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/fa/ - Fashion

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6693198 No.6693198 [Reply] [Original]

>be a year into growing hair out for man bun

>estimate about another year before a proper manbun can be achieved

>become frustrated

Feeling this really hard lately. I already know I look good with short hair and can just revert back to that and look good again, cuz I look like shit growing this out. Will the manbun pay off? The fuck

>> No.6693202

>not using biotin to accelerate your hair growth

>> No.6693216

take biotin pills

>> No.6693228

i know this feel op!
the worst is the back. i'm going to walk around with 4 inch hair over the collar of my top

it looks horrible

>> No.6693234

> white people sporting a "man bun"

just stop

>> No.6693259

what if i'm only partially white?

>> No.6693282
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>implying u dont want to fuck this guy

>> No.6693291

They are mostly made from dirt. There's not a single piece of scientifc evidence that they help. It's just women forums going "IT WORKED FOR ME!!!! Sort of..."
Depends. Only Asians can pull this off. If you look mostly white, it's a stupid idea.

>> No.6693292

how the fuck do u even put it into the iconic manbun style? i too am growing out my hair for it someone help

>> No.6693326


dont call me whitey, nigger

>> No.6693341
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will manbun work for me

>> No.6693343

Girls do it with socks, you won't want such a big bun as a guy though, so I imagine you'll just want to put it in a high ponytail, fix it with one thin rubber. Then do a small bun, fix it with a second thin rubber. Done.
If you want to you can use these small fixing clips as well but if you don't hide them well, it'll look pretty gay.

>> No.6693349


Sorry my autism prevents me from visualizing this. Is there a video tutorial for this?

>> No.6693351

only if you grow a beard

>> No.6693353

No. You look too young and not manly enough. You'll need a messy, older, rugged look to rock it. Grow a beard and ask again.

>> No.6693359
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>mfw hairy everywhere except face(aside from thick ass eyebrows)

>> No.6693371

This is the internet. Of course there is. Google it and you'll have one in 10 seconds.

>> No.6693383
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I got the beard, but about another year's growth for hair length.

>> No.6693385

Dude, you'd look hotter with just a regular ragged short look.
But try out what you have to try.

>> No.6693392
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9001 hours in paint

>> No.6693395

pls fuck me

>> No.6693405

What a pretty young lady.

>> No.6693421
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I know, but thats why I made this thread. Like if a bunch of people chimed in saying, "I felt the same way OP, but I stuck with it and it's totally worth it," then I would be encouraged to keep goin. But honestly, I miss looking good and feeling good about how I look.

>> No.6693427
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made some adjustments

>> No.6693433


>> No.6693438


th-thanks /fa/

>> No.6693450

top lel. If he does this I guarantee old ladies will think he's a girl.

>> No.6693465

The bun won't be that much different that the small pony tail you have now in effect. Actually, I'm sure you could already pull that in a tiny bun.
If you are unhappy about the ponytail look now, the bun look won't be much better.
I don't think it's all that bad. You look a tad bit better with the haircut in the other picture but the bun/ponytail stand out which could give you an exotic bonus.

>> No.6693504


the manbun is so played out it's insane m8

>> No.6693506

works on japanese people, not chinese or whatever the fk u r

>> No.6693511


>tfw not japanese

>> No.6693514

Not where I live and not in the eyes of a commoner.
It's not my fault you only hang out with hipsters and research fashion on the internet all day.
The regular chick will still find it exotic.

>> No.6693518


>exotic bonus

Exactly what I was thinking / going for. The length of the sides of my hair are too short to reach the bun though... And before I get a nice full bun, it wont be until like next summer. Maybe I'll just flip a coin.

>> No.6693522


this. I live in DC metro area and hardly anyone has a manbun.

>> No.6693527

>trying to make me feel bad for living in a more cultured area
>wanting to go for regular chicks


>> No.6693542


I live in such a cultured area, DC metro, that as a white guy, I NEED a manbun just to stand out. Plus, hot foreign chicks are more likely to date "exotic" white guys than just regular run-of-the-mill frat bros

>> No.6693543

Personally I think manbuns only look good on asians and androgynous people.

