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/fa/ - Fashion

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6692677 No.6692677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone into the emo trend?

And Ill say this to anyone who are confused: NOT THE PEOPLE WHO WHINES ABOUT LIFE AND CUTS THEMSELVES, Im strictly talking about the clothes in general.

I absolutely love it.

>> No.6692679
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>> No.6692689


>> No.6692690

Nah that's like eevee mode
All the kids grew out of it and went on to become hipsters ( le flareon face) or scene kids (le umbreon face) etc etc

>> No.6692692


>> No.6692694

nah dude that shit is pretty fucking awful

>> No.6692706
File: 25 KB, 379x481, 8f593531215853e4e0064a5f212e7e571230024752_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's that?

>> No.6692717

7 fucking years ago, then I grew up.

>> No.6692724

just wear all black and wear designer sneakers

emo for grownups

>> No.6692725

You mean the scene trend. The people who dress like that listen to shitty metalcore and actually never listened to emo. They two were just lumped together.

Emo is a different thing and I would like it if you didn't associate this trend with a decent genre of music.

Also no one in their right mind on /fa/ would dress like this, no one in their right mind would dress like this in real life.

>> No.6692730

Damn dude, that's deep.

>> No.6692744

Im never gonna grow old out of converses.
Cheap, durable, comes in different colors, the perfect ideal shoes.

The scene trend are more colorful and jubilant. Emo can be a little color too, but mostly dark, black, or black with another combination of a color. If you ask me, scene are more of a spin off of the emo trend.
Plus, you dont have any idea how many people dress like this

>> No.6692754
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Kanye is emo too. ;__;

>> No.6692756

But instead of hurting himself he beats up paparazzi.

>> No.6692762
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>> No.6692763

Dude I go to an emo show almost every week. NOBODY dresses like that. Everyone wears t shirts or flannels and jeans. Not once have I ever seen someone wear all black in the way these "emo" kids do.
You call them emo but they don't listen to emo and they sure as hell don't go to emo shows.

>> No.6692790

Trend ended in like 2004-5 its not a trend its now off-trend

also it was for under 15's so. This is a troll isn't it? Totally ate it.

>> No.6692822

What emo show?

The trend still goes on.

>> No.6692860
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>tfw no qt emo gay bf to love :(

>> No.6692864


>> No.6692871
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Come on OP.

>> No.6692873

are we talking 2010's emo revival or 8th grade emo lol

>> No.6692879

Everywhere. Especially here around me.

>> No.6692892

Middle school is honestly the only place I think I would see any of this. I have been to many hardcore and emo shows and haven't seen anybody dressed like this.

>> No.6693263
File: 27 KB, 320x320, snowing-fuck-your-emotional-bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut your arms off, fuccboi.

>> No.6693277

Not into it.

Got a thing for brightly coloured hair though, or pastel even. Not on me, but that stuff on qts is gold

>> No.6693309

The only good thing that came from emo were graphic tees and skinny jeans

>> No.6693313

Dude emo is the worst thing ever

>> No.6693321

OP is talking about 8th grade "emo" fuccfaggots
also this

>> No.6693331

I like it if it's minimalistic, subtle, and has no extra fruity colors, graphics, and accessories. A more grown-up version, I guess. To be honest, I do miss this version, though with the little skulls, checkers, etc. Scene, though. That was awful and clearly trying to be obnoxious.

>> No.6693355

I agree. Girls can pull it off way more than guys, but hey whatever floats our goat.

Emo is the best thing that has ever happened!

8th grade? No. Im talking about for everyone.

>> No.6693378

Really, emo isn't for everyone. The only way for someone older to pull off the look is if they clean it up a lot, and I mean at a severe amount and make it minimalistic. Best option is goth ninja lite. Long tee, black skinnies, black zipped shin-high boots or black shoes, and of course, the hair, but cleaned up a lot.

>> No.6693420

I know emo isn't for everyone. Not everyone can pull it off but I can say it's one of my favorite things.

And to be honest, the OP picture is a little too much. I prefer what you said, a clean version.

>> No.6693503

why the fuck is this shit still around ? it was puzzling to me in 2006 and nowdays i still see chicks rocking full emo. just considerably fatter and usually with a little kid.

>> No.6693517

>mfw I know a 26 year-old scene girl.

Most girls transitioned to hipster, tumbler core, or raver. The ones that are ravers now are drug addicts.

>> No.6693538

the trend in the late 90's when it was real.
Was badass as hell. Scared the living shit out of everyone. And the androgini was was a bold statment. It still makes people uncomfortable today. But back then it was a serious statement.

