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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 321 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20130806_050033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6678791 No.6678791 [Reply] [Original]

If I continue to lose weight will l ever be facially /fa/

>> No.6678795

not sure if it's a guy or a girl..

>> No.6678797
File: 179 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20130809_040444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say Im obtrusively bad looking now and sometimes I catch people mirin
Also sorry shit quality posting from phone

>> No.6678802
File: 165 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20130802_015945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am male with chinky eyes and a small mouth

>> No.6678809

you look like one of those tumblr feminists.. :notkidding:

>> No.6678803

why r ur images sideways

r u new to technology

>> No.6678805


>> No.6678812

Am posting from phone
Shit does that
And if ur Pedro
Fuck off

>> No.6678816
File: 166 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20130802_212844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon plz
Just realizing the incredibly awkward collection of awkward selfies on my phone

>> No.6678821
File: 55 KB, 720x698, _facebook_-18346496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If u guys are interested in helping me out I have better shots on my laptop and profiles

>> No.6678818

You are rather ugly. Your facial proportions are really weird.

>> No.6678833

Maybe your face might stop being sideways

>> No.6678832

You never asked for help, honestly just lose weight. however you do look rather odd.

>> No.6678834
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 130808-183121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am now on laptop

>> No.6678846
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 130708-045807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant help as in answer if I have facial promise m8 :3
s-silly you
Ok these next ones are more natural
do they look less awkward and better

>> No.6678850
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 130505-213605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ba da bing ba da boom bb

>> No.6678867

you look skinny as is you just hold some fat on you face. spend 6 months lifting, get your metabolism higher then start dieting. Otherwise you'll have to go on a near 1000 calorie diet which you wont be able to maintain.

>> No.6678875

I have maintained pretty close to that, more in the twelve hundred range for a couple months with exercise, Lost twenty pounds, working on the rest

>> No.6678893
File: 65 KB, 640x480, 130725-022452-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One bumpity

>> No.6678897

first, stop posting your fat face, we get it now
second, whats your weight atm?

>> No.6678896

Are you 13 ? You look like a kid

>> No.6678902

I think like one fifty

>> No.6678904

babby face
I'm 18 and my dad had one until after twenty

>> No.6678911

shut up and weigh yourself
don't think and that bullshit, just say whats standing there black on white

>> No.6678912


>> No.6678913

Last time I was at the doctors
last week, it was like 152.someshit
My scale is shit and out of batteries

>> No.6678916

whats your height?
also we're speaking of punds, right?

>> No.6678914

Damn, I'm 17 and many people think I'm 25-30

>> No.6678917

My dads Irish and I think they have baby faces
I look older in person tho, people were really surprised I was still in HS

>> No.6678920

5'8" and yeah pounds sorry for not clarifying, sposed to grow more my dads pretty tall and we're pretty alike in almost every feature. Together we look like the same person with a 30 year difference

>> No.6678927

then I've got bad news for you. I don't think your face will change drastically
your only hope would probably be lots of cardio and upper body training

>> No.6678932

Th-thanks anon, everyone else in my family kind of trimmed down facially. I watched my brother do it, and my family is generally considered attractive

>> No.6678962


I feel the opposite. I am also Irish and had the whole baby face thing going on. I think our face shapes are quite similar (though not head shape or hair). I lost about 30 lbs, and ever since then have been very proud of my facial structure and receive many compliments.

>> No.6678969

This is some sort of ungodly amount of attention whoring.

>> No.6678971

well, then I'll take that back. Sorry for my misleading advice, I've just never heard of a story like this.
Everyone I've seen with such a face wasn't at such a weight like he was, that's why I thought it would be impossible.

>> No.6678977

It's possible that he won't come out much better, but I am pretty confident that weight loss and aging past the baby face will do him a lot of good.

>> No.6678978

I'm actually imploring about a /fa/ question
I'm not some 10/10 who posts his shoes by showing his face damn

>> No.6678982

Th-Thanks M8 :3

>> No.6679004

You're forever going to be unattractive OP to be totally honest. You have a smug ass look which just makes you look like a humongous fuccboi.

Besides. Even with drastic weight loss you will still have a face that looked like it use to be really chubby. I hope you have a good personality or this might suck.

>> No.6679012

Yeah. but will I have an interesting face yo? Like the kind that looks neat in portraits and shit

>> No.6679284

Do us all a favor and just become a trap already.

