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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 250 KB, 786x1000, 1375981930548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6675531 No.6675531 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't /fa/ think muscles are attractive or fashionable?

>inb4 clothing doesnt fit right.
it would fit right if it was fashionable to be /fit/ and clothing was made to fit on /fit/ models

not trolling, genuinely curious

>> No.6675541

>why doesn't /fa/ think muscles are attractive or fashionable?

lurk more you stupid >>>/fit/ fuccboi


>> No.6675551

we do

>> No.6675552

/fa/ is just jellymad that dick ovens said to work out instead of buying more outfits

>> No.6675559

low bodyfat% is attractive and fashionable

upper body strength is personal preference, as long as youre not arnie levels youll probably look fine

bulky legs are fucking retarded unless you want to wear nothing but cargo pants for the rest of your life

>> No.6675553

Muscle is fine to me. I think people dislike large size they prefer a very lean and slick look as opposed to large.

>> No.6675564

>2. Detailed and constructive criticism is always better than vague throwaway posts filled with buzzwords. Put effort into your posts.
-the sticky

>> No.6675571
File: 179 KB, 1280x1280, 1355289777526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this guy for size? besides legs of course which are comical xbox sized quads

>> No.6675573

Refer to Wire - Reuters

>> No.6675578

Far too large. Otter mode is the best appeal for fashion. Trying to accommodate for all that size would be extremely difficult.

>> No.6675593
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>> No.6675594
File: 68 KB, 612x612, 1372214889373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this guy?

>> No.6675596

your body type is a reflection of your lifestyle. As long as you are true to yourself and aren't acting like a poser you will dress and look good

>> No.6675598

Getting there. Less arms and you're good.

>> No.6675607

people don't come to /fa/ to make themselves look better, they come here to dress up better, like polishing a turd. to fundamentally look better would require a decent physique, but that takes effort, so the people here are the ones who try to convince themselves their clothes matter nearly as much as their body

so naturally, you'll only hear about how being skinny with low bf% and no groce ewwy muscles is the best way to be

>> No.6675609

That one's nice pretty nice even though my personal tastes run toward something a bit less bulky.

The girl is much more to my tastes.

>> No.6675615

your body type is a reflection of your diet and how heavy you can lift

>> No.6675618

Nice assumption buddy. I've started working out, but only because I want to fill out and look better in clothes.

>> No.6675619

shes obviously flexing her abs/trying to suck in a little to compensate for her insecurity of standing next to that beautifully sculpted body*


>> No.6675629

I'm okay with that. At least it shows self-awareness.

>> No.6675636
File: 475 KB, 600x900, 1374842914223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he looks so beautiful, like a real man who can conquor the fucking world and the lochness monster while hes at it ;_;

>tfw if this big not /fa/

>> No.6675647
File: 419 KB, 640x960, 1368987606817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is da bes.

>> No.6675656

if we're talking exclusively about fashion, i think having a slender androgynous body like andrej pejic is the most ideal.

it allows you to wear, and fit a much wider range of garments than you would be able to with nearly any other body type because you will have access to clothing designed for both women and men.

a large bust, large muscles, or any sort of irregular (to standard measurement) body shape are not very advantageous in the context of fashion because many brands do not accommodate for them at all.

>> No.6675671

I am from /fit/ though I don't give a fuck about fashion I just want to be aesthetic and alpha.

>> No.6675676

what's advantages to fashion is what looks best, not what you can utilize the most, form over function nigger

>> No.6675680

>what's advantages to fashion is what looks best
then dress for your body type

>> No.6675685


cool man, you do you.


well what you think "looks best" is just your opinion.

i was just talking about a body thats versatile for the purposes of wearing clothing (fashion)

>> No.6675688

hey man this is unrelated 2 the thread but i wanna learn how to make my own simple tees and stuff should i take summer sewing classes at a uni or is sewing 4 basic stuff like tees easily learnable on ur own like thru internet and books and stuff?i also have a friend who goes to fashion design school coming home 4 the summer so i can also learn from him 4 like a month wat do

>> No.6675689


>> No.6675698

>there are people who think like this

>> No.6675699


it depends on how quickly you want to learn and how skilled you want to be at it.

taking classes will be the fastest, and youll be able to make much better shirts more quickly than the other options.

if your friend who goes to fashion design is really good at teaching you, thats the second best option.

if your only option is learning from books and the internet, go for it, but you will take a very long time and probably not be able to learn very much.

