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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 206x400, 1366252661145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6694123 No.6694123 [Reply] [Original]

Most /fa/ dick length?

6.5 reporting in.

>> No.6694131

anything between 6-8

>> No.6694141

Real /fa/ is 8+

>> No.6694146

Yea, no. Take your /fit/ bullshit and leave.

>> No.6694147
File: 39 KB, 450x675, Sacai_015_1366.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4ish inches when flaccid
>almost 7 inches when hard

It's all about versatility, OP.

>> No.6694200

femanon here, anything over 7 is 2 big. you watch a lot of porn if you think girls want to be stuff with a 9 inch salami stick. (we dont)

>> No.6694208


>implying we're interested in women

these bitches sometimes I mean srsly

>> No.6694211

Gay men are the only people who care about penis size. If you're not an extreme baby dick you're fine.

>> No.6694213

yeah i second this

besides after a certain point wouldn't it just make your pants fit funny

>> No.6694233



>> No.6694420
File: 134 KB, 320x240, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit over 8... and I look like im 13
> pic sadly related

>> No.6694430

/fit/ can't into proportions

>> No.6694438

because you have a coconut haircut

>> No.6694455

dude how old are u
you look like a cunt btw

>> No.6694579

im the only nigga alive still hanging onto that 2007 hair

>> No.6694583

9 inches here, and I'm gay. come get it ladz.

>> No.6694604

>im the only nigga alive still hanging onto that 2007 hair
fuckin why??

>> No.6694685
File: 130 KB, 320x240, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6694753

7.8 inches
Go somewhere else with your little dick

>> No.6694772

as if. whats the real reason

>> No.6694779

it attracts other gay men

>> No.6694784

Only 6 inches here I'm afraid. But the ladies don't complain, so Its all good.

>> No.6694799

About 7 inches hard. Girth could be better though. I don't even know what it measures to.

>> No.6694802

mike said he had a huge dick or something

apparently girls hated it but guys loved it

>> No.6694808

Forgot. Measuring now. Where do I start measuring from?

>> No.6694804

What a huge faggot, you look like ground zero for a gay orgy full of shit packers and put rutters.

>> No.6694816

6.25" with above-average girth

>> No.6694821


>> No.6694829

.. wouldn't you measure from the base to the tip ?

>> No.6694837

7.1 long
5.9 width

they all love it.

>> No.6694838

the fact that you included .25 means you're a dick manlet

>> No.6694848


>> No.6694854
File: 1.37 MB, 500x283, 1376154814868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> full of shit packers and put rutters
> shit packers and put rutters
> shit packers put rutters
>shit packers
>put rutters

>> No.6694857

im slightly under 5 inches
would my girlfriend care? we've been together for about a month and neither of us have sexual experience

>> No.6694869

if she loves u and u make a good fugg she won't rly care i believe.

>> No.6694863

>constant dick bulge in most pants
>dick fades in raws

could be worse tho

>> No.6694872

no, she wont care dude

>> No.6694882

>dick fades in raws
i laughed i gotta see this

>> No.6694907

Your daily reminder that some whore said James Deen had a small penis

Women confirmed for idiots

>> No.6694915

Id hate to be under 5, would be a hassle as you have less movement before slipping out.
Im sure youll work it out.

On a side note, you have been together with a girl and not had sex in a month. WTF is that about?

>> No.6694932

not ery1 is a depraved new yorker u harlot

>> No.6694937


I once dated a girl for three months before we had sex. Granted that's an exception but not everyone fucks on the first date

>> No.6694944

3'' flacid
7.4'' x 5.1'' when hard

>> No.6694981

how does that work out for you girth-wise

>> No.6695015

I guess it's around 2.5'' flacid, or are you asking of something else?
The penis unlike most bends downwards, the bend is probably at 20-25 degrees and starts to bend somewhere in the middle section.

>> No.6695025

i mean the 5.1" bit, cause my length and girth are very similar, although from what i read online makes me think i'm rocking a unsatisfying pencil

>> No.6695040

x_x @ this thread rn

>> No.6695039

sex isn't important for some people. i just want to be loved, and i need my distance. my qt is okay with that and we've been together for 8 months

>> No.6695054

>>6694799 here.
Sex is 75% mindset and 25% physical activity. In MY opinion.
If you are good at foreplay and talking dirty, getting her in the mood, etc. Then when you two actually come down to having sex, it will be pleasurable. Spend time kissing her body, using your tongue on her nipples. Massage her thighs. Pull her in by her lower back and scratch. Bite her lip. Choke her. Spank her. Sex isn't all about just putting your dick in her pussy, there's much more to it.