>> No.6679291

u look like a lesbian. dont make those stupid fucking faces

>> No.6679312

Fucking no, what part don't you understand

>>6679291 is right, you look like a smug lesbian

>> No.6679316

you might as well kill yourself op

>> No.6679334

You have a Shrek nose

Damn, and I thought I was ugly

>> No.6679342

Your nose ruins it

>> No.6679352

All of your mothers are overweight, and you should feel bad

>> No.6679393

My mother exercises regularly and looks good for her age, you fuccboi

>> No.6679414

Lol what is this shit?

Lose weight, you could look good imo. Just need to see those cheekbones stand out more. You will still have a somewhat girly face, but in a few years with some beard it will be fine.

>> No.6679425

No god damn it, baby/girly face with beard is the fucking worst. Better to just play to your strengths.

>> No.6679426

Actually one of the few real responses

>> No.6679446

So the only real responses are the ones saying you could look good?

Don't ask the question if you don't want the answer, ugly

>> No.6679452

Could a nigga pull off androgynous heroin user?
Like Robert Downey Jr in Less Than Zero?
Shitty example but I just watched it

>> No.6679462

You're not attractive enough for heroincore, you'll just look like a worthless poorfag

If I were you I wouldn't even bother with fashion, it's not for you. Focus your time on a different hobby

>> No.6679461

Ugly isn't answer to the question, its not helpful or insightful. You could be like "You're ugly because" Or "you should try" not "ur an ugly fuccboi i'm cool on /fa/"

>> No.6679467
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 130812-104017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I really look THAT bad

>> No.6679473

Okay, here's the answer: you look like a 14yo, smug goddamn lesbian; I hold absolutely no hope for the development of your facial structure and I don't think you should either.

>> No.6679476

Yes you do you delusional fuck, you're like a 4/10 at best

>> No.6679480

I think I look quite a bit less babby with glasses on

>> No.6679481

You look sad. Cheer up. You're not ugly, you'll just never be handsome any time soon.

>> No.6679483


>> No.6679490

It's pretty obvious you're just fishing for compliments with this thread and don't want anything truthful, but remember that anyone who says you're anything other than below average is just being nice because they feel sorry for you

>> No.6679521

No. I just liked the people who were helpful, like the guy who talked about his growing out of Irish babby face, or the other helpful anons. I don't mind being called ugly, I'm not gorgeous. But just the ugly and no actual insight is pretty pointless to the thread
check and mate m8

>> No.6679575

You need to lose fat, it will give your face a different shape (if you lose fat on your face/jaw, which you hopefully will). Right now you look average. You could possibly look like 6 or even 7 / 10 if you lose a decent amount of weight. It will also probably get better as you get older and your face becomes more masculine, which it probably will, at least a little.

Now stop going on 4chan and lose weight.

>> No.6679585


>> No.6679590

Thanks m8, but why leave forchuns? I do my hour of exercises a day, I don't know why people say that. All things in moderation

>> No.6679593

Thanks, most of the threads you people make about your faces aren't that much better than me, and my fits are generally pretty solid.
top kek at your spite

>> No.6679605

You asked, I answered. I can tell you right now I look better than you and you dress like a 14 year old. I mean, a fucking batman shirt? So continue the delusion.

>> No.6679612

The batman shirt was worn for a batman thing, its my brothers and I wore it to spite him. "Omg u own a graphic tee wow do u even /fa/"

>> No.6679619

Stop using the word spite it's weird.

>> No.6679625

>My fits are generally pretty solid
>Wearing a Batman graphic tee


you're also fat so good fits wouldn't even look good on you, but whatever you like to tell yourself to avoid suicidal thoughts is fine by me

>> No.6679635

Have I spited you?

>> No.6679642

mother of fuck, ugly people really are the most bitter. Get over it you fat ugly faggot

>> No.6679644

Its an occasion thing, if I know I am seeing my brother I wear that. It bugs him an I get a laugh

>> No.6679651

The excuses are too funny

>> No.6679650

Yet you still wear cheap ill-fitting v-necks and those lame glasses and claim to have solid fits

>> No.6679661

I was in bed
going to bed.
Sorry I don't lace up my oxfords just for nighty nights

>> No.6679668

Post a damn fit then jeez.