>> No.6675702

thx man

>> No.6675746
File: 422 KB, 1969x1106, ansel 1920 1080 hybrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a slow permanent move to tech/work bearmode sorta thing, I mean here are the pros:

loved by women (truly all women have a desire for strong men, sluts and good girls included)
loved by gays (even you faggots want a bear, don't you)
can actually physically do things/ utility/climb mountains build houses whatever
better/more regulated test levels (more in control, happier, etc)

I mean.. it ruins a silhouette because fashion is still stuck in an era that recognizes strong humans as troglodytes and markets to such

I believe fashion will one day recognize the beauty not just of a strong male form, but the beauty of nature in which inspires our clothing and makes our clothing, as well as the ability to experience life and nature in a more personal way than viewing it through screens.

I mean.. what's more /fa/ than mountains?
/fa/ thinks /fa/ means cool. but you'll learn one day these vanities weren't worth your time and money. 'Fashion' is just another word for consensus, and the current consensus is stupid. Here, france, MFA, it's all fucking stupid.

>> No.6675758

/fa/ shill shitting on /fit/ pls go

Guys, I read /fit/ too, 9/10 of the board is not this retarded.

>> No.6675950

There's no use trying to wrangle fashion away from the androgynous and the feminine. Fashion was their escape from the bullies who picked on them in school. Musclebound jocks trying to get into fashion would offend them.

>> No.6675974


it actually has nothing to do with bullies, the "ideal" in fashion has everything to do with efficiency and mass production. it all boils down to money.

>> No.6676008

no. that's way too skinny.

>> No.6676017

Bullshit. Why are models size 0 then? The general public isn't that small. Mass production would accommodate the average person, which is getting larger every year.

>> No.6676037

lmao your reading comprehension is shit

>> No.6676035

I don't think any girls are opposed to a guy who is in shape.
Being a slim guy with style is fine, but I feel like you're limiting yourself.
Some girls might not like skinny guys, thus you are eliminating part of the female pool.
Same thing goes for massive bulk. Looking bearmode/like Arnold is considered unattractive to some.
Having clothes that fit better and looking somewhat muscular is more aesthetic.

>> No.6676295


>Why are models size 0 then?

they arent always, it depends on the demographic the designer is marketing their clothing toward. generally, size 0 models are used for mid/high end clothing, or cheaper clothing marketed toward younger women.

>The general public isn't that small.

Sure, but the companies that use that size model arent marketing toward the general public. They have a designated range of sizes that they are interested in accommodating.

>Mass production would accommodate the average person, which is getting larger every year.

Mass production does accommodate the average person, but only the brands that are designed to sell to the average person.

Youre conflating high end ready to wear and runway demographics with the average person, but the reality is, the average person is not who the garments you see on the runway are sized and designed for (more often than not).


>Some girls might not like skinny guys, thus you are eliminating part of the female pool.

Thats not relevant if the bottom line is dressing well, clothing doesnt have to be a means to an end, it can be an end in and of itself, it just depends on how you prefer to approach it.

>> No.6676443

not me

>> No.6676485


>> No.6676635

w2c those shoes

>> No.6676684

i would fuck that guy in OPs pic so hard with a paper bag over his head

>> No.6676698


oh my god have heterosexuals actually adopted terms used to describe body types in the gay community? (bear, otter, etc.)

>> No.6676725

ottermode means a swimmers body

cause otters swim

>> No.6676749


>> No.6676806

It's been going on for a while, I don't know where you've been.

>> No.6676920

being fit is /fa/ as all fuck

you could wear something trashy being bit and youll look better then someone with no body with style.

everyone in /fa/ is jsut in denial

>> No.6676934

yeah i've seen "ottermode" posted but this is the first time i've seen anyone say "bearmode"
also "The term Bear was popularized by Richard Bulger, who, along with his then partner Chris Nelson (1960–2006) founded Bear Magazine in 1987."

>> No.6676946

residual fear of jock culture. you have to remember that art circles are dominated by "outsider" types; skinny fucks. some of them are drug abusers too, which doesn't do much for gains.

>> No.6676996

In your head, maybe. In reality though, no.

>> No.6677118

>dressing well just to be with grills who dress poorly
get a load of this guy

>> No.6677271

so like different strokes for different folks but i find it weird that /fa acts as if loose pants don't even exist

trex can wear eg workaday or outlier or yohji or all sorts of shit it's not a problem, it's just fit

>> No.6677298

t-rex is just a bad look in general

>> No.6677306

idk i think stick pants are just ugly as shit

>> No.6677316

you should try to get past it
this isnt something you get to argue about.

>> No.6677325

For models, a thin body-type is ideal because with clothes you can make yourself look bigger but you can't make yourself look smaller.

>> No.6677327

idk man kind of seems like he's gonna argue it

beep boop bleep his head explodes oh wait

>> No.6677335

but many people disagree with you on that

almost everyone is in agreement that an average/small upper body with huge legs is terrible

>> No.6677354

man i hope that fashion doesn't come down to facebook likes

>> No.6677357

and at any rate /fa seems to think that big legs are a problem regardless of upper body size

skinny pants have been trending hard for a while

>> No.6677369

man i hope you never have to go outside and be seen by other people looking like you do

>> No.6677381

omg did you hack my webcam

>> No.6677382

Im not even that guy but that made you sound like such a douche.
Take a hard look in the mirror before you post again.

