x500, Minimalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minimalism is cute, but no ideal for function.
Minimalism isn't having the least stuff, its having only the things you need.
Minimalism is exactly ideal for function because that is minimalism.

This picture explains it well.

So there is no 'I would be a minimalist if I didn't need so much tools."
No you need all of those tools, so you keep them.

>> No.6700936

true. indians really are self hating towards their race.

it's crazy. i work with indians and they constantly admit that they don't like working with other indians because they can't trust them.

not saying i disagree, but you really can only blame the men for sublimating to feminine agenda.

not sure if im using the word sublimating correctly, but im sure this post would get taken wrongly anyway.

basically what i'm saying is that women feel so entitled because men aren't men anymore.
most don't realize it, but America has already become incredibly feminized.

you can't get mad at someone for taking what they are given.
women are treated above men, by men, so it's only natural they act that way.

this isn't hate btw but take it how you want.
and if you want more, i can give it, because it's pretty much all i know.

>> No.6700953

Minimalism overlaid with life mess is ideal. I wonder WTF people are doing if their place is too clean. Clutter is natural. The world is cluttered.

Grill here.

And yeah, who doesn't need a "room of their own," somewhere? Shared bedroom + separate studies are god tier.

>> No.6700986


Mine KNOWS she's better than me in some things. That's exactly why she is wife material: She's a better cook, better at decoration, better at personal style and other things.
Because of that, she feels like she should make my life better, being my future wife, so she does it all with a smile on her face.

It's like... deep down we both know we won't find someone up to our level (not bragging, just being reallistic), so even when we fight we're both like "YOU FUCKED MY LIFE, I'LL NEVER FIND SOMEONE AS GOOD AS YOU"

>> No.6700993


>> No.6700995

>deep down we both know we won't find someone up to our level
That's a good point to be at, because you know that you can get past any fight.

>> No.6701204

>indians really are self hating towards their race.
I don't think they traditionally view it as "their race" or even "their country".
I mean, this is why the British had such an easy time running their shit for so long - they atomize themselves willingly into castes and the behavior seems deeply ingrained.

>> No.6701729

Why the fuck are you guys posting this shit onto reddit? are you fucking kidding me who was the nigger that did that


>> No.6702348

take a screenshot i don't know how to put that into reddit and i sure as fuck don't want to learn.

>> No.6702375

Not true

>> No.6702498

If moving in with her is inevitable, then have a private study area that is 'yours' where you can have all the minimalism you want. Also invest in lots of storage furniture like beds and couches with drawers underneath to put all her crap away in.

>> No.6702518

I want more minimalist room pics.
Wish I had a tiled/wooden floor.

>> No.6702771

god damn all those paintings are so same-y

>> No.6702854

they're safe paintings for people that call themselves eclectic

>> No.6702874

I raffed

>> No.6703046
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>> No.6703055

That's pretty creepy

>> No.6703060
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>> No.6703078 [DELETED] 

what's the point of doing that?
this isn't even a good/funny thread?

what are the comments like?

>> No.6703091

oh nevermind lol

>> No.6703123

This, can someone dump images or post a link to some cool, minimalist rooms?

>> No.6703135
File: 48 KB, 500x333, 1376184132231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minimalism is an unnecessary extreme in my opinion. Like vegetarians that don't eat anything that was ever in the same room as an animal.

I'm moving soon and I'm going through my stuff now, realizing I have a lot of unnecessary things, so I'm condensing that. But as for the hardcore minimal style, I can't vibe. My room has to have a personality that mirrors mine.

>> No.6703170
File: 50 KB, 428x540, LineDetail030413-1_rect540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, I've been on reddit? creep mode.

well, at least they weren't talking about my post much. still creepy. WHICH OF YOU FAGGOTS IS UPLOADING SHIT TO REDDIT!
anyway, posting some minimal pics and some that are semi-minimal with more than bare bones.

>> No.6703191
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>> No.6703192
File: 451 KB, 1533x1080, 18_OJEJE.COM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6703218
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>> No.6703232
File: 56 KB, 475x634, caroline4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6703241
File: 21 KB, 360x480, 04922db5d97c651cf16ad925cddd5b6cd3111864_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6703250
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>> No.6703300

>tfw room is too small for glorious minimalism

I wish I had a massive studio apartment

>> No.6703379

I try to keep my room as minimal as possible, while constantly arranging and organizing things in their right place. It's hard since my room consists of a computer desk, bed, shelf, and record player+stereo

>> No.6703448

A little on the nose, nice try.

