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File: 610 KB, 577x484, fitttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6693715 No.6693715 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is too full and too gay

>> No.6693719

lol @ u

>> No.6693723


fukn gay bro

>> No.6693726

Lose the watch. Wear low black socks or no socks at all. Stand proud and relaxed.
Otherwise, you're on your way, just keep refining the look and upgrading the individual elements. Better basics, etc. Not that I can say those look cheap, I haven't looked hard enough.

>> No.6693728

I can't decide if it's the pose or the fit that's the worst.

>> No.6693733

It's the pose, I think the fit has potential if certain improvements are made.

>> No.6693735


That's the beauty of it.

>> No.6693738

Y'all niggas need to step your Assassin's creed gam up

>> No.6693744

this is why you shouldn't try to be goffninga if you buy your clothes at asda

>> No.6693754

faggot ass nigga

>> No.6693797

i need more tears
It's just my pose tbh

>> No.6693816

you shouldn't use homophobic slurs

>> No.6693842
File: 85 KB, 283x720, XXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I was going to wear to see Death Grips ;_;

>> No.6693857

just go topless.

>> No.6693859

roll dem sleaves,
pinroll dem trousers
get less gay shoes.

>> No.6693860

pls b in london
no i mean it were you the guy in the xxx t-shirt i talked to at the death grips show in london a few months ago?

>> No.6693868

Loks gud but patrician would scoff at your Danny brown shirt

>> No.6693870
File: 2.60 MB, 1026x2304, poseeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less shitier pose

>> No.6693876

Nope, DC reppin'
It was about to be my second time seeing them though.

>> No.6693887

ditch the white socks. also, what are those shoes ? they look kind of bulky. the rest is aight though.

>> No.6693897

what the fuck are you doing with your arms? you look like that kid from the way way back.

>> No.6693900

I can't pose for shit, i'm not the one you're reffering to

>> No.6693905


GTFO and go to MFA.

>> No.6693907

lol this du still listen to desu gurippu

>> No.6693916
File: 336 KB, 1222x817, annasophia-robb-way-way-back-stills-exclusive-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6693911


>> No.6693918


>> No.6693919

>that fucking pose

>> No.6693920

shit fit, good danny brown t-shirt

>> No.6693930
File: 618 KB, 661x1863, 6_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole my dad's navy chinos :^))))
Now my silhouette doesn't look retarded

>> No.6693943

That's a fucking bad outfit

>> No.6693945


you really need to let that jacket go

>> No.6693947
File: 247 KB, 671x407, shuU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some roshes and go nosox. Lose the watch too.

>> No.6693948

is this a joke

>> No.6693955

if its the blue its much less blue irl
light is hurting me

I'm trying to find a szd down one but I see what you mean
Its hard to work with


>> No.6693961

no he just posts it saying that its a joke because he cant actually post any good fits or give any decent advice and dickrides twerk constantly.

inb4 banana says some stupid shit

>> No.6693969

take that jacket outside and burn it. NOW.

>> No.6693976

it isn't a joke
wen did i dickride twrk tho

Its so waterprooof aaah

i forgot to say thank you to everyone so thanks

>> No.6693997

norse projects has cursed bananer

>> No.6694001
File: 336 KB, 334x558, Picture 801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6694011

ur shirts a bit creased m8, might want to iron it

>> No.6694009

>womanlike body
>big ass hips
>Shitty wannabe fashyon outfit

>> No.6694010


like i said before its pretty bad, makes your tits noticable in a bad way, draping looks unnatural and cheap, sleeves look bad, lose whatever youre wearing under the pods

>> No.6694016
File: 69 KB, 500x374, tumblr_l1omkaDJ8m1qbbjpeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stand up str8
good posture in the foundation of good living

>> No.6694013


That just makes your hips look huge.

>> No.6694019

link the cropped sweatpants already i need them

>> No.6694022

do all gothninjas wear these kind of pants?
what do they do when they get a boner how do they hide it

>> No.6694023

I love you User, I really do. But the shoes are horrible.

