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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 111 KB, 750x750, loma crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6690205 No.6690205 [Reply] [Original]

Are hardcore punk crew necks like pic related /fa/? I feel like they are if the graphic is tasteful and the band is obscure enough.

>> No.6690212

tumblrcore bullshit

>> No.6690217

Also this. At least like the band. If you don't you're just a faggot.

>> No.6690213

It's /fa/ but that doesn't inherently make it fashionable. Still, in this current time, punk rock has made a huge comeback, and hipsters love it, so it will make a statement for the time being until a new trend develops. Go into any taphouse/brewery in California, and someone's bound to mention your shirt.

>> No.6690214

that one is

>> No.6690226

>implying Loma Prieta is obscure

>> No.6690232

>hipsters love it

Those trend-hopping fucks need to get the hell out of my genre.

>> No.6690249
File: 28 KB, 497x518, 1369767665505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking vegan food
>drop tempeh into frying pan
>sauce splashes onto my Loma t shirt

>> No.6690261

You mean like every one of those jackasses in Joy Division tees?

>> No.6690267

i just listened to 'fly by night' wtf shit sucks

i'd probably still wear that shirt though

>> No.6690290

The hipster trend is moving away from the whole acoustic guitars and looking like a hippie. It's moving towards a more alternative look. Pastel goth, I.E. neon hair, illuminati/occult shirts with triangles, inverted corsses, black lipstick, and boots, or punk revival, but not as over-the-top wit mohawks. Like a subtle tumblr version of punk and goth.

Yep. Same with the ones with Black Flag and The Strokes.

>> No.6690281

you obviously have shit taste.

>> No.6690302

punk is shit

>> No.6690312

I do like Loma Prieta though.

>> No.6690320

Unless you're into hardcore (which is a minority of people, let's be real here), you won't have heard of them. It's not like this is Minor Threat.

>> No.6690325

That's a brilliant track but Trilogy 4 is much better (I assumed you watched the music video).

>> No.6690331

>the strokes
Oh come on. They aren't even old.

>> No.6690365


>> No.6690366

if you're talking about this


then i agree that it's better. but then again i don't know shit about "hardcore" or "punk" or whatever it's called

>> No.6690371

yeah that's the one

pretty abrasive stuff, but the video really helps to sell the track

>> No.6690403

If you like the band, yes. Wearing your interests instead of some brand logo/graphic will always be more /fa/ in a streetwear fit.

>> No.6690421

wearing your interests is for one dimensional people

you are more than your hobbies and interests

>> No.6690435

>loma prieta
>hardcore punk

>> No.6690466

>wearing a brand graphic is for one dimensional people
>you are more than your choice in clothing

Yeah that's why you have a personality and actually speak to people, faggot. That's how you show them that you more than what your interests are.

>> No.6690481

yeah if youre a loser who has to broadcast your interests as a crutch to initiate a conversation

>> No.6690507

If it looks good with whatever else you wearing with it then it's okay.
I mean it doesn't look that bad i the things i imagine you doing in it wouldn't require anything more formal so go for it.
FYI nobody on /fa/ likes graphic tee's

>> No.6690511

Oh so they're reviving poseur punk? Whatever, they can have it.

>> No.6690535

That loser will still be more /fa/ than any faggot walking around as a billboard for mishka or bbc. I personally don't like many graphics at all, but showing support for a band or association will always hold a deeper meaning than showing support for a clothing brand.

>> No.6690540
File: 2.47 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dads' had a really cool tour sweatshirt a while ago, not sure if they still sell it

>> No.6690546

Yeah but some people grew up skating and love those brands and the people the brands sponsored.
I don't..just some perspective.

>> No.6690596

holy shit

last year there was this guy i would see on campus all the time and every time i saw him he'd be wearing that

he was a true dads fan

>> No.6690649


>> No.6690671

Then go back to jock hardcore
Dads suck and you suck.

>> No.6690677
File: 1.62 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it was, but there's something really comfortable about the sweater so I don't blame him. Explaining what Dads is to everyone gets annoying but at least it's a good conversation starter. Same thing goes for my TWIABP shirt. It's really easy to catch a girl trying to read it and I'll just say it out loud and they'll get embarassed about it before I start talking to them.

>> No.6690692


>> No.6690690

stay mad 8) i don't listen to them now as much as I used to but at least they're not like every other algernon rip off. only thing bad about them is their incessancy on being the pc police

>> No.6690707


>> No.6690762


>> No.6690783
File: 62 KB, 679x689, comadreshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6690800

Is Loma one of these new wave feminist-vegan-WE CAN'T OFFEND ANYONE EXCEPT THOSE WHO ARE RELIGIOUS hardcore bands?