Asians because they've got super straight jet black hair (effay as fuck) and andros because they add to their features by having long hair. Seeing a big burly white guy have a man bun just looks really try hard as fuck.

Same, but that's /fa/ for you they're always about two or three years late.

>> No.6693545

B) I live in London minimal manbuns
folks in NYC be saying no manbuns
been Berlin, goober sans manbun
unless that shit is trending hard in Paris ur just off ur head

>> No.6693562

wait, what are you even saying

I live in brooklyn. I'll tell you right now there is a manbun everywhere you fucking look

they've been trendy for a long time and they're now really eating into mainstream plen culture

>> No.6693577

smelly :[ maybe my informers in NYC are shitty
what would you suggest?

>> No.6693586

>ur informers


idk m8, how about u find your own fuckin path and be creative instead of blindly following a trend or something a fashion board tells you. that's the only real way to stand out.

instead of waiting for there to be a new trendy haircut like the HY or manbun, how about u go out there and MAKE something trendy, fuccboi

>> No.6693597

>thinking anyone or anything from that shithole matters

>> No.6693604

Nah I don't rock a manbun atm but thx for tha advice

>> No.6693606

Watch yourself.

>> No.6693622

B) >manbuns are in brooklyn
>manbuns don't matter
>thread about manbuns
does not compute

>> No.6693626

> B) I live in London minimal manbuns

where in LDN mate

>> No.6693630


nyc is the top of the food chain bruv

where else has more culture?

>> No.6693633

>not understanding that post at all

>implying brooklyn = nyc

>> No.6693648


DC is equal proportionally, NYC is just way bigger

>> No.6693659

I live near DC and it's shit. Really boring, really shitty style everywhere.

>> No.6693660


>big burly white guy

I'm 6' 175lb-ish. Not exactly big or burly imo.

>> No.6693654

lol hold on m8

where are u from? are u implying manhattan is the most important part of nyc? manhattan is so fucking commercial, no personality whatsoever. u would know that if u were from around here, fuccboi

DC is full of plens tho. absolute shit music scene, obviously not exactly a fashion mecca

>> No.6693656

in the words of Danny Brown
"South West South West!"

>> No.6693665

woops 5got 3 quote

>> No.6693686


Ok shit music scene is true, but I'm not sure music and fashion are dependent on each other. In other words, places with good music can have shit fashion, and vice versa.

DC aint a fashion capital like NYC, Paris, or London, but it is a major world city and there are a lot of patricians here as well as plevs. A lot of money here. Its not like people in DC are walking around clueless to fashion and shit like that, quite the opposite. DC area is also one of the fittest cities in the US, up there with LA and Miami. It's competitive here.

>> No.6693691

He looks dirty to me.

>> No.6693704

Brooklyn's a better place to live than manhattan unless you're in the top 1%.
Seriously, it's like living in an airport waiting room half the time. Everything is so transient and public and you never see the same faces half the time.
In the 80's and maybe 90's I would've agreed with you, but manhattan's not what it once was. It's hard to feel at home there because the entire island is more or less a tourist attraction/shopping center.

>> No.6693793
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A-am I manly enough to do a man bun /fa/? I'm currently in the process of growing a retarded HY man bun

>> No.6693823

It only looks good if you have dark hair.

>> No.6693830
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>> No.6693844

brooklyn isn't so great either lol

>> No.6693882


Brooklyn is shit, it's full of all the plebs from Ohio, Michigan and Iowa. You don't move to NYC just to be around all the same plebs you left in your hometown. Also it's full of disgusting women, it's like I am legend out in that bitch at night.

>> No.6693881

i dont understand why only my asian friends have the map of the us in their room

>> No.6693888

Not even my room, staying at an cousin's place

>> No.6694038

>tfw shit hairline and massive forehead

>> No.6694040

ITT: Grown men argue across the country about their buns

Oh my.

>> No.6694064


stop asking this unless you have a beard and are content with not showering for days

>> No.6694071

What if I can't grow a beard

>> No.6694085

then you will look like this

i am sorry, i understand how shitty it is for asians who cant grow facial hair. My friend has been cursed with the asian baby face his whole life.

can you grow a mustache?