>> No.6694029

more room to let it breathe
that pose makes your hips look hueg, m8.

>> No.6694037

idk what those fags are on about, your hips don't even look wide, i bet they're toothpicks

>> No.6694033

I get it that banana is a blatant attention-whore without much real to contribute, but at least hes not an asshole like 90% of the trips on this board.
its kind of refreshing - someone who takes this all a little less seriously.

>> No.6694034


waistband it you dummy, did you just start getting erections or something

>> No.6694049

Tom taylor, but i don't think they sell them anymore

>> No.6694076


idk maybe if i lose another 10lbs? im really not that big but ok.


thanks, will try


:( i like ann d sneakers

>> No.6694077

fuck son i'll never have sweatpants :(

>> No.6694080

do u still sew / sell clothes?
if yes whats your email

>> No.6694088

How tall are you and what size is the t-shirt? Been wanting one for a while but i always hold off cus im not sure on sizing

>> No.6694089

which Ann D sneakers you have User?

>> No.6694090

just buy some zara sweatpants

>> No.6694093

>lose another 10 pounds
Don't do that, it's just the pose. Besides, it's possible to be really skinny and still have wide hips. It has more to do with your bone structure.

I like the fit. Not about the shoes, but each to his own.

>> No.6694102

don't lose weight. gain some in the right areas. your chest and arms for example. it would make your hips look less big (unless that really is just the pictures fault).

>> No.6694103
File: 666 KB, 449x728, Picture 330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not right now, but i will be taking orders in the future, probably sometime toward mid september, if you want to make an order email to: void1959@gmail.com


these ones

>> No.6694107

their ugly man

>> No.6694112

>:( i like ann d sneakers

I guess I've gone full hard on for low sneakers when wearing all black down. But I still like you :-)

And yes, your hips look big but it's the pose. I love your other fits so I know you look good bb.

>> No.6694110

oh alright thanks

>> No.6694120
File: 696 KB, 800x1200, IMG_1247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All black errything

>> No.6694115

don't l lose weight man, build more muscle
i'm pretty skinny but my hips stand out because the rest of my body doesn't have enough to it and they just happen to big big

>> No.6694125

Pants look weird, but good fit

>> No.6694127

lel do you stand like that normally?

>> No.6694129

Either cuff the pants and show ankles or change them entirely. Also your hands are huge but good fit.

>> No.6694132

I think it's the angle or something because they look uncharacteristically clownish.

>> No.6694143

what do u make that we could order?

>> No.6694145

no, just wanted to show my sleeves, wrists

>> No.6694155
File: 453 KB, 383x799, Picture 228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


probably combination of the pose+my waist is 28 so i think that accentuates my hips?

who knows, regardless i wanna fit into sz 26 diors anyways.

>> No.6694162
File: 1.59 MB, 1691x2736, blazer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore belt. top button was undone when i left the house too. 1/2

>> No.6694159


Yeah I rolled the pants slightly up (on the inside) cus they are about 32" and I'm closer to 30-31, made them look kinda weird. I'm thinking I'll just go with slight stacking.

Hands are small but I held the camera a bit in front of me to get a more normal persepctive so they are closer than the rest.

>> No.6694163


digging it, pants look kind of weird tho (mainly bcuz of how they fall at your ankles, and the material looks kind of weird when coupled with your jacket imo)

>> No.6694164
File: 1.11 MB, 3648x2736, blazer deets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6694169

Now whenever I think of DG fans I will immediately think of that fit where you were wearing a super dorky shirt even though your pants were nice.

- a fellow DG fan

>> No.6694173



>> No.6694174

is that real grass

>> No.6694180

dad get back to work

>> No.6694177

>my waist is 28 so i think that accentuates my hips?
That's fucking tiny. I was a 31 when I was 155 pounds and 6'3". I don't see it in the new picture, your hips look normal.

>> No.6694178

How tall are you User, you don't look very tall. (Not in a bad way)

>> No.6694186

Fuck the police I like this fit. You look soft. I want to touch everything you're wearing.