>> No.6703517
File: 2.92 MB, 370x184, 1375624062008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then she bought two extra chairs just to have. And some throw blankets. And the pillows, oh God the pillows. And if I ever hear "but it has sentimental value" again, I swear I'm going to start flinging shit out the window.
reading this almost made me hulk out on my girlfriend in the next room, she's not even messy but just imagining her doing that pissed me off

>> No.6703529
File: 424 KB, 684x1168, goten_ssj2_by_maffo1989-d42d24l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is son sayin?

note: this post is incredibly witty and well written. notice the picture is of the popular DBZ character Goten. Goten is Goku's son, and a Saiyan.

the post "what is son sayin" is questioning what you meant about noses (i'm not familiar with the expression). essentially it means "what is this guy talking about?"
yet the picture is of a Saiyan's son, giving the post a double meaning.

>> No.6703534

>but it has sentimental value
ha hits too close to home for me, because my ex used to say the same shit.
damn it pissed me off how much stuff she would just keep for no reason.

>> No.6703541

my mom used to do that so it's a double Freudian whammy when my girlfriend does it now

>> No.6703561

IKEA paintings for boring shitheads.

>> No.6703597

I see a tablet and some sort of manga-layout software on the bigass monitor.

Remember kids, this is what happens if you go to Japan to become a Manga-ka.

>> No.6703618
File: 274 KB, 656x731, shibbydibby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls stop.

>> No.6703728
File: 34 KB, 800x600, 5070750_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6703743

you exposed me homie

but i dont get why you clicked on 3 of those links.

>> No.6703893

yo did u hear that eeyore bought that site that had his ether?

>> No.6703899

Fucking autist

>> No.6704024


that's hillarious if it's true haha

>> No.6704093

Oh God
Please post proof.

>> No.6704478

wut? my gf is modernist/minimalist all the way

feels good

>> No.6704615


>can't afford TV
>people have to hold back their laughter at your lack of acquired currency

I don't pay for cable since I just use HDMI, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in love with my 72" screen.

>> No.6705057

lol how do yu watch porn then, on YOUR MIND?

>> No.6705068

Poorfag here. Only have a 50 in my living room and 32 in the bedroom. 32 looks so tiny, might up to 40.

I have cable for them sporting matches but rarely watch it. Useless necessity.

>> No.6705152

Aw, i like the apartment you posted OP, reminds me of my first apart.

I had nothing in it but my bed. (which was on floor)
Always had interesting comments from anyone that saw it. I think its pretty /fa/

>> No.6705243

>watching tv

>> No.6705270

>watching TV
>using a computer for anything
>not owning a typewriter

How do you people expect to be better than anyone if you're still trying to keep up with the Jones's?

You can still have a fruitful (and arguably more meaningful) life with analog stuff that was invented long ago.

Do you REALLY want to be friends with someone who would never write you a letter?

>> No.6706170
File: 147 KB, 2500x595, 1375462547208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6706201

that guy in the doorway...

>> No.6706210
File: 244 KB, 1024x768, 1357144200502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this minimal enough?

>> No.6706225
File: 168 KB, 960x720, 1375462983349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6706276

reminds me of a train station

>> No.6706376

how new are you???

>> No.6706746


that room hnnggg

the furnishings can go fuck themselves though. except those rugs and blinds, maybe the bed.

>> No.6706750


new wallpaper

>> No.6706903

where would you have to live to get an apartment with a similar style?

>> No.6707039


any medium sized to large size city should have some industrial looking apartments, you'll just have to hunt around. Be prepared to pay out of your ass for rent though.

>> No.6707192

yeah, i was planning on renting. crap, how much do you think a 1 room apartment like that would go for...or should i consider roommates?

>> No.6707216

Being 'kinda minimal' defeats the whole purpose of minimalism.

>> No.6707224

>She's a better cook

God I read that as "She has a better cock"

I need to leave 4chan for a while.

>> No.6707436
File: 996 KB, 500x279, pizza parker london 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm actually gay

>> No.6709078

you know what's better than minimalism? messy minimalism. there's a subtle difference. it's more carefree, but minimal at the same time.

>> No.6709088

this .gif is so gay

>> No.6709105

I've grown to like minimal designs. Can someone post minimal outfits?

>> No.6709131

ugh fuck you people that think resting paintings against a wall like that is a good idea, it's so half assed

>> No.6709141

I'm not gay but something about that gif looks right and beautiful.

>> No.6709167

>google tv
>apple tv
>using the tv as a giant monitor
>herp derp

>> No.6709214

you think you're so edgy
you are not