So i say it was a great trend only few could pull off and has always been VASTLY miss understood. But im talking about its time late 1990's to early 2000's anything later i dont really consider to be the real deal.

I personaly was into it for years. Funny that alot of people tried to make up of me for being a "pretty boy", and i was labeld gay alot. So weird though, i got layed more then anyone i knew.

>> No.6693540

>tfw one of my coworkers mistook me for an emo when she saw me rocking my sportsninja gym-outfit outside of work
>''oh anon, i didn't know you were into emo too!''

>> No.6693557

most cancerous thread on /fa/ ive seen in weeks, next 2 that salty bag thread yesterday ofc

>> No.6693559
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tatsuro general

>> No.6693576
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Fuck Emo.
pic related

>> No.6693571

try harder or get out
what a shit post

>> No.6693573

salty bag thread ?

>> No.6693583

>pic related
>being this misinformed
You probably shouldnt come to /fa/ ever again.

>> No.6693584

ya, cant find it in catalog, find it yourself in catalog

>> No.6693588

/fa/* cancer

>> No.6693589

that's low-level punk though. also it's in the fucking filename.

>> No.6693598

Emo was always a misunderstood thing, which made the more unique. It's always a pleasant sight to see someone into it.

Thanks! But if you dont like it, fuck off.

You do realize that's punk. Right?

>> No.6693602


>> No.6693607

I hope your ancestors look down and realize just how much of a pussy you look like when you dress emo.

>> No.6693605

So I was just reading about this fucker today. His name is Dahvie Vanity (real name Jesus david lel) and he has a band and he gets a lot of loli poontang.
Sick as fuck, would probably be considered a god in /b/ (he supposedly used to fuck their precious Jessi Slaughter)

Yes I was bored today.

>> No.6693610
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forgot the pic

>> No.6693616

so, what the fuck is emo about ? i'm just going to assume it's not just about edgyness, self harm and being sad all the time, right ?

>> No.6693623

remember when you first heard this song?

>> No.6693627

Id call you a pussy because it bothers you.
I have a friend that has hung out with dahvie, guy does get laid alot. To bad Jay is gay, hes pretty gorgeous

>> No.6693631
File: 51 KB, 701x762, disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fuckers are the least effay thing like wtf /fa/ you are a big disappointment

>> No.6693635

why the fuck have i been lifting for years when all i had to do was take estrogen and dress like a fucking chicken to get all the pussy i want.

>> No.6693642

It's unique. It's misunderstood. I can understand that you don't like it. That's like your opinion man. But that doesn't mean that dressing emo = looking like a pussy. I can say your taste in whatever music you like makes you look like a pussy too. Doesn't feel too good now does it?

>> No.6693651

Lets think back on the time frame. This was a decade or so before edgy became the buzzword it is today.

It was the secret appeal we all feel, whether you acknowledge it or not, in being the outsider. Or else how could anti heros be so popular in all media. It was was used to express the fact you felt like an outsider. No. Not everyone that did it was depressed, i wasnt.

For some it was the very real music scene. It was what first got me into fashion to begin with and why i became a designer.

I think its a character peice in /fa/ history. Much like punk is a stand for rebelion. And goth with the occult and fetish. Emo was symbolic of the outisder.

Something we all can feel at times.

But today it has lost all meaning.

>> No.6693650
File: 32 KB, 480x384, DahvieNoMakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lold
Its all about the makeup bb (pic related)

fuuuuuck so nastyyyy. Just saw a pic of Jay, tots homo face

>> No.6693655

dont know much about girls huh

>> No.6693662

are you 14? kill yourself.

>> No.6693667

not about underage girls apparently.

>> No.6693664

Your opinion is not relevant. Hes paid for his looks and your not.

>> No.6693675

No. I will not kill myself. I think ill live longer thanks.

>> No.6693677

its something you shouldd definitely consider if you think this looks remotely good

>> No.6693684

>your not
my not what

Are you a fan of his? do you guys have a name, like the "Beliebers"? Did he touch your holiest of places too?
Are you this lady? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHmevWduGVs

>he licks maii cheek :3)

>> No.6693688

But it does look good! At least I think it does. Your opinion if you think it doesn't look good but it doesn't mean you can change other peoples opinion if you have the need to bash it out.

>> No.6693694

I read
>your not

and quit reading, whatever your comment says i know its not important

>> No.6693705

how did that whole androgynous loook get involved ? most outsiders in media were usally portrayed the tough guys (rambo,the taxi driver etc.).