>> No.6694191


im 5'9'' im not that tall...

>> No.6694192

where did you manage to cop those ann D? Sufu, SZ, marketplace, ebay. rakuten, yahoo.jp?

>> No.6694197

u pretty much just said it

>> No.6694210

>you will never cop dem Ann D sneakers

>> No.6694222

looks great as always, love the shape of the shoes

>> No.6694239

is that you human comic sans

>> No.6694242

thats not all black
nice camera tho

>> No.6694236
File: 351 KB, 912x1479, goofninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6694244

6' 2" S

>> No.6694257

filename is 'goofninja', epic trole

>> No.6694260


>> No.6694277

w2c jacket?

>> No.6694297

pls respond

>> No.6694324
File: 216 KB, 800x766, X100s-lede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But duuude, if u like think about it, white is just a brighter black dude.

Thanks man.

Btw do any of u guys on here think clunky cameras can be effay?

IMO some mirrorrless and old SLRs are nice, but big SLRs are too much.

Pic related is grail camera. So fucking nice


G-star, remember to cut off the tag on the back.

>> No.6694350
File: 2.27 MB, 2560x1920, 20130814_171030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even lift

>> No.6694361

pants look off

>> No.6694374

still looks retarded

>> No.6694380


sheittt nigga

>> No.6694385

Leicas look really nice, although their digitals are expensive as hell. Big DSLR's can look good if you use primes; huge zoom lenses will usually make people avoid you because they're intimidating.

>> No.6694383

They fit a little baggy on the ass, hence those bumps. They go away when I stand completely straight tho

>> No.6694393
File: 880 KB, 1432x2368, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6694421

What's the reference?

Also, looks nice, but the sleeves are really baggy.

>> No.6694446
File: 54 KB, 357x813, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic, how I like my fits.

>> No.6694447

like the shirt?


>> No.6694444
File: 929 KB, 712x1028, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my trip

>> No.6694450

hey you look familiar...

>> No.6694459

I think its that fag who used to always wear black pants and shitty t shirts that had triangles on them
either way his outfits are shit

>> No.6694463

w2c jacket

>> No.6694474

Wow this madjelly
Nice fit pep, are those your damirs?

>> No.6694478

yeah it pepyn
i think that's river island

>> No.6694485

thanks m8 i hope you have a wonderful day

>> No.6694528
File: 94 KB, 408x857, IMG_20130814_200403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a pleb and im poor as fuck and i know its only very basic stuff but am i passable or am i embarrassing myself?
starting october i will get more money though so i can start getting into better stuff

>> No.6694541

h&m zara usually what im dressed in


>> No.6694548

ur looking a lot better gj

>> No.6694549

those jeans r shit

>> No.6694562
File: 321 KB, 1500x1089, wiwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also with a plain silver tie bar.

>> No.6694569

is this uuuhhhhh

>> No.6694575
File: 97 KB, 613x873, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur totally right

>> No.6694582


>> No.6694658

I'm impressed, great fit.

>> No.6694683

Love it.

>> No.6694717 [DELETED] 
File: 1.79 MB, 3000x4000, DSCN5733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this looks too dadcore

>> No.6694721

Fuccboi, the fit

>> No.6694722

>that shirt

>> No.6694723
File: 465 KB, 1536x1536, IMG_20130815_092107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vintage 2012 distressed rubber-soled Blundstone chelsea boots. Blue-green cotton drill spats by Coles of Marketown.

>> No.6694735

I'll need to see full fit before I judge

>> No.6694736

Not feeling the jeans, and that pattern is too loud imho but other than that a good fit
best in this thread

>> No.6694728
File: 1.79 MB, 3000x4000, DSCN5733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish this was more goof :^(

>> No.6694747

Post fit fuccboi

>> No.6694758


>> No.6694774

Doc, we have similar leg hair

>> No.6694785

You're 5'8 or something right? the reason your hips look so wide is because short people usually have the same bone density as taller people, thats why tinfoil at 6'4" looks like a tooth pick and you at 5'8" look kind of stocky

losing weight won't really help you, your best bet is to gain some upper body mass, i remember talking to you about it before and you were against because you didn't like to eat more or w/e, but you should at least do some calisthenics like pulls ups, dips, push ups etc to gain some strength, youll probably still gain mass keeping your diet the same is now and it will also help a lot with posture

