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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 572 KB, 467x560, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6680816 No.6680816 [Reply] [Original]

lets get a cringe thread going

>> No.6680828

Her dress is pretty ugly.

>> No.6680846

ITT: Lets make ourselves feel better.

>> No.6680843


more like look at that dudes cuffs, he thinks he is Thom Browne, typical GQ reader. Always unstylish, even when they try. This proves style is something you have or don't, and actuallly this bru would look better if he just accepted his dadcorness.

>> No.6680844

The dude isn't bad. It just makes him look gay

>> No.6680838
File: 53 KB, 611x495, 969832_10153127448165074_681658015_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6680841

This isn't even cringe worthy. Their facial aesthetics are better than yours too, fuccboi.

>> No.6680850

>not cringe worthy?
>you're calling me le fuccboi?

>> No.6680852

fucking kevnn

>> No.6680855


chick looks like Colin Powell

>> No.6680860

this guy dresses/looks better than 99% of the people on /fa/...fact

>> No.6680865

He looks fine, though he'd be better if his pants were cropped a little above the ankle instead of cuffed to where they are.

>> No.6680862

He looks good. Everything fits well, it's flattering on his body, and he wears it confidently. If you don't care for his look that's just your opinion.

>> No.6680873

Where is the cringe, exactly? Sad boi.

>> No.6680877


LOL jacket is too big, colour combo is ridiculous, you can tell he read in GQ to go sockless, his cuffs are all the way at his calf.

Come back when you learn to FA

Bru looks like an H&M poster.

>> No.6680883

Ts; pf

>> No.6680882


do you even effay?

>> No.6680890

Who gives a fuck? Look at the guy in the photo you are mocking - who is happy and being social - and now look at you, getting angry on an internet message board. For what? Get a life. Even better, "post a fit!" You won't though.

>> No.6680895

>hating on this guy

You guys clearly haven't seen todays waywt. How about talk shit post fit

>> No.6680897

>jacket is too big
Doesn't look like it to me.

>colour combo is ridiculous
It's pretty safe tbh

>you can tell he read in GQ to go sockless
>his cuffs are all the way at his calf
And he's pulling it off. It has the effect of slimming his leg just as intended.

>> No.6680892


Are you in the photo?

>> No.6680891

even though this looks retarded, it's not enough to make me cringe

the current WAYWT made me cringe more than this

>> No.6680900

Anyone that doesn't cringe looking at this does not effay.

>> No.6680906


trollz gonna troll.

jacket should be sized down
dat tie??

he is not pulling of the cuff, it looks like he is wearing capris.

why so man mfa plebs in here today?

>> No.6680912



>> No.6680907

No, but I'm just sick of all these people who are obviously so bored with their lives that they have to sit around critiquing the smallest and most banal of things to make themselves feel better. Go on, post a fit, right now. Show how you're SOO SUPERIOR to everybody else and how you're truly "effay".

>> No.6680908

ITT: One assravaged poster thinking /fa/ is a hivemind that can only like overpriced Dick Ovens or Ruf Semens shoes or is completely wrong about everything

>> No.6680909

jacket does look a bit big in the shoulders but that might just be because it's open; cuffs could do with being rolled down one

still seems better dressed than most /fa/ fitpics i've seen

and colour combo's hardly ridiculous, cmon son

>> No.6680911


>> No.6680916

i bet youre just mad he is giving her the hot meat special

>> No.6680918


you're in the photo.

>> No.6680924


Are, you kidding? Colin Powell is giving him the hot meat special!

>> No.6680928

I'm tempted to say these are all the same 1 or 2 people

>> No.6680929

Ha ha I have a feeling that somebody took OPs girl

>> No.6680934


That "girl" is looking really thai right now, if you know what I mean, if you catch my drift.

>> No.6680935


Jacket is fine; just unbuttoned so it appears to be larger. Color combo is fine- have you ever seen a fucking color wheel? Jesus. Sockless is an unoffensive preference.