>> No.6694095

It is shown that biotin increases the metabolic output of yeast, though.

true story, had to do that experiment in high school.

>> No.6694096

>can you grow a mustache?
Yeah but it just makes me look like a spic. Guess I'll have to wait till I'm a bit older for the hormones to kick in

>> No.6694814

> he doesn't realize how stupid and weaboo he looks!

>> No.6694994


What does the metabolic process of yeast have to do with human hair growth? I mean I'm assuming there's something, I'm just not familiar with the study, or biotin.

>> No.6695034
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>looking good with short hair
>not being a skin

>> No.6695105


>dressing like that

>> No.6695114

u so jelly man

>> No.6695134 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6697675
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Aite finally took a pic

Should I keep growing it or cut it?

>> No.6697693

>lee dong gook
>not even a real photo

>> No.6697711


This looks good OP, in all honesty. Was pleasantly surprised

>> No.6697715

pls for the love of all that is good keep the manbun 10/10

>> No.6697717


You're rockin it bruv

>> No.6697720


You look awesome my man, dont even sweat the year wait 'cause you already look badass.

>> No.6697725


all kinds o gains

>> No.6697722

I see maybe a manbun a day in Paris

>> No.6697729

Anyone have that pic of the samurai with a man bun? It's an authentic photo of one of the last samurais, I believe. He is sitting down in a kimono clutching his sword

>> No.6697737

this is an embarrassment to skinheads everywhere

>> No.6697771

>tfw not even a bun just a curly mess
no regrets, not even once.
werk it op, more so if wavy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>> No.6697776

>undercut manbun

y or n

>> No.6697789


do Sokka core plz

post pics

i kno another anon did it here and it looked mint

>> No.6697799

>Sokka core

tell me more dearest anon

>> No.6697810


>> No.6697815

Looks nice a f , but put the bun a bit higher, not so much in the neck.

>> No.6697820
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sokka from the last airbender silly


>> No.6697824
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peronally i dont like it, looked nicer out imo (it wouldnt stay shaped like that though)

>> No.6697823

looks great when you have it tied back, but you look like skrillex when you let it down

>> No.6697825
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>> No.6697828
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>> No.6697827
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none of this is me so pls dont ask random shit

>> No.6697832

tempted to find a hairband and take a pic at the risk of being ridiculed by /fa/

>> No.6697835
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>> No.6697833
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i wore my hair w/ a hairband for over half a year.

>> No.6697836

>shaving your scalp with an agricultural sickle


>> No.6697843

>tfw hair's too short for manbun

one day /fa/, one day...

>> No.6697853

>tfw growing my hair out for a year
>already able to do a small manbun type thing

felt great when I tried and succeeded, doesn't really suit me I don't think because I have a wide face but it's good for when I go running

>> No.6698011
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>> No.6698028

>tfw by the time you grow one out it will be out of style

>> No.6698035

What I would give to have hair. Fucking hell it must be awesome to have hair in your mid 20s.

I remember all the girls used to love my wavy hair back in school, then I went bald

Everytime I watch movies where the guys have long hair I wonder how easy it must be for them to get laid. Even guys with any hair, I fucking struggke to see how any of you can be virgins.

Fuck being bald is shit. Id take 3" off my dick if I could have my wavy hair back... its been so long :/

>> No.6698064

It means your yeast infected cunt grows longer mankier pubeydoobydoos.

>> No.6698069

just get xbox hooge and hit the clubs

>> No.6698081

looks fucking dope

>> No.6698125

protip - nobody finds a manbun attractive

>> No.6698148

I do.

>> No.6698161

but you are a neckbeard

your opinion is invalid

>> No.6698190

you look like that asian scientist from the start of doom 3

>> No.6698337


>> No.6698338

This, it'll be bigger too.
btw, isn't this the second time you've made this thread? Don't worry so much dude, you're far above average in almost every aspect.

>> No.6698507

why the no shower?

>> No.6698597

to get the greasy af look

>> No.6700233
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>> No.6700264
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>> No.6701770

so jealous