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6669850 No.6669850 [Reply] [Original]

how do you deal with loving the finer things in life, positive expression, beauty, but being ugly as sin?

being aware of beauty in the world and knowing you were cursed to look hideous is a joke
every moment is misery

i don't even have money for plastic surgery
i hate and evy beautiful people so much

>> No.6669869

Chances are you aren't as ugly as you think, and just have a confidence problem. Post a picture.

Seriously, if you're not deformed with fetal alcohol syndrome or downs or something it's possible to make you look passable. People will make fun of you (as well as extremely attractive people) when you post your picture here but just ignore them.

>> No.6669879

No, I'm seriously ugly
This isn't BDD or low self esteem, I'm objectively ugly

LIke a 2/10
I look like those deformed hideous dudes who get passed around as funny maymays

I haven't taken pics in years either. Don't even have a FB account because I could never bear taking a picture

>> No.6669887

take a picture and I'll tell you if you're really that bad

>> No.6669893

i am dont worry

>> No.6669897

OP you literally have two options
1. Post picture and receive good advice on how to deal with your appearance/make yourself look better
2. Stay ugly

>> No.6669904

I alerady know how to deal with my uglyness

Either suicide or lots of plastic surgery
I can't afford surgery though, so until then I'll just have to live a miserable existence

>> No.6669915

No, he has three options. The third option is best and probably the one he should take...
3. Kill yourself. Seriously, do you want to bring kids into the world as ugly as you? Just put your head in an over or hire somebody to rape and kill you and then decapitate you so that you don't come back as a vampire.

>> No.6669920

Oven* autocorrect is a bum licking son of a cunt

>> No.6669950

No you fucking cunt, do you not understand that self-image is dependent on your opinion of yourself and not objective reality? Jesus, take a philosophy course or something.

Basically you can't be sure that you're actually ugly without us. Do you not want realistic answers? You're just going to think you're ugly forever I guess.

>> No.6669962

I know for a fact I'm ugly
I know I'm ugly from the people who frequently tell me that in real life even with real liife social barriers

I don't need my ugliness officially plastered on the internet

>> No.6669973

Then go away

>> No.6669985


Stop crying and kill yourself.

Do it.

Every second you wait without a noose around your neck is another second wasted complaining in self-pity.

>> No.6670007

I hate whiney people more than ugly people. The fact is, being ugly has its benefits. It sounds like you accept it a decent amount, so dress nicely but accept the fact you won't get pussy as easily as others. FUCK IT. You have your right hand and that's all you need to be happy. When you accept it, it will be much easier to be yourself and not worry about the opinions of others. Once you do this, you will be happier.

>> No.6670060

Do you want to change or do you want to keep on pitying yourself. If you really receive such treatment on a regular basis you should have no issue with showing us a pic

>> No.6670085

i was just making conversation i already know the only way for me to change is with massive plastic usrgery which i can't afford

now i'mm off to bed, peace

>> No.6670086
File: 693 KB, 1840x3264, IMG_20130811_240947_884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but i want to see what you guys think. I have a self confidence issue, also pretty miserable. Beards kinda long/not tame right now, so slightly ignore that.

Side note, OP should kill himself if he can't even post a pic

>> No.6670118

- lose weight
- lose whatever that shit in your ears is
- consider covering your forehead with hair (your hairline may not allow it without it looking bad)
- if your beard can't get thicker than it is now then you should shave it

>> No.6670334

I get you OP. The people in this thread are self righteous cunts, I believe that you're not beautiful and that it must suck ass.

Some people are just not beautiful, they can fix themselves up and look presentable but they'll never be beautiful. I myself am not beautiful but I'm just a pretty enough guy that I don't feel terribly out of place in beautiful situations, and I often think how awful it would feel to be truly ugly at those times.

It sounds silly but as a fellow appreciator of life's potential for beauty I'm sure you know what I mean, and my condolences for your situation.

>> No.6670371

you look like the ultimate average joe

>> No.6670429


just lost 50 lbs this year, so fuck you im working on it. 175 bitches

also my beards pretty full, just weird looking there, idk why

>> No.6670476

You are literally the definition of average joe omfg. Hey at least you have balls for this and also don't have to kill yourself for being unfixiably ugly

>> No.6670482

Dude you look normal to me, dont worry about it

>> No.6671612

Good haircut would do a lot for you. Now you're just average, not ugly.