>> No.6695063

i don't know how to measure dick

>> No.6695066

nah dawg it's fine

>> No.6695070

with a throat

>> No.6695074

Don't learn how to, only fuccbois care enough to actually measure.

>> No.6695088

True dat.
My best sex was with a girl that left a fair amount of scratch and bitemarks on my body. And she begged me for a spanking.

>> No.6695162

comparing dick lengths isnt /fa/

>> No.6695170

7.1 master race

>> No.6695284

5.5 inch with decent girth

Captcha: Christian (my name) cyourhap

>> No.6695513


>> No.6695724
File: 44 KB, 451x392, lm40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dick fades in raws

>> No.6695736

just over 6 inches here, average girth

>> No.6695755

5.5x5.5 uncircumsized grower master race

> perfect size for avg korean gfs
> not big enough to make skinny jeans uncomfortable or get dick fades
> won't have dick hanging out of shorts
> greek statue tier, small before hard and not cut

>> No.6695785

You need to make a /soc/ thread, I think you'd be highly appreciated there.

>> No.6695816

> 5.5
> 55

>> No.6695831

that shit is sad as fuck my nigga.

>> No.6695864

talk shit post dick

>> No.6695871


>> No.6696050

> fuck that

>> No.6696065

I'm 7" and I think that's fine. Not that it matters of course, I'll probably never get a chance to use it

>> No.6696090

Aww, please?

>> No.6696214

not today,anon

>> No.6696239


prove it

>> No.6696252


>> No.6696246

4.5" length, 4" girth
kill me

i'm a 5'6" manlet too

>> No.6696248

OK, thanks anyhow.

>> No.6696257


youre retarded

>> No.6696260

How so

>> No.6696283

nah dude, she won't. don't even worry about it

>> No.6696318

6.5x-7 x 5.5
No one else grows situationally?
>girl sucks my dick when it's big, compliments everywhere
>tells our friends
>week later her roommate sucks it and my hard is smaller than usual
>she still compliments the size just because her roommate told her I was big, dumb slut

>> No.6696313

Like the other anon said in this thread, its mainly mental. If you tease her and put her in the mood she wont even mind the slightest. Youll be fine anon, I believe in you

>> No.6696329

Girls can't into measuring things by eye m9

and yeah, arousal obviously plays into it.

>> No.6696346

this. what kind of girl can tell the difference between 5.5 and 7 on sight.

Unless shes a fucking ho and sucks a lot of dick


Be flexible and have stamina is all I can say

>> No.6696769


I'm the exact same as you Anon, except I'm circumcised.

No woman has ever complained to me before. But I always rock the little man in the boat beforehand so that doesn't hurt.

>> No.6696784

>dick fades in raws
lmao best post on fa

>> No.6696799

here is how girls measure dick size:

>first time you fuck
his dick is pretty big

>when she falls in love with you
his dick is god like

>after you break up with her
his dick is like 2 inches lol

>> No.6696800
File: 50 KB, 960x914, 995148_10151539343061962_2034932995_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about any of you fuckers claiming to be 6-8 inches actually post some pics

>> No.6696809

>tfw measuring dick for the first time
>happy cuz it's eight inches
>oh shit that's the millimeter side of the ruler

>> No.6696814

that was lame, dude

>> No.6696857

faggot here with 8.5", never got complains from guys (6" girth), would a grill do?

>> No.6696888
File: 192 KB, 1000x1034, 990066_cc9d_1024x2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre never gonna get over her saying that are you?

>> No.6696909
File: 25 KB, 197x245, 1369727861277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read up about sexuality and its effects on penis size.
>"Bisexuals are found to have almost a full inch longer penis in the majority of studies respective to their race/demographics average."
>Measure penis.
>7 inches.
>Average for this part of the world is 5.6
>tfw virgin.

>> No.6696911


smh 6 inches is average, why would anyone lie about being average

>> No.6696916


>implying bisexuality is real

Stop being 16

>> No.6696920
File: 14 KB, 396x349, 833923749099332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to troll me.
Give up now, friend.