>> No.6677394

omg thx for being so open and honest

i'll totally think twice before responding to tough guys like you


>> No.6677397

Glad you learned your lesson.
Sorry i had to be so rough with you.

>> No.6677459

The simple reason is that large muscles only look good nude. This is because you naively assume bigger is better looking at a nude body.
Putting clothes on changes the shape completely and that's what fashion is about. Looking good in clothes.
Take the suit. The easiest piece of clothing to make work because it helps conceal poor bodies. put a heavily muscled person into a tailored suit, they look awful.

>> No.6677464

Mens tights trended long before that fag.

>> No.6677478

If you have a nice body then the point is to not wear clothes.

>> No.6677548

>fashion is about makeing unattractive people look attractive
>if your attractive you cant look attractive in clothes
this amount of stupid.

>> No.6677554

>don't eat xF

there you go /fa/, follow the programme and you'll get your goal physic

>> No.6677559

You made the wrong inferences. A good body won't make you attractive either if your face looks like denim dan's

>> No.6677570

Would you rather fuck an ugly person with a gross body.

Or an ugly person with a body.

Come on, you know the answer.

>> No.6677579

theres an option for not fucking them

remember that child

>> No.6677585

...you missed the point.
but w/e

>> No.6677591

>>would you fuck
>>being attractive
Your logic is weak

>> No.6677592


id rather fuck a frail skinny person if they dressed well than a muscular, in shape person if they dressed badly

>> No.6677596

b-b-but muscular people don't dress, they undress

fucking noob!11

>> No.6677615

It's about proportions and what is pleasing to the eye. Look at the rock. Huge guy, ok features. Boat loads of cash. Only comes close to looking ok in a suit, and even then he looks weird

>> No.6677630

I think being fit can be fashionable as long as it's not body building bulk.

>> No.6677643
File: 358 KB, 618x1000, 05rider_sweater04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677648

/fit/ is THE GAYEST community

>> No.6677652

it's not exclusive to gay culture and I'm not sure if it originated from gay culture

>> No.6677657

Fashion has always been dominated by skinny fucks (inb4 someone mentions Rick). Who cares? If you look right being skinny looks amazing with your personal style.

No one denies a guy because hes skinny unless hes too skinny. Girls will deny you if you're overtly muscukar though. They appear to like ottermode (they went crazy over the olympic swimmers bodies).

>> No.6677676
File: 20 KB, 243x448, michael-phelps-body1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Olympic swimmers

not really

women like Olympic swimmers because they are very tall, have low body fat and have massive, broad shoulders and a lot of muscle... and they are Olympic athletes

Do you think this is ottermode?

>> No.6677685

Why don't motorcycle ethusists think cars are attractive or awesome?

>inb4 I cant feel the wind on my face.
You'd be able to feel the wind on your face if you buy the right car like a convertable which is meant for people who like that.

not trolling, genuinly curious.

>> No.6677692

fawkin joocy m8

>> No.6677693

can someone give me a word that's like bro-science but instead it applies to folky stories about what the collective "girls" "like"

>> No.6677703
File: 29 KB, 500x350, Australia-Men’s-Olympic-Swimming-Team-2012-09-1257436517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MP is a weird case he has strange proportions and shit due to his genetic disorder.

Most olympic swimmers were ottermode.

>> No.6677698


>> No.6677701

i mean moreso this guy

just wear do people pull this shit from

from mens health, and having seen several girls in my time

>> No.6677704

>wear do people
lol oops

>> No.6677710


>> No.6677720

ok that's REALLY fucking good

>> No.6677722

idk probably because motorcyclists are douchebags. not to say that many car drivers aren't.

>> No.6677726


really depend on region the girls from, and who u hang out with. like lots of hipster girls like thin guys, but like tanned trashy girls from jersey lik e muscle guys is a common thing as well?

like who do u want to attract?

>> No.6677729

>google it
>literally tons of examples
>Read the articles from the olympics about women swooning over the swimmers.
>look at movie hearthrobs.
>then again you can just ignore it and go back to >>>/fit/

>> No.6677737


>> No.6677741
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, 1357813274411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this.

>> No.6677765

are you so pubmed that you take google hits as evidence of a vast collective psychohistory

like repeat after me
>girls love X
>it turned up a lot of results on google

>> No.6677775

i mean you're literally citing pop articles and shit. this is stupid. this is not some hari seldon shit

>> No.6677784

idk how about a human being christ

>> No.6677798

Or both of you could look at celebrity pussy wetters bodies. THAT is a good way to determine collective taste, why? Their careers depend on women liking their looks first and acting second.