>> No.6690798
File: 64 KB, 681x694, comadreshirt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comadre have some shirts i'd probably cop

keep posting other bands /fa/ gear, im def thinking about copping that loma prieta sweat

>> No.6690810

I don't get it

>> No.6690812

well they aren't really hardcore, so there's that too

>> No.6690813

dads songs are really the best to sing along to

>> No.6690816
File: 37 KB, 398x478, soulland (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6690833

No, you're absolutely right; they aren't like every Algernon ripoff band. They've actually managed to be worse than those bands.

>> No.6690841

You can always tell who is a vegan...

>> No.6690840

>knowing nothing about the hardcore punk scene circa 1990 to present

>> No.6690845

my hardcore taste stops mid-80s with minor exceptions, the latest being hoax
it's all about noise now

>> No.6690905

who /powerviolence/ here?

>> No.6690910

I honestly don't know why I'm interested in fashion

>> No.6690922


That's dope af

>> No.6690921

Who said you can't like hardcore and clothes? Who says you can't be handsome guy hardcore?

>> No.6690930

i-it just seems so hypocritical
unless you're a skinhead, which I can't pull off
also all that nazi stuff just gets overbearing

>> No.6690940

Have you been to a hardcore show lately? Dudes dress cool as fuck! I mean, it's not like, super effay, but it's still cool.

>> No.6690944

nah, I kind of drifted out of the scene
not many bands were really doing it for me

>> No.6690963

Where you from dawgg?

>> No.6690966

central PA
pls don't track me down and call me a fuccboi

>> No.6690971
File: 2.31 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's one of their regular shirts
it's usually in stock, I think

Emo tees are so great, /fa/ should really get in on them. This one's starting to fade but I still like it. I have the finn and jake one too, but i don't wear it often

>> No.6690979

>Emo tee's
>Emo album covers
>Emo band names
There always cool. They have the coolest stuff.

>> No.6690980

I won't, don't worry. Like around Wilkes-Barre by any chance? I mean, i think that's more eastern, but idgaf, I reppin' Jersey.

>> No.6690987

i went looking (not that guy)

found it but its sold out.


>> No.6690989

nah, that's way north-east of me
I'm actually in tenafly right now for a visit

>> No.6690994

sorry man. they might reprint it, but i doubt it. these bands seem to a really fluid stock, making it really annoying to get anything unless you buy it first day. you might have luck seeing them on tour though

>> No.6690998

i like you dude

keep posting your shirts

>> No.6691000

Oh that's a bit north of me. But Wilkes-Barre/Scranton/Kingston is the only PA scene (apart from Philly/LV/WC) that I know and that's only because I dated a girl from there.

>> No.6691007

power violence or hardcore in general
I know in philly it's a lot of emo shit, and where I am scene kids are still a thing
also what bands do you like

>> No.6691014
File: 2.17 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is the last one i have but lemme see

>> No.6691020

Charles Bronson.

To be honest with you, I'm mostly into pop punk, but I do love hardcore.

>> No.6691036
File: 2.09 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm out of shirts but i got this patch with the previous shirt and still haven't put it on anything, mostly due to being lazy

>> No.6691244
File: 40 KB, 640x637, straya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting a few shirts printed of bands I like.. Here are some.

>> No.6691250

hi /pol/bro

>> No.6691254
File: 95 KB, 500x593, built up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this.

>> No.6691255


No, but seriously iron your clothes, if you're going to wear graphic shirts, at least make them look nice.

>> No.6691259

I'm gonna do some Life's Blood shirts as well as some Brutal Attack shirts maybe. I've been trying to find Sledgehammer and Gruesome designs but nothing, japan is too hard.

>> No.6691309
File: 106 KB, 1024x642, ROS-Columbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to a Loma Prieta/Oathbreaker/Birds in Row gig end of the month, gonna cop some shirts. Been a long while since I liked anything hardcore, but the stuff on Deathwish Inc. is fucking good.
Also, I really want some shirts from first-wave emo bands like Rites of Spring and Embrace. And Heroin.

>> No.6691356

>punk has made a huge comeback

What? Like it does ever 5 years or so when a bunch of faggot kids find it?

Punk is dead and it never dies at the same time, it's just stale and nothing original will ever come out of it again. Just audiences getting amnesia, and then coming back to the same shit.

It "comes back" gets stale again, and then years later all blogs like P4K do is find some new shitty lo-fi band that sounds like the last shitty lo-fi band, and the pine over it and create another scene until people get tire of the shit again and wash, rinse, repeat.