I mean honestly most of your fits are pretty great now, but if you built your body a bit and fixed your posture your shit would be amazing

just my 2cents

>> No.6694800
File: 352 KB, 1198x1198, IMG_20130815_093526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6694809
File: 1.50 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6694803

really hasnt anything to do with bone density
this is about proportions and this guy clearly has low test or is on the low side
tinfoil just has to start to eat

>> No.6694815


white death grips and danny brown fans look so fucking frail hahah

>> No.6694824

>this is about proportions
um no shit??

how short he is and how wide his bones are determine his proportions

>> No.6694819

looks like u just go done with ur job being a waiter and untucked ur shirt

>> No.6694825

What the fuck is up with all of the hate? One of your best, User.

>> No.6694831

not necessarily, I've got big hips too and my upper body just looks like a brick.

>> No.6694847

this is not bad. Shoes and belt should match. And don't make them both red.

>> No.6694867

lol ok m8

i like how u said sorry

>> No.6694871

Looks good. Ever thought about dying/bleaching your hair?

>> No.6694874

you need new everything man, I'd start by getting a nicer pair of jeans and a better pair of shoes and then get some darker basic tops. You're passable for everyday normal things but it doesn't look good.

>> No.6694876

it's probably some guy samefagging

>> No.6694883

shirt sucks but your pants and shoes look good. Are those air force ones?

>> No.6694889

Maybe they're people that haven't seen his hips. The fit is solid and all, but his hips are indeed disproportionate to his chest.

>> No.6694894

>white death grips
there are black death grips fans?

>> No.6694899

lots of black people when i saw them

>> No.6694900

What is up? Not everyone likes the same things you do. I usually like User's fits but this one is pretty bad. Only thing okay are the shoes.

>> No.6694902

i could see somebody being into waka flocka and such get into desu gurippu eventually.

>> No.6694914

lol what? no, i like having red hair tbh

why do u ask?

>> No.6694923

u gay or somethin, bruv?

>> No.6694935

tbh I just don't like red hair lol

>> No.6694949


>> No.6695013

Yes! Smart move.

>> No.6695022

You're not embarrassing yourself. But your outfit is really bad.

>> No.6695030

The fit is off in the shoulders, otherwise pretty nice.

>> No.6695035

indeed they are

>> No.6695045

looks like it's caught between vaporwave and touristcore. You can afford to make it feel more extreme.

>> No.6695048

any1? I want to hear more people complain about my shirt it makes me happy

>> No.6695051

shit everything

>> No.6695065
File: 650 KB, 1224x1632, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread,Thin finn and CDB.

>> No.6695056

what those shoes be

>> No.6695058

i seriously hope you don't go out like that in public

>> No.6695067

talk shit post fit homeboi

>> No.6695086

w2c shoes? idk if you answered that already

>> No.6695089


but really it's basic as fuck and, do u have ur t-shirt tucked into ur jeans? toplel

>> No.6695099

they're fucking roshes u idiot how new can u be

>> No.6695102

your shirt is big bro

>> No.6695103


nike roshe bruh.

U can't have been here long

>> No.6695107

fucking sexy shirt, w2c? also I'd lose the cardigan sport coat thing and wear more casual shoes. and don't tuck

>> No.6695115

and neither do you look like it

>> No.6695123

shoes. w2c? Well actually I';m just curious what they are

>> No.6695161

dude your photos are just bad
it makes ur fits look bad
cop better cam

>> No.6695159


couple weeks, I've already got a decent wardrobe since then, I've just never been into nikes

>> No.6695187



>> No.6695196


>> No.6695206

>makes ur fits look bad

no, they're shit already kekkekeke fuckin plen

y do u trip when u dress like a fucking autistic freshman in high school

>> No.6695216
File: 31 KB, 250x375, 123771631432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6695213

carrot i c u

>> No.6695234
File: 14 KB, 300x250, mortal enemies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also carrot pic

