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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 100 KB, 720x540, 1375845918177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6680280 No.6680280 [Reply] [Original]

can atheists be /fa/?

>> No.6680285


you need to have faith in the One Steezus Christ (Chrispy)

>> No.6680317


Stezzy chrezzy

>> No.6680370

i am an atheist to yea

>> No.6680373

this picture
every time
I just want to light them on fire

except for that kid in the fron - hes got a nice japanese-ghost-story type look going on

>> No.6680380

I know that this is a troll thread, but as long as they're not the "euphoric" kind of atheist, they're probably ok.

>> No.6680384

There is your answer OP.
No, an atheist can't be /fa/.

>> No.6680388

as long as they aren't obnoxiously vocal about their faith
just like any other religion

>> No.6680389

>flaming superman shirt
every time gotdamn

>> No.6680390

That fat guy seems cool.

The others can fuck off though.

>> No.6680394

Depends on what kind of atheist. If you're the hurr science so intelligent atheist, no. Stick to your Sonic the hedgehog and Metallica T-shirts. If you're the apathetic kind of atheist, then yes.

>> No.6680399

actually yeah, the fat kid's probably a pretty chill bro (how many people can wear a captain's hat with a straight face)

>> No.6680396

That kid in the middle has clown feet holy shit

>> No.6680398

>sympathizing with a fatty
>implying youre not fat yourself

>> No.6680408

i hate pics like this.
they make me sad.

so many misguided guys in high school and they are gonna turn in to angry, frustrated adults.

actually, for some reason the guys i went to high school with who dressed like this pretty much ended up doing nothing, but remain just as arrogant.

>that kid in sailor hat

>> No.6680413

Survey time!

Are you an atheist or theist, /fa/?

>> No.6680414
File: 417 KB, 527x884, ap14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im an atheist and im /fa/

>> No.6680415

the awkward shy girl on the left is kinda qt

>> No.6680420


>> No.6680418

but oh yea, not believing in god is fine, but not believing in something is not a belief.

>tfw absurdist master race
>tfw cool logic

>> No.6680422

you wear the same shoes as Walter White

>> No.6680426

nice ankles, faggot

>> No.6680429

i dont think atheism has a certain style of dress.

>> No.6680431

If I was given that kind of face I wouldn't believe in god either

h4h4h4h4 just kidding m8

>> No.6680432

walter white wears them better because he's a badass

matt just playing dress up wanabee japanese looking nigga

>> No.6680434

>tfw i have to admit Facelift is a classic album

>> No.6680430

Ghostface Killah wore them first

>> No.6680437


>> No.6680438
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>> No.6680440


it still hurt me

>> No.6680442


>> No.6680447

everyone on 4chan is an atheist
if you say you're not you're either a troll or retard

this is a troll thread

>> No.6680451

If I had to say I'd call myself an apathist. I can't buy myself a new coat by praying to the J-man.

>> No.6680453

>most major fashion houses come from europe
>europe is mostly atheist

do the math

we sure like appropriating religious imagery though.

>> No.6680456


>The whole time I've been in high school (I'm a sophomore) I've always had to
hear what other kids thought of him. I was always Mr White's kid.
(Sometimes they call him Mr. Wallabee which is the name of the totally loser
shoes he always wears).


walt jr caught his first body

>> No.6680457
File: 267 KB, 333x316, I cant save any of you..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion is control.
Being apart of the mass of Baseless sheeple is not /fa/.

>> No.6680470
File: 326 KB, 646x479, mc ride laughs hard at your bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6680472

Dressing up to pace around your apartment and glance out the window to see if any looks at your peering through, what I can only image are blackout curtains, to keep the neighborhood safe from fuccbois.

>> No.6680479

Being agnostic is /fa/

>> No.6680475
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>> No.6680481

No it's not, pussy.

>> No.6680500

what death grips song/album should I listen to

I tried listening to exmilitary but the only one I really liked was guillotine

>> No.6680510

the order is The Money Store>NLDW>ExMilitary

>> No.6680511

the money store, they only have 3 albums m8

>> No.6680512
File: 17 KB, 205x205, 1318572286790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatt lelders

>> No.6680516

How new are you? Calling someone euphoric is a common insult because some reddit atheist used it in a sentence once. Heck, a good 70% of the posts in cringe threads are of guys saying something like "I'm a militant atheist" or "people who believe in god are dumb".

>> No.6680520

Don't forget the EP and LFDV

>> No.6680527

I think you're the new one here, anon. When have you ever seen someone on here who wasn't an atheist/agnostic?

>> No.6680529

i was bulkign

was like 165 in that pic Lol

>> No.6680542

post face now then

>> No.6680548

I'm assuming that the people who make fun of atheists in cringe threads, and call other people euphoric, are not atheists. I don't even see religion/atheist threads often so this whole discussion is pointless.

>> No.6680556

i assume they are making fun of them for making a point to "preach" their atheism, because it pretty much is like being religious.