>> No.6677806

"hello. i am a professional pussy wetter. my appearance utility-maximizes for wet pussies, because capitalism"

>> No.6677823

> tanned trashy girls from jersey lik e muscle guys
Sure, but why do you think that "tanned trashy girls from jersey" like muscular guys any more than other girls?

>> No.6677834

Have you ever been to a Bieb concert? So much pussy wetness it smells like an oyster farm.

>> No.6677844
File: 490 KB, 210x110, 1351290727251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677851

almost threw up last time from the fishy smell

>> No.6677879

Wait are you joking? Those girls are like 11-15 thats fucked up

>> No.6677891

Its not his attractiveness, its his fame.

>> No.6678033

That's way too small though. he's got the opposite problem of the other guys.

>> No.6678065

The Rock is handsome as hell though dude wtf are you on about

>> No.6678078

Girls get their periods at like 9 or 10

>> No.6679177

>bulky legs are fucking retarded
>implying chickenlegs are aesthetic

the only downside of being fit is you have to tailor your suits for perfect fit and non-stretch shirts are sometimes hard to find.

>> No.6679187

>not heard the term bearmode
>being this new

>> No.6679201

>that feel when slim but I have huge thighs because I did nothing but run for 5 years of my life.

Anyone got any tips to lessen them?

>> No.6679208
File: 46 KB, 480x640, 8T9W5P5[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thighs related.

>> No.6679236


These bodies are made to be shown naked, by front and just over the waist.

You look like a disgusting beast at any other angle.


Look at this guy, I bet he can't even walk with those thighs.


This is the best kind of body. He's in shape. I bet he can run like a motherfucker or play any kind of sport. Try to see one of those musclebeats in a soccer field. They sure aren't even able to hit the ball without falling.

Now imagine them dancing, or whatever.

They're just like polished fatties.

>> No.6679263

Shit Nice Guys Say

>> No.6679264

swimmers are the basis of the ottermode bodytype

>> No.6679300

are you a girl?

>> No.6679307


>> No.6679313


>> No.6679317
File: 126 KB, 262x400, christian_bale_american_psycho_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you are one of those forever skinnyfat guys that can't build muscle for shit, and so make excuses to be skinny and convince themselves its the way to go.

>> No.6679323

i second this

>> No.6679330


That's so weird
His body looks like an 18 yo but his face looks like 40

>> No.6679331

then it looks gay as fuck (assuming you have not trained upper body). you have two choices: run longer distances and diet, or start working out at a gym since you seem to have good genetics for building muscle

>> No.6679333

post ur face and body..?

>> No.6679340

If I don't wear skinnies I look normal though. Thanks for the advice though. I'll probably do both because I want to go ottermode eventually.

>> No.6679344


Now imagine them playing basketball, trying to pass the ball between their legs.

>> No.6679347


this + 10-15 lbs

also carbs. no one likes someone that looks like they don't eat

>> No.6679417
File: 251 KB, 842x1199, 1370378331523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its rather hilarious how 250lbs /fit/izens accuse naturally skinny people.

Listen, being skinny is always better as being:

>a manlet

Most women ALYWAYS prefer skinny, because it makes them jelous as fuck, too.

I know what im talking about, i slept with hundreds of girls.

>> No.6679492

It's better to be /fit/ and skinny.

aesthetic > swole > skinny > chubby > bearmode >fat

for picking up women. trust me on this guys I've pulled over 100 women.

>> No.6679522

probably slept with 100 fat chicks. most girls like slightly muscley

>> No.6679546

>tfw I'll never have a /fa/ body because of my pectus

>> No.6679549



>> No.6679556

Are you a navy seal too?

>> No.6679577

Otter mode is /fa/. Most of the kids who disagree don't have the discipline to train and diet well, so they resort to clothing as an artificial mode of boosting self confidence and attractiveness.

>> No.6679586

>be at party
>some kid has his shirt off and has pectus
>really high, kept looking at it
>pretty sure he noticed
>he starts like doing pushups inside because he was like insecure or something


>> No.6679594

being a meat monster it not really fashionable

ottermode is having visible muscle defiition without drastically morphing your sillouette. it's the perfect balance.

>> No.6679599

harsh man.

>> No.6679631

one question: how does this man walk?

>> No.6679772

Muscles are only good lookings up to a certain point. Then they are just too much. A fit, slim body looks way nicer in every way except upfront, naked.

>> No.6679817


Because it's too synonymous of that quarter backer in high school who would get any chick he wants while dressing badly while you take careful consideration of what you wear but not half as many girls find you attractive.

>> No.6680654


>> No.6680669

>being skinny is better than being a manlet

>> No.6680671


>> No.6680712

With Confidence

>> No.6680941