>> No.6695245

but that would be alright if the tshirt fit you and the shoes weren't shit

>> No.6695442


uh no

ur just a fucking plen

>> No.6695459

post le fit

>> No.6695487


>> No.6695482

already did m80

>> No.6695512

idc just post it

>> No.6695507

nah now there's just negative energy surrounding it m8

i'm just saying, this banana guy is full plen

>> No.6695516

carrot cease this nonsense

>> No.6695519


banana has a personal cobbler and therefore more awesome than all of us combined

>> No.6695621
File: 75 KB, 608x960, IMG_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6695644
File: 269 KB, 1152x1632, everydayisbentoverrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6695645 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 15-08-13 at 11.30 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accidentally made a thread instead of posting here, now it wont delete. fuck.

>> No.6695648


>> No.6695654

r u getting swole as fugg?

>> No.6695657

wow that is the most awkward silhouette ever
looks bad as usual
u spend so much money why dont u actually make an effort to look good instead of wearing shit that looks good on other ppl that obviously isnt working 4 u

>> No.6695662

trying to cut hard actually

>> No.6695674

its shit cause of no layering and i cant really do a crazy pose like you guys are use to. Im just slummin in the heat nomsaiyan?

>> No.6695675

this looks fucking scary
like some kind of arm monster
pls train obliques

>> No.6695678

talk shig post fig

>> No.6695677

yes he is the arm

>> No.6695684

i have an adonis belt, my shoulders are just too broad bruv

>> No.6695698

oh ok
i would still run away if i saw you in an alley

>> No.6695721

wanna send me ur geos cuz u obv can't pull them off

>> No.6695717


I would join Banana in running from you

>> No.6695740

Looking huge the arm

>> No.6695738
File: 78 KB, 700x394, akira_tetsuo_transformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, you look like a capital T

Work your legs or something, it's not a good look. The tank is great though, I feel like they're made for more muscular people. But seriously, that shape. You look like you're mid transformation.

>> No.6695752

i squat too much already, im not trying to get T rex mode

>> No.6695777
File: 276 KB, 1164x1626, teddydrips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this guy, the same as this guy?

>> No.6695781
File: 147 KB, 500x750, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, I respect people on this board actually lifting, but I think the silhouette is just too off. Maybe try loose pants or shorts?

>> No.6695795

Is it only me or is something off about the pants? Can't put my finger on it.

>> No.6695796

yay, another one for my bad fits folder!

>> No.6695820

Looks harmless dude here, but the other pic...

>> No.6695825

his mastodonic penis makes them look weird

>> No.6695858

stop skipping leg day.

>> No.6695881

he didnt want to go t rex, you can see in the other pic the angle is just making his legs look tiny.

>> No.6695878

they look like normal pods

>> No.6695885

for a second I thought these were calvin kliein bottoms cuz of his undies


>> No.6695888


>> No.6695904

why would you ruin such a great fit by wearing jeans?

idk if it's because you're short or something, but the tank is a little too long

your face renders you incapable of pulling off this aesthetic anyway

lens distortion

>> No.6695913


>> No.6695928

whats wrong with his face?

>> No.6695935

omg this is the worst fit i've seen in a long time. this is like the outfit equivalent of a run-on sentence. truly horrible.

>> No.6695940

you should cut the tank to make it shorter or size down

usually like your stuff, but it's just goofy there

>> No.6695947


are you wearing an urban outfitters hoodie?

>> No.6695956

another butthurt poorfag

>> No.6695983

w3c shirt

>> No.6695994

Remember when you had to sell your dbss and a bunch of other shit because you bought 3 geos at once and couldn't cover rent? Good times.

>> No.6696021

top kek

>> No.6696016

lol the jeans and vans

>> No.6696023

and now he has ccp drips, rick memphis jeans and other more expensive shit.