Only things bad: faggy tie, faggy cuffs. Otherwise, talk shit post fit, fuccbois. Why do I feel like only niggers comment on here and think that everything that isn't R1ck 0wenzZZZ! is dadcore? I mean yeah, i guess maybe if you're going to community college in a shitty flyover state and will never have the opportunity to be in a professional environment.

>> No.6680944

... No

Post fit show us how it's done

>> No.6680954

OR maybe you're just an idiot.

>> No.6680972


Bru, are you kidding me, just because I recognize a GQ tier fit to be pleb, doesn't mean I'm in Rick Owen. I would never want to be in a "professional" environment that thinks this is a good fit. This is the idea of a good fit, by someone that doesn't know better. No taste in colour, ridiculous cuffs, pleb haircut, ill fitting jacket, poor taste in footwear, and queer tie.

Next thing you will be saying is a tie that matches your pocket square is good.

>> No.6680973

I agree with you but let's be real nobody wears #menswear in a "professional environment"

>> No.6680976

>samefag got called out

>> No.6680977

post a fit

>> No.6681001
File: 152 KB, 600x829, guccisuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6681020

> no taste in colour.
He's pairing different shades of blue with neutrals such as grey. Not exciting, but not shitty either.
> ridiculous cuffs
> pleb haircut
It looks fine, especially if he works a good office job.
> ill fitting jacket
> Poor taste in footwear
They're brown derbies with a captoe. What the fuck is wrong with you. They're FINE.
> Queer tie

Post fit.

>> No.6681045

no socks is so corny. it's the shit people will look back on in a few years and say what the fuck were they thinking.

>> No.6681054

Why are socks even necessary? I don't have shit tier genetics so my feet don't stink when they sweat and they never sweat to begin with.

>> No.6681056

is that Robin Thicke?

>> No.6681061

>and they never sweat to begin with
They sweat whether or not you notice it. Socks are necessary for dress shoes and sneakers.

>> No.6681073

race mixing faggot

when the day of the rope comes -- he'll be on the first to go

>> No.6681075


no one wants to see a mans ankles or feet.

>> No.6681086

They remain dry unless I'm wearing boots. Socks aren't necessary at all for a lot of people. For these people, it's much more practical to get rid of socks entirely. I don't have to buy/wash/lose/find them. It's not always a contrived fashionforward #menswear detail.

>> No.6681084
File: 97 KB, 500x500, hanamontanama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day of the rope
Nigga im lawlin.

>> No.6681089
File: 208 KB, 185x596, Screen shot 2013-08-12 at 4.37.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6681098
File: 27 KB, 720x960, adult-s-nike-fit-dry-crew-knee-high-socks-psx175-001-x4-1.95-4211-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you're wearing dress socks in winter, socks look retarded in every context. What the hell do you wear with shorts?

>> No.6681114

You obviously have bitch legs.

>> No.6681107

>What the hell do you wear with shorts?
>Shorts are for little boys.

>> No.6681108

Fuccboi clubber tier, are you shitting me?

>> No.6681120


no, it's just not part of my look. Shorts are gay as fuck.

>> No.6681117


>> No.6681121

>Why are socks even necessary
To prevent wear on the inside your shoe.

>> No.6681151

Because 1. you're small as fuck. 2. you've never lived in a climate in which shorts are necessary.
When you don't sweat, there's really not much of a difference.

>> No.6681167


Shorts are never necessary, even in the hottest climates. Just be a man and deal with the heat, shorts are for schoolboys. Have you ever seen anyone cool wearing shorts. LOL imagine Johnny Thunders wearing shorts.

>> No.6681177

dem clouds tho

>> No.6681197

> masculinity = voluntarily subjecting yourself to shitty climates
lol k. And they're not a necessity- the point is that they're a reasonable preference.

>> No.6681368

>When you don't sweat, there's really not much of a difference.

Yeah there is bro. Skin is abrasive as fuck, especially the bottom of your feet. If you don;t wear socks you shred the insole after a while.

>> No.6681393

Only thing cringeworthy is the skyhigh ISO

>> No.6681396
File: 651 KB, 497x1200, 1375972851475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6681480

How to have upper body?