There has been anything really new to come out out of punk since probably the early 90s. And the fact that people are having punk fashion discussion now just goes to show how much of a joke the culture has become/

>> No.6691362

All that shit you named has nothing to do with "hipsters". That's high school tumblrcore shit. Hipster are listening to bullshit like Shitrobot and other trash no one with ears will ever care about.

>> No.6691391
File: 1.31 MB, 300x169, 1373368552846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6691595

crust is the new thing

>> No.6691610
File: 8 KB, 300x300, terveetkadetaaretonshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone posts nazi punk shirts
/fa/ confirmed for retards and no, I'm not a anti-fascist because those people are bunch of retards too

>> No.6691621

Brilliant social commentary, you should write for cracked.

>> No.6691627

I follow loma and comadre on tumblr, so I copped all of their shit when they post it. Dig the bands, it's too bad comadre is no more :(

>> No.6691660



can all the summerbois itt just stop throwing ur new fav buzzwords at everything

i kno u want to b apart of the board bt its embarrassing when u use big kid words u dont know the meaning of so go back to reddit for a little while longer plz im literally cringing rn

>> No.6691667


>> No.6691904
File: 78 KB, 750x750, tee-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loma Prieta has great shirts

>> No.6691916

Instead of worrying whether it's /fa/ or not, can you be a non pretentious prick and listen to it because you like it?

>> No.6692913

holy fuck, as i already said, i do like the band

read the first 20 posts faggot

>> No.6692981

fuck yeah, love comadre

>> No.6692982

this one reminds me of that pg.99 album

>> No.6692990

haha yeah

are you him

>> No.6692986

they're not that outspoken, you might be confusing them with Punch

all right bro, go listen to some Sick Of It All then

>> No.6693001

yo man, there's plenty of great bands from PA, even of the non-hardcore variety of punk

>> No.6693015

Some dude on ebay used to make his own Saetia shirts way back in the day, kinda wish I woulda grabbed one.

>> No.6693060

my girlfriend wears this all the time. i traded it to her for a snowing shirt.

>> No.6693112
File: 668 KB, 1201x548, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 seconds in paint

I wanted to cop a band shirt soon. Which one?

>> No.6693125

def cop the teeth one

>> No.6693162


teeth is played out so hard.

>> No.6693167

then get Total Annihilation

>> No.6693200

swans filth

>> No.6693967
File: 215 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lct0e1cwDi1qcvtqfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6694018

by the farts fuggin rank ass vegan farts vile shit ew

>> No.6694051

that Slough Feg one actually has a really cool design. Don't get me wrong, they're a great band, it's just that I wouldn't necessarily wear a shirt with some of their earlier art on (see: Traveller, Down among the Deadmen)

that shirt is rad though

>> No.6694378

this thread is the fucking worst

>> No.6694402

I am, feels weird man. I like dads, but the reason I wear it so much is it's quite comfy and is an attention grabber as someone else mentioned

>> No.6694429

i don't think so.

I'm active in my local rather anarchistic d.i.y. punk scene, and there aren't hipsters really around.

>> No.6694439

but they're so twinkly

>> No.6695417
File: 332 KB, 1280x881, 1371425620486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your dick is the fucking worst you faggot bitch

>> No.6696287

I might start wearing subtle white power band shirts like this and see if people notice

>> No.6696306

bullshit. tumblrcore bullshit is only tumblrcore when pulled with other typical tumblrcore bullshit. most peopel should have an eye for that already, this can be /fa/ if you put a little care into it.

>> No.6696345

well this thread became terrible pretty quickly. OP, music fuels a lot of hate and stupidity here (don't ever go on /mu/), if you like the band and the graphic is cool, go for it. work it into your wardrobe.

that basically goes for any graphic of any kind, visceral reactions are key.

anyone who actually makes a big deal of someone wearing band related clothing are thinking about it way too much. like seriously guys, fuck off already

>> No.6696484

swans shirts are outplayed
don't be a pleb and wear your musical tastes on your sleeve you retards

>> No.6696497

Can we get more hardcore /fa/ shit in here?

>> No.6696513

I know what you mean. Metal shirts tend to be a joke. The slough feg shirt actually has a really lame 20TH ANNIVERSARY text on the back, as well as a shitty bird design. I just figure nobody will ever see the back of this shirt.

>> No.6696525

wow that's crazy. i'm listening to the new Dads EP for some reason and i really like the first song.
the EP seems like a single to promote the first song and then 3 filler tracks.