>> No.6696048

basically, it looks like it belongs on a filipino hooker

there is no need to drop your trip, teddy

>> No.6696074

not him, just pointing out another broke ass fuccboi

>> No.6696073

remember when you had 0 pairs of dbss ricks ccp :^)

>> No.6696088

why do you think i'm broke, teddy? he looks like shit and always will, the richest man in the world could tell you that

>> No.6696107

Its not him, if you know how to find samefags you can see it

>> No.6696126

>if you know how to find samefags you can see it

this is a myth perpetuated by samefags

>> No.6696143

>and always will
Lets not be hasty. Cosmetic surgery is getting more advanced every day.

That bug was fixed ages ago.

>> No.6696149


>> No.6696170

Shit dude, My body is the same as yours. 5'9", 28" waist, 30 length pants. You're hips aren't big by the way

>> No.6696184

he'd look like sick boy if he did that.

>> No.6696185

This is great, everything fits well

>> No.6696191

average teenager core

>> No.6696196
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x2448, 20130814_223911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> cardigan
>white T
> drop crotch pants
Basic bitch day

>> No.6696211

grail camera?
da fuck is that?

im pretty sure thats a fuji x100s
Im saving up for one of those beats

>> No.6696233


>> No.6696230

>Wearing dadcore band shirts
Come on now.

>> No.6696271

>people going /mfa/ because it's not streetwear
Holy shit this board has gotten worse.
It's a basic good fit that's better than a lot of the retarded outfits posted in this thread.

>> No.6696349


>thank you hungry skellington

>> No.6696348



>> No.6696376


>> No.6696378

If you want to wear dropped pants, you'll do better to stick to longer tops, especially if you're tall and lanky.

>> No.6696390
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rainy day

>> No.6696396 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6696410

You look like a tight condom.

>> No.6696417


yo where you live?

>> No.6696412

Too anxious to post your shit on sufu after you did that shit with the really awkward pose?

Anyway, you don't look nearly knoch/nazi enough to do the boots thing, but I appreciate the style. The fit is w/e. I should mention I'm one of the more kind posters of 4chan so if you really do have problems with your security/insecurity, you should delete your fit now as it'll get berated soon enough.

>> No.6696414

idk what that means

>> No.6696415

silhouette is all off. dont do drop crotch with such skinny form fitting clothes. it actually DOES look like you shit your pants

>> No.6696419


why would you wear that horrid hoodie

and you should just wear beater shoes unless you don't care about those docs

>> No.6696423

vancouver island

i fuckin love sitka hoodies i should buy anohter one soon

>> No.6696424

>basedprophet with passable fit
Not feeling the boots man. Everything else is inoffensive, all I can really say that bothers me other then the boots if your choice of colors. Of course this is my opinion, others might shit on you lel.

>> No.6696431

wow thanks for being so kind man it really means alot xoxoxo idk what id do without u

>> No.6696432

lol can't wait for sufu

>> No.6696436

But it's not a good fit. The shirt is way too big which makes the proportions look totally fucked, not to mention the fact that he tucked it into his jawnz which just looks bad. Then his Thin Finns look like they're bunching up at the thighs which looks bad. The CDB aren't very interesting but at least there's nothing wrong with them.

>> No.6696443

probs too cheap and boring to be worth posting on sufu

>> No.6696448



>> No.6696451


it's a danny brown shirt you pleb

>> No.6696456

Lel, you're a fag dude, you post shit fits and you probably won't ever learn how silhouettes work and you don't even understand what style you want to go after but you drop money on shit like raf, go fuck yourself
- what I could've said but I didn't know you were such a fucking skeeze

>> No.6696464

your shins are longer than your thighs what the fuck how is that possible

>> No.6696458

quadra island

victorias super nice tho i was thinking of moving there

>> No.6696468

talk shit post fit bitch

youre saying the same shit either way i dont care if youre "nice" or bitchy about it

>> No.6696469

i didnt know gay people liked Danny Brown.

how do you feel about the song I WIll?