>> No.6680560
File: 1.27 MB, 582x803, bucketboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im only a few lbs lighter than thaty. Still fat af, onlyt been cutting for 2 weeks

still got about 15lbs or more to lose

>> No.6680562

>meme rap

>> No.6680563

ha ha

>> No.6680569

show us a pic w/out ur shirt bby

>> No.6680570
File: 253 KB, 1000x749, get off me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6680573

good jesus, how much fetal alcohol syndrome do you have

>> No.6680574

you've been cutting ever since you started tripping on this board last year

stop lying

>> No.6680575
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>> No.6680586


>> No.6680588
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>> No.6680596

Why do you let your bag droop,
Fucking nerd

>> No.6680599

i dont have fetal achols yndrome my mum doesnt drink unless she stopped when i was born lol. she drinks sometimes but doesnt like alchol very much

>> No.6680593

fuk u fatty.

>> No.6680603

could've fooled me

>> No.6680607

how much do you weigh? i like how things look on you and im your height but slightly heavier

>> No.6680667

atm like 155

>> No.6680679
File: 173 KB, 800x609, 1369120785787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a very big death grips fan, but i support them and respect what they're doing.
i always knew zach hill was gonna be big, and i assumed it was gonna be involving rap, but i never thought it'd be like this.

>> No.6680677

Most people, whether theist or atheist, are agnostic. Only retards say that they're 100% certain of their beliefs

>> No.6680687

>that hand

>> No.6680693

exmilitary is their best IMO

i love the track with the pink floyd sample.
i was actually blown away when i heard it.

Exmilitary has the best beats and lyrics.

>> No.6680701
File: 349 KB, 500x375, fuk wit me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been coming off more and more pretentious to me recently but I still circulate their music every now and then. Exmilitary is my favorite to run too.

>> No.6680713

Plus an AiC shirt. It's not a particularly nice shirt, but it's AiC.

>> No.6680741

I dig Exmilitary, but I think TMS is a much more polished and cohesive work. I like MC Ride exploring some sort of underworld filled with paranoia, violence, and delusions. And instead of glorifying these attributes and those who inhabit this world, he simply holds it up as a grim reality.

>> No.6680764

I feel like Exmilitary is more of an experience than TMS, you know? It feels more powerful and intense to me.

>> No.6680770
File: 534 KB, 3715x2089, nQI1NpS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They've been coming off more and more pretentious

For real.

>> No.6680773

those shoes

"this kills the fit"

>> No.6680779
File: 461 KB, 800x1066, IMGP7308_00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were too small anyway

I upgraded

if you dont think these are sexy as fuck ur off ur rocker

>> No.6680776

>east coast fags devolving into literal primates and destroying the equipment
sounds about right

>> No.6680783 [DELETED] 

how are they becoming more pretentious? i don't follow them on twitter or any other social network site. i thought mc ride was always down to earth

>> No.6680788

I could see that. It's definitely more raw, and in some ways more visceral. In some ways it's a little bolder.

>> No.6680785

This yo. TMS is more polished, but it's weaker as an album. Exmilitary has so much more raw energy.

>> No.6680794 [DELETED] 

did doing 600 mg caffeine and craze hospitalize you?

>> No.6680793


>how are they becoming more pretentious?

Just that particular incident (refusing to play and putting that on the projector instead) sounds pretentious to me.

>> No.6680797

the fit would look so much better with brown leather oxfords

i've never been a fan of desert boots or boat shoes

>> No.6680795

he's talking about how they purposely didn't show up to a few shows, and just hung up this banner
and played their cd.

honestly, it was kind of pretentious because apparently the planned it out beforehand, didn't tell the venue and weren't even in the city.

i'm sure they had their reasons, and i can probably guess what they were, but i don't think it was that good of a move.

>> No.6680798
File: 1.94 MB, 1936x2592, le basic fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over analyzing their own music. The publicity stunt of them leaving their record label who gave them 100% freedom. Mostly their interviews recently.

>> No.6680799


>> No.6680809

they've only had like 2 interviews b

>> No.6680810


I can kind of understand their point of view, but couldn't they have just changed the front page of the website to that rather than ruin a load of gigs?

>> No.6680811

nothing since you obviously don't like them v/ much and to force yourself to listen to something just because it's hip is the most un/fa/ thing you can do

>> No.6680815

w2c backpack

>> No.6680826 [DELETED] 

idk, mf doom sends imposters to do his own shoes. do you think that's pretentious? it's a little different though

>> No.6680831

http://pitchfork.com/features/interviews/9004-death-gripz/ This one was enough for me.

>> No.6680833
File: 120 KB, 500x667, SDC10169_00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eastpak x kva

>> No.6680835 [DELETED] 

pls do another ama i have some stuff to ask

>> No.6680837 [DELETED] 

the title makes me want to deck them in the face, my god

>> No.6680845



listen to it again nerd

>> No.6680849

flexing what

>> No.6680847

flexing hard hahaha

>> No.6680856

you dont have the balls to put a picture of your balls on an album cover

>> No.6680857

I posted this pic on /soc/ and got rated 4.5 so i deleted the pic


>> No.6680859

yea i don't think it was a well thought out idea.
i can't think of any reason for them to do it, even if they had hidden cameras and are going to be like "look at what are fans are like, look at them destroying this drum set"

i don't think the record label stuff was a publicty stunt, i think it was a quick reaction to their stress with the situation.
i think they felt like they didn't have 100% freedom because they couldn't put the album out when they wanted.
i also don't think they really give a fuck about major label distribution, since zach has had tons of success on small indie labels.

them signing to a major label was probably just for the fuck of doing it.

also, they ended up singing with another major label after...