>> No.6679676

In bed, like going to bed
I do believe this was aforementioned and I don't have any pics of my fits because I don't shit up WAYWT with basic stuff

>> No.6679679

Come on man, enough with the lame-ass excuses. This thread started out pathetic and it's only gone downhill

>> No.6679682

so then take a pic...?

>> No.6679690

In bed, I also don't own a camera

>> No.6679699

It's fucking 2013 use your phone

>> No.6679704

You've been using a webcam for a good portion of this thread.

You're really running out of good excuses

>> No.6679706

>I don't own a camera
>Just posted like a million pics of himself

>> No.6679716

First of all
Nigga how the fuck do I get my whole body on a phone camera
maybe I will ask my dog to do it for me.
Not feeling like getting dressed because in bed
no u

>> No.6679717

>Going to bed
>It's clearly bright outside as you can see through the blinds

So you really are 12

>> No.6679726

A fucking mirror are you mentally ill.

>> No.6679730

I was up all night because can't sleep, also I sleep better in the daytime dunno why

>> No.6679732

>what is a timer
>what is a mirror selfie
>what is not being a lazy fuck
>what is not lying about having clothes that aren't h&m pleb shit

>> No.6679741
File: 36 KB, 372x400, lkjhasldiuylaukwhlehals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Just keep at it.

Worked for this guy.

>> No.6679739

HAHA the excuses just get worse and worse

delete this thread to avoid further embarrassment on your behalf

>> No.6679742

My only mirror is right on the floor and only goes up about three feet, I use it to make sure my pants fit right around my ankles because that freaks me out

>> No.6679752

Thanks m8, thats kinda a guy I think about but I was never that big that old, I was down to moderate chub by 13ish

>> No.6679764

The only mirror
In your entire house
Is the 3-foot one on the floor in your room

Wow okay

>> No.6679765

so you're going to bed in the daytime and you only have one mirror in your house and it only shows your feet.


>> No.6679776

If you check the times on this thread I've obviously been up all night

>> No.6679798
File: 2.58 MB, 3264x2448, 20130812_113630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Floor mirror
Stay spiteful

>> No.6679792

If you have time to monitor your pathetic thread for this long then you have to get dressed and take a picture you fat lesbian

>> No.6679799

meant to reply to >>6679776

>> No.6679810

You are disgusting
Living in filth
Clean your room tomorrow and learn to smile

>> No.6679811

No one believed you didn't have it, ugly.

It just isn't plausible that's your only mirror. It's more plausible that you dress like shit and are scared of what people on the internet will think of you

>> No.6679826
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, 20130812_114106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it in your pants ladies

>> No.6679920

you sure showed us

>> No.6679986

yah told ya I would ya spiteful fucks

>> No.6680039

I look kinda like OP except with bigger lips and a smaller nose.

>> No.6680057

Small lips + big nose are OP's most obvious flaws so you probably look significantly better than him, and also probably have a much better personality

>> No.6680073

>weak jaw

>> No.6680077

Lose weight AND gain muscle, also find the haircut that works for you.

>> No.6680110

My personality is great thanks

>> No.6680282
File: 1.50 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-08-12 18.57.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in your shoes OP, you don't really have as much fat on your face as I do though. All i'm doing now is eating healthy and working out, it sucks but can't stay fat forever. Ive got a bit of chinky eye too, well maybe because i'm part korean but still.

>> No.6680292
File: 733 KB, 1382x702, weightprogress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing you can do is try

>> No.6680293

losing weight will do you SO much good. what does your hair look like?

>> No.6680319


>> No.6680321
File: 275 KB, 1280x960, 2013-05-19 00.58.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just shave it off every once in awhile, it used to look like this, just unkempt long hair. I'm not really focusing on my hair/clothes until I lose weight.

>> No.6680335
File: 28 KB, 491x404, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vintage original

>> No.6680336

lel manlet

>> No.6680359


>> No.6680374

나는 지금 구글 번역기를 사용하고 한국어를 모른다.

>> No.6680400

you're part ginger m8, not part korean

>> No.6680423

you'd look like a pretty little twink if you were skinny id fuck you in the fucking asshole and cut you to pieces

>> No.6680458

you greasy motherfucker

>> No.6680463
File: 13 KB, 287x292, 092430432452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