>> No.6693700

OP understand this was a trend that was never understood or even given any thought by the masses. Never.

The amount of people pretending to be into fashion here without even being able to analyze the trend in any way.


>> No.6693725

What are you trying to prove from what you said? Of course emo was never understood or mainstream. But that doesn't mean that its dead. Plus emos never gives a fuck what the masses have to say. People will say they look like faggots. Ok. Gotcha. Here's a middle finger to show I dont give 2 fucks and that I want to live my life the way I want to live it. Just like how Im giving the middle finger to you and anyone else that says otherwise.

The more why it is unique and great.

>> No.6693747

The fact this is getting serious replies makes me wonder if half of you have only been using the internet for a week.

>> No.6693758

i fucking love this album

>> No.6693761

I dont think its fair that these threads deserve to die yet fragrances threads are ok.

Screw you.

>> No.6693772

i'm more surprised by the fact that any emos could survive on this board at all. the last thread of this kind was the dude that wanted to buy raver-pants last month and he got bashed for 200 posts straight.

>> No.6693764


>> No.6693787

I think it was third wave emo that started this kind of thing - My Chemical Romance and that, right? Very different from the original scene, which was more linked to Hardcore, and then the second wave emo, which gained more influence from softer indie and math rock. Then suddenly evolved this magazine clean pretty boy image with some mediocre pseudo-metal tagged along. I think the aesthetic can be done well but high school teens had awful taste in aesthetics and music and well, pretty much everything. Just a symptom of age. Rebellion against the status quo is always in at that age. Emo was just the sad version of that compared to the angry versions (example, punk). Then came scene because ppl got bored of black? Dunno. I dated an "emo" chick once. Wasn't good.

>> No.6693788

I never got into the emo fashion even though I was probably more emo than most of those posers, maybe I was a little bit goth rather than emo though?

Emo's always had more friends than me, there was always loads of them hanging out and having fun, then there was me, dressed in all black and sitting alone and being depressed.

>> No.6693789

/fa/ are way too judgemental.

>> No.6693790

An entire new style for the outsider. Not all, but alot of emo's were bi or gay. Again the late 90's when it was MUCH harder then today to be such.
The adrogoni was a push against what is considered socially acceptable gender roles.
This is one thing that is still deeply frowned upon by western society. And takes courage to do. For example it is a social taboo frowned on by most Americans for a man to wear makeup. (I do) and it is considerd feminine.
Which is a HUGE fear for most men.

Its why the army will debase you with it, or a coach of a team: "Why do you throw the ball like a girls!" "Well ladies hit the showers!" "You cant tough it out you bitch!"

There is a fear in men to be feminine in any way. Its why most men dont care to think about fashion, makeup etc. These are not acceptable things for the male role.

And when a man does take interest in these things. He will receive a lot of female attention (it gets me laid alot).

>> No.6693796

you yelling at someone who used to love this trend. Please eat a dick.

>> No.6693806
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mfw no one listens to pity sex

>> No.6693812

Yes, if anyone here acutally had a passion for fashion, they wouldnt mind discussing this. Ill discuss any aspect of fashion.

>> No.6693835

yeah i loved it in high school but then i realized screamo was shit and wtf am I doing. now i moved on. went from dying my hair black to bright purple, screamo to EDM and i have no idea what i am now.

>> No.6693872

wow that was actually great, iv never even realized how we are raised to fear girliness

>> No.6693880


don't worry buddy, I do

>> No.6693927

p much this. The self cringe is real though. Please stop posting pictures, I don't want to remember my edgy teen days.

>> No.6693944
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>> No.6693958

>Paid for his looks

He's fucking hideos. He looks like a fucking New Jersey slob, but with scene hair. Just look at him. >>6693650

If he gets paid for his looks, then I'd be a fucking supermodel.

>> No.6693968
File: 5 KB, 208x192, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what is Espeon?

>> No.6693974

>my 8th grade final essay

Androgyny and skewed social roles are about as original and revealing a concept as gangster rap is now. No one is particularly impacted by those blatantly obvious statements anymore. We're all used to it. Men have been wearing makeup on and off for centuries and femininity to masculinity ratios fluctuate over time depending on the cultural climate.

It's like you missed the 80s. Oh, that's right, you did.

But I suppose the phase is just another part of your early education.

>> No.6693973

>Not being emo

Oh wait...