>> No.6696921

i laugh when other girls say that about their exes too

>> No.6696924

6" girth is fine if they can push a baby head out of there they can handle a 6" thick dick trust me

youll bottom out in a grill cervix at like 6.5"-7" which some grills like some dont so u might have to hold back w/ some bitchs and u might not b able to have her on top

>> No.6696934
File: 19 KB, 500x330, kitten_smile-1611[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so true tho. I have to admit im guilty of this too

>> No.6696951


trunks with every post I think you're younger and younger.

you must honestly be like 14.

>6" girth is fine if they can push a baby head out of there they can handle a 6" thick dick trust me

you think a woman's body/vagina is in the same state when giving birth as when casually having sex? ever heard of dilation?

>youll bottom out in a grill cervix at like 6.5"-7" which some grills like some dont so u might have to hold back w/ some bitchs and u might not b able to have her on top

I don't think any girl in the world gets pleasure from the head of a dick slamming into her cervex.

>> No.6696952

p sure every grill does this

i wonder if the manlet my ex is dating thinks my dick is 4"

>> No.6696963

dude unless shes a virgin or hasnt fucked anyone in 10 years she can handle a 6" thick dick

and yes some grills are crazy for that shit

>> No.6696981

Not him but you're retarded and have never had sex.

>> No.6696989

if you say so

>> No.6696994


lol it was just your reasoning that shows you know nothing about the female body.

and if girls like their cervix getting slammed, it's some s/m shit. I don't doubt they exist, but it must be a pretty small %

>> No.6696999

most like it

>> No.6697005


theres a difference between stretching their pussy out and hitting their cervix.

i dont even know why im talking like this.

>> No.6697006
File: 3 KB, 486x196, 1356243487946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feels good.

>> No.6697021

man you can tell when you hit it you just bottom out it wont go deeper

>> No.6697018

hitting the cervix causes extreme pain in most girls dude. It's like kicking a girl in the balls.

>> No.6697023

ya last girl fucking hated it

>> No.6697027


glad I'm not the only one who realizes you're a fucking idiot. just stop being a trip fag. nothing you contribute is good. embrace anonymity and save yourself embarrassment.

>> No.6697041
File: 192 KB, 274x269, hurgle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6697038

1. Thickness has nothing to do with hitting the cervix
2. Girls don't like it SLAMMED, they like it nudged

just about any girl will like 6" girth what you have to worry about is whether or not she can get it in her mouth

>> No.6697047
File: 34 KB, 500x449, gc2Lg0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahah who is this guy just stop man

>pic related, it's trunks

>> No.6697061

Guys I'm just a fag wondering if girls would enjoy that dick.
You ruin everything /fa/, even sex with girls when you're gay ;_;

>> No.6697071

>whether or not she can get it in her mouth

>tfw dick is over 6" in girth and every blowjob I've ever gotten has involved a significant amount of teeth

Is it normal to feel teeth in bj's?

>> No.6697076

>just about any girl will like 6" girth

>> No.6697081

I just had to clear something up. When a girl is dilating, it's their cervix that's dilating. Chicks vaginas get torn (ripped/pulled apart, whatever you want to put in here) when giving birth, hence the reason why so many women died during childbirth back in the day. Fun fact, the area between the anus and the vagina is not that far apart, so some women's vagina gets torn to become one with their anus during childbirth.

>> No.6697089
File: 11 KB, 211x290, 1327211574316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some women's vagina gets torn to become one with their anus during childbirth.

>> No.6697093

yea eeyore, you're in the clear.
thank god!

that's what's been holding you back this whole time, a little insecurity about your dick size?

it's ok man, you'll be fine :)

>> No.6697096

ya babies also weigh like 8lb

if u dont have an 8lb dick ur probably not going to give her a butt vagina

>> No.6697099

i thought you hated women tho?

shouldnt you be concerned on whethere that will satisfy rickys butthole?

>> No.6697103

It's called Fistula, and it's still a major health concern in third world countries, if I'm not mistaken.
It's a horrible condition. Smells terrible, leaks, gets you ostracized.

>> No.6697104

most girls suck at giving head in my experience.
and yea it seems pretty normal unfortunately.

from my experience the girls that give the best head aren't as good in bed and vice versa.

>> No.6697113
File: 2 KB, 134x36, Bruce Willis looks at a computer, he seems concerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6697129

Having a vagina sounds like an absolutely awful experience.

>> No.6697138

god damnit.

can they fix it?
or at least estimate the odds of it happening so they can do a c section?

im too scared to google it.

>> No.6697140

Girls can get 6" girth into their mouths?