>> No.6696473

mirror angle + drop crotch

>> No.6696474

Oh you are way up there. Still pretty cool seeing people from the island on here. even though its not a big deal.

welp! Im going to bed. nice boots

>> No.6696471
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>> No.6696481

thanks man if theres ever a van meetup maybe ill c u there

>> No.6696485


you've already lost this, stop tripping now

>> No.6696492


>> No.6696490
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>> No.6696502

lost what?

thats a link to my sufu account not a picture of you in dreamboxes and void the brand

>> No.6696509

I'm wearing a black button up wish me luck /fa/

>> No.6696521


how do you feel about my dick in your ass faggot

>> No.6696522 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 1209x2333, potatoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows the fit?

>> No.6696530
File: 412 KB, 827x1793, wiwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apologies for iPad pic - best camera I've got

>> No.6696533

depends, are you wearing boat shoes?

>> No.6696541

im wouldnt enjoy it.
just wondering though.
doesn't seem like gay guys would be into song about graphically eating pussy.

>> No.6696539

I feel like the fit on those pants could work with a jacket that has a similar fit to it, your silhouette just gets weird as you go further down

>> No.6696548

shirt fits well
weird cuffs
shorts ok - not horrific, but not exactly good

overall just a kind of boring fit, but at least your shit fits pretty well

>> No.6696550

Just trying on new clothing, I'm barefoot in that pic. Will probably wear http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Mens-Canvas-Lace-Up-Shoes-Casual-Classic-Sneakers-Skate-Tennis-Plimsoll-Low-New-/00/s/MTAwMVgxMDAx/z/oTMAAMXQLs5RsCoe/$(KGrHqRHJBYFBUsTIwGSBRsCoe(yiQ~~60_12.JPG?rt=nc or http://myntra.myntassets.com/images/style/properties/Puma-Men-Dark-Brown-Benecio-Leather-Shoes_3285a6ac305824466277ef00daa9be9b_images_1080_1440_mini.jpg (with white laces)

>> No.6696561

>jacket with similar fit

elaborate? baggy fit?
The crewneck already has a pretty roomy silhouette

>> No.6696563

you should make your cuffs bigger so they match your fiveheard

>> No.6696564


it's obv which hand you use to jack off teddy bby :*

>> No.6696566

Thanks, yeah I just tried on some stuff I ordered online and took a quick picture. I'm awful with my sleeves and didn't notice how messy they were

>> No.6696571

just get vans or someth man

>> No.6696578

again, not terrible, but not great either.
overall ok - very generic fit

>> No.6696587

They're on my to-buy list, I'm still working on expanding my warddrobe (basically 15$ v-necks and American eagle jeans)

>> No.6696597
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wore some black sandals with this

>> No.6696630
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>blue hoodie with military boots
lol good job bro

>> No.6696640
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I want to believe

>> No.6696643

That looks good man. I mean that tee is pretty autistic high school core but i guess on a fit guy it looks ok. Im interested in how you are wearing the af1s so well, what is your height and shoe size, and also, how old are the af1s, they look nice beaten up.

>> No.6696644

>military boots

theyre docs bro

>> No.6696645

do you go to RIT?

>> No.6696659

Im no brother to a diaper wearing faggot soz

>> No.6696672

Looking pretty fah today?

>> No.6696803

Honestly I like the basic idea of this fit, but if I were you I'd either switch out the Docs for some sneaks, or wear a different jacket.

>> No.6697127

>owns burgundy pants
>bashes goofninja

Sounds about right.

>> No.6697133

I like the cut/color of the hoodie but the branding's obnoxious.

Jeans are too skin tight to be tucked. Looks super feminine.

>> No.6697148

Shirt's too long. You are literally already top heavy. The long shirt makes your legs look shorter.

>> No.6697150


>> No.6697155

This is beautiful.

>> No.6697163

Looks good.
Basic but well executed.

>> No.6697167

ironic shit fits are still shit fits

>> No.6697172

Tiny lapels don't suit your frame
Disjointed palette

>> No.6697281

>Zoologie chinos
Mah negroid

>> No.6697495

wtc hoodie?