>> No.6693993
File: 106 KB, 497x427, 1376164085817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a group of those people walking around just a few days ago. I barely hold my laughters. They were wearing shit clothes, they were absolutely ridiculous. They screamed attention whore and there was one girl. There always is one girl.
She was also wearing that garbage look however she screamed attentionwhore, daddy-issues and still immature and probably cuts herself cause she didn't get the latest Iphone. But she was actually hot besides her clothes.
The rest of the 5 were fat, pathetic, childish or plain ugly.

Also one brony in them since one guy was caring a little pony around

>> No.6694002

Ponies are for autists.

>> No.6694228


>> No.6694241

>trying to imply that didnt answer the kids question exceptionaly
poor bastard, pay attention a little better.

Are you a dumbass

>> No.6694249

That not jay you shit, fucking lol

>> No.6694250
File: 442 KB, 500x484, 1376302621481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on /fa/ right now that dressed emo/scene at some point of their life

>> No.6694255

can't pay for shows if you're spending all your money at hottopic after all

>> No.6694263

I've been out of high school for 10 years now, I didn't know this still existed. Good thing for those bouncers at the doors checking IDs I guess.

>> No.6694262

>100 replies.

>> No.6694291

>theyre are people in /fa/ that think jeans/pants that stop above your ankels is good.

>> No.6694308
File: 92 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lv8va68avA1qe11m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op learn to emo what your talking about is goth clothing.
learn something
pic related what emo looks like

>> No.6694310

Dumbshit this was 90's
Its still controversial today, it was just more so then.
Do you not think it transitioned from the 80's to the 90's?

Do you try to shit post or are you this stupid lol damn.

>> No.6694325

they're called high-waters, it was adopted by hipsters from autist/aspie/beta permavirgins

>> No.6694340

>Its still controversial today

You live in Arkansas, anon?

>Do you not think it transitioned from the 80's to the 90's?

It got diluted in the 90s. It continued to dilute until it became normal for young people.

>> No.6694348

agreed- op doesn't know shit.

he's talking about goth

and maybe you want to look into scene, too

>> No.6694353

Goth is 38 years old, fat and divorced.

>> No.6694354


Lol. I do know what im talking about. And I am not talking about the music, im talking about the clothes, morons. Otherwise, i'd be on >>>/mu/

>> No.6694356

you're obviously on the east coast if you're american

>> No.6694384

>tried a guess and missed
Are you in your 40's or something
No it is not normal for young people today still. But that gave me a good laugh, ty

>> No.6694391

sadly i know people who love goth but look like they're 38, fat, and divorced when they're really just 20

then you'd know that the pic you posted for this thread isn't emo

>> No.6694405

shittiest thread i've seen on /fa/ in a min

sage, hidden, reported.

>> No.6694419

It is, in fact.

Reported for what? I didnt break any rules at all.
Bump in your place.

>> No.6694432


>> No.6694497


>> No.6694534

op you should actually learn what emo ppl dress like before saying u want to cosplay as one

most of em wear vans levis and a flannel or sweater

>> No.6694544

the only reason u have this weird notion that they look at all different from regular people is cause back when emo was actually a thing most ppl were wearing pants at their knees and xxxl cam'ron tees

>> No.6694591
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>emo trend

Well this is it for me, /fa/. I am gone

>> No.6694638

Good riddance.

>> No.6694643
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>> No.6696350

I'm okay with this

>> No.6696364

as much as we bash it, we need to be thankful for one thing:

the popularisation of skinny jeans.

remember what jeans and pants looked like before the emo trend?

>> No.6696379


>i love norse projects and apc

>> No.6697010

it was last year and it has been since i was in the 7th grade. noone's shocked when they see a scene/goth/emo/punk. it's all good, m8.

>> No.6697025

i hope you know anyone can start a thread here and not just regulars. :/

>> No.6697031
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>> No.6697086


>implying geobasketcore isn't an evolution of emo

>> No.6697108



wtf /fa/, no one wants to see your ankles

>> No.6697319

One, this is not a trend. It's been around since early 2000. It's mixture of band shirts, nerd tees, mostly black clothing and it generally sucks. You can't dress "scene" and look intelligent or sophisticated. Only reason to go for this look is you are teenage girl and want to look edgy on a budget. All the clothing styles my nature look cheap and tacky. Post goth/punk, post hipster and korean fashion all look much better while also looking edgy and "cool". Scene is shit.

>> No.6697410

When emo turned all black and became goth-lite I lost interest.
It's still sort of alive in the west, since nothing really ever dies off, but I expect it to be doing better in places a little behind the times like parts of Europe.
Hello Sweden