>> No.6697147

>eeyore aka "baww why r women so priveleged in society a bloo bloo this is why i dont need feminsim boo hoo" saying being a grill would be in any way bad

my sides

>> No.6697149


if they have a small mouth there will be teeth tho

>> No.6697152

>Having a vagina sounds like an absolutely awful experience
Don't worry, I doubt you'll be having any vagina until you stop hating women so much.

>> No.6697159

not sure if fake poet

>> No.6697156

lmao slam bam welcome to the jam

>> No.6697160

Yes, it can be fixed by a competent surgeon with an equipped OR. Problem is, you don't find much of that when you head off the grid.

>> No.6697161



>> No.6697169

don't think its him

>> No.6697181

you're an idiot

>> No.6697182

I'm assuming he doesn't normally jump onto the "snide insult" bandwagon?

>> No.6697177
File: 46 KB, 400x533, 52020ed6356b9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6697185
File: 57 KB, 1138x270, Screen shot 2013-08-12 at 9.04.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is, and i give him props it.
when poet ethers someone they better listen.

had to screenshot this when i was searching the archive because i wanted to remind eeyore of it.

it's probably the realest thing anyones ever said to him.

>> No.6697186

i could see him making an exception for you tbh youre a huge cunt

>> No.6697190

that wasn't even a snide insult.
it was the straight up truth.

even you know it.

get your goddamn mind right fool.

>> No.6697195


>> No.6697198

7 here nerds get wrecked

>> No.6697225

While it is unfortunate that you and I cannot get along, I do not understand your need to reply to me every single time I make a post and hurl grade-school insults.

I'm not going to argue with you because arguing over the internet is retarded on both parties' end but I truly hope that how you act over the internet is not a reflection of your behavior in real life. Take it as you will. Good luck to you.

>> No.6697238

Fuckin damage control. Go complain to /r9k/ with your cum and tear stained keyboard Captain Misogyny.

>> No.6697246

are you seriously trying to put someone down and prove some point like you are better?

or are you just joking around at this point?

and for the record, i will always post that pic, in every thread i see you in, until i get arthritis so bad i can't type.

not because i think you'll gain anything from it, and not because i think it will annoy you. i'll do it for my own personal enjoyment, and to show everyone the person they are really speaking to.

>> No.6697251

ya if we could get like 1 mod in here it would be great.

fuckin threads like this man...

why are there so many trips arguing about dick size in here? if you're a trip that posts on /fa/ shouldn't you care about fashion, not dick size?

wonder why you don't see User or decent trips in here? because they're decent.

>> No.6697252

>I truly hope that how you act over the internet is not a reflection of your behavior in real life.

this post literally could not be more ironic

>> No.6697259

I never said I behaved like this in real life. I knew you would write it off just because it's a post from someone you don't like nor agree with. I tried.

>> No.6697266

he's gay

>> No.6697268

you tried to get some pussy too but you're failing at that turbonerd.

>> No.6697288

you know what eeyore, you're right.

i changed my mind. you are a cool guy, and you make a lot of sense.
there is nothing i can respect more than a man who can give advice to other men despite having none yourself.

over 400 posts on /r9k/ says one thing: you have no life.
every post you make verifies this.

i know you'll always post here, i know i can't get you to stop.

but hopefully i can get you to think about what im saying when you're breaking down depressed cuz you got tricked by another person you met online.

you are too stubborn in your thinking, yet you think like every typical, lonely loser i've ever met.

i can embarrass you even worse than i already have, with some stuff that will mess up your real world life (or would if you had a life) but i've been holding off on posting it off until you really piss me off again.

you need to stop.
read the dj bible or something. idk man, you don't have to be a loser for the rest of your life.

get your mind right.

>> No.6697292

*despite having no experience in anything yourself.

probably more errors but idgaf

>> No.6697343

>i can embarrass you even worse than i already have, with some stuff that will mess up your real world life (or would if you had a life) but i've been holding off on posting it off until you really piss me off again.
what the fuck.

Things are getting crazy. I love trip drama.

>> No.6697354

if eeyore got doxed it would be the end of his life

>> No.6697372

unfortunately it probably wouldn't even have much effect because he doesn't have much of a life outside of the internet.

but yea, im sure it will affect him in some way.

and it WILL happen if he disrespects prodigy again or anything else that really gets under my skin.

he thinks he's so slick but it took no effort to figure out who he is.

>> No.6697385

puttin niggas in their place

ur my fav shitposter (besides case)

>> No.6697431

Dick size fluctuates, if I'm with a hot babe, I'm hard as fuck and at max size, if I'm not that into a hog, it has a hard time staying hard.