>> No.6680861

I wasn't ranking the albums, I was just telling him what order to listen to them.

>> No.6680874

im not a fan of mf doom, and i don't think it's pretentious. i think it's straight up bullshit.

DG is very weird because they rarely are seen together.
it's like that Andy guy and Zach don't get along.

when i saw them live back when Exmilitary was new they were a five piece and all 3 of them were playing, but since then it's been two.

>> No.6680867

Zach needs to shave his shaft.

>> No.6680880

lol what u wna ask

>> No.6680881

lol Andy was Zach's sound engineer and friend for years before DG even started

>> No.6680893

I'll keep supporting them as artist because I've been to a death grips concert and it was the craziest thing I've ever been too. But I feel like they are trying to keep an appearance of turmoil that isn't really as authentic as they would like it to be and are acting out in response.
That's just how I feel.

>> No.6680902
File: 420 KB, 1280x720, death grips road trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you watch the I've Seen Footage video slowed down, there's plenty of pictures of them all together

>> No.6680904 [DELETED] 

What were the biggest life lessons you learned?

>> No.6680919

yea i keep forgetting about that.
he mixed some hella albums too.

i still feel like there is some weird reason why they aren't on stage together.

for a while i thought it may be legal reasons, like they get around some loophole with their label for playing as a two piece. i've heard of crazier stuff regarding record labels.

but i haven't heard of them playing as a 3 piece since NLDW.

>and are acting out in response.
yea, i'd say they are acting out of response, but it isn't attention craving, more like frustration.

>> No.6680926

Andy had to go into hiding for most of 2012, and Zach is recording new music, which is why he wasn't touring for a while.

>> No.6680937

when i saw them it was just stefan and zach because andy was dealing with legal stuff with the label and hiding
they did explain this stuff

>> No.6680953

>im not a fan of mf doom

how can you not like madvillainy

>> No.6680971

ha i assumed the hiding stuff was just a joke.
only thing that makes sense was him not being allowed to leave the country.

did they ever explain exactly what legal stuff he was hiding from?

i've been wondering how fucked they could have been with leaking their own album like that.

at worst i figured they would have to pay the label back for whatever their advance was (they recorded in China so it was probably a lot) and either give them the rights to the album (which they did) and/or owe them another.

doesn't seem like a huge deal, especially since they could easily have their new label pay their debts as part of their negotiations.

>> No.6680990

>Pull up your pack.

why am i laughing so hard

>> No.6680991

They leaked the album because Epic wanted them to hold back on the release indefinitely or something.

Also in one of the No Hands videos, they're video chatting with a middle-aged woman called "Agent", I forget her surname.

>> No.6680985

the shoes kill it. Otherwise, not too bad. Pull up your pack.

>> No.6680995


Captcha was scene gbaist

i fucking love game boy advance

>> No.6681049

me too!

its a DS :)

>> No.6681077

swag is one of the worse trips imo
he doesn't post a lot but hes annoying af

>> No.6681072

that's some evil supervillain shit right there.

>> No.6681199

>looks like anorexic cunt
pls visit a gym

>> No.6681220
File: 96 KB, 960x725, 550990_553340024724070_75641913_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this you
bet ure real fuckin edgy mate

>> No.6681228

yeah thats me

>> No.6681235

can a beleife be fashionabe?

OP needs a different hobby.

>> No.6681237


come on lelders! If you're gonna buy a vox amp at LEAST get a ac15.

>> No.6681246

got that amp when i was 15, couldnt afford an ac15. also i dont need one, that amp sounds really great just for home use, cant play too loud

you can get really nice tube overdrive at really low voumes

>> No.6681468

nah bruh some of of the modeling amps are pretty god for the money. Valvetronix is pretty good too.

Also, if you play bass, and you don't use either Ashdown, Eden, or Genz-Benz, you will never be /fa/.

>> No.6681479

>playing bass
>being /fa/

pick one

>> No.6681534

you dont know Wooten? Miller?

Did you pull up your pack yet?

>> No.6681543

i lowered my pack

>> No.6681565

shit where'd my name go?

these were me

>> No.6681559


>> No.6681577
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>> No.6681588
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>> No.6681582
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>> No.6681597
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>> No.6681605
File: 113 KB, 611x815, atheist06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6681647

>Ive seen footage is the easiest to down if youre new to them.

>> No.6681702

you have zero muscle definition

>> No.6681722

Looks like your hair is trying to escape your head.

>> No.6681835

This is a fairly decent point tbh

>> No.6681847

>Makes le solid point.
>le invalidated by le nechk haurs.

>> No.6681861

this guy seems okay

he's kind of qt too

>> No.6681914

>not ac30 master race

>> No.6682495

Congrats on weight loss. looking fly. how old?

>> No.6682957

its not really me

>> No.6682990

Seems legit
Would ponder with/10