>> No.6697442

12cm girth, 13cm length hue

>> No.6697443

someone plz link me to the old waywt thread that's bumpin out

>> No.6697451

Alright your posts were pretty cool for a moment there but what the Fuck is this bulls hit about white knighting for prodigy? She is a big girl and can handle herself and has proven that after a the shit flinging she's been through since she has been here. But seriously bro putting the pussy on the pedestal and saying she's off limits cause she is a girl to get you closer to fucking her or something? Top lel

>> No.6697461

>Tfw like 5'6-5'9 slender guys with 4-6 inches in their pants

Walking sculptures imo

>> No.6697464

Lol are you serious. Just go into catalog and find it yourself you lazy can't. Inb4 one of your online boytoys does it for you and offers up their balls.

>> No.6697470


let's fuck bb

>> No.6697476

it's not putting pussy on a pedestal or white knighting.

it's just me being cool, as usual, and an anon who can't understand it.

>> No.6697484


ehh, 5'7/8 is what I prefer. 5'6 is too small and 5'9 is too big. agree on dick size though.

>> No.6697510

Alright keep defending and respecting your online girlfriends then maybe it will get you laid one day.

>> No.6697522

some day i'll meet the perfect qt asian virgin to impregnate and love for the rest of my life.

but she'd have to be ok with me being a stay at home dad.

>> No.6697541

whoda thunk a thread about dick sizes would end with a bunch of verbal dick measuring contests

>> No.6697618
File: 120 KB, 638x425, 1790460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5.8 x 5.2
the things i'd do for a half an inch more...

>> No.6698544

where do I measure my dick from?
like where it will actually be used? from the pubic hair area? I don't want to get a 'false reading'.
also, fashion dick ovens or some shit idk.

>> No.6698592

top side base to tip of head

>> No.6698631

>She is a big girl

>> No.6698728

>Average dick length is 5.5"
>nearly everyone in this thread in far above average, sometimes up to 2 SDs


>> No.6698745

It's not a random sample. The people who respond are those who are interested in posting in a dick size thread.

>> No.6698749

u mean liek us :3

>> No.6698853

An other funny thing /fit/ says is that anything below 6'7'' is manlet.

>> No.6698872

why do you have that fucking haircut

>> No.6698896
File: 13 KB, 244x289, sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5.5 dick
>have made girls come from intercourse

>> No.6698974

pretty disappointed I just read this entire thing

>> No.6698983

why did you read the thread?

were you curious about other anons dicklengths? Trying to compare your own to theirs? Or perhaps you were just doing some independent research to try and figure out if there is a correlation between penis length and clothing choices?

>> No.6698980

it disappoints ME that you read this entire thing

youre better than this mang

>> No.6699546

we already discussed this

>> No.6699738

17 years old, 7.4 inches not sure if that's good or bad, i don't really care about it either.

>> No.6699760

I meant 6.4 not 7.4

>> No.6699765


if you didn't care, you wouldn't lie about it.
you made it so obvious, too

also, pls go kiddo, 4chan is for grown ups

>> No.6699892

6.4 why lie about that?

>> No.6700159

He just replied late and is a total faggot, dont pay him any attention.

>> No.6700897

You must have the most /fa/ bulge ever.

>> No.6702520

6.5 length...4.5 girth...

Feels bad man.. But I guess im pretty close to average so you gotta take what you can get shrug

>> No.6702594

bigger than average 100%

>> No.6702611

I thought its smaller then normal girth though? And isnt that most important?

>> No.6702625

You are, but not by any great amount, so I wouldn't be worried if I were you.

>> No.6702640


i'm content with it

>> No.6702695

I have no horse in this dog fight, but I can confirm that the DJ Bible will get your shit right. I went from broken hearted over a young lady to having 3 girls in love with me (basically, although i didn't know how to handle that either) just by internalizing the lessons.

Def give it a shot sad cunts.

>> No.6702997
File: 1.86 MB, 290x260, 1332045609424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfags arguing over who is more pathetic

>> No.6703024

>this thread

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>> No.6703089

>tfw you're only 7" but your gf says "that's a big weenie!" as she holds it in her hands

>> No.6703141

I got a pretty small dick, sometimes my girlfriend forces me to wear her panties too.

>> No.6703160
File: 194 KB, 355x367, antsindapants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 7'

>> No.6703169

8", decent girth